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Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/09/2014 6:45 PM

Heya there, fellow Evelonians! :3

So, as some of you may know, I've been uber-busy for the past few months, what with finals, graduating college, getting a new baby bird, moving into an apartment, starting a job, etc., and all the bells and whistles that go with the adult 'turf'. However, now that I'm pretty much settled into my life as a grown-up, I'm looking to get back into writing regularly again since I've sorely missed it, and there are times when I'm at work with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs in my cube (on occasions where there somehow isn't labwork to be done).

But anywho, on to the more interesting stuff, as I'm sure you're not here to read about my day-to-day life.

Roleplaying is the name of the game here, and I'm looking to start some RPs with anyone and everyone, new faces and old, and on whatever subject tickles your fancy. Of course, I'm going to put it out there right now - I love lifematings/romance and action-filled plots (not necessarily having to do with romance), so if your interests fall anywhere around those categories, I can pretty confidently say that we're probably in business. :3

So, who's available to RP? The characters I'm keen on getting out and about are listed below, but feel free to browse my pen and see if anyone there catches your eye. At the moment, I'm open to just about anything and everything, so I'd most likely be more than happy to work something out with whoever you'd like to play with.

.:Lyssa Song:.

Name: Lyssa Song (code name: Phoenix)

Seeking: RP/Lifemating

About: Lyssa doesn’t technically exist. Yes, she is solid flesh and bone and firmly attached to this plane of reality, but for all other intents and purposes, her existence is entirely unknown to all but a select few. This is due to the fact that she is completely off the radar – a feat accomplished by very few. Lyssa is a special ops agent; one of the handful of elites honed by the government to carry out missions of the highest priority and of the most covert nature. As such, she has undergone the most thorough and strenuous training in armed and unarmed combat, the most advanced modern warfare technology, basic survival, and withstanding interrogation (to name but a few). Primarily, her job was to act as a ghost, mostly operating alone to capture intel, extract other agents, and discreetly eliminate those whom the government deemed ‘enemy targets’. She is exceedingly good at what she does, and was well-recognized for her abilities during her time of service. Those, however, have since ground to a rather abrupt (and somewhat less than harmonious) end. In fact, she has actually been placed on the government’s top priority hit list, and is currently running for her life from the very people whom she spent her entire career serving.

It all began when she was a child; with two parents who were ex-military, Lyssa was always destined to join the forces herself. It was her lifelong dream to be strong – to be able to fight for good and protect the weak. She would have been out of place in a civilian life, as helpless and misplaced as a fish out of water. Even before she was old enough to enroll, she was taking private lessons from her parents, and for that reason (coupled with her own drive to succeed), she excelled at the academy and quickly outstripped even her own mother and father. She was handpicked and recruited to go into the special forces, and she took the opportunity gladly, knowing that her skills would be better utilized there and that she would be geared to do so with only the best that the government had. For many years she was content with her place in the world; sure, her job entailed more danger than most other people would see in a lifetime, but it made her feel alive – like she was making an impact on the world for good. But like all good things, that illusion couldn’t last forever.

It was just another regular mission at first – extract intel from some research facility out in the middle of nowhere and get out. Quite simple, really. Everything went smoothly and as planned, up until she checked the data to ensure that she’d gotten what she’d left for. It turned out she’d extracted more than what she was meant to (being the ‘better safe than sorry’ kind of gal she was and all). The government had told her that they were keeping tabs on this facility – that they weren’t lying about. However, it was the motives behind her mission which were…conveniently lost in translation. It was true, they were keeping tabs on this particular mad scientist and his work. It just turned out that the work he was doing was also for them. The things she saw happening in that facility, the things being done to animals and people alike, it was enough to turn the stomach of even a hardened veteran like herself. After what she saw, there was no question in her mind that the government which she served was no better than those she’d thought she’d been fighting for all those years. However, the options left to her were few and far between, and each less viable than the last. She managed to rescue one creature as she withdrew from the facility – a Hunter being tormented in an attempt to extract any form of genetic information from its crystalline body, most likely in hopes of being able to splice that mutation into creatures with more…malleable forms.

It didn’t take long for the government to discover that one of their best agents had gone AWOL, and since that day, she has been on the run from both organizations, a harder task than it might sound. As a result, the experience has hardened her, and made her perhaps more trigger-happy (and definitely more cynical) than she was in the past, which is certainly saying something. Since her defection, countless agents have been sent to dispatch her under a myriad of different disguises – some she recognized, others she didn’t. She spared those that she could afford to, but when push came to shove, it was her before them. There will be no rest for her in the foreseeable future, especially considering the fact that the military life is the only one which she has ever known. She only hopes that perhaps one day, she will find someone whom she can entrust the intel to. After all, it is the only thing left that she owns (aside from her gear) which is of any worth.

.:Corvina Westbrook:.

Name: Corvina Westbrook (or 'Leurre', her demon counterpart)

Seeking: RP/Lifemating

About: Corvina is a test subject of one of Serissa’s mad experiments. Of all the trials which have occurred to date, she also happens to be one of the most successful tests and now also functions as one of the facility’s most important tools. She is, first and foremost, a weapon, and a dangerous one at that. Her abilities in combat are unmatched in the field by friend and foe alike, abilities which some might even go as far as to call ‘superhuman’. That’s because what sets her apart from the crowd is indeed beyond simple human capabilities. In short, Corvina has a spirit of a demon fused to her soul, meaning that there are literally two entities residing in her body. Similar trials had been conducted on many before her, but none had lasted for more than a day or two before either going entirely insane, catatonic, or committing suicide. In fact, the success with this young woman was nothing short of a freak miracle. Perhaps it was due to her strength of will, stubbornness, or perhaps just the innate bloodlust which already existed within her before the operation was even conducted.

Normally, having one person in one skull is more than enough for most people; two people in one head would drive even the most resilient of people mad, and if one of them were to be a sadistic demon crazed with an insatiable bloodlust…well, needless to say Corvina’s existence isn’t a stroll through a meadow of sunshine and daisies. However, her unique character composition has allowed her to coexist with her ‘roommate’, who calls himself Leurre, a relationship which is rocky at best and downright dangerous (to herself as well as those around her) at worst. She has the ability to turn her body entirely over to the demon, but it is an option which she very rarely resorts to, as much as she can avoid it. Being fused to a demon does come with its distinct advantages though – on top of giving her a sharp edge in combat, it heightens her senses, and makes her stronger, faster, more capable of enduring pain, and more resilient in general. These effects are multiplied a hundred-fold when Leurre is in the driver’s seat though, not to mention the fact that he also brings ridiculous fast healing capabilities to the table, but when he takes control, Corvina literally loses all capacity to rein him in, and essentially has to take a backseat in her own mind until he finally decides to turn the wheel back over to her.

Corvina’s job basically entails handling the muscle work for the facility, at least when it comes to combat jobs which require any kind of finesse. She is cold and without mercy when need be, and follows her orders without question. Basically for Serissa, Corvina came as a happy upgrade to the traitorous predecessor who held the position before her (who had defected merely a few months beforehand). Generally the ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ type, anyone crossing her had better be sure that they’re not on her list before doing so.


Name: Sekhmet

Seeking: RP/Lifemating (maaaaaaybe)

About: Sekhmet is royalty, or at least she was, back where she was from. See, Sekhmet and Ouranos were originally from an entirely separate world from Evelon, one heavily reminiscent of ancient Egypt. In that life, she was a princess, destined for the throne as soon as she married. In fact, she had been betrothed to Ouranos in her early childhood years, so she had lived her life assuming that it would forever be her fate to marry this man, father his children, and together, rule the kingdom. She loved him, that was for sure, but always felt as if something were missing – as if there was an entire part of her life she didn’t know, but as royalty, she had her duty to the throne, and for that reason, no right to explore romance. It was a lot that she was content with though. After all, there were many stories of women who hated their husbands, and husbands who murdered their wives. Their world was governed by traditional rules, and without rules, there was only chaos; this much she knew.

However, all of this was thrown completely out of perspective when the impossible occurred. It was a mere week before the long awaited wedding, and all the preparations were in full swing. Her dress had been made and fitted, a new crown crafted from the finest gold and gems for her coronation. Her people were all about pomp and circumstance, so a grand ceremony was always given for these events. Of course, these events required much planning ahead of time, and there were always plenty of rehearsals involved. It was at one such rehearsal that things went horribly awry. No one knows exactly what happened that day, for the promised couple were standing on the wedding altar when they suddenly vanished without a trace, never to be seen in that world again. The two would later find that it was the experimentation and greed of a brilliant scientist that would tear them from their familiar lives and throw them head-first into a completely alien world, but for many years they made their way through Evelon, surviving only on guesswork, luck, and occasionally, the kindness of others.

The world which Sekhmet came from was not known for its technological advancements. Primarily an agricultural, labor-based culture, status played a heavy hand in deciding how one would live their life. As royalty, Sekhmet is accustomed to being treated as such, and the transition to Evelon has been a rough on one her. Never has she had to do anything for herself before, and she relies heavily on Ouranos’ aid (although he himself is just as lost as she) to survive. She does have an innate power which gives her sway over animals, but she's still getting the hang of how the creatures of Evelon work. However, she is both tenacious and a fair individual, and is not afraid of doing what is necessary to get what she needs. As a ruler, she has a very strong sense of justice, but has found out firsthand how nitty-gritty real life – life outside of one of luxury – can be.


Name: Kamaria ('Aria')

Seeking: RP/Lifemating

About: A diminutive, soft-spoken, and gentle young woman, it is easy to see how she got her nickname, 'Little Shadow'. She is the last person anyone would think would be involved with the dark and mysterious Loki, but surprisingly enough, her place is by his side, as his personal assistant. When people learned of her, they were genuinely surprised, seeing as Loki is a very detached, distant individual with no ties to anyone or anything. However, Kamaria is the exception to this rule. When she isn't running an errand for him, she is usually found tailing him closely. Despite her quiet and gentle nature, she is extremely shy, a trait which originates from her seeming mistrust of all people. The only person in the world she seems to trust is Loki, although no one knows why. It is a relationship which baffles all who witness it, but it is undeniable that there is a deep, unbreakable connection between the two of them.

Kamaria sees Loki as something of a father-figure. As a child, she was born with what most people would call 'supernatural' abilities. Not only was she as quiet as a shadow, it seemed she had the very ability to manipulate darkness itself, moving it to her will, and even shifting it into a solid, physical form if she so desired. She also seemed to hold some power over fire as well, being able to conjure it from thin air as well as control it. Her mother, who had been raising her alone, saw this as a darkness, and feared that her daughter was some witch or demon or other dark being. However, she didn't have the heart to take her own daughter's life, or even give her away, so she pleaded to the gods to remove her from her responsibility as a mother to this strange little girl. Loki heard her prayers and answered them. Aria never learned what her mother had given up to get rid of her, but for some reason, Loki decided to take the little girl on himself and raised her from childhood onward as his own. Because of this, Aria trusts no one but him, since he was the only person in a cruel world to accept her as she was for what she was instead of treating her with fear and disgust.

While she has control over all things dark, Aria herself is not a dark soul at all. Given the chance, she is a perfectly sweet young woman, but her qualms about the world around her have tempered her innocence. While she is normally quite difficult to faze, the destruction she is capable of wreaking is devastating. It might take a lot to set her off, but if, by some freak chance, someone were to manage to truly anger her (or threaten Loki somehow), her powers are not to be trifled with lightly. While she looks small, timid, and vulnerable, a mere flick of her mind would be enough to kill a person. Luckily though, she, like her foster father, tends to keep to herself and to him, avoiding the rest of the world whenever possible.

.:Nocturne Feathersong:.

Name: Nocturne Feathersong (Nightingale)

Seeking: RP/Lifemating

About: Nocturne isn’t exactly what you’d call an “open book”. She’s seen a lot in her time, and if there’s one thing to be said about her, it’s that her trust is certainly not a thing given lightly. However, if you were to meet her, you would have no idea that were the case, as she has an impeccable talent for getting along with people of all sorts. Ever since she was a girl, she’d taught herself how to make people comfortable in her presence, and it’s gotten her a long way since. In fact, she’s so good at what she does that she makes her entire living off of it by working for the CEO and current governor, Sariel Dantanian. She acts as a human relations ambassador for him, relaying his messages to people all over the country of varying levels of importance, and is one of – if not his most – trusted advisor. However, there is more to their relationship than employee and boss, as he was the one who took her in when she was but 10-years-old, having lost all the family that she’d had. Since then, he’s basically raised and nurtured her as his own, despite being only 10 years her senior, and she has been close at his side ever since - his nickname for her is, affectionately, his "Little Nightingale".

However, there is more to this young woman than meets the eye. With surprisingly regal features, raven-black hair, olive-green eyes, and a sweet, charming smile, she seems like a remarkably mature 25-year-old, her career life well on track (being hitched to Sariel’s, after all). It wouldn’t be surprising to think that she would be a natural at public relations and handling the business end of deals for her boss. What no one (outside of Sariel and herself) know though, is that she has an ace up her sleeve – a little trick that guarantees a win almost every time. Ever since she was born, she had the ability to not only sense people’s emotions, but with years of practice and trial-and-error, control them too. The more compromised their thoughts, the easier it was for her. Of course, she learned to be an artist about it too, and has perfected the skill of subtly nudging thoughts in one direction or another without detection. For Sariel, this was an invaluable talent to have in his arsenal, and ever since he took her in, has made a point of nurturing her unusual skill, and ultimately using it to his advantage. This isn’t against her will, of course – she believes wholeheartedly in his cause, and that everything he does has a reason, even if she can’t immediately see it. After all, he’s never been wrong before.

As for Nocturne herself, her personality changes like a kaleidoscope when needed, and she always seems to know exactly what to say and when to say it. However, at heart, she is a relatively gentle-hearted soul, mild-mannered, but occasionally spontaneous, although her occupation (and company) rarely calls for it. Although she always seems like she has something to do – Sariel does keep her busy most of the time – she doesn’t really have much direction in her life aside from his biddings. There also happens to be more to her unusual ability to alter minds as well, although she usually keeps that particular facet in check. It turns out that her skills in shifting emotions is merely a weaker form of her abilities; her true power lies in the unconscious and subconscious mind. Her influence over dreams is extremely powerful, much more potent than her influence over a conscious mind, but there is one catch. The only dreams she can create are nightmares, and extremely potent ones at that. It’s not an ability she consciously controls (usually); if she forgets to reign it in, she projects a radius of these night terrors to any unconscious mind around her, and a long enough exposure could drive any living soul completely mad. She has, however, learned to shackle this ‘curse’ down, and has almost never found any reason to ever use it. After all, a broken mind is not a useful one.


Name: Asteria

Seeking: RP/Lifemating

About: Asteria is a goddess of guidance and light, the counterpart to her darker and less benevolent brother. She is also the keeper of the stars, and provides counsel and guidance to people in need in any and all situations, both in physical and mental manifestations. Her ability to take on countless forms allows her to work her way into any and all walks of life with the intent to nudge people back on track and keep them from straying too far from their paths (usually due to her brother's more malevolent ‘advice’). She is the voice of reason and the source of inhibitions, a Northern Star of the conscience. However, she is not limited to whispering in people's thoughts - she is also capable of manifesting herself in many physical forms as well, such as light, celestial bodies, or even something as diminutive as a firefly. She brings the stars out each night and can sometimes be seen dancing across the sky in the form of shooting stars.

Personality-wise, she is again the counterpart to her brother: where he is dark, reckless, and apathetic, she is equally kind, gentle, and sweet. A person who cares for nothing more in the world than the well-being of others, it is her personal goal to try and guide people towards lives that are happier, healthier, and more fulfilling. Of course, she doesn't always succeed on those with the strongest wills to defy her, but for the most part, she single-handedly keeps the world a relatively decent place in which to reside. Despite the darkness which exists across the universe, she seems to always be able to find some kind of silver lining and make the most of it. While she can be somewhat reserved, she is also naturally bubbly, vivacious, and cheerful, but it is a part of her personality which she usually makes a point of keeping in check. After all, she believes that it is not 'proper' for a goddess of her position and stature to act as childishly as her heart might otherwise desire.

Very few people actually know her history and lineage - even she herself has not learned that information. Since as long as she can remember, she was raised by Callistani, along with the motherly goddess's own children. The only relative she knows is her twin brother, Arktos, and search as they might, they've never been able to find their birth parents. If Callistani knew anything, she never told them, no matter how much they pestered her about it as children. Clearly, they had to have been of divine breeding judging by their powers and stature, but no one on the council knows anything of their past either. Their father is actually Velius, none other than the king of the gods himself, but for reasons he’s kept to himself (and very personal ones, at that), he has never revealed his identity to his children, although he has made sure that every want and need of theirs was seen to while they grew up. Their mother was a mysterious woman from a faraway land with command over the powers of darkness, although the only darkness in her heart was that placed there by the unkindnesses done to her by others in her past. With no one else to call their own, the two twins grew up extremely close to one another, and have been so ever since birth. It is without a doubt that both would be willing to give up their lives for the other.


*This is Asteria's brother, Arktos: his bio is currently in the process of being written, so he'll be added on here soon as well. If anyone's interested in RPing with him though, feel free to speak up. :3


Name: Khazriel

Seeking: RP/Breeding (Lifemating is a very faint possibility, but still a possibility - he's not exactly the 'settling down' type of man)

About: Khazriel has two occupations. His place is on the council of the gods, his role being the consort between mortals and immortals. His other – and if you were to ask him, more important – profession is his amazing prowess with members of the other gender. To put it aptly, Khazriel is what most would call a ‘lady killer’. A proper Casanova from a more elegant time, he’s smooth, suave, knows just what to say in every situation, and somehow manages to have ladies dogging at his heels and clambering over each other to get to him just by entering a room. Tall and muscularly sculpted, he strikes an eye-catching figure in any setting with his bright, teal-streaked jet-black hair, startlingly white eyes, and chiseled jawline. With an almost lazy sort of confidence, his appearance is deceptively laid-back, while in reality, he is one of the most observant people you might ever meet. He has a knack for noticing detail and reading situations, which makes him perfect for his 'real' occupation.

As a consort, he mediates the official dealings that the gods might have with the mortals, in comparison to Valkyrie, whose transactions are usually of a more...personal nature in regards to Velius. While Valk handles the more hush-hush, under-the-table work, Khazriel's job is to make subtle alterations to ensure that things go on according to plan in the world of the mortals. It is due to his intervention that some of the most devastating and possibly world-shattering events have been circumvented in the past, and this is thanks to one unique ability of his. Besides being extremely observant of his surroundings, he is not only excellent at reading the subtle shifts in people's natures, but can also manipulate their emotions as well. A master of discretion, he can nudge a person's thought process in the most subtle of manners so as not to be detected, yet in just the right direction to change their reasoning or decision-making along a more...favorable path. Of course, this might also have something to do with why he's so good with the ladies, but he prides himself in the fact that he doesn't need to use it to get what he wants. Needless to say, his powers paired with his natural 'abilities' make for a highly effective combination.

As far as relationships go, he's never felt any inclination to do anything different from what he's always done. Very rarely has he ever been with a woman more than once, and if he has, she had to have been a rare specimen indeed. Even when he's on the job, he doesn't neglect to have a little fun, and he is one of the few gods who couldn't care less whether you were immortal or had an expiration date. In his opinion, mortal girls tend to have more variety, which adds spice to his lifestyle of conquest. Infamous for his womanizing, he is surprisingly chivalrous and gentlemanly around women and men alike, and extremely polite, which adds to his charm. He would never imagine intentionally hurting a person, either physically or emotionally, even if his 'Don Juan' attitude might suggest otherwise.

I've got a bunch of characters that I'm currently working my way through writing bios for as well, so if you don't see anyone that catches your interest just yet, fear not! There will be more soon. :3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/10/2014 5:12 PM

Yes hello I would like to try to RP with you. As long as we've both been on here, I don't... recall us ever getting to the RPing stage of things. We should rectify that, if you'd have me. :'|

So, I'm a bit iffy on romance but. Action I would totally do. I can basically RP anything you want, including  mature topics etc.

Right now I'm mostly in the mood for my ninjas, who are not really traditional ninjas. I don't have their bios written but they've been around in Whisper, Lamenolai and a tiny bit in Nabias. I can give you short blurbs if you'd be interested.

If you don't mind me being a little vague, too, I've recently felt like revisiting some characters I haven't used in years, quite literally. One of them has a more concrete story, but my other pair is a little... to the point where I have the characters but no real story/world to really go with them.

Anyway, let me know if you'd be interested, and I can post some blurbs. :'|
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/11/2014 10:34 AM

Sure thing! I'm open to anything and everything, and I'd love an opportunity to RP with you (especially considering the fact that we've both been around forever and have never actually RPed together before, as you mentioned).

If you wanted to throw some character blurbs out there that you were interested in playing with, that would be great. Also, feel free to look through my characters and see if there anyone you'd like for me to use in particular (although you'll have to excuse the very basic, vague characters that are also floating around in my pen - I've never deleted a character in the 7+ years I've been here, despite the fact that my writing has progressed considerably since). If you have any plot ideas you wanted to use as well, I'm all ears. I have no doubt that we can find a fun one to try out. :3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/11/2014 10:47 PM

Hahah, okay... let's see here. Let me give you the ninjas first since they're kinda my main characters right now.

This is Isamu. He's a ninja from a reclusive family called the Skinwalkers who live in the Tengel Forest, and who are called as such because of the animal pelts they carry and how they can turn into that particular animal. Isamu is a hunter who primarily uses a bow, but he comfortably uses his animal form as well (a black panther). He's got good intentions, but sometimes he's a bit of a stick in the mud and a grump, but he's a nice guy. Probably better in an action setting, but I could make him work in anything I'm sure.

Okay this guy is one of my big ones. This is Tsuneo, and as much as I like to use him, he's... hard to use, lmao. :'| Okay the deal is that his family is kind of like guardian angels, so to speak. They live secluded in an underground shrine and only leave that shrine when ninjas out there need help or died. They handle burying, etc. In Neo's case he can only meet others if they're injured ninjas and/or if... they're dead. But, he could be out there doing something when he bumps into someone who is not a ninja. Or sometimes he gets to go out of the shrine for certain reasons. He's a very sweet, patient guy who puts others before himself; a little naive and somewhat ignorant of the outside world. But he's hard to RP out there because of his plot restrictions.

Takumi is the most versatile of them all, because he's not really bound by anything. He's anywhere he wants, whenever he wants. So if you need someone to kill someone else; he'll be there. If you need intel; he'll be there. If you're walking through town; he'll be there. He's a grump and he also has a certain dislike towards women. He's mostly the player kind of character, and he won't hesitate to ask for a woman's body in exchange for his services. He specializes in poisons and can create some custom tonics that will kill you quickly and/or slowly and/or painfully depending on what you want. Depending on the situation, he also has a young eight-year-old daughter named Aya; but if the plot would work best without her, it can be before he gets her under his custody. Again, most versatile, but also the grumpiest, rofl.

OKAY and then the others are in my Pen (oh wow can you imagine). First, I have Ferrapont and Kondrat. I actually only used Ferrapont and I remember loving him, but he was made for Atoli and she hasn't been around. :'| Kondrat is his older brother. In the post below, I have Othello, who is the middle brother. I haven't had a chance to use him but I'd love to get those three out, whether only one or two or all of them, etc.

And then in this post, I have Albert, Fall, and Victor.

Fall is a royal like Ferrapont, Kondrat and Othello, and actually I was thinking of merging their stories together. Anyway, Fall is a bit of an airhead but he's got a good heart, although sometimes he'll lie or pull a fast one to avoid getting into trouble. He's not listed, but Fall also has a small companion who's traveling with him. He's an anthro (called a crossbreed within the plot itself) grey squirrel called Merle, and he's stuck with Fall because he's a slave that was bought by Fall's family. Nice and obedient, he usually only talks when Fall asks something or if something is going terribly wrong. He's the more intelligent of the two, since he got a bit of education before being sold into slavery, and because he spends his free time reading every book he can get.

And then... Albert and Victor. These two are the pair I mentioned where I have the characters but no real world for them to just... do things with. Victor is your happy, optimistic kind of guy. Albert isn't entirely human and is basically... a demon; called a 'spider' within their world. Very emotionless, but not aggressive nor violent. He's a very defensive type of guy; his demon form, as it is, is that of a massive black bear. He uses this form when in danger or when he has to fight.
I'd love to get them out and play with their chemistry, but again, no world, goal, etc... so I'm not sure what we could do with them.

Anyway, that's about it for those I'd like to get out. :'| As for plots... idek. I like things that will keep me asking for more, so action or something dark should do it. Or maybe we can go for comedy and have like... Fall (or any of the royals really, lmao) meet up with Sekhmet and bitch about how commoner life is hard. Otherwise I have no idea, lmao. :'| Maybe Corvina and Albert could meet since she's got a demon inside her and he's kind of considered that too so they could relate to that? Idk.

I'm like the worst at coming up with plots don't ask me. :'| Idk if any of the above... inspire anything? Sorry everything is so damn short, I don't have much time till I have to get ready for bed/work. Feel free to ask anything.
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/12/2014 12:11 AM

Hey thar~

I think we were gonna try Shale with Nocturne, weren't we? Did we ever figure anything out for them? x

I'm also open for any of our other RPs/Lifemating things we got goin' on or planned. I am osik at remembering them, because I can't remember things to save my life, but I think we had a room planned as well? I don't remember with whom though. ^^;

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/12/2014 7:48 PM

Shrewd: I've read through the characters and their bios that you've suggested, and they certainly have interesting personalities and backstories that we could work with. After mulling through it a little bit, I think that of the characters that I've got (and feel like I've got the most muse for), Corvina would be our best bet. Especially if you're interested in something dark and action-based, since her demon (who constantly talks to her in her head) is essentially a psychopath, to put it mildly. I'm very interested in getting her out there and playing with that relationship between her and Leurre, since she's walking a very delicate line between sanity and being a bloodthirsty psycho killer. It might even be interesting to bring that side out at some point during the RP.

Hrrmmmm, plot ideas though...if you're interested in playing with her, Corvina could either be out on a mission or just wandering on her own - either are plausible for her. The research facility she works for is into experimentation of...a darker nature, so she's quite used to doing their dirty work for them, and doesn't have any qualms about it. She's not really a good or a bad person - she can just set her conscience aside when necessary. A starting point might be her sent out to hunt down (to capture/maim/tag/kill/insert experimental chip into/etc.) one of your characters, or maybe they show up at the wrong place at the wrong time? Hmmm, she could be after one of your royals such as Fall to ransom (which could make for a longer, plot-driven RP with some interesting interactions between them)? Or perhaps capture Albert to be used as a test subject?

Feel free to jump in with any suggestions. These are just off the top of my head, so it you want to build off of them, come up with other ideas, or anything else, please do. Hehe, it's always a little tricky at first, when you're not very familiar with each others' characters (not to mention Corvina's new for me too).

Millie: Now that you mention it, I think you're right. XD -brain is apparently mush right now- I'm not sure whether we had anything specific figured out for Nocturne and Shale, but I'd love to get her out and play with her since the only writing I've done with her is a self-RP that I'm currently working on.

As for our other planned pairs, I'd still love to throw Tex around a bit - I never quite know what to do with my muse for that gal otherwise (although there's plenty of it, haha). I think we had started one for her and Prudii a while back? If you're game to continue that, I'd love to get that ball rolling again. ^^ Hrmmm, I think we considered tossing Des and Nia into a room, but never figured out a plot for that. XD I'd be game for a total crack pair/random match-up too, or if you'd like to try out another possible pairing in a breeding room (haha, talking about moving fast). Lemme know what you think! :3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/12/2014 8:02 PM

Ohhhh, that sounds like a good idea. :'|a Hahah, I kinda want both... Hmmmm. Both having her go after one of the royals for a random or trying to catch Albert as a test subject sound good. The easiest for the royals would be Fall since he's actually traveling around. And idk, maybe they could even be... interested in Merle too? Being not human and all that good stuff.

I'd love to stick Albert in this kind of situation, though...

Now idk what to do. Both sound good. |'8 Um, idk, which one are you most interested in? I don't... want to impose any character more than another since... yeah we're not used to each other's characters. So idk which ones you fancy more, etc.

But both ideas you mentioned sound good to me. I'm totally into this kind of stuff. I guess for something more long-term, going after Fall sounds like a good plan; and if we want more of a... ehhh, one-shot? Albert would be the way to go. I'm even OK with letting Corvina catch him and have her folks do experiments on him. So dark. I'm totally up for that too. I'll RP anything regardless of how dark and gory it gets. x'D I ain't squeamish so.

So yeah, depending on the mood, I'm up for either.
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/12/2014 11:29 PM

Those both sound like they could be really interesting. They definitely offer two very different settings and interactions for Corvina if she were to "hulk out". I think I'm leaning towards trying her with Fall first, since I'd like to figure out some of her personality/emotional details and nuances through actually RPing her, and I feel like ultimately, an RP with Albert would result in just the two of them duking it out and not much chit-chat comparatively speaking. XD

Hehe, I'm the same way about dark and gory in writing, so no reservations there, I suppose. XD I haven't experimented much with writing torture myself, so if it goes that way, it will definitely be an interesting experience. I'm more well-versed in emotionally torturing my characters - I just rather enjoy exploring the emotional extremes of my creations. Sadistic, I know. X3

Any ideas for a setting, if you're on-board with this plot? And seeing how this goes, we could always pull more characters into the fold in the future as well with more RPs. :3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/12/2014 11:35 PM

Hahah, that sounds good. Albert would probably fight her off, for sure, although he's not very offensive. So if she managed to break through his defenses, he'd probably just... lose. xD Poor bby. But if you're ever up for some kind of fight/torture funtimes, I'm up for it too.

I'm okay with starting out with Fall, and to see where we can go from there. Admittedly, I haven't used Fall in a veeeeeeeery long time, and Merle was never, ever used (poor bby). x'D So it gives me a chance to shape them up, myself.

For setting... hmm, where would Corvina be likely to show up? Does she do her missions basically anywhere they need her to be? Fall is traveling, so he can be anywhere you want, really. Having been cooped up in his room for ages, I'm sure his sense of direction must be ridiculously bad, too. I can have him be lost somewhere for convenience, rofl. He's very flexible, so I'll let Corvina be the judge as to where it should be.

And yeah, nothing stops us from adding more characters as we go along. c:
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/13/2014 12:12 AM

Haha, sounds good. It might be good practice for me down the line to get to dabble in those topics a little more. But yeah, doesn't stop us from using Fall as a guinea pig though. Depends on how cooperative he is, and how patient Corvina's feeling that day, I suppose. That, and if his family/kingdom doesn't cough up the money to pay his ransom, they can always start removing...extraneous bits or something. X3

As for a location; Corvina basically goes wherever her job takes her, so that's not an issue on her side. However, I suppose for the sake of plausibility, we'd need a reason for her boss to have chosen Fall as a target (verses all the other royalty running around on Evelon XD). Hrmmm, perhaps he could have been wandering for a while? And considering his current state, especially after being cooped up for that long, he could easily be seen as a target ripe for the picking. I can see this eventually turning into quite a convoluted and involved plot, given time and imagination. o3o
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/13/2014 8:00 AM

Guinea pigs are fine by me. xD And lmao, Fall already lost his hands... poor bby he'd cry if he lost any more limbs. But not that it bothers me. c:

I think they can go for him because of his bloodline (which to me was always a bit up there), and... maybe for his hands? Fall lost his hands when his mom lost her own, so now he's got like... robotic replacements. They could be after the technology in his hands? Or they could be after him because they assume he would be an easy target, being that he's not very well known. Makes for an easy pickup of a rich and interesting target.

Or someone could've asked Corvina's folks to catch him? I can imagine enemy kingdoms wanting his head for X reason too.
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/13/2014 8:38 AM

Haha, poor boy...they're going to do such mean things to him. I'm kind of curious to see if we can't break Corvina as well though, whether that's unleashing Leurre to rampage as he gleefully pleases, or psychologically tormenting her with a conscience which she's usually really good at suppressing. Maybe if he could get into her head...I wasn't kidding when I said that I like tormenting my characters. XD Poor gal...that would be like having three different people in her brain at the same time. O.o

But yeah, I remember reading that detail. That could definitely be another point of interest for the research facility, and all the more reason for them to capture Fall. I suppose it would be a win-win for them, since they could either ransom him off, auction him to the highest buyer (e.g. the enemy kingdoms of which you speak), or if no one wants to pay the calling price for him, they can always 'salvage' him for parts. Which would primarily be for his prosthetics. Altogether a good candidate for kidnapping. X3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/13/2014 11:05 AM

That sounds good, then. xD We can enjoy tormenting both of them at the same time.

Any RP area that takes your fancy for this? I typically end up making my characters get lost in forests, but I think I need to get rid of that trope, lmao. Did you want to start it off, or should I?
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Flame » 06/14/2014 12:59 PM

Hehe, sounds like a plan. XD Hrmmm, as for a location, Corvina can show up wherever she's needed, although their base of operations lies in Tengel Rainforest, if I remember correctly. So either they could peg him because he's relatively close, or at least somewhere far enough so as not to arose suspicion as to where the facility is actually located. Where might Fall wander off too, and what might he be looking for/doing in particular in his wanderings? Feel free to pick any setting/location and start off the RP (if you wouldn't mind) - out in the middle of nowhere, in a crowded location, etc. Anything goes, and I rather like adapting to surprises. XD I look forward to seeing your post! :3
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Re: Make New Friends and Stretch Those Writing Muscles!

Postby Jaykobell » 06/14/2014 10:34 PM

Hahah, okay. Here is the RP, located in Sekudui Farmlands. They're... not on the map so their location to Tengel is arguable. But I always imagined the farmlands to be really quiet and typically without much population, so it would be a good spot for anyone looking for a murder or a kidnapping, since there wouldn't be a lot of eyewitnesses.

Sorry it took so long to type it up, too. :'| I was busy today baking and doing things, like catching up on Kuhna orders and playing Tomodachi Life, pfft. But I also wanted to draw the two before I posted the RP, mostly because Merle is a little particular to describe. So if you'd like a visual, here is a picture of the two.

And don't hesitate to let me know if my post doesn't have any enough material for you to reply comfortably. I tried to leave it open-ended so Corvina can interfere however she wants, mostly because I'm not sure what methods she likes to use towards her victims, so. Let me know if you have any questions, etc.
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