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Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Skylark » 03/26/2018 9:04 AM

College can't be that hard, right? It's basically high school, but with more independence. Even if you wind up having to room with your asshole brother you can barely stand, you still haven't got a clue how to handle your own emotions so instead you end up lashing out at everyone around you, your answer to any life problem is to running away from it REALLY FAST, or you're stuck juggling a bunch of hopeless morons who think they're adults when they really, really, REALLY aren't there yet when all you wanna do is curl up with some soothing chamomile and the hardest sudoku games you can find to relax, for once in your life.

Have I gotten your attention yet?

I'm looking for a college RP with kinda a big cast. I don't necessarily wanna do it all with one person, but I'll probs be coordinating continuity between multiple RPs by plotting it out and talking to everyone. Maybe some RPs that aren't necessarily 1x1? IDK. Magical college, everyone is some sort of creature or has magic. Located in backwoods mountainous North Carolina, the school is hidden inside a mountain. Or.... is the mountain the school? No one seems to really remember anymore. The headmaster is a dragon, the math teacher is a werebear, everything else is pretty up for grabs. Altho it'd be cool to have a gorgon science teacher FOR SCIENCE.

Oh, shit, yeah, I don't have pet images for anyone yet. I'll. Get around to that eventually.

Disaster level: Average
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan/Bi shrug emoji with a preference towards girls
Brother to Lyall and Tucker
  • Everyone thinks he's the functional one
  • I mean comparatively they're probs right
  • Doesn't really understand his own emotions
  • Tends to go along with accidental flirting until he realizes it's flirting and freezes up
  • My problems will go away if I just ignore them, right?
  • Oh, crap, that doesn't work. I'll fight them instead.

Disaster level: Extreme
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Ace/demi/anyone who can put up with his shit for long enough (personally my preference for him is dudes)
Brother to Cooper and Tucker
  • I can't hear you over the sound of my own hatred for everyone
  • Tsundere Tsundere Tsundere
  • Pushing people away is, like, what I'm good at?
  • Why change something that's WORKING for me???
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms for stress
  • Can't handle his own emotions
  • Fight versus Flight? Shit, I thought it was fight THEN flight.

Disaster level: High
Gender: Female
Sexuality: oh NO girls are cute
Sister to Cooper and Lyall
  • Sort of addicted to running
  • Honestly has the best way to deal with stress out of all her siblings
  • Doesn't even get to accidental flirting she's already running away
  • Just gals being pals haha I can handle this i can - I can not handle this
  • If you haven't guessed yet she's very shy
  • Surprisingly good at burns once she's comfortable
  • I mean she sorta has to be have you seen her brothers???

Disaster level: Constant Flux
Gender: Male
Sexuality: i don't have time for this i'm gay
He teaches math to the heathens (or at least tries to)
  • He's just doing his best okay
  • Looks like a cinnamon roll, could definitely kill you
  • He lifts (to be fair, it's kinda part of his super power)
  • Constantly mistaken for a student
  • Can't believe he was ever that young when he's literally. Not that much older than his students.
  • Math is his happy place
  • Constantly mourns the current state of math education
  • "When will I ever have to know this?" -> Why the f* did you decided to take my f*ing class if you're just gonna f*ing complain the whole t- "Well, you have to know it right now, so that counts for something?"
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Shaetani » 03/26/2018 8:15 PM

I'd love to throw a student at this and maybe a cafeteria worker or janitor :D

Chocomallow Teigu - student - name and gender not decided yet

Marty lives in the basement of the college science building. He's a night worker that pretty much avoids people as best he can. See, unlike some of the were creatures that can shift and look mostly human Marty has never managed to hide more than two of his tentacles at a time. At least with cleaning it makes it easier to have multiple limbs. Besides he's much more comfortable in his original shape than when he's trying to pretend. His mate Devora is far smarter than he is and spends months on end out and about doing research. Thanks to that he does have several vials of a magical potion that can force him to be a full human in shape for up to twelve hours. He hasn't used any yet but he has promised the headmaster that he'll use one on prom night so that he can be on cleaning duty without standing out far too much.

Marty the Janitor
The Khalmar MK III, Biolight Version
Element: Metal
Loyalty: 5
Toughness: 12
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 0
Darkness: 3
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Indomitable Discipline, Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Constricting Body, Veteran Knowledge
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Skylark » 03/28/2018 7:43 AM

Awesome! :D Any idea what kinda student/creature/thing you'd wanna do? Or who you might wanna play with?
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Shaetani » 04/03/2018 2:04 AM

there, I got marty's general info up, haven't decided on a student info yet except maybe pet type :D
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Jaden Wolf » 04/03/2018 2:29 AM

Oh hey, this...kinda looks cool. :3
I just came up with a character on the spot for it, yo.

(I'ma borrow your character layout, if that's cool)
Dane Court
Disaster level: Fairly low so long y'all don't piss him off
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demi with a preference for men, probably
Just out of med school, getting some actual experience as a school nurse
Not a beast or anything, but his family genes include ridiculous superhuman strength and no one remembers why
  • The most expressionless guy you will probably ever meet - deadeye stare and all
  • Why does the school nurse have tribal tattoos
  • Nearly failed med school cause he got 0 on bedside manner
  • Deadpan communication skills
  • How did he even get hired
  • He also gets annoyed super easy
  • Not sure if his superhuman strength could be any scarier when he always has a deadpan expression using it
  • He just wants to heal people why the hell did he have to get placed at this dumb school with its dumb students always doing stupid s***

(I have some others who may be good, but I'll have to consider it later, super busy with school and all, haha)
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Skylark » 04/05/2018 5:40 PM

Shaetani -

Alright so- love it. Love the janitor. But let me give you a little extra insight into the college itself and where he could make his living quarters. When I imagine the college facilities it's like... Think like Mount Weather except it takes up more of the mountain itself, less underground, and it's magic. But you know what's under Mount Weather? You know what's under a TON of mountains in NC? Mines. Abandoned mines that can easily be shielded from mortal eyes, personalized (or not) however you want, very private, and someone had to monitor them / live there to make sure that the damn students aren't trying to grow truly magical herbs down there...

Heck, the mines could even connect to some true underground caverns if you want them to. He could have his own freaking underground lake.

Jaden -

Yoooo this guy sounds hecka fun! He'd be especially fun to throw asshole students at. He also sounds like he and Ethan might get along, if only to bitch about students together! Plus, like, Ethan also has super strength (in bear form) so it'd be kinda hilarious if they ever tried being competitive about it.

Was there anyone in particular you wanted to throw him at to hang with a bit? We could hash something out, his intro to the school and interacting with the headmaster/students/other teachers.


Also, if either of you wanna poke me / plot on discord, I'm usually better about responding there.
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Shaetani » 05/15/2018 1:22 AM

Very interesting :D Yes Marty would enjoy monitoring the mines / tunnels and / or claiming one as his own ^_^
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Re: Navigating College as a Disaster Gay

Postby Yang » 10/22/2018 5:09 PM

sO HEy here are some characters I would love to play  :V  i might sneak in 1 more teacher, we'll see.



A part-time morgue worker, he gives lectures on the (human) body at the school in-between jobs. He's a bit of a stiff and his lectures can carry, but he's always informative and has a passion for what he teaches.
Despite being a Paragon, he walks & talks like a regular joe. The only non-human thing about him are his red eyes and soft,patterned, scaley skin.


A full-sized Paragon ( at 3x the size of a standard horse), most of Arboris' lessons take place outside in the parks when its nice, or in the covered gardens when its awful. He teaches mindfulness, meditation, and how to go about setting goals for meaningful livlihood.

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Ferin and Myria;  
Ferin is in College for the drunken parties, clubs, and getting (vaugley) getting prepared for a future Army Life; Myria is studying to become a surgeon and has little time, or appreciation, for Ferins' constant disturbances.
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