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¡La Sugerencia! (Don't worry it's written in English)

Postby DeadAlice » 07/22/2015 7:20 PM

Alright guys, try not to bite my head off here, please. All of you intimidate me. I feel like an ant in a spiders’ nest...
There’s been a lot of talk about breeding room changes (Inner Self: obviously Alice) and I had a thought. The mods have a large workload mainly with the breeding rooms and because of that other parts of the sites such as the Seasonal Specialties, Birthday Boutique, Evo-Lux Emporium and many more etc. have been put on hold. So, to help with the workload I thought that maybe there should be more markings. I know that we’re trying to lessen the workload but, hear me out…in order to get these markings you must earn them by writing a roleplay. Sounds just like the breeding rooms right? However, there isn’t a specific spot that you must write the roleplay. Although, the marking you want must be in the title.
Example(s): (ML: Marking License)
Marking’s Name ML: "My Wonderful Story Title" -or- "I’m Super Clever that I add the Marking in the Tile"

The marking name is important because you want to be able to earn the correct “Marking License”. Similar to how you earn your Ranks with the Species Licenses. So, let's say that you want to earn yourself the “Cloud Marking License”, you’re going to have to write a roleplay. BUT, you can’t write 10 posts and call it good you must have at LEAST 30 posts to earn your license. Also, it can’t be some super random story the marking you want has to somehow be a part of your story.
Title: Cloud ML: "Blah Blah" -or- “Cloudjumper”
Storyline: “This young girl was born with star-shaped pupils. In her country, that's a sign that she is a "Cloud Jumper", a beautiful creature that lives in the clouds, they are in charge of the atmosphere and protecting the clouds from the fearsome something or other. So, she must go through trials that prove her worthy of becoming one.”

Okay, lastly you go to the License Building (go figure) and reply with your desired Marking License and your role play's url has proof of your earning. Then, you want for a mod to sign you off and BOOM! A wonderful marking license! Wait there’s more!....Like the Palette Potion, it can only affect ONE pup in your litter. Sorry, but this is supposed to help lower the workload...also another thing is the license has a LIMIT! You can only use it 3 TIMES! If you want more of the marking, you can to write another roleplay involving the marking you desire so you can earn an “Extension” on your Marking License. Also, the marking does NOT pass on to the babies if the parent has the marking. Now, here’s something else….yes there’s even more! The roleplay for earning your license has NO time limit! Take as much time as you need to finish your story.
So, here’s the it broke down.

Want the New Marking?
Earn it by writing a roleplay with 30 posts or more.
Finish story
Write a response in the License Building asking for your Marking License with URL PROOF!
Add Marking License with (use #1, #2 or #3) into breeding room with a tag under your Lucain.

Cloud ML use #1 | Lovely Love Potion | January Slot | Participate | Reaper, Celestial, Eclipse

Finish breeding room
Wait for litter
ONE pup has the desired marking

If you’ve used all three of your uses on the Marking License, you must write ANOTHER roleplay
Go back to the License Building and request an extension on your license

Tag under Lucain: Cloud ML use #4 (URL PROOF of the License Building extending your license)
….and so on.

New Marking Ideas!
Clouds (What? No way!)
War Symbols (Imperial and Purine)
Polka Dots
Comic Strips
Turtle Shell
Female Dear
Snake Print
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Postby Kyrit » 07/23/2015 3:53 AM

There's no need to be intimidated. =) Some of us may type lengthy responses, but all suggestions are welcome~

I do feel like this suggestion does seem like it would create far more work than you seem to think it would though. I'm going to bullet a few remarks, just so this is easier to read/isn't a mass wall of text.

° By creating more markings it creates more work art-wise, when we've already got Silv working on a lot.
° By making the these markings breeding only, we're just drawing users back to the breeding area, when we're trying to give attention to things that aren't the breeding area.
° We already have breeding-only markings in the form of the marking mutations, which in some cases are pretty close to entirely new markings on their own that you can't get on customs.
° By making the marking a theme of the RP, someone on the staff would have to at the very least skim the RP and make sure the user is using that theme in the roleplay, which creates more work.

I'm not particularly for this suggestion since it just ties back to breeding and creating more work for the staff, though I will say that some of your marking ideas gave me ideas. For example, the Imperial/Purine Symbols would make great mini-marks.
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Re: ¡La Sugerencia! (Don't worry it's written in English)

Postby DeadAlice » 07/23/2015 4:09 AM

The community is small so everyone know each other well and I like to sit in te sidelines and be awkward so it's more me than anyone here hahaha.  :yay:  :oops:  
Anyways, what you're saying makes a lot of sense and I didn't think about some of the stuff you mentioned like how a mod would have to skim through the stories and I didn't take in account the mutations either. I thought that adding a system like what I mentioned would carry some of the weight of the breeding room elsewhere, but then again it's basically adding work that is essentially breeding room related. So, I see how my idea would be more of a burden than being helpful.   :shy:  :awwh:

Thanks, I thought the army symbols was pretty cool too  ^_^  (even though I'm not on either side hahaha :yay: ).Thanks for answering my suggestion, I appreciate your kindness. :)
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