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Generic Advertising Post--Roleplay with Me?

Postby Indigo » 12/29/2010 1:52 AM

I tend to hoard characters. Combined with my seemingly endless generation of new ideas, this means that a lot of them never get used. So I'll be putting up some of the less-developed ones for you to choose from, assuming you are interested in any of them, because they seriously need the exercise. They'll be rotated fairly often because I have so many, and you can also pick out of my pen. Mustard and Gattley are currently occupied, however.

At the moment, I also have an open roleplay going here, if you're interested.

Messiah, aptly nicknamed Mess, has a talent for clumsiness. She's often knocking things over or tripping on things, and when she tries to fix whatever mess she's made, more often than not she just manages to make it worse. Because of this, she's habitually apologetic and overly careful, even when she hasn't done anything. Once you get past the clumsiness and shyness, though, you'll find that Mess is quite pleasant to be around. She enjoys a wide variety of organized games, because when given a clear set of rules she very rarely makes mistakes, and takes a lot of long walks which can be either relaxing or exhilarating depending on where they occur; the latter is an attempt to calm her mind so she can be less clumsy. She can talk her way out of most situations that aren't related to her mistakes, and she is very perceptive.
Some rumours have been going around between the magic-sensing pets that Mess is some kind of heavenly being. She laughs at the very idea, but their insistence unnerves her. Hmm...

If you happen to be walking through a forest and a sandal falls on your head, you can expect to see Russell leaping out of his tree to grab it and apologize while giggling. He's supposedly a naturalist, although none of his work has ever been published anywhere, and he ventures out into forests armed with his notepad and pencils to take notes and make sketches of anything that catches his fancy. Most of his drawings are rough sketches of animals, and he tends to record his random thoughts, so you'll often find notes on what he had for lunch that day. For some reason, his preferred observational perch is somewhere in the trees above a hiking trail, possibly so he can drop his sandal-bombs on passersby. He does genuinely have an interest in nature, though, and discusses it with anyone willing to listen in his trademark wandering fashion.
Also open for potential lifemating.

Du'Taire loves shiny objects, even more than the average member of his species, and often goes to great lengths to gain them. He bills himself as a treasure hunter, and in a sense he is--he travels the world in search of more objects for his magpie-like hoard, but he's very inexperienced and naive. He will go into very dangerous areas to dig out his "glitters" in poorly-planned ways without any idea of the risk involved. He also has a habit of not listening to his bonded, Adrimere, who is usually the more practical and level-headed of the duo. When informed of the danger he's putting himself in, Du'Taire will simply scoff and claim that he's fast enough to escape anything that may come after him. Although this has occasionally resulted in him being injured, he stubbornly refuses to take any safety precautions, and he continues to go to any lengths for his "glitters".
Adrimere would like very much to be famous for exploring the world, and she might manage it except for one thing--she's tied down by her bond to the reckless Du'Taire. Maybe "tied down" isn't the right phrase; they do a lot of travelling, certainly, but it's always to unsafe areas in pursuit of the Quiksylph's beloved "glitters". Although Adrie, as she is often called, is normally very good at persuading people to do what she wants, she's never been able to control Du'Taire. She has to follow him on his journeys, as well, partly out of concern and partly because she gets a vaguely uncomfortable feeling when they're too far apart. She is the cautious one, always trying to weigh the risks of any situation they're in, and it frustrates her that she never has enough time to do so before she's dragged along. It is her goal to learn some battle tactics, so she can at least defend her partner should the need arise.
Will be roleplayed together.

Fondue's hereditary passion for art is expressed through cooking. It takes up most of his time, to the point where his room has been converted to a kitchen. He keeps his innovative recipes filed in his back room. Despite the fact that he's always combining random ingredients in an effort to create something new! that will make him famous!, most of his ideas are actually quite good. Fondue speaks French, sort of, but doesn't actually use it often, because he thinks it will make him sound like he's trying too hard. He doesn't get out much, too busy with his experiments. When he does get out into the world, he is very polite at all times, and many people find him odd with his "sir" and "madam" and his carefully formal sentences. It's simply because of his old-fashioned upbringing, which causes him to be polite even in situations where he's likely to get eaten. He has no survival instincts as a consequence. We're not sure how he's managed to survive.

Madornla, despite her odd headgear, is the type of person who’s destined to be everyone’s mother figure. She was forced into this role much earlier in life, babysitting her neighbours’ children out of the need for money, but found that it was one she enjoyed and continued caring for those younger than herself even later in life. And, of course, there is the strange case of Ishkabibble, who looks to her to take care of him. Madornla has since developed a strange fondness for those with childlike minds or other issues that prevent them from succeeding in life, and quite a chunk of her salary goes toward supporting the people who have latched onto her. In most areas of her life, she is exceedingly practical, and though she tries to be kind to her charge, she enforces her rules firmly. Very few things faze her, and she has the apparently magical skill of gaining most people’s trust very quickly. Her downfall, though, is that she tends to think she knows what’s best for everyone, which can lead to a lot of loud disagreements.
Ishkabibble, though well into his thirties, still seems to think he’s a little kid. His mind isn’t quite as incoherent as Bingle’s—far from it, as he can carry on a perfectly normal conversation with a rational adult for at least fifteen minutes, give or take. When asked personal questions of any kind, however, even those as innocuous as what he does in his spare time, Ishka becomes nervous and twitchy, and does his best to avoid the question. This behaviour, in turn, makes the person on the other end of the conversation somewhat nervous, and it usually ends with Ishka wandering off to draw with his crayons while the other person wonders just what was so offensive. The answer to this is fairly straightforward: Ishka doesn’t much like sharing the details of his lifestyle with others because he has been mocked for it in the past. When he is home and alone, he spends much of his time playing with his stuffed animals and scribbling on scraps of paper with his favourite magenta crayon, although he also does more normal things when the mood strikes him. He has been a social outcast for most of his life because of his odd behaviour, and sometimes this shows—when a friend introduces him to a complete stranger against his will, he becomes just as nervous and twitchy as if he’d been asked about his life, and spends most of the conversation chewing on his rather worn left ear. Although he is good-natured enough to befriend most anyone, the only person he completely trusts is Madornla.
May be roleplayed together or separately.

A bit too smart and artistic for her own good, Red is a Fabulous Artist who got her start scribbling on napkins on restaurants when she was little. Now she works as an animator for a cartoon studio, spending her days making drawings, scanning them into the computer, and digitally coloring them to make cartoons. She's the kind of lucky soul who gets paid to do what she loves, and it shows--she's happy, she doesn't get depressed or worried very often--she is, however, frazzled. She loves to draw and animate so much she tends to overwork herself, leading to long, nearly sleepless nights and a tendency of hers to bumble around half-asleep, muttering things about "pretty unicorns" and other general nonsequitors. She's been known to start walking some place and forget where she's going when she's halfway there. Oh dear. When she's had proper amounts of sleep, she's a very focused, intelligent individual who can wow with her speed-drawing skills. When not, she's... very, very ditzy, let's say.
Will be in human form.

Jenna likes to bully people. Well, bully people she doesn't know, anyway. She's fond of making disparaging, downright ruthless comments about celebrities and other well-known individuals, and seeking out news stories about people doing dumb things so she can laugh at them. She even listens in on other people's conversations and then makes nasty comments about them to her sister when she gets home. Red finds it exhausting, especially Jenna's somewhat witchy cackle. Jenna is perfectly nice to those she knows, however, and probably wouldn't be rude to someone to their face. But get her behind someone's back, and she turns rather nasty. Even her friends, who enjoy her for her biting wit the rest of the time, hate her negativity and wish she'd lighten up. She tries to hold in back around new people, because she is, at least, aware that some people find her abrasive. The problem is, her sense of humor is extremely schadenfreude-based.
Will be in human form.

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