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.:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 06/06/2014 11:59 PM



Dear Yepha, it's been too long since you've heard from me. ;n; I'm just popping in to let you know how RE2 is going and what kind of future is in store for Evelon's random prize system.

First off, I've mentioned this maybe once or twice but I am reworking the system to be smoother, quicker and more efficient. This means that they'll mostly just be cut and paste posts, in order to make sure people get their respective prize, but the flow of the RP isn't interrupted by RE2. For those who liked interacting with RE, we'll still be doing the events from time to time once things are smoothed out. I'll also be introducing some more definitive prerequisites that you'll need to meet in order for me to visit your thread.
So what does this mean? This means, soon you'll actually be able to own an Inessi instead of just looking at it. You'll know what sort of work you'll need to put in for RE2 to visit your thread. There's also talk of introducing a few more prizes to RE2's system. I can't give any time frame yet but I'd estimate within the month if I can crack down and get to writing.

Secondly, I've been working closely with the mods to develop a new permanent system which I hope is to be at least half on par with the breeding system in order to bring more money into the economy, stimulate roleplaying and it also comes with it's own range of unique prizes. This one has got a slightly longer time frame because I need assets that haven't been made yet, but I can assure you that I think it will be well worth the wait.

Thirdly...? Well. There really isn't any but this is where you come in. I want to know what your thoughts are on RE2. I admit that ever since my partner left, I've been trying my hardest to remake the system so it's manageable for one person, but I'm also aware that this work has slowed things down. Once I'm finished, I can assure you that, so long as you people RP hunts, I'll be active. So. Yes. I want to know what you give you incentive to RP hunts. I want to know what sort of things you expect from me, or to just generally discuss the system. I understand RE2 hasn't been very much of a people person in the past, but the face behind it is different now and I want to discuss.
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/07/2014 3:18 PM

Hm. After reading this, I wanted to make sure to post, but I'm not entirely certain what sort of feedback to give, since the changes have yet to be seen. I think it will be easier to offer feedback once we know what changes have been made, for sure. Or perhaps if there were more specific questions that you were looking for answers for?

Going off of what has been said, I'm looking forward to RE2 actively returning. There has been at least one hunt that I have wanted to start, but have been hesitant to start because of the lack of activity and generally not knowing what is actually required to gain the pet I'm seeking. If I'm reading your post correctly, there will be some sort of guidelines posted that we can follow when it comes to requirements for hunt roleplays? If that's true, I definitely think it will help. Clearly defined requirements are always nice, since it wont leave users questioning if they've done enough.

At the same time, I miss some aspects of old RE, from WAY back in the day. Back then, any thread in any area with wild pets could randomly have a post from RE such as, "Suddenly, a Snicky fell on his head." Which, really, something like that happened to a roleplayer before only after two or three posts. I like the random aspect of it, which has pretty much vanished entirely if we always have to mark our threads as "Hunts," and meet specific requirements each time. It makes me wonder if, occasionally, something like this would still be good, especially since the posts will apparently be "cut and paste," types that don't interfere with the plot now anyway. Labeling hunts was initially so that RE posts would not interfere with the plot of other roleplays, but if they wont do that anyway, then I'm not sure that still labeling them entirely remains necessary.

As for more prizes and a new system in the works, from the brief mentioning of it, both sound good. Well, more prizes sounds great. The new system, since it it obviously more complicated, I can't state how I feel about it entirely. Since we don't know specifics, I suppose I'll just be looking forward to seeing what comes about.

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/07/2014 5:06 PM

I'd like to give feedback, but as Toxie said, I wouldn't really know what to say until I know what the new system is. However, a quicker and more efficient system sounds very nice. I am curious though; will threads (Old threads that we still hold out hope on) that we put effort into to try and find...something, anything, be acknowledged or posted in at all? I havea thread I started when I joined, and continued posting in it over a year later. But it was really, really discouraging (and sort of discouraged me from trying anymore real hunts after that with as much effort) to not get even an acknowledgement (like a "there is nothing here" post) and I eventually gave up and figured nothing would happen at all. Will there be a system in place to at least let the RPer know they are being acknowledged but won't receive anything or that there is "nothing here"? That would be one of my suggestions, if not. ^^

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Thunder » 06/11/2014 1:22 PM

Now that I'm done flailing over E3 I'm going to post here xD;

I'd love to see RE2 return and I think more solid guidelines would definitely help. I also agree with Millie; I think all hunts should warrant some kind of response, even if it's a "there's nothing here" post, as to not discourage people from going on hunts. I don't know what else to say, though, since I would like to hear more  about the new (potential) system first as well. I think this conversation would be more productive with some more concrete ideas to discuss.

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 06/28/2014 7:15 AM

Okay so I've read all of this and I definitely will keep your suggestions and thoughts in mind. I post for all threads that I've rolled for, even if it is a fail, and I don't intend that to go anywhere. Though, sure Millie, when a system gets decided upon, I can discuss a way for users to revive unaddressed hunt threads. The old system worked in a way where you weren't guaranteed a visit from me, instead we had sorta... a quota system? Sorta. We did like, a post every x amount of days, and we counted from all the active threads at the time, and if you had posted a bunch and missed out, and then gave up, odds are you weren't included in the next pool. But I would like to change it so that everyone gets some sort of recognition for their hunts. But it would mean pet rarity might get bumped up a tiny bit. This is also why I'm interested on introducing more prizes into the system too, but I'm not sure what yet.

Honestly, my biggest dilemma is actually addressing Hunts. Since, I'm a regular user too, I need to log into RE2 every time I need to post which can get a little tedious to do, and I also need to be alert for every single new hunt. The issue with this is, I'm only human so I miss hunts, and the sheer lack of them due to the previous inactivity under the last owner of RE2 isn't much of a help with that.

So, I don't know. First thing is, I've seen points for and against the use of the label [Hunt]. Some people like the idea of pets just suddenly jumping up out of nowhere and others unhappy about me interrupting the flow of the RP. Both points I understand well, and agree equally on both. But it leaves me with a problem.

If I was to go with the option of only addressing threads with [Hunt], I was considering introducing a system based on post count. If there was one person RPing a hunt thread, they'd need to hit 25 posts (keep in mind all numbers here are up for discussion), and then I'd post in regards to their success. If the person failed, they could choose to post 15 more posts for a second try. For every person present in the roleplay add 5 to each number, so you'd 30 initial posts and 20 posts for a retry for two people, 35 for three people and so on. This encourages co-op hunting, because the post count per person is lower overall.
However, if I abolished the [Hunt] tag, I'd have no real system I'd be able to follow because I hate the idea of restricting the entire RP forum for something someone might not particularly want or need.

So here are my thoughts at this moment. Sorry if they're a bit jumbled and unorganized. I'm a bit sleepy :'| If something doesn't make sense (80% sure this is the case), feel free to say so and I'll try to be a bit clearer.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Mojave » 06/28/2014 10:25 AM

I don't know if this was suggested but for the situation of people who don't like surprise visits from RE and those who do, how about there be a tag specifically to tell RE to stay away? We could still use the tag to label a thread a hunt, and if you don't mind a surprise visit from RE don't put a tag in the title. Or we could do {RE:H} for a hunt {RE:O} if it's okay for RE to pop in and {RE:C} so RE knows to steer clear. o3o
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Shieba » 06/28/2014 10:25 AM

Some dumb, quick thoughts I had:
- Why don't we get subforums for hunts for each RP section (like the member suggestion area is a subforum for the suggestions, for example)? It doesn't make the main page look much bigger since the subforum links are quite small and if all hunts get posted in there, there is no chance of you missing one.

- Since I only have one Evelon account, of course, I can't confirm this, but on other forums I'm on where I have more than one account I can log into one with one browser and into another with another browser (like I have two blogs on tumblr and I am permanently logged into the first with Firefox and into the other with Chrome and it's no problem). Dunno if that's possible with Evelon's forum software, but if switching to the RE2 account is so bothersome, it might be worth a try?

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Jaykobell » 06/28/2014 11:18 AM

Shieba wrote:Some dumb, quick thoughts I had:
- Why don't we get subforums for hunts for each RP section (like the member suggestion area is a subforum for the suggestions, for example)? It doesn't make the main page look much bigger since the subforum links are quite small and if all hunts get posted in there, there is no chance of you missing one.

I think this is an ingenious idea. If the other Mods are okay with this, I honestly don't think it would break the forums. I would definitely be on board with this idea.

Shieba wrote:- Since I only have one Evelon account, of course, I can't confirm this, but on other forums I'm on where I have more than one account I can log into one with one browser and into another with another browser (like I have two blogs on tumblr and I am permanently logged into the first with Firefox and into the other with Chrome and it's no problem). Dunno if that's possible with Evelon's forum software, but if switching to the RE2 account is so bothersome, it might be worth a try?

Yes, this is possible. I do the same: I am logged in as Shrewdberry in Chrome, and then as Banhammer in Safari, so I don't have to switch accounts all the time.

While we're on the subject of RE2, I have something I'd like to ask both RE2 and the userbase, concerning what could potentially be added in the hunt system.

How would you guys feel about collectibles? Smaller/little pets that would be mostly for the purpose of collecting them all? We have very small pets, such as the Anura and the Lunafly, and we could even make a series of collectible species for other pets: we could just make them smaller in size, the same way the Glow Garagnir is smaller than the regular Garagnir species.

Perhaps collecting them could earn you an award, or you could exchange them for something? Or you could just display a collection. Since they're actual pets regardless, you could also give them personalities and roles and whatever else you might want.

You would get them through hunts, and I think it might help with trading too. If you get doubles, you can find other members and swap them around until you have a complete collection.

Would anyone be interested in that kind of idea/system? I haven't even really spoken to the staff about this either (only like... a million years ago), so this is all up for discussion and debate. If people don't like it, I don't see a point in implementing it. But I thought I'd mention it? I know it would motivate me to do more hunts, personally, since there would be things to collect.
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby FrostyRae » 06/28/2014 4:00 PM

Shrewdberry wrote:While we're on the subject of RE2, I have something I'd like to ask both RE2 and the userbase, concerning what could potentially be added in the hunt system.

How would you guys feel about collectibles? Smaller/little pets that would be mostly for the purpose of collecting them all? We have very small pets, such as the Anura and the Lunafly, and we could even make a series of collectible species for other pets: we could just make them smaller in size, the same way the Glow Garagnir is smaller than the regular Garagnir species.

Perhaps collecting them could earn you an award, or you could exchange them for something? Or you could just display a collection. Since they're actual pets regardless, you could also give them personalities and roles and whatever else you might want.

You would get them through hunts, and I think it might help with trading too. If you get doubles, you can find other members and swap them around until you have a complete collection.

Would anyone be interested in that kind of idea/system? I haven't even really spoken to the staff about this either (only like... a million years ago), so this is all up for discussion and debate. If people don't like it, I don't see a point in implementing it. But I thought I'd mention it? I know it would motivate me to do more hunts, personally, since there would be things to collect.

I honestly would love to see that system implemented in the future Shrewd as it would give me yet another reason to at least consider doing a hunt thread. Then again, I just love hoarding my pets anyways. XD
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2014 4:19 PM

I think a subforums for hunts could definitely be a solution. Although, I have to wonder if they'll be posted in more often than the regular sections, just for the opportunity to find something. I would probably end up posting in them all the time, regardless of my theme in the roleplay (be it actually hunting, or a typical roleplay), which then might make the regular section obsolete? I do think it is a good option, though.

As do I also think that Mojave's suggestion of labeling if we do not want to be bothered by RE2 is a good option. We could go without labels if we don't mind RE2 visiting, and only label them if we don't want RE2 visiting? That way, any roleplay not labeled is considered a hunt, which would also make it easy to find the active hunts, I would think?

On the matter of collections:

I think it would be a fantastic idea to have little pets or items to be collected as a sets which we can earn rewards for completing. If it is pets and not items, I think keeping them would be best, that way they can be used as characters if we really like them. I think it would not only be an awesome motivational tool for roleplaying and hunting, but also just a great feature for users to have. I enjoy breeding and working toward getting the Licences and the final rewards for each, so having something else to work for would be awesome.

Maybe there could even be pet and item collections? If there is a collection of items, I can see them being traded in for something like a rare pet only available by collecting the set of items?

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 06/29/2014 7:17 AM

I would use another browser (I mean, I used to all the time) but Firefox is currently being a butt for me and logging me out as soon as I log in and I'm not game enough to open IE :| I'll look into a way to fix it though.

Shieba wrote:Some dumb, quick thoughts I had:
- Why don't we get subforums for hunts for each RP section (like the member suggestion area is a subforum for the suggestions, for example)? It doesn't make the main page look much bigger since the subforum links are quite small and if all hunts get posted in there, there is no chance of you missing one.

I like this idea, though I'd like every single area of the forums to have one, with the seasonal wilds and my comment on the collectibles below. I dunno if that would be too cluttered? If not this is a great idea.

Shrewdberry wrote:How would you guys feel about collectibles? Smaller/little pets that would be mostly for the purpose of collecting them all?

I do think this is an excellent idea, if I'm thinking of the things you made for this purpose ages ago. I feel like we should sit down and have a chat about this idea further if you're up to it, but I do think it's a great idea. A reward for completing the set is a great idea too. I love it really. I've always wanted every area of the forums to give up a prize, so users aren't restricted to the (usually) more darker areas of Evelon to obtain pets, so this could be it.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/29/2014 10:45 AM

I just wanted to add a hearty agreement on the idea of collectables. I personally have a couple of researchers for characters, and may be making more, and having something for them to actually research would be fantastic.

As a note on such characters, would there possibly be a way to, I dunno, gauge a player/character's "desire" to find whatever the critters are? Maybe not for the standard hunts, but for the collectables? Like, characters that are actively searching for the specific thing in the area are more likely to find it that the characters who are just in the area. It might just be me, but it could be irritating to put a lot of effort into actually looking for a creature, specifically for plot reasons for a character(s), and see people who are doing "normal" RPs with a "HUNT" tag get them instead. This is by no means to say that trying = success because not all research trips are going to be successful. Still, people specifically looking for a rare species are probably more likely to find it than people randomly wandering in the woods (though luck can be on the side of the wanderers, hence why they can still find it; they just might not know what "it" is).

Sorry if that's confusing or dumb or too hard to implement. I just wanted to get it out there as a possibility.

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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Jaykobell » 06/29/2014 11:19 AM

RE2, yes, you're most likely thinking about what I'm thinking as far as the collectibles are concerned. And if people like items, these can actually be drawn by anyone on the staff team since they're really just... items. They're small and relatively quick to do. Silver wouldn't be stuck doing all of them (especially since she's busy at the moment), so we wouldn't be stuck waiting on anyone, either. If you feel like talking about it, sure, I'd be fine with that.

Azura, while I see your point, the problem is that RE2 no longer reads RPs. If they had to read everything and increase people's chances according to that, well... it would defeat the point of the new system (pre-written posts). Not only that, but everyone could just make characters that are "really determined" to find the creatures in question. And implementing that system might create a loophole for people to abuse.

I get your point, it sucks when you're legitimately really looking for something, but even the most avid and passionate researchers don't always find what they're looking for. And for the purpose of Evelon, I think it would be too time-consuming for RE2 to read everything (even to skim takes a long time), and potentially open for "abuse" as people try to manipulate the system to increase their chances.

Unless someone as an idea to implement that... but hunts were never about how much you wanted to find a creature. It was always based on luck. That's not to say we can't change it, but what you're suggesting, I find, goes back to the old system that made RE2 a lot more difficult than people realize. But if someone has an idea to implement this somehow, this is a discussion topic. And if RE2 feels like this is something that could be somehow implemented, maybe we could.

But I also find it could work both ways, where you're not quite restricted, but really, why would you not make a character that "really wants" to find the creatures, if that gives you a better chance? That means using virtually any other kind of character keeps my chances at their base, and considering this is based on luck, why even risk it? You know? It'd work both ways, and I find it works more at a disadvantage.

But that's just me, and I might be outnumbered here? And again, if RE2 wants it, they're the one in charge, not me. I'm putting in my grain of salt as a member here, not as a Mod (I don't handle RE2 at all, 0).
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Re: .:The Future of RE:. (Discussion Thread)

Postby Thunder » 06/30/2014 2:33 AM

I personally love the idea of having subforums for hunts, as well as collectibles. Subforums would make hunts less easy to miss, and collectibles that contribute towards an incentive sounds like a great way to promote activity.

I agree with Shrewd on the idea Azura brought up. Giving people/characters a greater chance to find something based on the person's/character's determination seems too easy to abuse since everyone would just RP their characters as super determined. I like RE2's proposed idea of rolling for a chance to find a pet after a certain number of posts has been met. It keeps the chance factor as well as a sort of determination level factor; people who aren't really determined to find something probably would quit. But that still doesn't address the RPing non-hunts as hunts issue.

If RE2 made posts in peoples' RPs, even if they're just copy and paste posts not tailored to the specific RP, I think that could help discourage "non-hunts as hunts" since the posts would interrupt the flow of the RP's plot. As for the truly random visits of the past, I personally don't really miss them since I'd probably just put whatever pet I got up for trade if I was not actively seeking out that species (in other words, I like the hunt system more).

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