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New Year, New Changes! [Pet Revamp Included!]

Postby Kyrit » 01/01/2019 1:00 AM

2018 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Every time we turned around it seemed like we were running short on time. Our team has persevered, and you guys have stuck it out with us to the end! As we go in to 2019 we'll be making many changes that will hopefully help us keep Evelon around for years to come, and we hope you'll all stick through it with us year after year.

Let's start the year with a pet revamp!


The Sahound is the latest pet to be revamped, and we hope you guys enjoy them all! We've even added a few colorations that weren't previously available, the Candy and Organic! At this time the Cursed has not been updated due to the coloration's status of being retired. If Baal finds some time to finish up the Cursed coloration we'll give you an update to let you know it's been revamped.

If you have a custom Sahound on the old lineart and want it updated, drop by the Huntsman's Hall and staff will be happy to transfer your pet to the new art, free of charge (minus any add-on work, staff may still charge for those)

Birthday Boutique - New Choices available!

The chart of Staff Birthday Pets has been updated with this year's choices! These aren't the only new choice though, as something special has snuck it's way in to the Eastern Zodiac Pets

Legends say the cat was too late to join the zodiac, but here on Evelon we aren't ones to leave someone out. The Kuhna may have shown up a bit late, but we'll make some room none the less. Starting with this year, you have three possible Eastern Zodiac choices per year; choice based on the year you were born, choice based on the current Zodiac sign of the year, or choice of the Nian Kuhna.

Staffing Changes

We're sad to announce that Thunder has made the difficult choice to step down as staff and join the rank of Retired Staff. She has been of great help to us over the years, but with grad school and ever changing interests, she has decided she hasn't been able to give Evelon attention as a staff member. You may still see her from time to time of course, but we will be shifting staff work to adjust for our decreasing staff.

As such, while we aren't immediately seeking to bring another member on the team, be on the lookout for when we are! The changes aren't ready yet, but we are hoping to introduce a feature before too long that will allow normal users to submit pet coloration ideas to us more freely, hopefully decreasing strain on our art staff. Once we get all our ducks in a row, we'll be looking to add another member or two to the staff to help us keep on top of breedings, seasonal pets, and running events smoothly. We'll make another announcement at a later time with actual staff applications.

Custom Token/Huntsman's Hall Changes

You may recall that back in October, I shot myself in the foot jumping the gun and making a change with custom tokens too quickly, instead of waiting for the end of the year when such a change would make better sense.

We are now ready to make the change of removing the KS option from Premium Tokens. To give a little background on why this choice was made, many of the pets that are available from Premium Tokens are unique in varying way; Some were never originally intended to be available for Keystones because they were introduce through fundraisers (Ilos, Phyrettes), are highly customizable to the point of taking far longer to create than normal customs (Kuhnas), or break the 35% edit rule without even asking for extra edits (pets like the Choshi). The Ipinox being available for customization was only made a possibility after much talking with Baal and agreeing to find an option for them being a GT-only species, which opened the door for custom Ilos, Phyrettes, ect. We understand it's a heavy change to no longer be able to get custom Kuhnas with Keystones, but we promise we'll use this as an opportunity to also use these premium tokens as prizes for contests and events!

In other Huntsman's Hall news though, we're increasing the number of pending orders you can have at one time, with a stipulation! Sometimes one staff member might be fairly behind on custom work, and waiting a long time to be able to submit your next order really sucks. We understand. As such, you may now have up to three pending orders; the catch is they must either all be placed with different artists or must not have an artist specified. This should hopefully provide users with the ability to use their tokens more efficiently while still preventing the backlog of orders from getting too out of hand.

New GT Spending Options!

Retired Pets;
The ability of buying retired pets for GT is back! They have been added to the Adoption Agency alongside the Ancient Kuhnas with their original price of 2 GT for non-breedable pets and 4 GT for breedable pets. Pets exclusive to forum activity, such as seasonals, experiment, and event pets are still not available this way.

New potion! Mega Palette Potion;
Users love the palette potion. The only downside is, it only gives you the ability to design a single child. We're introducing the mega palette potion, which allows you to design a full litter for your breeding, up to the maximum number of offspring allowed for the breeding species. Staff will still have to roll for the size of the litter you end up with (unless you use a generative draugh), so please be sure to let us know your order of preference of your palette kids. This potion will tentatively be limited to 3 per user per year for 5 GT. We'll keep an eye on the use of this potion and next year it may see an increase in availability depending on how things go. When we introduce something like this we like to test the waters first.

Breeding Keys;
It's the return of the breeding keys! Users may now purchase 2 breeding keys per year from The Mage's Brewery thanks to Kelloc's close relation to the breeding center for 5 GT each. We are starting out with a low number of additional yearly keys only because as previously mentioned, we have lost a breeding artist. As such, we don't want to add in too much additional strain while we train more staff on breedings. Once we reach a point where our art staff isn't spread so thin, hopefully we'll be able to increase this number for those that really love getting those extra babies.

Stay Tuned For More!

That's all the updates I have for today, but we do have a lot more in the works behind the scenes. In fact, I'll be back with a post announcing giftboxes opening within the next few days (gotta give myself some time to send out the pending orders after all)!

We know 2018 was full of ups and downs (sometimes it feels like more downs than ups), but what matters is that we're still here, we've escaped from Photobucket, and our staff is ready to start off the new year with all of you learning what we've done right and wrong. Let's have a great year together!
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Elie's Trashcan
Elie's Trashcan
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