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RP Search (lifemate, war, general)

Postby crow » 11/19/2014 2:17 AM

I realize I'm in quite a few RPs as it is, but you know what goes great with that? More RPs! 8D Actually, there's just some pets I'm very excited about who haven't gotten a shot at being RPed outside my self-plots, and I do love to plot with other people too, so that's what this thread is for.

I will warn you that I might be a bit slow to post, but hopefully that won't deter you.

These guys are also available for regular RPs, but I am actively looking for lifemates for them.


Angel is a young woman with a peculiar ability. She can sense corpses, and if they're still reasonably whole, she can reanimate them too. Not only that, but the ghosts of the bodies materialize when she reanimates them. Nobody else can see the ghosts she summons this way, but she can see them--- and hear them, and touch them. The problem with that is, they can touch her too, and she's had quite a few brushes with some unexpectedly violent spectres.

Despite that, she's a resilient soul with a down-to-earth attitude, and she uses her powers as a sort of amateur murder detective. Not that glorified, cutesy children's-novel type deal either; the cases she deals with are often unpleasant, and she doesn't have a lot of resources outside her own time, energy and abilities. She can be a bit of a pessimist thanks to her lifestyle, and she's not terribly open about her powers because she doesn't think any good will come of talking about it to others. She can be kind, though she's also an advocate of tough love, since she learned the hard way that the world isn't going to coddle anyone. She values usefulness and practicality above all else. She doesn't admit it, but her lone-wolf lifestyle is getting a bit lonely... So much so that she often finds herself turning to her ghosts for company, which can't be a good sign. It'd probably be nice to connect with someone still in the world of the living.

Looking for: Strong male lean. Not really sure otherwise. A ghost, murder victim or member of law enforcement would be the easiest to work with because of what she does, but I don't have anything specific I'm looking for. Angel doesn't have much of a plot as of yet, so she'll probably fit into her partner's plot, or we can work something out together.


Deste is a half-breed demon in the service of the lord of a powerful demon noble family. Among her kind, purity of blood is particularly important, and half-demons are considered the lowliest of all aberrations. Therefore, as far as she's concerned, her being taken in by her lord was an act of incredible kindness on his part. She has sworn to serve him even at the cost of her life, and currently works as an assassin answerable only to him. Of course, he doesn't always have people for her to kill, and she's just as often employed in more mundane tasks such as gathering information and even running errands.

Loyalty is perhaps Deste's best feature, though some believe it to be her flaw as well. She is, in fact, well aware that her that her master may have unsavory motives, and that his choice to take her in might be less than altruistic, but none of it matters to her. She knows very little beyond the combat arts and her duties. At this point, she has likely forgotten how to enjoy herself, or do something simply because she wishes to. She justifies that with the fact that she chose her servitude, but maybe she just doesn't know what she's missing. Her friends (what few she has) certainly think so.

Looking for: Either/any gender. Someone to bother her enough to get her to develop a life outside being her master's dog, basically. My demons are a fairly specific lot, so if you have demons they'll necessarily be a different kind than hers, but I'm also open to humans, vampires, what have you.

Note that Deste has breeding restrictions; she can only be bred once and her pups can't be bred at all. As such, I likely won't be doing a breeding with her even if I find her a Lucain lifemate.


Qual is a fallen demon, strange as that may be. At one point he was a fearsome creature of great repute, but some unfortunate circumstances befell his partner, leading to her exile. He chose his own exile voluntarily, choosing to devote his life to searching for her or her children, but so far he has met with little success.

At first he may seem intimidating and cold, or at times fervent and restless, but deep down he's much the same as he was: dutiful, somewhat naive, maybe even a little awkward. He is an intellectual at heart, and has a fondness for politics, though he regards it largely as a spectator sport. He valued honor even in his days as a demon, and is noble almost to a fault--- once he devotes himself to something or someone, he will go to great lengths to help them, often to his own detriment. It is unfortunate, then, that he has no such person, and little in the way of a cause, beyond his search for his lost partner. The lack of purpose is wearing on him, slowly but surely.

Looking for: Any gender, slight female lean. Other than that, frankly I have no idea. No one too terribly young though, since Qual's in the equivalent of his late thirties/early forties by now and if there's too much of an age gap, he'd be uncomfortable.


Torch is a fairly laid-back, down-to-earth individual, which might be surprising considering he's a pyrokinetic. He uses his powers to work as a hero, keeping the peace in his city along with a small group of other super-powered individuals. Since his powers are fuelled by his feelings, he's learned to keep them in check, and is one of the more level-headed members of the group. He enjoys the simple things in life--- good food, the beauty of nature, spending time with children, that kind of thing. His philosophy is to get through life one day at a time and not to sweat the small stuff. He does sometimes wonder what his life would have been like if he'd never been born with his powers; he longs for a quiet life, despite knowing that it's impossible. But things are the way they are, and all he wants to do is to make the best of it.

Looking for: Females only. Someone that Torch can be himself around, rather than a Hero. Hey, maybe even a fellow person with superpowers and/or a crime-fighter to team up with!

War RPs

I wanna rack up some points and RP in the war, and it'd be nice if I could do that outside of just self-RPs. I don't have a lot of war-applicable characters right now, so I'd prefer it if our RP could be played in the war areas, even if they don't have to do with the war directly.


Name: Sivain
Gender: Male
Lifemates?: Looking
Sivain is a former god who got kicked out of his realm for preventing the sacrifice of a child. He's been stripped of most of his powers, but a few still remain, and he's more powerful than a human but not nearly as much as he used to be. Having earned his godhood through heroic deeds, he still feels the old obligation to help people, though he tries to fight against that urge these days because he feels he'll only make things worse, rather than better. He's currently serving as a bounty hunter and a mercenary, though he won't fight for a cruel cause and he won't engage in senseless slaughter. Centuries of failing people when they needed him have made him self-deprecating and apathetic. In his heart of hearts, he dreams of redeeming himself somehow, but he doesn't know if he can.


Name: Rhodes
Gender: Male
Lifemates?: Nope
A black cat that accompanies Sivain (though they can be RPed separately), Rhodes is theoretically the accountant of the December Estate. His talents go beyond that of an accountant though, and as such, so do his duties. A former witch's familiar whose original master is now dead, Rhodes has absorbed considerable power from having spent decades in her presence, and is able to perform a variety of magics including speaking and telekinesis. He can assume a human form, but would vastly prefer not to. He often disparages of his charges, especially when they go off and do something stupid like sign up for a war, but he has a habit of looking after his 'kittens'--- the witch he served back in the day was rather young for her kind. Given the choice, he'd much rather be at home, on his desk, sorting through files and numbers. Unfortunately, he doesn't trust Sivain enough to believe that the godling can keep himself alive without some more level-headed help.


Name: Kenric Anarin
Gender: Male
Lifemates?: Maybe
Kenric's career began when he was drafted into an army to fight in a civil war that had plagued his native region. He wasn't a good soldier, but he was a quick learner and had a cool head, so he ended up working in the medics tent. From there, he learned the craft, and soon started tending the injured as a full-fledged medic. Somewhere along the way, the idea of sides and factions began to seem irrelevant to him in the face of those in need of assistance, so he began helping and healing anyone he thought he could save. For this, he was branded a traitor and sentenced to death when the war ended, but was grudgingly released after many of those he'd saved on the battlefield petitioned for his pardon. He left his homeland and never returned. He settled down elsewhere, only to have war break out again. He debated not getting involved this time, especially since he had picked up an apprentice in the meantime, but in the end his morals won out and he set off for Foundry City. If he can save someone's life, that's all that matters to him.


Name: Dante Valenti
Gender: Male
Lifemates?: Not until he's older.
A dhampyr whose blood has regenerative properties, Dante is a young medic-in-training apprenticed to Kenric. His early life with his father was a troubled time, but after being taken in by another vampire named Blue, Dante has been living a sheltered lifestyle. By now, he's fairly well-adjusted, if inclined to be shy and nervous around strangers. However, around those he knows well, Dante is a cheerful and cheeky boy. He might be young and immature, but he is serious about healing people, even if he has to use his blood to do it--- though he'd rather use conventional means, of course. As a dhampyr, he's constantly afraid of running into a vampire who might try to take his life, and revealing the strange properties of his blood is the surest way for him to attract unwanted attention.

These are just characters I want to play more in general, or with other people.


Name: "Jackdaw"
Gender: Male
Lifemates?: Maybe
Jackdaw doesn't remember who he was or what he did before the Sentinels found him. He doesn't have memories of anything past that point. He doesn't particularly care either. The Sentinels took him in, taught him a little of fighting, then sent him off to hunt for demons. That's what he does--- find, track and kill the things. Theoretically he's supposed to be working for the gods and the greater good, but the reason Jackdaw does it is because it's fun, and it gives him a challenge. A charming fellow with a sometimes-mercurial personality, Jackdaw tends to do whatever suits his purpose and his mood at any given moment. He gives his handlers plenty of headaches, but the Sentinels keep him around because he's good at what he does. They're willing to turn a blind eye if he gets a little too... enthusiastic about his job.

(Jackdaw has a backstory that ties in with one of my more complex self-plots, which might play a bigger role in the trajectory of his own character later, but for now he's just a demon-hunter--- any kind of demon, not just my own)
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Re: RP Search (lifemate, war, general)

Postby Mousen » 11/23/2014 6:00 AM

Hi! I've been a little bit inactive lately, because college threw me a curve ball. But, I've got a few active RPs now and I wouldn't mind being in a couple more. Particularly lifemate rps. uwu

Okay, so I've got Loz, and I think they might work okay with Qual:

Loz is basically immortal. They have no idea how they ended up becoming immortal. They're supposed to be 40 now, but still look 25, and they don't seem to be able to be killed...? So, they have no idea how that's working. They now work for two vampires, along with various other immortal creatures in the same household. Loz is trying to find out exactly why all this has happened.

Loz is agendered and uses they/their pronouns. In terms of personality, on the surface they're rather normal, confused about their situation and slightly intimidated by their supernatural housemates. But, really, Loz is incredibly adaptable, and practical. They also tend to be slightly pessimistic. They have no family, so have spent most of their life wandering. Loz needs a bit more character development, so it'd be nice to see them out and about. uwu

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: RP Search (lifemate, war, general)

Postby crow » 11/29/2014 6:24 AM

Hmm... I don't have any objections but I do have a concern. Qual's plot is mostly within his backstory, and you mentioned that Loz needed some development, so neither of them has a plot to bring to the table RP-wise. Their premises are certainly both loose enough to allow for a lot of wiggle room and creativity, but nothing jumps immediately to mind for me. I wouldn't mind RPing them together and seeing how it goes, but I tend to do badly with just tossing two characters together without any idea of what's going to happen, since in my experience, those RPs tend to die for me... So, if you've got any ideas, or if you'd be willing to work out a plot with me (or at least the beginning of one) over PMs or something, then I'm all for it. ovo
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