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.:Holiday Customs!:.

Postby Kyrit » 12/01/2017 1:33 PM

What makes friends more jolly than sending them a custom as a gift? That's right folks, as in some previous years, we're offering up some editless customs! And we do mean editless! Since the staff is stretched a bit thin this holiday season, we're not going to be drawing any extra markings at all. We'll have to turn those down, but we'll at least get you your money back (or you can change your order). Keep in mind though, these customs can only be ordered as gifts for another user.

We are also limiting users to 3 pending orders at a time and only 1 gift custom per user. This means you can order more once those three orders are finished, but you can only have three orders in progress at a time to help prevent any backlog from forming. And while we understand you may want to get that best friend of yours extra presents to shower them with love, we gotta keep from getting bogged down.

Order will be kept separate from the Huntsman's Hall orders and need to be sent to our gmail (landsofevelon@gmail.com). You may request a certain artist in your email, but there's no guarantee that they'll be able to do your order if they're really busy. The exception to this is if you're ordering a gift for someone on the staff! Obviously if you sent a gift order for a staff member and they opened the email not knowing it was for them it'd ruin the surprise. Kyrit and Kreepy (more staff to be added if they choose to help with customs) can be messaged individually so you can keep your gift a surprise.

What's left? Well, payment options. This year we wanted to give users a variety of payment options, to help make gifting customs easier. First off, you may order a random custom (specifying species is fine) or a custom custom (fully customized, minus edits/heavy markings). A random custom costs 250 KS or 4 gt, while a custom custom costs 430 ks or 5 GT.

Kuhnas may be ordered, but at an additional cost. Kuhna randoms cost 650 KS/8 GT and Kuhna customs cost 700 KS/10GT. Again though, keep in mind they allow for no new markings or add-ons at all, no matter how small. You may still ask for markings and pre-existing add-ons, though the staff reserves the right to turn them down if they require any further editing (ex; bob tail but with Darkflame fire on the tails, or bob tail with almost any marking other than Smilo and normal)

Order Form

Email Title: Gift Custom Order
1. Username:
2. User you're ordering for:
3. Preferred Artist: ( Kyrit, Kreepy)
4. Species:
5. Eye color:
6. Main body colors: (These range anywhere from body, wing, flame, ect, so please be sure to indicate a chosen color for each section of your pet that can be changed. This also includes the color of any markings the pet already has)
7. Extra markings and color: (Please describe as best as possible if there are additional markings you would like drawn and what color you would like them to be. Drawn examples are allowed)
8. Aura color:
9. Total cost:
10. Method of Payment: (KS/GT)
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Re: .:Holiday Customs!:.

Postby crow » 12/19/2017 10:10 PM

Just a quick note: For these customs, mods will be deducting your KS/GT directly, after they've finished your order. Please don't send your payment to the Marketplace account!

If you've already done so, that's okay, but for future orders, please just ensure you have enough currency on hand for when the artist delivers your order. Thank you!
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Re: .:Holiday Customs!:.

Postby Kyrit » 12/30/2017 2:34 PM

Just a heads up, we'll close these custom orders on January 15, to give any stragglers plenty of time to squeeze in.
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