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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby HunnyBun » 05/31/2014 7:30 PM

I, for one, love Morey. He allows people that don't have a lot of ks to get special pets. So those that are new to here have a chance, or those that at the time don't have the resources to snag a pet at the auctions. Is a great idea and as I think should stay.

What turns me off is like what everyone else is saying. We have to think up a character idea for them on the spot. I don't know about you, but sometimes it takes me awhile to come up with a character. If I see a pet I'm interested in I try to think of something, but it could take me months to fully clean up the characters story and everything. Now when I have a character already made up I then look for a pet that would best suit the character, but it's rare I find a custom pet like a Lucain as the characters pet form. Plus what if down the line I don't like the original character I made out for the pet? What if I want to completely rework it? I feel like I'm stuck with the character.

A time limit on the pets might help, unless you don't see many people applying for it, then maybe you could extend it? Maybe have pets more often? I rarely see Morey have pets to get and when I do see them I think "whelp there's no way I have a chance" since I noticed that most of the well known people on Evelon try to snag them and have long elaborate characters typed up for them. I feel like whatever I make won't cut the mustard.

Just my thoughts on the situation. I know you guys want us to tell you what we plan on doing with them so they don't go to waste, just feel like I'm being put on the spot just to try and snag it, and even then the possibility is slim if someone else's seems like a way better detailed and worked character :B

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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby Azura Rayume » 05/31/2014 7:32 PM

I just wanted to quickly add that, should you develop a character for a Morey pet and not get it, you're not required to throw away the character. You can apply the exact thing to a custom of your own designing or a pet you buy from someone else. It isn't like that entire idea is completely invalidated just because you didn't get your first choice of form for it. I know I've had to find new forms for characters because a trade fell through or because I created them based on something that was up for trade but went to someone else before I had the stuff to offer.

The only reason I didn't apply for this 'cain is because I won a pet from the last one. I don't NEED this one, though having him would be fantastic, and I could definitely find a place for him in a heartbeat. It's not a matter of me not liking or wanting the pet; I just wanted to make sure others had a fair chance at him.

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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby Thunder » 06/01/2014 12:54 PM

I've never actually applied for a Morey pet, but I figured I'd add my two cents anyway.

Why I've Never Applied:
It's not that the pets aren't amazing. The recent ones have all been pretty gorgeous. However, the way I work is that I usually create characters first and then seek pet forms that would fit those characters. I generally do not do things the other way around, even if I see a really beautiful pet. This is simply my way of going about character creation on Evelon, and there isn't anything Morey can do about it. Of course, if a Morey pet does inspire a character, I would apply for it, but that just hasn't happened yet. Unfortunately, I can't really tell you what kinds of things inspire me since inspiration just kinda happens, you know? I do like some species more than others, but in the end, I just go for whatever species works best. And if something doesn't inspire me, I won't apply for it so other users can get a chance.

I also want to voice my agreement with Azura here; just because you don't get the Morey pet doesn't mean you have to toss the character completely. I know it may be disheartening to not have that specific pet for the character, but I don't think people should give up on the character solely for that reason.

Time Limit:
I think this would only help. It would make the process more...concrete, for the lack of a better word. It would encourage users to work on applications, and it would take out any arbitrariness in when Morey judges who gets the pet. Though I know it is not Morey's intention, I feel that the lack of a time limit might also inadvertently contribute to misconceptions on how Morey judges (and note that this is just speculation on my part; I don't actually know if this is the case). I think a month is a good length of time; it gives a good amount of wriggle room for people who are busier or people who take more time to invent characters.

This one's a little trickier. I personally never got the impression that Morey was biased towards certain users or types of characters, but I understand why people might feel uncomfortable with a single person judging as Morey. If we use multiple "guest" judges, however, I think we'd have to put in some additional rules/functions.

- The judges should remain anonymous to minimize perceptions of bias and to prevent any potential hard feelings.
- The (2?) guest judges should be different for each pet.
- The (2?) guest judges should be randomly selected from a pool of people willing to be guest judges for Morey. We can have a thread where people volunteer for this. If someone cannot act as a guest judge for whatever reason, just randomly pick another person and see if they have the time to judge.
- If the judges all disagree with each other, the winner could be randomly selected from the applications they like rather than trying to make all the judges come to a consensus. I assume that if the judges each like a different application, then all the applications are equally qualified, and chance is a fair way to pick between them.
- If a judge volunteers but fails to make a decision, their vote is voided, as to not delay the process. We could also pick another judge in their place.

I agree with Toxic that the number of people interested in a pet should not dictate whether or not Morey shuts down. If only one person applies, I think they should win by default because the whole point of Morey is to get pets to people who will use them, and look! There's one user who will use the pet! I think Morey pets should only be auctioned off if there is absolutely no interest in them. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the one person who did work on an application.

If the application is judged primarily by character, then I think we could probably just eliminate the entire "offer something to Morey in return" part. I realize that this clause is probably in place to make judging between multiple quality applications easier, but it may also unintentionally disadvantage poorer/new users who can't offer as much. For instance, a newbie offers a Bleached pet, while an older user offers a Lucain. Their applications are both very good. There would be temptation to give the pet to the older user because the older user's bigger sacrifice makes more of an impression, but unfortunately, new users simply can't offer something like that. This seems to go against the very purpose of Morey- helping new/poor users obtain amazing pets. I think that random selection would be fairer in this incidence.

Writing the Application:
From what people have said here, it seems to me that some users are discouraged from applying because they see other users' applications and think they won't stand a chance. If this presents a problem, we can have people PM applications to Morey instead. I also want to reiterate that length does not = quality in writing. I'm sure everyone here understands that, but it can still be understandably intimidating to see posts longer than yours.

That's all I have to say for now. I love the concept of Morey, even if the intended audience of poorer/newbie users doesn't really exist, and I would not want to see him go.

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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby Kyrit » 06/01/2014 3:38 PM

Thunder wrote:If the application is judged primarily by character, then I think we could probably just eliminate the entire "offer something to Morey in return" part. I realize that this clause is probably in place to make judging between multiple quality applications easier, but it may also unintentionally disadvantage poorer/new users who can't offer as much. For instance, a newbie offers a Bleached pet, while an older user offers a Lucain. Their applications are both very good. There would be temptation to give the pet to the older user because the older user's bigger sacrifice makes more of an impression, but unfortunately, new users simply can't offer something like that. This seems to go against the very purpose of Morey- helping new/poor users obtain amazing pets. I think that random selection would be fairer in this incidence.

Quickly popping in to say that Morey would never go for the older member's offer just because of an offer like a Lucain. Accepting a Lucain or any type of breedable/custom would mean sending that pet to the void for a while and would mean the staff would need to find a way to get the pet back out to people again and that's just a hassle. Honestly, I think there needs to be an updated clause that says people can't offer these pets, as we've never really wanted Morey to be able to accept them and make more work to do. Aside from that though, the amount/size of the offer is never what Morey bases choices on. It is a trading post though, so he does ask that you offer him at least something for his extremely rare pets.

Thunder wrote:Judging:
This one's a little trickier. I personally never got the impression that Morey was biased towards certain users or types of characters, but I understand why people might feel uncomfortable with a single person judging as Morey. If we use multiple "guest" judges, however, I think we'd have to put in some additional rules/functions.

Silv already mentioned it, but Morey already isn't decided with a single person. I do think overall the concept of a guest judge wouldn't be bad though. I'd probably say to only have one guest judge though since more people judging can mean a longer wait time for everyone involved to get around to judging. That was the problem with one or two Morey pets. Judges just took a long while to get around to judging.

Thunder wrote:If this presents a problem, we can have people PM applications to Morey instead.

This wouldn't be a bad idea either. People wouldn't know if they were up against someone with a hoard of pets and a tend page application or how many people have applied. We've had plenty of things where we've require users to PM one of us, so I don't think it'd be a problem to implement.
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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby FrostyRae » 06/02/2014 3:32 AM

Popping in here long enough to mention I have always loved the idea of Morey's Trading Post. Personally because the pets tend to have something inspirational to them and it gets my muse of writing pumping again. Not to mention it gives people a chance to grab rare pets without having to have tons of KS or GT on hand.

However, I do think we should have tighter deadlines implemented as others have said as well as Thunder's idea to PM the application to Morey. Yes it may be a bit more overwhelming with this process through personal messages, but at least it would possibly make people more comfortable with applying which therefore would increase the applicant amount.

Hope the trading post and you stay around, Morey! I would hate to see such an awesome thing go! <3
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Re: .:Concerning The Trading Post:.

Postby Silverin » 06/02/2014 9:49 AM

Ok so you guys would like...

- A poll on what pets to possibly put in every once in a while.
- PM your submissions.
- Less wait time between pets. (Morey will still have to think on this one)
- Tigher deadlines.
- A guest judge.

Draiz is correct though when she says that its not about what you offer but how much the entree fits the pet or how interesting or different it is from other things. Though yes... please avoid customs.

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