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gimme that romance [still-interested check!]

Postby crow » 10/02/2017 1:22 AM

Lifemates! That's a thing again, so I'm gonna hop back on this bandwagon :U I'm looking for some Romance Plots for my kids.

Things I love: cheesy romance tropes (romcoms!), The Sads (A N G S T, pining, starcrossed lovers, etc)
Things I'm not super keen on: dark stuff (gore, abuse, really gruesome graphic violence, etc); if a character is an exception to this, I'll list it in their descriptions

In short, I'm a vanilla kid living in Weenie Hut Jrs, please treat me gently ;v;

Mind you though, my muse is kinda fickle sometimes, and if a plot/pair idea doesn't really spark anything with me, that's just how it goes sometimes... Either I get excited about something or I don't @_@ It's really nothing personal.

Characters with their own plot prompts


Grayson is... Well, you can call him a ghost, but most people don't know him as such. Sometimes he's an imaginary friend; sometimes he's a little voice in the back of your head telling you that you can do it, that you're doing good, that all the other negative voices inside you are wrong about what they're saying. Sometimes he's just a moment of respite and peace you didn't expect, or a little wellspring of strength that you didn't think you had in you.

Grayson attaches himself to people who are hurting or going through tough times, but only so he can watch over them and encourage them, in hopes of helping them get through things. When he feels that they're in a good place and don't need him anymore, he moves on.


The Calligrapher

A demon with an affinity for ink, Mir is a man of many talents. He can create moving or even living tattoos, write magical contracts to bind mortals and gods alike, or, yes, create a picture of you to age in your place, Dorian Grey style. His services don't come cheap, however, and he's choosy about what jobs he takes on. Once upon a time, when he was young and naive, he was led on and then discarded by a lover, and now he has defected from the demon realm, working as a freelancer to suit his own whims. He's also discarded his childhood name, preferring the title of The Calligrapher. His clients know him as nothing else.

Finicky, selfish and capricious, it's hard to imagine him caring about anyone or anything besides himself, and... that may not be far from the truth. However, there are moments where it seems as though he may not be as happy with his self-imposed isolation--- he has, among his collection, a scroll with the ghost of a girl trapped inside, for example. Unfortunately, his need for control keeps him isolated, and he is loath to put himself in a position of any emotional vulnerability again.

With him, I want someone who can... stick around long enough to get him to thaw? It's going to be a bit of a masochism tango at the start since he's very closed-off, distrustful and self-serving. He doesn't like people who want things from him, but it might be interesting to have someone who ends up serving him as his assistant because they need to commission him but have no other way to pay, just because it gives them a reason to stick around and him a reason to tolerate them; plus having leverage in the situation would make Mir more comfortable, and give him room to let down his guard/form an attachment.

Personality-wise, I think I'd prefer someone that calls him out for being an asshole, but who could eventually also come to empathize with him somewhat (just because I'm thinking I'd like to avoid the love martyr trope now). I'd imagine in the latter case it would be a somewhat antagonistic relationship at the start, with Mir bringing that power imbalance into play more, or at least trying to. Which could be fun, in its own way. P:

Paper Doll

One of the Calligrapher's creations. The Doll was a creature of paper and inks, brought to life by his creator's magic, made in the image of the Calligrapher's former lover. He was designed to be perfectly sweet-tempered and obedient, unable to even think of betraying his master; he lived only to provide companionship and to serve. But his visual resemblance to that ex-lover was too strong, and soon his creator couldn't bear to look at him. In a fit of rage, the Calligrapher disfigured him, burning off half his face, before discarding him entirely and telling him never to return.

The Doll now wanders, bereft of purpose. He looks, for all intents and purposes, like a real person, though half his face is always hidden and wrapped in bandages. Beneath those bandages, the illusion ends, and the 'flesh' is very clearly burnt paper. He doesn't know much about the world, and his nature is still to trust people, though he's more nervous than he once was, and has an understandably strong fear of fire.

I'm strictly looking for fluff and/or hurt/comfort with him. I thought maybe he could end up finding a human or at least a non-magical calligrapher or painter or something? Since he was created with ink and paper, people who have mastery over that type of craft fascinate him. He'd possibly try to approach them with the eventual intent of seeing if they could 'repair' him, though it probably isn't possible.

Characters without significant plot prompts (Bring Your Own?)

Vague Concepts

These guys are kind of... more ideas than fleshed-out characters, so there's room for us to work out a plot together, if you like? Especially if your character is looking for something specific/has significant mythos of their own.

Taylor, the Latte Boy

Taylor works as a barista at a slightly eccentric coffee shop. He has an interesting curse: when he's on the clock, people will inexplicably find themselves falling in love with him. It only works on the premises though, and as soon as either of them exits the building, it stops.

He's pretty unhappy about it. As it is, he's only working there because he ended up indebted to the owner, who then threw in the curse as a fun, sadistic little bonus. The creepers are annoying, and all the stuttering clients makes his work go that much slower. He doesn't know how to remove the curse either...

Taylor's mostly under 'vague concepts' because I don't have a plot in mind for him, and he's still more or less a crack concept (based off the song, Taylor the Latte Boy, and the response song). But if you've got a plot idea, hmu :U


A living shadow, who attaches itself to a host to feed on their thoughts... But not in a malicious way. They eat the excess thoughts of people to keep them from going insane or, in more mundane cases, from becoming too anxious or depressed--- things like that. They're also very protective of their hosts, doing their best to shield them from harm. They generally find another host when their current one dies or goes senile (at which point they'd be doing their hosts more harm than good) but some become so attached to a particular host that they let themselves fade away once that host is gone, rather than moving onto another.

Guardian Lions

Guardians of homes, shrines, etc. Loosely based off the guardian lions/komainu found in China, Japan, etc, these guardian statues have the spirits of powerful supernatural entities sealed inside. If they guard a place for long enough, the creatures become very minor gods in their own right, gaining the ability to make their spirit forms material and take a human shape, though any harm to their statue body will affect their spirit form too. No distinct personalities/character concepts yet, but possibly someone finds an abandoned shrine, and meets the guardians? Or alternatively maybe a museum curator or simply a rich private collector acquires one or a pair, or something like that.
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/02/2017 1:29 AM


Even if we don't do any lifematey romancey things I'd love to see his interaction with Core?? And see if they hit it off. They're both AI / computer programs but their personalities are such opposites... idk, I think it'd be fun. xD!

Admin is a malevolent computer virus that acts similarly to a poltergeist. Despite having artificial intelligence, he seems very much self-aware and autonomous, and he seems to pick up mannerisms, phrases, and personality traits of the humans whose computers he haunts. He is utterly nihilistic in nature with no regard for human life other than to serve as entertainment. Admin spreads through infected files on e-mails, often pandering to human beings’ desire for love and attention and success by faking anonymous love letters, e-mails from old estranged contacts, and messages of great job opportunity offers that claim, quite candidly, to “change your life forever.” Although he can change his appearance fairly easily, he finds it deliciously ironic to take the form of a doglike or catlike creature, since humans seem to like them so much, and watch so many internet videos of them. He hates to be mocked and especially to be ignored, and will do just about anything to get a human’s attention without compromising his place inside their computer. Antivirus software is never a fun time. Admin does not benefit from harming humans, but does gain more and more power the more computers and devices he’s infected. If allowed to, his abilities will grow to move off of the virtual plane; when outside the computer, he can use light and shadow to travel, and can zip from electrical device to device (anything from an alarm clock to a ceiling fan to a power line). Ultimately, he would like to be able to exist on his own without a power source, but it’s a far off dream that, hopefully for humanity, will never be realized.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Night » 10/02/2017 2:23 AM

Applying For: Core
Even if they didn't have any romance stuff going on, I think they'd be interesting to play together (as discussed). She would be really interested in playing the game even before learning there were sentient/semi-sentient NPCs. I think she would be absolutely fascinated.

Hotaru is a young, two-tailed kitsune spirit, and her personality does include all that would generally entail - She is mischievous, though not malevolent, and highly intelligent. Generally her kind enjoy playing pranks and possessing young women, but her interests generally lie elsewhere. She gets her fill for those baser instincts by playing... the SIMS. She is an avid gamer, and generally hates being outside or doing anything that involves much more than a controller. What easier way to live out her thousand years than to never leave her den? She plays all manor of games, but generally prefers RPGs and MMOs over FPS driven games. She still needs a bit more development, but for the most part she is good natured and enjoys having a good time, though it may often be at the expense of others - sometimes crossing lines in the process.

Perhaps she would come into contact with Core or one of the other NPCs because she's just causing general mayhem in the game?
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Flame » 10/02/2017 2:25 AM

Ohhh, lordy. I know we haven't even started our planned RP yet, but I do have some characters to throw atcha. Okay, here we go:

For Core:
Link to post with more character info on these two (the first gal is AggRO, and the second is Cici)

These gals are part of a plot that I'm currently fleshing out with several AI characters (names still pending), and long story short, they're both extremely complex pieces of malware that were actually created to target an MMO (by a rival MMO company) and disrupt it in whatever way possible. They're both now decommissioned, but when they were active, they were two parts of a particularly nasty virus, the first gal being the original of the two (and arguably the most destructive one) whereas the second, glitchy-looking gal was created when the targeted MMO company designed an AI to combat the malware. The second gal was much less visible in the sense that her job was to survey the rival MMO and essentially find and exploit weaknesses, whereas the demonic-looking one was sort of a head-on attack AI. They're both incredibly intelligent, since they had to adapt to combat a firewall that was learning from them as well, but following the subsequent merger of the two MMO companies, they basically just weren't used any more and left to disappear into oblivion.

However, they'd developed enough at this point and pervaded into the internet enough that they are no longer dependent on their original host server, and now just sort of...wander the internet doing as they please. The more aggressive of the two has remained pretty much true to her programming in the sense that she just sort of...wreaks havoc as she goes, also because she doesn't really know any better. She knows a lot more exists out there outside of what her coding tells her, but she hasn't really had anyone to show her the way, so she sticks to what she's comfortable with. So for now, she spends much of her time screwing with coding (particularly for MMOs, since that's her realm of familiarity), potentially crashing player game clients, deleting things out of inventories, wiping memory caches, etc.

Her 'sister', the "shy" one, was actually damaged during a bout against the security AI which was created to stop them, but the company merger happened so soon following that no one bothered to fix her up, and she's now wandering around damaged, probably latching onto the still-functional AI since she's the only thing familiar to her. There's really no ill-intent behind this AI - she's just lost and glitching at the moment (I imagine her manifesting herself as an NPC or perhaps a player character somewhere, but just auto-running into a wall or something), and once she gets past her fear and mistrust, is probably pretty child-like in personality in the sense that she wants to know more about basically everything.

I'm thinking that the first of the 'sisters' might be an interesting match for Core, especially since it would be very easy for them to run into each other. I'd imagine if she were to start screwing with the code of the MMO he oversees (or even the NPCs he watches over), that would probably catch his attention pretty fast.
I could see some interesting existential discussions between the two of them at the very least (once he grabs her attention enough to distract her from tearing up the ambient environment or deleting player characters or something, lol). The second 'sister' could work as well, but she definitely needs a lot more nurturing along the way, and she probably wouldn't be going out of her way to antagonize anyone to start off.

For Mir:

I immediately thought of Zion as soon as I read Mir's blurb, seeing as she has abilities that are sort of...a very weak echo of his powers? She's the offspring of a goddess, but really has no powers of her own aside from being able to animate the things that she draws, the crux of which is her constant companion, a Lusikross she drew early on in her childhood named Sketch (give her a break, she was young when she named him XD). She definitely fits the gentle/understanding role, and she's lived out most of her life completely sequestered away from the mortal plane by her goddess mother, so she's a bit naive and sheltered. I could see her perhaps discovering Mir's abilities and seeking him out for tutelage, or, considering her naivety, it wouldn't be difficult to trick her into falling from her demi-god status if perhaps Mir thought that he could use her for something (even if it's just having a personal assistant or someone to run errands for him). From there, there could definitely be a Stockholm Syndrome sort of situation, since Zi would probably try to see the good in him, if nothing else, to shield her own mind from the terrible things he does/makes her do, and perhaps that childish optimism could eventually sway him as well.
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/02/2017 3:51 AM

I..I couldn't help it.
I told you would end up throwing things.

(I will say I may come throw more at other characters later, but... I need to go to bed now, so.)

These two are maybe for Mr. Popular Core. xD

(I need to formally name her still, but here she is, and I'll refer to her as "Healer," for now.)

Basics from the MMO she originally came from:
+ Originally, players of the game were magically brought into a world that seemed exactly like the game, basically fused with their avatars. What were once NPCs in the game behaved like they were actual people in the world like the game.
+ Players existed entirely within the new world for a few years, not existing at all in the old world.
+ Eventually, after a few years, players discover a way to return home, but found themselves retaining abilities from their other selves.
+ They find means to go back and forth between the "normal," world and the "game," world freely.

Healer was just originally a bot program created to be the perfect healer controlling a player character, including taking care of all the mundane leveling, herb gathering, etc. It basically operated independently in all functions regarding the character, but still acted to its programming, so the person whom created the bot program and the character would always be running on their second computer and act as their party healer for their actual character.

Once the curious event happens where players were fused with their avatars, Healer's bot programming was pulled directly into the character, same as actual players pulled into theirs, but the process gave Healer their own sentience, as seemed to happen with all of the NPCs of the world. She was pulled alone, having been set up to grind while her creator was away and not in her party, so she was pretty lost at first, but during the event that returned players to the real world in their modified selves, Healer went, too, in a body like the character.

Since she was originally a bot program that was a perfect healer, her usual response to anyone hurting is, "Do you require healing?" She's got self awareness and sentience now, but she's still learning and adapting to get away from her initial programming. I figure she's a sweet gal, but lacks some basic human qualities, like the ability to almost always properly emote. I imagine she is generally pretty excitable and curious about everything, though.

Since she gained a physical form outside of the MMO where she was, I'm thinking that's its possible for her (and the others from said MMO), to enter into other MMOs, same way they do with the MMO they originated from. Where they go into the game. Or, you know, they can just set up regular player characters and play the old school way, but... the first is more likely, since they all had a taste for adventure.

In which case, Healer could jump into Core's game, and I feel like she could very much relate to Core (or any of the other NPC fellows), especially since she didn't even start as artificial intelligence, just a bot program that gained it later. She's pretty much just cute and wants to do good, as seems to be the nature of ideal healers.


One of the owners and founders of the Love Me Corporation and creators of the Artificial Personal Lovers, "APLs," that are advanced robots with amazing artificial intelligence designed to be forever companions for their individual users. He is enthralled with the concept of love, despite seeming to have have no such luck in said department, which pushed him to create the APLs so that others could experience love. As he cares for the APLs much like they are his own children, he is often the one most concerned with their well being and dislikes it if they are being mistreated.  He is an experienced programmer, but he handles most of the social and business end work for the company. Generally, he's an extrovert and enjoys social situations; his best friend, Zev, a fellow programmer and APL founder, is an introvert, and the two somewhat balance one another out. Some of his past times includes gaming, especially MMORPGs, reading, and shopping/fashion, since he is responsible for arranging the wardrobe for the model-esque APLs.

Just... his usual bio there, lol.

But, yes, Zev and Avario are best friends, in real life. They quite possibly live together or in the same building (I never decided). As Avario is very big into gaming, too, he follows Zev to pretty much any MMO that Zev takes interest in (because he can always trust that nerd's opinion of a game) so they can party up. Even in games, Zev prefers playing mostly solo, but Avario is an exception to this rule, as one of the few living people he can tolerate. I already mentioned that Avario would totally follow Zev to the MMO Core is responsible for after in the past, so I have no doubts he'd be a player there. He's close by, so a potential meeting could kind of come naturally, because of a mutual friend.

Avario is my soft precious child, whom probably feels about his APLs the same way that Core feels about the NPCs, so they are kind of similar. Avario had a hand in creating artificial intelligence planted into robots for the sake of romance, so I don't see him having any issues with being romantically invested into a different AI, regardless of their lack of physical representation in the real world. (He could always build them a body and hack the game to take Core's program if it ever came to that, like the creators discovered what was happening, or just if you wanted, but that'd be an up to you thing.)

Admittedly, the pairing would probably have little conflict since they're both precious sunshine kids and Avario is nurturing, which some might find boring, but if you want just fluff and sweetness, he's an option. I mean, he can be a nag for someone's sake (like when he tells Zev "you need to get out of the house," over and over again until Zev takes the day off of work and goes out for the day once a month), but not very conflict-y, as far as relationships go. His nagging at Core would probably be something like, "Take care of yourself, too, okay? Not just everyone else (the NPCs)." And it'd be like, "It's okay if shit goes down, we got you." Two programmers/hackers could be handy allies if shit hits the fan.


This is the gal I wanted to maybe try throwing at your Fallen Angel boy.
(Again, uh, ignoring species differences.)

Intrepidus, "Intre"

Long story short, Intre is is a mixture of things, with blood coming from a demon and blood coming from a light mage, both muddied up by mortal blood. The demon blood was most present in her and her older brother, Atros, although she always had much better control over herself than Atros did growing up, whom was more likely to get violently out of control if he became unstable. Her younger brother, Zaak, was weak, compared to them, and she always protected him from Atros' bullying and violence. As such, she and Atros definitely had their own issues with one another. (I say younger and older, but they're all just minutes apart.)

At some point, Zaak is hospitalized and, murdered (not by Atros, yay old Evelon war), and she kind of slips after that and loses her faith in humanity. She slips so far that she begins to believe that everyone, herself included, is better off dead. No longer having to struggle to live. She eventually manipulates her older, unstable sibling and causes several deaths from getting him to lose control, but always comes to the "rescue," to subdue him at some point.

This is background to other aspects of her, though. At some point, her younger sisters are born, and she mellows out and becomes rather grounded again. She works as a voice actress, and stage actress/singer and is fairly well known. She's especially sweet to her younger sisters and, in her past time, enjoys things like reading.

I've always wanted to pair her off with someone angelic. Namely because, at some point,she DOES go through with taking her own life, in order to come back as a full demon. But she's not actually inherently evil, so someone to show her that life really is bad as she believes it to be is exactly what she needs.

She, uh, might be too extreme for your Fallen Angel guy since she has orchestrated some pretty bad stuff, but I figured I'd try throwing her anyways. I feel like, if anyone can forgive her for her sins and encourage her to repent, it would be someone of angelic nature. If nothing, she is far too loyal to leave behind someone she cares for and has a protective nature.

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Re: gimme that romance

Postby crow » 10/04/2017 4:14 AM

I'm... probably going to wait til the weekend to give this a proper response to be honest; school's being a bear and I need time to see if any plot ideas jump out at me anyway. BUT! I've rearranged things a little and separated characters by how much of a plot prompt they come with (Paper Doll has had one added).

And since Core's proving to be so popular, I decided to throw up three of the AIs he watches over. XD If all you're looking for is to RP with a sentient MMO NPC, consider taking a look at them? (I'll be real here, I'm honestly a little concerned about whether I'm gonna be able to run Core, specifically, in 4+ threads. I'm fond of him but... maybe not THAT fond @_@)

Thanks so much for everyone's interest though! I'll have a more... relevant reply up over the weekend ovo
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby SpringsSong » 10/04/2017 10:11 AM

I'd still be interested in trying to hash things out with Eleanor and Ryen if you are?  Can always talk things over in the Discord if you'd like.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Indigo » 10/04/2017 4:43 PM

I have a thought about someone who might be interesting with one of the AIs. I was thinking specifically of Ren but she might work with any of them idk.

Zerax is herself a sentient AI, although in the form of a physical robot rather than a disembodied computer program. She was not originally intended to have consciousness, as is often the case, and her creator tried to scrap her when he discovered she had developed free will, but she escaped and ended up working with some scientists who aren't super important to this specific conversation but who helped her adjust to being a person. Now she does a lot of programming for them while trying to figure out whether she might want to do anything else with her life, and in her spare time she also plays video games, including a few MMOs; she likes to see how far outside the intended path a game will allow her to go, so it's likely she'd encounter Ren at some point. [My brain went off on this long tangent about Zerax finding out Ren is in danger from the developers and trying to build a physical housing for her so she can leave the MMO entirely but idk if that would work for you, it is very specific.]

What are you looking at?

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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 10/04/2017 9:57 PM

Okay, so bear with me a moment on this one. I have someone that might-could work for your Fallen Angel boyo. This is me, so he's male - obviously. He's also originally written for the Supernatural universe, but I could edit him any which-a-way you prefer. I'll give you his basic bio first [as he doesn't have an evelon body/form quite yet].

Evan is a demon. Or, that is to say, he's mostly a demon. Thing is, there are such things as 'good' demons - and the one possessing the boy happens to be on the lighter side of hell. Evan is the boy - the demon never gave a name, and took the boy's as his own when he ran across him dying from an auto-immune disease and blunt-force trauma to the head. Either one of them would have killed him - but the demon offered Evan the chance to actually do something with his life, instead of having it end in the car-crash that took his brother. They have a very give-and-take relationship. The demon is probably the worst "demonic force" in the history of demonic forces, as he pretty much asked permission to possess Evan. Not wanting to die, the boy agreed, and they sort of time-share the body. Most demons can force their hosts to do things while still in the back of their minds... but this one doesn't force. He's just a resident in the kid's body. Keeping him alive. Occasionally taking over to enjoy the finer things in life [who knew demons loved cream cheese and lox?] and help out where Evan's human strength isn't enough. Even so, when Evan OR the demon get angry enough, his eyes turn deep black, and there are some real powers behind those fingers. Most of the time, he looks weak and innocent - like you could blow him over with a strong gust. It's a figure he cultivates to avoid getting Hunted.

Okay, that was the basics. In terms of plot with him - well, both Evan and the demon are looking for company in the way of a boyfriend. They have similar tastes, but those tastes tend to run toward what they refer to as 'good guys' - which makes the whole "hey, I'm a demon" thing a bit on the inconvenient for dating side. The demon probably would be amused at the very least if they ran across a handsome fallen angel. Evan himself would probably be smitten. There are a couple of flaws with both of them - and one of the human's flaws is that he does believe in love at first sight, and it's hurt him half-a-dozen times before. The demon is generally distrustful of new people [or new crushes] for that very reason. Evan-the-human also had NO supernatural senses whatsoever, so it's always Evan-the-demon who senses things. Fallen Angel would ping pretty high on the 'DO NOT APPROACH' list - but my guess is that Evan-the-human would do so anyway, if he were attracted enough. XD
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby crow » 10/07/2017 10:07 PM

Hoooooo boy. Okay. Replies!

Zap: We cooouuuld have them meet but tbh I'm not really sure how down I am for RP scenarios where Core's MMO being attacked; the more I think about it, the less I want to RP him in a direct conflict @_@ Also you have so many threads, we have so many threads (including at least one that we still gotta start); mmmaybe we can put this on a backburner?

Night: We talked it out a bit over IMs, and I thiiink we decided that it might be more fun for Hotaru to run into Fabian instead? If you wanted to do that, we can ovo

Flame: Hmm... They're interesting characters, for sure, but like I said to Zap, I don't know if it'll be much fun for me to RP Core in a conflict situation where it's his game being attacked. And beyond the initial meeting (which would probably mostly just involve Core worrying a lot), I'm not really sure where they'd have to go from there either? So... yeah @_@

As for Zion with Mir, I do see some potential, yeah. It'd definitely be interesting since I could also see Mir feeling threatened by the idea of someone having the same ability as he does, even if it's in a more limited capacity. He'll probably take her on and then just... not teach her anything, and probably be petty and cruel in other minor ways too. (In all fairness, this is in his profile, so I hope it doesn't come as a surprise x3; ) But with enough time, he could potentially warm up to her in a hot-and-cold, cat-like sort of way, since he is pretty lonely. The premise has enough to it that I'm not worried about immediately running out of things to write about, so we can at least start a thread and see how it goes?

Toxic: We did talk over DMs about Avario and Core meeting through Streil and Zev, and all the shenanigans that could lead to. I'm very much down for that. ovo

As for Fallen Angel, it's not that I'm opposed to plotting him with anyone as intense as Intre, but I just don't know...? how/where it would go, and I'm generally fairly leery of starting anything without more premise than "two people run into each other and hope for the best", just because in my experience, I tend to run out of steam immediately in those circumstances. But if you had any specific ideas, I'm all ears P: (none come to mind on my end, but Fallen Angel's character is pretty vague/loose at this point, and also midterms are around the corner and I'm slightly fried)

Spring: ... For some reason I had a brain fart, I guess, and thought this wasn't a thing anymore. @_@ My bad! But yeah, if you wanted to reply to the thread...? Or did you want to start a new one or...?

Indigo: I think I floated the idea over DMs too, but I was thinking possibly Zerax meets Ren by catching onto a distress signal Ren sends out after she's been quarantined by the developers of her MMO? And from there Zerax could help free her, and... I haven't really thought past that, but even as an episodic one-off, it could be fun to have them meet that way if you're up for it.

Ari: Your guy(s?) has a cool concept for sure, I'm just... not sure how comfortable I'd be with the whole... two distinct entities in one body situation for a loveline plot, at least with this character of mine. x3;

HHHhhhh really hoping I didn't miss anyone! But if I did, feel free to poke me. This was a big ol' post.
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Flame » 10/08/2017 12:11 AM

I hear you - for AggRO, the overall concept that I had for her in my head was using her pesky, poltergeist-y tendencies as a reason for her to bump into another character, but then eventually for them to teach her that there's more to life (artificial or otherwise) than simply doing what's familiar to her. She's intelligent, and mostly just destructive out of a lack of knowing what better to do with herself, so it probably wouldn't take too long (with some convincing arguments) to turn her from her current ways (although perhaps she would need reining in from time to time). There's also Cici, who just needs someone to guide/care for her (which would probably fall more under Core's comfort zone), but it sounds like you might already have plans for him, so I'll leave it at that. ^^

Zion and Mir sound good to me! Did you have any specific thoughts as to how you wanted them to first meet/for her to become his apprentice? Despite her age, she's never actually been to the mortal world before, due to how shielded her life has been, but a close friend of hers just recently 'escaped' to Evelon recently, so I could see that motivating her to perhaps try it as well. Maybe her meeting Mir is serendipitous, or perhaps she's drawn to him subconsciously due to his similar abilities (like...a sort of sixth sense for supernaturals or something), or maybe she's even heard talk of someone with his powers from the immortals and their consorts who do frequent the mortal plane. A bit of a silver tongue is really all Mir would need to trap her, considering her innocence, so it's more a matter of figuring out how to get them together in the first place.

I may have potential ideas for one or two of your other characters as well, but I really need to head off to pack for my business trip right now, and mull over the concepts a bit first (also I'm sure having a bajillion applications dumped on you at once is probably a bit overwhelming X3).
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Re: gimme that romance

Postby Indigo » 10/08/2017 9:25 AM

We did talk about that a little bit and I still like the idea. I'm not really sure where it would go after that either but we can always just see how it develops. [I do see Zerax getting super invested in helping very quickly because of course "AI threatened by creator due to being the wrong thing" is very familiar to her but idk how that would affect things post-rescue exactly.] But yes. Even if it's just a one-off it'll be good.

What are you looking at?

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Re: gimme that romance

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/08/2017 12:15 PM

Yee I totally getcha! No problems there~

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: gimme that romance [still-interested check!]

Postby crow » 05/31/2018 1:56 AM

Small update. I'm in the mood for new plots again, sorta, and I've gotten a couple of new character ideas since I posted this.

Also checking if anyone is still interested in anything we plotted here previously, since I haven't followed up properly for the most part, but I also haven't heard back from most folks in a while, so @_@

(if we've talked about things within the last 3 months or so and/or the thread's been started, please disregard)
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Re: gimme that romance [still-interested check!]

Postby ShadowStitches » 06/02/2018 4:16 PM

Oh my, Paper Doll is A D O R A B L E!!!
I love the concept you have going on for him! have this boy who could potentially work with him ? ( would rent a Lucain form if we would get into breeding)

Have to still type up his story/personality in the new den, but the short of it is:
Dexter is a very anxious and sensitive artist. He mostly specializes in painting and drawing, but he also works with other mediums every now and again. Dex was quite unfortunate in his love life so far, with him being extremely shy even before certain events. His one actual date/situation where he met someone turned out to be quite disastrous. Dex was, at the time, attending art college and happened to meet a vampire in a bar. Long story short, while he was not the victim, he witnessed the vampire lady draining another unfortunate soul, which, understandably, scarred him pretty badly. He only recently, years later, managed to somewhat get a grip enough to leave the house without suffering a mental breakdown, but ist still quite jittery.

Since then, he also completely gave up on even the idea to date anyone. Probably out of an underlying fear of ending up as the meal for some creature of the night. H does suffer under that however, secretly being a very romantic person who longs for a partner. He is, once one gets past his anxiousness, an extremely kind an caring soul. He always makes sure that his friends are doing well before caring for himself, and is determined to fix problems of others, somtimes to a fault. This, coupled with his ability to listen closely, makes him a very dar friend to those who are close to him.


I think they could work well with eachother? with Dex being an artist and everything? He might get spooked a bit once he realizes what exactly Paper Doll is (as he is...not super fond of the supernatural after his experience. he would, however, get over that quite quickly I think), but want to help him once the initial scare would be over? I dunno, what do you think?
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