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* Additional Traits; Colors, markings, ect.

Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:20 PM

This is where you can find Traits given out by pet colorations, breedable markings/mini-marks, and Paragon wing and tail types! Remember that not all colorations, markings, mini-marks, wing types, or tail types give out Traits.

Table of Contents
• Coloration Specific Traits
• Lucain Marking Specific Traits
• Paragon Marking Specific Traits
• Paragon Wing Specific Traits
• Paragon Tail Specific Traits
• Soveris Marking Specific Traits
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:21 PM

~*Coloration Specific Traits*~

Color: Aqua
Element: Water
Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic, Ocean Dweller
Battle Traits: Flood

Color: Battlefield
Element: None
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Rousing Speech

Color: Biolune
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Cave Dweller, Luminescent
Battle Traits: None

Color: Blaze
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: Heat Adaptation
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant, Pyro

Color: Bleached
Element: None
Passive Traits: Photosensitivity
Battle Traits: None

Color: Blood
Element: None
Passive Traits: Dash
Battle Traits: None

Color: Blossom
Element: None
Passive Traits: Herbalist
Battle Traits: Mother Nature's Son

Color: Candy
Element: None
Passive Traits: Hyper
Battle Traits: None

Color: Chaos
Element: None
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None

Color: Clockwork
Element: Metal
Passive Traits: Cyborg, Diligent
Battle Traits: Metal Plating

Color: Cobalt
Element: None
Passive Traits: Night Vision
Battle Traits: None

Color: Concept
Element: None
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Elusive Foe

Color: Cursed
Element: None
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind, Disease Immunity, Fast Healing
Battle Traits: None

Color: DreamSnare
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Dream Weaver, Planar Travel
Battle Traits: None

Color: Glacial
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation
Battle Traits: Frost, Snowshoes

Color: Graffiti
Passive Traits: City Dweller, Smooth Talker
Battle Traits: None

Color: Hollow
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Spirit Sense
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Color: Imperial
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender, Loyal
Battle Traits: None

Color: Jewel
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Tough Hide

Color: Lost
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Celestial Heritage, Defender, Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: Shining Aura

Color: Mossdog
Passive Traits: Swamp Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Color: Noel
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Pure Soul
Battle Traits: Snowshoes

Color: Organic
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Jungle Dweller
Battle Traits: Mother Nature's Son

Color: Plush
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender
Battle Traits: Team Defense

Color: Purine
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender, Loyal
Battle Traits: None

Color: Saffron
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Plains Dweller
Battle Traits: Razzle Dazzle, Sink

Color: Seraph
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Celestial Heritage, Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: Shining Aura, Healing Touch

Color: Sky
Element: Air
Passive Traits: Altitude Adaptation
Battle Traits: Bolstering Winds, Solid Stance

Color: Sparkler
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Defender
Battle Traits: Bomber

Color: Temple
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Hulking Figure, Thought-Speech
Battle Traits: Earthquake Stomp, Stoneblood

Color: Treasure
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Hunted
Battle Traits: Blinding Blaze, Shining Aura

Color: Venom
Element: Acid
Passive Traits: Toxic
Battle Traits: Bioaccumulation, Poison Immunity

Color: Void
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Stoic
Battle Traits: Dark Heart, The Will's Connection

Color: Voltage
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: City Dweller
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Lightningstorm, Voltage

Color: Wood
Element: Wood
Passive Traits: Forest Dweller
Battle Traits: Enhanced Regeneration, Mother Nature's Son
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:21 PM

~*Lucain Marking Specific Traits*~

Marking: Ancient
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Appaloosa
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Arach
Passive Traits: Spider Climb
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Backsplash
Element: Water
Passive Traits: Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Bearhound
Passive Traits: Evasive, Fearless
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Celestial
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Coontail
Passive Traits: City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger
Battle Traits: None

Marking: DesertRunner
Passive Traits: Dash
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Dingo
Passive Traits: Plains Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Dweller
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Spirit Sense
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection

Marking: Eclipse
Passive Traits: Night Vision
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Frostbite
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: Freezing Touch, Snowshoes

Marking: Jacket Fox
Passive Traits: Dash, Forest Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Leopard
Passive Traits: Independent, Jungle Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Malamute
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation
Battle Traits: Snowshoes

Marking: Mane
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Heat Adaptation
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Mudbelly
Passive Traits: Inner Discipline
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Orca
Passive Traits: Hulking Figure
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Psi-Eye
Passive Traits: Perceptive
Battle Traits: Blindsense

Marking: Reaper
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Diehard

Marking: Ringed
Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Shadebane
Passive Traits: Padded Paws
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Split
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Storm
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Elusive Foe

Marking: Striped
Passive Traits: Fearless
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Sundancer
Passive Traits: Dash, Desert Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: TailTip
Passive Traits: Artist
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Vines
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son

Marking: Warrior
Passive Traits: Independent
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws

Marking: X
Passive Traits: Pure Soul
Battle Traits: None
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:22 PM

~*Paragon Marking Specific Traits*~

Marking: Ancient
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Bones
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death

Marking: Celestial
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Chaos
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Flames
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant

Marking: Ivy
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son

Marking: Lizard Legs
Passive Traits: Climber
Battle Traits: Extended Claws

Marking: Muddy
Passive Traits: Swamp Dweller
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Predator
Passive Traits: Animalistic Nature
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Skulls
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:22 PM

~*Paragon Wing Specific Traits*~

Wing: Angelic
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Butterfly
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Crystal
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Ecliptic
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Hybrid
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Insectile
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Wing: Plume
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Pyro

Wing: RazorWing
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: VoidWing
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Wing: Webbed
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:23 PM

~**Paragon Tail Specific Traits*~

Tail: FishFin
Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Tail: Flames
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Pyro

Tail: Scorpion
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Toxin
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Postby Kyrit » 06/24/2015 3:23 PM

~**Soveris Marking Specific Traits*~

Marking: Celestial
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

Marking: Skeletal
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death

Marking: Striped
Passive Traits: Fearless
Battle Traits: None
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