Common Fellox

Vulpes dicauda

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Ancient legends tell that Felloxes are cursed beings from the Heavenly Vaults, and that the shackles they wear keep them from returning home. They do not have any common habitats, instead wandering the world without any real known cause. These canine spirits draw energy from the thoughts and dreams of other living beings, often causing a feeling of moroseness and apathy in their victims. The flames on their tails never go out.

Pronounciation: FELL-ox
Plural: Felloxes
Diet: Mentivore
Height: 28-34 in (71-86 cm)
Weight: 100-200 lb (45-91 kg)
Availability: Free
Habitat: Whisper Forest, Lamenolai City
Passive Traits: Independent, Iron Reminder
Element: Fire
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 8
Endurance: 14
Willpower: 7
Agility: 11
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

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