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Keep it! Even with the cut and paste replies, it's still too jarring.
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* Random Event Ideas

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 02/11/2011 2:42 AM


.:Random Event Ideas:.

In this topic, you may suggest the following: New Random Event Concepts, Ideas and Suggestions.

You may suggest things like Mechanics (based on the simple guide) to make it even more random, Events and the like. So long as it is Random Event  - related, go for it!

You may not propose new Wild Pet Ideas. Since there's a New Pet Colorations thread already and we do not handle anything art-related to RE. Instead, why not put a suggestion in that thread and mention that it might be a good idea for a Wild Pet?

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Shieba » 02/17/2011 2:58 PM

I was thinking about ideas for the Easter Event, in case we have egg hunts again and maybe a RE event to go with it. Last year's event was, as you probably recall, rather...mad (I was in the one that lasted six hours, the crazy one), so I thought this year should be different, probably.

What I'd suggest is an egg hunt of sorts. You provide a map, maybe, or not and leave it open and have contestants stumble around looking for eggs. And then you could give out eggs like you give out wild pets right now? As in, you roll after someone has posted if that someone has found and egg and, if yes, which value the egg has. To take the competition out of the whole thing, you could maybe give everyone 15 posts and with that, 15 chances to gather eggs and it would therefore all depend on luck how many egg points everyone gathers. If you provide a map like last year's, where there are a lot of spots with small descriptions, you don't have to post more than "You found an egg of X value" or "You sadly found no egg", which should save you reply time, even though you'll have to do a lot of rolls, but people would still have enough to make small RP posts with. At least last year's descriptions lasted me through having my pet swim all the time. Of course, with that suggestion, every spot should have a theoretically unlimited supply on eggs or things will get a mad rush for spots like last year. And while I had fun last year, it was certainly taxing for everyone, I think, and should be avoided being done again.

Long explanation is long. DDDDD8

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Shieba » 11/01/2011 1:00 AM

This thread needs more suggestions. O3O

I'm not sure if this is doable or if it even should be done since it could cause some unbalances, but seriously, I figured any suggestion here by now is a good suggestion.

Basically, we're waiting since a long, long, long time for shrine traits to be handed out. Like, long. LONG. So maybe we could finally get some handed out in a Random Event? To make it random, of course, would mean that pets could aquire traits they don't have the prerequisites for - which is why I wonder if this should be done at all - but of course, those shrine traits would be like the top prizes and only few should be given out. "Consolation prizes" could be anything, from low KS values to wild pets to...everything, really. I think the Palmie event did that pretty well, from what I've seen (I sadly never got to join that one).

How that event would be done depends really on you RE2-guys. I really liked the egg hunt idea since we got to post lots, though I prefer events I can do alone because of timezone differences. So personally I'd like an event like the egg hunt again - it would also require no posts from you guys - but without a partner. Especially since traits aren't everyone's thing and all.

But...yeah. I admit I just want more events and finally shrine traits, so lawl. Not really thought out idea is not really thought out.

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/04/2011 8:06 PM

I am here, and I am alive. I just... probably shouldn't take so long to reply to things, I'm trying to endorse but. I have read this and I will finally reply to it. =| This thread does need more suggestions though.

But, while I do like the idea of having more responsibility/ a wider set of things to do (it's not that I'm lazy usually, there's just barely any hunts around - possibility due to our previous absence, which I totally understand.) ultimately, I guess this would fall under the mods (possibly specifically Kodai) to decide on whether this is a good idea or not. And as you say, there is potential for unbalances.

However, I will take in your event suggestion, since I always like getting a general idea on what users like to see; since it's hard for me to judge, considering I don't get a huge amount of feedback or anything.

That said, I do like the idea of having more RE2 exclusive things though, even if it is just to keep me more active, and this idea has potential to be expanded upon. o 3o

Edit: And, ugh. I reread this and I just wanted to add this, since I'm not entirely sure if I directly addressed your suggestion and instead rambled. I guess I mean to say is, this would probably fall down to the mods and although I have no way of telling if they've seen this, the concept at least is viable (in my eyes). In addition, I'll also take your side comments as viable suggestions too~? xD?
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Shieba » 12/04/2011 8:25 PM

Well, we have Shrine Traits now, finally, but yes, I would still like maybe some extra options to get them since leveling pets up is slooow. And yeah, my side comments are suggestions, too. XD

Another idea I had: Maybe we could have an event/hunt where people can actively influence which color of a wild pet they get? This is obviously more easily done with pets like Palmies, who have a lot of colors. It could be done in form of a labyrinth where people choose doors or hallways with different styles or patterns that could hint towards specific colors or they could have to choose to interact with one of a few different NPCs. Of course, color rarity would still remain, so if people decide to go for a rarer color, they have a greater chance to end up with nothing or a consolation prize in the end. To reduce work for you, you could provide maps like you did for the egg hunt two years ago where different parts of the area were marked and described. So everyone could find their way around without you having to ask everyone which way they would take or something. I dunno. I just would like more influence on colorations. XD;;;

(I feel like this thread belongs to me. D8 Why is no one else posting heeeeere....?)

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/10/2011 8:59 PM

Ooh. I do like that suggestion, very much indeed. I didn't even... consider that even once while brainstorming ideas.
Though, we don't... have a huge amount of colours for anything besides the Palmies (excluding Hunters, but they're pretty rare and I doubt there would ever be an event surrounding them) but, I'm sure I could find a way to implement that. oDo!
Perhaps it is a little too late to get something big started for the Christmas Season, but I could definitely take that idea on board for either another holiday Event, or even just a random wild pet event. We will have to see, I guess.

((Who knows? ; n; It makes an RE2 sad though.))
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Fallen_Snow » 12/10/2011 9:22 PM

To add to Shieba's idea: that would be pretty cool for St. Patrick's Day. It's the whole luck of the Irish thing, and it could be in a leprechaun's garden where the hedges suddenly become a fun maze that the pets go through and all the pets can have some sort of allusion towards the holiday like green pets or gold pets or pets with ginger highlights or something fun like that. X3

Also, it would be really cool to have an event where you have to challenge some random 'boss' type character who's at a certain level to 'save' the super-special pet, and if you want to keep going there can be a few levels and a boss at each level. Sort of like Pokemon, when you get to certain towers. I think it would be fun and a great way to battle some more and inspire people to up pet levels. :3
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 12/15/2011 8:05 AM

Ooh. I like both ideas, that's actually... a good idea for St. Patrick's day, I'll definitely keep that in mind. xD; <3 It... would work if we had pets to give out but, we only have a limited scope to work with. I could ask the mods, otherwise. I'll improvise with what we've got to work with. You do have me thinking though.

When you say... challenge, do you mean an actual stat based fight or an RP battle? I do like either idea, and you do have me thinking of more of a stat based roleplay but. Just to clarify.
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Shieba » 12/15/2011 8:00 PM

I have another...idea? Not an innovative event or anything, but - unless I am very mistaken and missed some big event - there are still quite a few very valueable pets out there that need to be redistributed (from the user "Daemon", who was banned). This has been overdue since a long time and the pets just rot somewhere right now for all I know, so maybe getting these pets a new owner could be done via RE2 event(s)?

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Moofius » 12/17/2011 7:39 PM

I don't think pets can be redistributed? I mean he left/was banned but he could technically come back and be given a second chance (or 100th, I dunno) and want his pets back. Unless it's mentionned somewhere that those would be put out for people to adopt somewhere else, I think we can't take those out and do anything with them? I'm not sure to be honest.

But if those can be passed out, yeah, it would be neat to use for an event.
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Jaykobell » 12/17/2011 9:17 PM

If the member was banned, the pets can be redistributed. We did the same thing with Orochi, that special Fellox that was given out to a banned member. If the member is still technically here (not banned/hasn't visited in years/said they were leaving but kept their pets/etc), then we don't touch the pets.
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/17/2011 11:00 PM

I... think I have him added on FaceBook, actually. ^^; We don't talk much, but I think he's there. I could ask him, I guess, if you wanted. I mean, I can't guarantee an answer, but I can try.

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Moofius » 12/17/2011 11:19 PM

Ah, I wouldn't ask him about Evelon stuff if I were you, Azura. So he was banned? Cause if he was banned then that's a good idea (the redistribution through RE2). I can't remember if he stormed off in a huff or if he was banned. We have a banned/warning list somwhere, right?
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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Shieba » 12/17/2011 11:20 PM

He actually asked to be banned if I remember correctly, Moof. And Azura, it's not like he has any right anymore to decide what happens to his pets, so there's no need to ask him anything.

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Re: * Random Event Ideas

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/18/2011 12:32 AM

I think he removed me without warning me actually.

@Moof: While I can't contact him now, I remember talking him through a lot right after he left here. We were friends, both here and on FB. I thought that, maybe if I was the person he heard from, he wouldn't get as mad, since we talked about something similar not too long before I lost contact with him. I never got a definitive answer though, so I really can't say.

@Sheiba: While I understand that, since he is banned/quit and has no apparent plans of returning, he shouldn't be holding on to his forum obtained pets. That is to say, all the pets he gained through events. Still, I think it's a bit harsh to say he has "no claim" to them because some of those were customs. Like Darmuk, or however you spell his name. Dae put time, effort, and money into some of those things, and I would feel bad if they were just stripped from his without asking first. It just doesn't sit right with me.

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