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Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 05/06/2012 7:31 PM

Snowflake trundled into the arena. She lowered her head, watching carefully to see who her opoonent was. She wasn't too worried about getitng too terribly hurt; after all, she was a fast healer and her tough hide certainly gave her an advantage. Snorting and raising a cloud of dust, the luxard settled into a fighting stance, reading herself to impale her opponent on her spiked body and long, sharped-sickled horn. This would certainly prove to be interesting.

(Normal Attack)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Kylo » 05/07/2012 5:03 PM

(Human Form)
Anthos looked around the arena and smiled softly and calmly at all the people who were there. He found to setting to be far calmer than the one in which he had faught before in and in this setting he did not have to kill anyone. Friendly duels where one of his few fond memories of his teen years and this certainly brought them back up. He blnked when he saw who, or rather what, his opponant was. He smiled at the beast and bowed before drawing his sword. He would not try to harm the beast too greatly, just wear it down until the match was over.

(Using normal attack)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Thunder » 05/07/2012 5:18 PM

Round 1

Rolled a 10- MISS

Anthos Kronos
Rolled a 9- MISS

Snowflake has 63 Endurance and 35 AP remaining.
Anthos Kronos has 58 Endurance and 40 AP remaining.

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 05/11/2012 11:16 PM

Snowflake shook her massive head. A miss? Well, at least her opponent had the same type of luck she did. He was so small, though. With a roar, she lowered her head, gatehring her energy, and trundling towards him at a fast clip.

(Normal Attack)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Kylo » 05/13/2012 9:49 PM

He had missed! It was rare that he ever missed his opponant in the past. Maybe he was slowing down, after all his opponant was indeed hard to miss given its size. Raising his sword he watched the beast come right towards him. With a quick lunge forward he slashed at the beast.

(Normal Attack)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Thunder » 05/14/2012 4:00 PM

Round 2

Rolled a 9- MISS

Anthos Kronos
Rolled a 4- HIT
Anthos Kronos does 5 (1 + 4) damage to Snowflake.
Anthos Kronos takes 2 damage from Snowflake's Spiked Body.

Snowflake has 58 Endurance and 35 AP remaining.
Anthos Kronos has 56 Endurance and 40 AP remaining.

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 05/18/2012 10:53 PM

She’d missed again. Well, it stood to reason that her size would get in the way. But she wasn’t going to miss this time. At least, she hoped not. Lumbering forward with a bellow of annoyance, she lowered her head, horn poised to strike.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Kylo » 05/19/2012 12:05 AM

Not wanting to waste his magic yet Anthos decided to slash at his opponant again with his sword. He hoped to hit again and keep danceing out of the beast's way. He had been hit by the beast's spines last time and would most likely be hit again, but it would be worth it. Especially since the beast was taking far more damage than he was. "So friend..........what is you're name anyway? Mine's Anthos." He figured he may as well get to know his opponant by name at least.

(Using Normal Attack)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Thunder » 05/19/2012 12:27 PM

Round 3


Rolled a 9- MISS

Anthos Kronos

Rolled a 5- HIT
Anthos Kronos does 6 (1 + 5) damage to Snowflake.
Anthos Kronos takes 2 damage from Snowflake's Spiked Body.

Snowflake has 52 Endurance and 35 AP remaining.
Anthos Kronos has 54 Endurance and 40 AP remaining.

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 05/19/2012 5:06 PM

Or…she could miss again? How strange…three misses in a row. And now the little thing was talking to her? She eyed him strangely with all ten eyes.  “Little dog-person…” She looked unimpressed. “My name is Snowflake, if you must know. I am not here for pleasantries. I am here to fight.” She lowered her horn and charge. “So let’s not ruin it by getting to know one another.”

(Normal attack)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Kylo » 05/20/2012 10:51 AM

Anthos sighed at Snowflake and rolled his eyes internally. If the beast wanted to not be pleasant then he would just be silent from then on. Snowflake had missed him again much to his delight. Maybe he was still just as fast as he once was. He watched Snowflake charge towards him and he slashed at her.

(Normal Attack)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Round 1-1: Snowflake vs. Anthos [Millie and Talcen]

Postby Thunder » 05/20/2012 4:11 PM

((So a few people just pointed out to me that Millie posted 1 day late twice. I was going to excuse it the first time around because I didn't catch it, but because it happened twice, I'm afraid Talcen will have to win by default due to the rules.

Both of you, please choose another number for your next gamble and post the number in the rules thread. DO NOT post it in this thread- I am changing that rule in hopes of making the tournament move a little faster.))

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