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.:Evelon needs YOUR help!(Update 2/3):.

Postby Kyrit » 01/15/2013 11:56 PM

Evelon's staff has always been small, and over the years it's basically just gotten smaller. We did recently get more help with the addition of new artists, but still there is a heavy work load for a few select people. Shrewd works full time and I have both school and work, which easily amount to a full time job as is. The two of us typically take on as much work as we can, but there are always areas that have to be neglected to take care of the more important things as well as projects we want to do put are pushed aside due to too much work already.

That said, we obviously need help. We're not hiring anyone on as a full time mod or anything, but we do need help. We're currently considering hiring one or two users as 'mini mods,' essentially how Shrewd and I both started out working for Evelon. Currently mini mod work would consist of updating the insanely outdated ownership records, seeing as how they fall behind big time during the holiday seasons. We would probably ask you to do other small tasks for us here and there down the road, but the most important task at hand would be updating the ownership records and keeping them up to date instead of them sitting there for months without updates. Keep in mind that you will only be given the ability to edit posts in the required areas and won't be able to see the mod area, just as Shrewd and I started out.

What we're looking for:
• Someone with time available year round
       - This doesn't mean being online every day. I just mean someone that doesn't drop off the face of Evelon for months at a time. I'd like the records updated every week or two, so I want someone with at least a little time available.
• Someone easy to work with
       - Evelon can be stressful. Hopefully your job won't be as stressful, but remember that people sometimes trade something they aren't listed as owning and you'll have to try to work with them to figure it out (or bring it up to one of us.
       - Even we mods argue. Sometimes a lot. Especially if we don't agree on how something should be run or a new possible rule. Don't let this hurt your feelings/take it too seriously. Shrewd and I have argued many times and I don't hate her for it or anything. We just get over it. XD Again, this shouldn't be as much of a problem with your job, but just as a heads up.
• Someone that doesn't expect payment
       - Baal is the only one that makes real money off the site. Even we mods don't have get 'paid.' Baal does give us gifts from time to time, and sometimes we're even allowed to give to one another. It's likely that you probably will get the rare occassional gift, but we don't want you to think that you're getting paid monthly in KS/GT or anything.
• Someone dependable
       - We want someone we can trust. Records are important considering some pets do cost a lot and things like potions can be exploited. We would want you to be honest when recording and if someone is trading a pet they aren't listed for to come to us if you can't figure out the story behind the pet, rather than just writing it off as 'they probably had it.'

I know I've been rambling, so if I haven't run you off and you are interested in helping us out, just fill this out and send us an email at: landsofevelon@gmail.com

Can you use the irc?:
Reasons you'd be a good mini mod:

We're not going to judge you based on your timezone (Krypto is on our team after all) and irc accessibility, but those are good things to know just for communication. This application is mostly to see those interested in helping us so we can mull it over, and the fact we're having you email is just so you don't feel on the spot with other users able to see your application. =)
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/16/2013 12:19 AM

I have a question (which is probably a dumb one): Will Toxic remain in charge of the LLL and PLL and only the other lists will go to the mini mod? I'm asking because both the LLL and PLL are very image-heavy, which might put strain on some people's connections (like mine).

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Kyrit » 01/16/2013 12:22 AM

Unless Toxic doesn't want to work on them any longer, yes those ones will stay under her control. She can always ask for help if she needs it though.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/16/2013 12:22 AM

Alrighty, thanks for the clarification~ <3

EDIT: What about the Kuhna trading thread? Because sometimes litter numbers and stuff do get posted there and I find myself unable to understand that thread. Shrewdie seems to have some kind of system for it, too. o3o

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/16/2013 1:02 AM

My system is nothing hard to understand. The only difference is that I absolutely refuse to put my trade notes in the same topic as the breeding and ownership lists. I want a history and I want to know what happened to the Kuhnas if we happen to miss a trade down the road and need to backtrack.

The reason of the image-heavy Locators straining people's internet is exactly why I don't want to use that system and why I keep my trade notes separated.

But yes, the Kuhna records are included. I will still add litters and such, but trades will be handled by whoever wants to help with them.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/27/2013 3:43 PM

Just letting you guys know that we have started reviewing the applications. I don't think we've received any more for about a week or so, so if you guys do still want to have a stab at this position, please email us now! It's better now than never.

If anyone is, for whatever reason, confused at anything, please do rest assured that we would teach you. Please, we wouldn't just dump you into the job and say "Here, do your thing that we didn't even teach you how to do." I'm even willing to do a Skype session with you if spoken words would help you better, with screenshare, if that would help you.

You can also ask questions here if you're confused. The job is honestly not complicated, so just ask questions and you'll see it's just about getting used to it. The records do have a system that you will need to learn, but it's nothing just a bit of learning can't fix.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/27/2013 7:24 PM

Haha, I would ask a specific question if I could phrase it, but I don't understand the whole Kuhna thing. The other lists are totally easy, but the Kuhnas break my brain. I wish I could specify what I don't understand, but I honestly understand nothing about it. Like...we have three threads and there are so many numbers behind them and they are seemingly separated in Ownership Records and Breeding Records - as in, for some reason, Kuhnas are only listed in one of the two and yuh. Brain breaks. I actually looked at this for hours and didn't understand it, so the chances of me getting it might be pretty small, not gonna lie. XD;

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/27/2013 7:41 PM

I would like to say that instead of posting that in your Journal, you could have just asked here.

The Kuhnas are nothing complicated.

Kuhna Breeding Records: Records Kuhna BREEDINGS. Meaning... breeding rooms. Meaning... bred Kuhnas. Meaning... bred Generation Kuhnas.

Kuhna Ownership Records: Records Kuhnas... that you own, and that are not bred, considering we have the BREEDING records for BRED Kuhnas. We have the BREEDING Records because that's the 'Hall' for the Kuhna litters.

Consider the Kuhna Breeding Records the exact same thing as the Lucain/Paragon/Diosol breeding halls. The only difference is that unlike those halls in the Breeder Listing, it's a records list, meaning, the owners are listed in it. Lucain/Paragon/Diosol are listed by owner in a different topic.

Kuhna Trade Notes: Are... trade notes... for Kuhnas. Meaning, instead of posting in the Kuhna ownership topics and having me delete them as I record them (a system that, to be honest, is not good at all), you post all your notes in one single topic.

Kuhna Breeding Records: Bred Kuhna litters
Kuhna Ownership Records: Original/Special Event Kuhnas
Kuhna Trade Notes: Post your trades here

What numbers confuse you? Apart from seasons and litter numbers, there are no numbers with the Kuhnas.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/27/2013 8:13 PM

*brain explodes* Okaaaay, I...still don't get it. I see now that the two numbers like "222 [7]" then obviously mean litter and season. But I'm not sure how to handle the trades then. =/ Like...you post all trades in the trade topic, no matter if the Kuhnas are bred or not? So that the one doing the lists would then have to figure out if they are bred or not and all that stuff. Does that mean the job includes posting the results of breedings in the Breeding Records as well or just the trades?
...=/ So to take care of the Kuhnas, one would have to be able to load all the images in the Breeding Records, yes?

Thanks for explaining it. I really think this might be too much for me and my modem to handle, but. I'm trying to understand it. XD;

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/27/2013 8:29 PM

It is a requirement when people post to say if the Kuhna is bred or not. If they do not specify, you have the right to ask them to clarify, yes. As stated in the rules:

Kuhna Trade Note Rules wrote:There's no pattern for a trade note, just make sure to include the following things:
Kuhna Breed
Receiver's Username
Kuhna's Parents (Mom and Dad preferably, but only 1/2 is fine)
OR - Kuhna's litter number (plays the same role as giving me the parents)

So yes, people need to clarify, for you, if they're trading a bred Kuhna or otherwise.

No, that doesn't include putting in new litters or what-have-you; I will still do that when the litters are bred, since they are added at the same time as when I put them in the Nursery.

The way I put the little 'trade notes' for myself is honestly... just my style. Lol. You don't even have to edit anything into the person's post; I stopped doing that a while ago. All it was were... notes. So I would know what Kuhna was traded, who was trading it, and who got it. The numbers, yes, were for litter and season, because I can't remember which litters are in which season. Again, that was just my own style. You don't have to follow my notes to a T, and again, I stopped putting in those small notes forever ago.

So yes, you would have to be able to load the Kuhnas Breeding/Ownership records for the job.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/27/2013 8:38 PM

Thanks for all the hard work of explaining that to me. xD I think I get it now, though I'm still unsure if the posts that have your notes attached are already...recorded or not. Like, in the seasonal threads, if something is recorded, it gets erased (so the thread doesn't have a bajillion pages). In the trade notes and the thread for mistakes, there are your edits for some time and then they stop. And the trade thread is LONG. XD; Honestly, I personally couldn't take care of a thread where all notes have to be there for forever, I would need them erased or I would mess stuff up sooner or later.

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/27/2013 10:54 PM

When I stopped, I started posting to say until what point the trades had been recorded. So from that point on, trades were recorded.

I leave the trades in so that people can have a history. It's not uncommon for people to look at their pets and wonder 'wait, didn't I trade that Lucain?' but since the trades for Cain and others get erased, you can't backtrack and double-check. That's why I do it this way with the Kuhnas.
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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Shieba » 01/27/2013 10:59 PM

Okay, so you would want that system to remain active with the Kuhnas? o3o

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Re: .:Evelon needs YOUR help!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 01/27/2013 11:58 PM

Yes. The person we will be hiring will not be changing any of the systems currently in place for the lists. Their job will be to maintain them and make sure that they are updated.
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Postby Kyrit » 02/03/2013 11:12 PM

After some time we've managed to gather juuust about everyone opinions and consulted with Baal herself to make sure she agreed with our choices. We decided that we could like to welcome Thunder to our team. There are many of you that if need be we might still consider for help in the future, but Thunder was chosen because she has been on Evelon for a very, very long time and has always been a dedicated user. She's always expressed an interest in Evelon and would definitely be a great, and well appreciated, addition to our team.
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