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Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 09/21/2014 7:33 PM

It's finally time to find lifemates for some of my pets. Some of them I will be picky about, and others I won't I will make mention of them, or if they are just open to RPs only. So enough chatter, let's get to it.

Open to lifemating (males or females)
Will only breed her once or twice with her lifemate

Elusa is the daughter between two monsters, one being a hornet type monster named Melissa. Elusa takes more after her father, being quick on her feet, preying on children, and being able to become incorporeal at will. She is young for a monster, so she thinks she is invincible and still hasn't faced any hard consequences for her actions. She is constantly at odds with her mother who is trying to keep her away from humans and other monsters for fear that she may end up hurting both more than is necessary. Elusa can be a bit ill tempered and act like a brat, but she just needs some help understanding that not everything will come easy despite her lineage. She seems to be on good terms with her father for now.

Open to lifemating (females only)

An undead knight who once served under the Royal Apothecary by the name of Kursai, cooking up different potions and experiments of his own. Although he was stationed as a Knight and Royal Guard, he liked to partake in what the Apothecary had to offer by sneaking in and doing some studies of his own.

Until one day he was found out by someone who ratted him out, and what he was doing was considered an act of thievery and treason and was shortly sentenced to death shortly after by using the very same toxic chemicals and potions he himself created. It granted him a short, but excruciating death and was then cast out in the nearby cemetery to rot above ground.

Not long after his execution, he was found by a wandering Necromancer and Mad Scientist by the name of Dialune, who rose him from the dead to carry out his revenge. He was now named "Ossuary" and was clad in dark green armor lined with gold. His eyes were the first to rot out of his skull being replaced by two bright green lights. Dialune had given him free will instead of being a mindless undead, only if he protected him and his favorite haunts.

Due to him being pumped with so many chemicals, Ossuary is able to reduce himself to nothing more then a black tar like substance letting him travel easier or sneak up on enemies. In Lucain form, this black ichor is very noticeable as it is constantly dripping from his mouth and open wounds.

Ossuary was more then happy to obey, and to this day still seeks revenge.

Open to lifemating (females only)
Open for RPs

Once a great chief of his tribe, Tahoma ruled the northern wilds with grace and tenacity. When his tribe began to fall on hard times, Tahoma resorted to using powers of witchery to submerse himself in darkness. With this he could travel in animal form, his chosen being that of a wolf. This power began to overtake him, he was helping his tribe with his new found abilities, but began craving more and more power. To become stronger, he killed his brother in cold blood, finally attaining the rank of being pure evil. He soon blamed his on wild animals and got away with it.

It was only when his mother discovered his misdeeds that he was put on trial. The options weighed heavy on him, although he brought his tribe back into glory, murdering one within the tribe would be cast into exile no matter the rank. Afraid of the repercussions, Tahoma tricked everyone into turning their attention to him when he had to defend himself. He had fooled them into looking him in the eyes, despite his mother's warnings. He had stolen the energy of his tribe-mates, reducing them to lifeless husks.He spared his mother before turning towards the wilds and running.

Tahoma still wanders about, sometimes breaking into houses and attacking people, although as to why is unknown. He does possess the power to read human thoughts and transform into animals, even going so far as taking on the appearance of another person. He is not afraid to instill fear in anyone he comes across who wishes him harm or even going as far as to kill them using corpse dust.

He is seen wearing the hide of a white wolf, and glowing eyes. The rest of his clothing consists of tattered hides and furs.

Melissa Monster form
Open to lifemating (males only--- picky!)
Open for RPs

The mother of Elusa, and a very powerful and old monster. She resembles a yellow jacket in her real form, and even takes up residence in a well hidden hive with animal-like underlings who serve no other purpose but to guard her. She kills her victims by stabbing a long tongue into the victim's torso or limb and sucks out blood and bone marrow, leaving them as a deflated husk.

She has a bad history with another monster, and refuses to really bring up her mating with him. She seeks to get her daughter and bring her back to her hive to keep her under control. The thought of her old mate lurking just in the shadows does make her paranoid, and even she knows a battle with him again would result in her death.

Mel does wander around in human form, masquerading as a forensic entomologist. She also helps at an apiary, and is known for her ability to calm bees down by signing to him. They also never sting her or become upset with her presence.

Rping with her does bring out her character more. Hopefully starting off meeting her in human form haha.

Open to lifemating (males or females)

Once a painting by a famous painter of France, Hieronymus was given life through unknown means by his creator, thus letting him move from his painted prison. Shortly after, his creator fell ill and died from mysterious circumstances. Hier was confused about the whole situation, as his understanding of any human emotion was limited, but did feel a pang of sadness in the back of his mind. He swore to carry on his creator's legacy, begin able to assume human form, he picked up his brushes and other art supplies. Throughout the years he assumed his identity, until fully relinquishing his title and faking his death-- then took on a new human form to act as his apprentice instead, so he may continue painting. He has kept this identity up until now.

Hier comes with his own unique abilities to drag mortals into paintings with him, sometimes by accident, or on purpose depending. Although he is still unsure of many human emotions, since he likes to keep to himself, he is still willing to learn. Apparently, he gets rather lonely, and can be quite affectionate towards those he likes. He acts a bit innocent, but can still very much run on instincts if he needs to-- which further complicates what he really is anymore.

Open to lifemating (males or females)

A great wyrm from another dimension who loves playing trickster by taking on many different forms depending on how he wants to torment, or joke around with someone. His true form being a great worm-like beast that many would say comes straight from their nightmares. Paradox lives up to his name, spewing nonsense and well-- paradoxes. On the flip-side, he can be cruel and sadistic, but strangely enough likes twisting someone mentally rather than harming them physically.

However, if he comes across someone he seems to like, he will either stalk them to the ends of the earth, become overly obsessed, or try to whisk them away to wherever he comes from. Sometimes, he can drag them into another dimension with himself.

Open to RP

A wizard (kinda based on  the Wizard from Harvest Moon) still greatly differs from him, but his personality is inspired by him. So... wizard/mycologist. Loves stargazing, quite shy, quiet, but opens up eventually.

Open to RP/lifemating (males or females)

Not too well developed, but I can figure something out. I want him in the science field, maybe biochemistry, zoology, or physics.

Open to RP

A very strange man with an even stranger origin. Minuet is not one for many words unless something piques his interests, and those usually concern making contracts with mortal kind in exchange for a piece of their soul. He will do anything in exchange, but it always comes with a price and a few rules of course. You cannot ask to do harm to Minuet or the ones he serves under, and one cannot back out of their deal unless they will face serious consequences.

One such man in the 1800s was one such unlucky soul who backed out of his deal. A well known toy-maker and his son, struck with grief after his wife died of typhoid fever. He made a deal with the creatures of void, to offer protection for him and his son. He was rewarded with that in the form of a doll, Minuet.

He made his deal, and years passed, both of them being protected from harm or illness, until the father backed out on his deal, and the punishment was death for him, and the freedom to let Minuet take the son. By 'take him' he meant, let the doll take over his body, thus destroying the child once he got to the age of 23, and sending the child's soul to the next life.

On Minuet himself---
The inside of Minuet is still very much a doll, but the outside is still human, however he lacks anything organic internally. Thus he doesn't need to eat, drink, breathe, etc. Throughout his time being in a human 'body' he has been a ringmaster, in a freak show, singing in operas, and many more jobs along those lines. He can be considered a freak, having his whole back tattooed in odd black inks with black and white spiky hair. Most of the time he is seen without a shirt on, to display the intricate art across his body.
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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby zapdragon555 » 09/24/2014 10:24 PM

I'll throw a few things atcha~

As discussed in the IRC, my ocean nymph Calypso with Corin, maybe? I think an RP would definitely be in order, though, haha~

His character needs some serious work, but he's a very softspoken gentlemanly guy who might be nice with Lillian? Maybe for an RP she could find him injured somewhere and take care of him, haha, not sure. They could certainly interact, though. Not sure if his colors appeal to ya, tho x'D

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Atoli01 » 09/30/2014 1:06 AM

I actually have a musically-inclined girl to toss in Treble's direction.

Mara Tenor: I have basis of her character in this {x} post, although it definitely needs a heavy revamp. She's taken up violin and a little singing, but it's pretty aimless and only something to pass the time with. If Treble were to show interest, I'm sure she'd be willing to refine her skills. It'd give her motivation of some sort. Once you get to know her too, she's pretty curious. I could see her taking an interest in Treble's work pretty quickly. Both of her siblings are concerned about her lack of a significant other, so maybe the two could be set up on a blind date or something of the sort?
Human form: {x}

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby GrayGriffin » 11/19/2014 9:10 PM


Chione and Mein might be an interesting pair? Mein is descended a long ways from Avani, the Earth Paragon, but her elemental blood finally asserts itself after several generations. She has a way with plants, and they definitely grow a lot faster around her. She also loves mechanical things. Maybe she could be following rumors of a rare mountain plant and bump into Chione?
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 11/20/2014 3:45 PM

Still looking for more lifemates/RPs but

Zapdragon: We can RP Calypso and Corin first to see their interactions, still interested in a possible lifemating.

Atoili: I would love to RP the two and see how they get along. She sounds like a good fit for him.

Grey: I am a little picky with who I mate Chione with, but I would be very interested in RPing the two!
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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Atoli01 » 11/20/2014 8:31 PM

Perfect! Where would you like the rp? Aldrect is where Mara and her family are situated, so would that work for Treble? Maybe they could meet up at a coffee shop if Treble is alright with coffee, or a restaurant if not. (Would you want me to start it or do you want to? I'm fine either way.)

Also, as far as slight edits to her character and such goes-- (I figured I'd inform you, even if they aren't too major.) I finally made her a proper human form, and she has acquired a butler, Vincent. He may make appearances every so often, but he won't be anything too game changing in this rp (at least as it stands right now).

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby GrayGriffin » 11/21/2014 6:46 PM

I'd definitely be interested in an RP as well! If it's just going to be a normal RP, would you be okay with me bringing along some of Mein's friends/assistants?
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby zapdragon555 » 11/21/2014 10:49 PM

I'd love to do an RP, hoho~ Since he's a pirate and she's a water nymph, maybe his men could capture her? Of just he himself, if he has no men? Or she could cause some trouble with the ocean and a storm, maybe. We can discuss in PMs if you like~

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 11/27/2014 3:19 PM

Atoili-- That would be a perfect place, since his lab is situated there (he moved out of Medicai due to a rival engineer trying to ruin him) and of course he is good for coffee, seems to be what he lives on to keep going through the day. You can start it, so I will have a good idea on what to do.

Gray-- You can, but in order for Chione not to eat anyone that comes near her, they might have to be in some sort of trouble in the mountains so she will decide to save them instead. She is still a yeti, so is unpredictable if encountered without being in a bad situation.

Zapdragon-- I would love for her to cause trouble in the ocean, then maybe he can accidentally fish her up or purposely catch her haha. He has a large crew, so that could be fun to RP with as well.
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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Atoli01 » 11/29/2014 9:16 PM

Sorry for the delay~ Made the rp here: {x}

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 11/30/2014 6:54 PM


He is getting a new form someday--- but this joker need to be RPed. Not open for lifemating unless they can put up with someone who is likely to cheat haha
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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 12/01/2014 7:48 PM

Zap-- made a post here X

If anyone wants to look through my imp docs or pen, and find someone they want to RP with lemme know!
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Re: Lifemate/RP Search

Postby Middy » 07/25/2015 5:24 PM

Update with a couple new Paragon!
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