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:.:Halloween Pets:.:

Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:03 PM

The original prices for seasonal pets were never recorded on the freewebs site, so users often wonder how much they originally cost. This thread has been created to provide users with the information about the Halloween seasonal pets, including their descriptions since Halloween pets were never added to the website.
* This list was originally kept updated by ToxicShadow, but has been taken under my care so I could place it in this section and keep it updated from now on.
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Re: :.:Halloween Pets:.:

Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:04 PM

:.:Halloween 2008:.:

Hallow Dalma
"Mischievous pranksters, this breed of Dalma loves to play tricks on unsuspecting people. Even more than that, however, they love candy! If you give them a tough riddle or some delectable candy, you'll earn their respect."
Originally cost 10 CP

"A creature of unknown origin, it can only be distantly chalked as related to the raven and crow species of Evelon. It is quite a cold-hearted species, as none have ever bonded to anyone and in fact will attack viciously if provoked, though they are thinkers rather than fighters. Even their eyes, if stared into long enough, can make one experience a temporary feeling of hate towards everything. As well, their tails are strong enough to serve as their own perches and can easy crush a person's neck. Malphas also have an uncanny control over ice, dropping their surroundings to freezing temperatures when agitated."
Originally cost 20 CP

Myu Reaper
"These cute little creatures like to try and find symmetry in everything, and become somewhat distressed if they can't. They can also tell when someone is about to die, though they don't actually have any connection to the Death God, Xai're."
Originally cost 8 CP

"A creature in the here-and-now, the Relowockee isn't afraid to admit it has a flexible range of tastes. They are quite experimentive and aren't afraid to try something new, boldly striding forward without fear or doubt. Because of this, Relowockees also have the tendency to show off in some way or another."
Originally cost 18 CP

Slaughter Dalma
"Perhaps the least predictable breed of Dalma, this is one creature that you do not want to meet in a dark alley at night. They have a strange liking for blood and dismemberment..."
Originally cost 10 CP

Sweetodd Dalma
"An interesting breed, these Dalmas have a strange liking of having their fur groomed and trimmed well, and try to keep their companions neatly kept as well. They also have an affinity for meat pies..."
Originally cost 10 CP

Dweller Akail
"These dark creatures were the ones responsible for the beginnings of the Hunters' troubles. Slipping quietly through the shadows, they whispered into the Hunters' ears and told them of the great things that could be theirs, should be theirs. They made the Hunters too arrogant, and thus began their downfall. Sly and devious, this is a creature that is not to be trusted."
Originally cost 14 CP

Volt Sparquill
"Unlike their Sparquill cousins, the Volt specimen seems to be much more aggressive. An old Evelonian legend states that the red parts of their body comes from the blood of their defeated victims, and that their eyes slowly turned red due to lack of common sense. Not all of them are so mean-spirited, though, but many of them are very protective over their territory and will not hesitate to shock you dangerously if you do something that would displease them. If you earn the loyalty of a Volt Sparquill, however, it will use its electricity resources to defend you at all cost, no matter the circumstances. They are, in many ways, the very opposite of their sweet, laid back, curious cousins."
Originally cost 6 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:05 PM

:.:Halloween 2009:.:

Blood Skwyrm -> Annelidrak
"You loved your little Cherry Blood bags, didn't you? Well... so does the Blood Skwyrm! These little guys are leeches, literally. Blood Skwyrm hug you by sticking onto a limb and sucking some of your blood out... But be careful, because some of them are wicked enough to take a huge drink out of you! But if you have some spare blood in the fridge, you should be able to keep these little kids happy. They also happen to be great pets beside their love for blood, since they are very affectionate and love attention."
Originally cost 10 CP

Candy Corn Kitrell
"While your other Kitrells might prefer wildlife, the Candy Corn Kitrells lurk the streets on Halloween and play 'adorable' until someone takes them home, where they can... eat candy corn in incredible quantities. This sub-breed of Kitrell adores candies, but the candy corn is definitely its favorite. If it asks to take care of giving candy to the kids... don't leave it our of your sight."
Originally cost 10 CP

"Ever wondered what the Evelonian witch looked like? It's not a scary pet like a Kirund, or a huge pet like a Battleheart... Instead, one of the most mythical legends of Halloween lives on in the form of a Drakelph. But as they say, looks can be deceiving! These guys know magic and potions from A to Z, and they have no regret stealing candies from harmless Trick-or-Treating kids. Some of them don't apply to the rule, though, and just love to meddle in with the crowd of kids on Halloween. After all, their costume is always the best and the most realistic one, wouldn't you agree?"
Originally cost 20 CP

Harvest Leumoo
"The Harvest Leumoo lurks in orchards of unsuspecting farmers to eat as many pumpkins as they can, and they're known to prey on poor Patchbones as well. Harvest Leumoos love to hang around Sekudui Farmlands, sometimes stealing a few Harvest items or two from storage when nobody's looking. If your Harvest is especially low in October... there's your reason! But their love of eating harvested food is a good thing for farmers, often hiring the powerful Harvest Leumoos to tend to the land. The feast tastes so much better when you've worked for it!"
Originally cost 22 CP

Invert Myu Reaper
"The Invert Myu Reaper are your normal little house cats that love to be petted and cuddled and fed. The only downside to this is that this new breed of Myu Reaper... never agrees with conventional logic. As a result, the Invert Myu Reaper argues with people about everything, constantly disagreeing with people's arguments (even if the people are right!). They're hard to bear, and as if their illogical arguing wasn't bad enough, they also happen to be extremely stubborn. So until you feed your Invert Myu Reaper some milk, or unless you admit defeat, you're in for a long debate."
Originally cost 16 CP

Malachite Hunter
"The Malachite Hunters, unlike their fellow brothers, were not cursed when the Hunters fell. Some people believe it is because the Malachite Hunters are extremely lucky by nature. Keeping evil spirits and bad creatures away from them, the Malachite Hunters are popular with parents to keep their children safe during Halloween. It all works out well, too, considering the Malachite Hunters are amazing babysitters. These Hunters are always found in a cheerful mood, and it seems like nothing can get them down. Besides this, these Hunters are said to possess the strange ability to read the deepest feelings of their most trusted friends."
Originally cost 30 CP

Misprint Corbine
"The Misprint Corbine could be described as a comic books addict. These Corbines just stay locked in their room, reading comic books from morning to night, barely finding any time to eat and sleep in-between! They love to collect comic books, to read comic books, to buy comic books... They love everything related to comic books. As such, owners of Misprint Corbines have reported that their Corbines were often whiny and rather spoiled, crying for more books until they actually got them. If you get your hands on a Misprint Corbine, be careful not to spoil it too much!"
Originally cost 24 CP

Nebula Evren
"The Nebula Evren is considered to be one of the most knowledgeable Evren there is on Evelon. Of course, with this title comes some sort of... vanity on their part. Some of them see their species as superior to the Soldiers and the Bruisers, and some Nebula Evren even claim silly lies like how "some of them come from space." Hah, have you ever heard something so silly before? Because of their vain character, the Nebula Evren are hard to manage by young breeders, and they tend to disobey to their owner very often, always thinking that their knowledge means they're the wisest. Which, by their behavior, shows you that's not true at all..."
Originally cost 14 CP

"You remember how lovely (and scary!) those crafted pumpkins were when you were little? The Patchbones will change your point of view. These stealthy and sneaky tricksters lay down on the side of the road patiently, waiting for little kids, and adults, to walk past it. If you're unfortunate enough to walk in front of a Patchbones and not an actual pumpkin... you're in for some biting. Patchbones snap their jaws on anything that walks right past them, leaving the unfortunate victims to their tears and with stinging bite marks. And because nobody ever notices that they're the ones behind the biting, they always get away with it! Talk about luck."
Originally cost 10 CP

Star Seraphent
"The Star Seraphents are creatures said to bring good luck and happiness to their owner. These Seraphents are very understanding and open-minded, and psychologists often consult specially trained Star Seraphents to help with bad psychological cases. Surprisingly enough, these Seraphents also happen to be lone travelers, visiting town after town, their bright and helpful spirit giving whatever help it can to the villagers. They are amazing mediators, and rarely take sides in arguments."
Originally cost 28 CP

Traveler Wilson
"A Mr. Wilson that's always on the go, it's normally hard to find this species until around the fall season where you can see several flocks of these birds passing overhead. As their name states, the Traveler Wilson makes it's journey to several places across the world within the year without tiring. Oddly enough, they have a distinct apprehension towards the combination of airplanes and birthday songs."
Originally cost 12 CP

Undead Bandol
"At first, we thought the blood and the hollow eyes and the... undeadness around it were just a costume. But as it turns out, these Undead Bandols are truly undead! Not only that, they stick to the common zombie stereotypes by losing limbs, looking absolutely dead, and by... trying to eat people's brains. Having no teeth, however, these poor little things never succeed at eating people's brains, and simply nom on people's heads indefinitely. Oh, we also tried to wash the blood on their bandages... and we learned it's permanent, so don't bother. Your Undead Bandol is destined to look... undead."
Originally cost 18 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 09/16/2011 1:50 PM

:.:Halloween 2010:.:

Bewitched Tavil
"The Bewitched Tavil are quite the mysterious pets. They are witches, just like the Drakelph, and the relationship between the two species varies from one pet to the next. Some will work with Drakelphs and even become infatuated with them, while others will despise the other species and even make it a goal to kill any Drakelph that gets in their way. Beyond their rivalry, the Bewitched Tavils usually stay in the Slums, creating potions and making all sorts of strange recipes. They do not actually have a taste for magic or for a breakthrough; they are usually very bored Tavils who do not know what else to do with their lives. Rumors says Bewitched Tavils — whom can use magic, mind you — were once regular Tavils that were thrown into buckets of radioactive matter. Maybe you shouldn't get too close to these pets..."
Originally cost 30 CP

Crops Nyghtmare
"Legends speak of a Nyghtmare that cancels out the curse of the Wilt Floranas. The Crops Nyghtmare creates fertile soil as it walks, purifying infertile grounds and giving dying soils enough minerals for crops to grow. While seeing a Crops Nyghtmare is said to be impossible, the myth comes from the fact the Nyghtmare blends in with the crops. They are shy, soft-spoken creatures who avoid human contact, and even contact with their fellow pets. If a farmer is lucky enough to see a Crops Nyghtmare, legends say the farmer will have fertile land for many generations to come, so that his family and the family of his children will never starve."
Originally cost 14 CP

Decayed Fenling
"This Fenling is extremely bitter and vengeful, primarily because its cousins keep making fun of it, or they run away from it screaming. Some say Decayed Fenlings are unwanted, incomplete experiments from Einsor's Clinic that were left to die. Others say they are undead Fenlings of the deceased loved ones who could not find peace in the afterlife. Unlike regular zombies, the Decayed Fenlings are not fragile, and their limbs do not detach unless you really try. While they are a bit more compassionate towards humans, because of their desire to belong in a family, they are very doubtful and generally do not trust anyone at first sight. They are good house pets deep down, you simply need to get through their thick shell... and the smell."
Originally cost 25 CP

Demon Kalamarei
"Unlike its cousins, the Demon Kalamarei can live on-land while retaining the ability to live underwater as well. The bandage wrapping the Kalamarei's mouth is essential to own one as a pet, since it keeps it from biting you and tearing you apart limb by limb. Many rumors were spread about the shackle around its wrist, but nobody truly knows where it comes from and why the Kalamareis have one. The mouth at the Kalamarei's tail is connected to the Kalamarei's brain and it is often used to bite unsuspecting prey. The little floating bubbles around the Kalamarei can be created at will, and rumors say if you touch one, it can either give you a terminal disease, or kill you on the spot. Nothing is known for sure about these Kalamareis, since their lives are shrouded in mystery and rumors. The only way to find out is to own one yourself..."
Originally cost 18 CP

Guillotine Werecain
"If the adoptable Werecains are cursed, the Guillotine Werecain is the most unfortunate of them all. Every Guillotine Werecain is born as an orphan and abandoned, with the hopes the pups will die. At heart, this breed of Werecain is malevolent and has a thirst for bloodshed. A gruesome legend tells of the blood-stained blades on their tails, which were dirtied by the blood of their own mother as they tried to force their way out of the belly. Left to survive for themselves, Guillotine Werecain prey on wild Werecain and sometimes humans. There is a protocol to follow when meeting a Guillotine Werecain to gain its respect and trust. And most importantly, unless one is extremely close to their Guillotine Werecain, one must never make eye-contact, or the Werecain could understand it as a threat and attack on the spot."
Originally cost 26 CP

Infernal Bleeder
"If the Evelonian Gods have angels, the evil Gods of Evelon have Infernal Bleeders at their command. Infernal Bleeders were created from the broken hearts of deceased souls, and they are bound to work in hell forever. ... At least, that's what they say — but obviously, if they are walking on the Lands, then the myth is just a lie. They are mischievous little guys who try to do evil deeds, but most of their pranks end up as little harmless jokes, much to their dismay. They're generally harmless, and unlike regular Bleeders, they do not disappear if the owner finds love or gets over their heartbreak."
Originally cost 12 CP

"The Insonia can be described as two pets in one. While both heads can think separately, the longest half of the split tail-tip indicates which head is dominant. Insonia are curious by nature, and they love dark places, often illuminated by their glowing frills. Their namesake comes from the eye markings on their eyelids. Similar to a defense mechanism, the markings look like the Insonia's eyes, which allows them to sleep while looking awake to predators. The frills are also used to scare predators away, and during mating season, Insonia use their glowing frills to attract potential mates. The Insonia are mostly wild creatures, making for extremely disobedient and disloyal pets."
Originally cost 40 CP

Moor Baskerville
"The Moor Baskerville is essentially the spirit of a dead Baskerville whom could not find peace in the afterlife. Granted a chance to do what it could not before its death, a Moor Baskerville is given a physical body to watch over its master... at the cost of secrecy. If a Moor Baskerville is seen by its master, the deal is broken and the Baskerville will be forced to give up its new body. It can only help protect its master from afar, which is often impossible for most Moor Baskerville. Others are too afraid to lose their life once more and thus leave their master's side to roam aimlessly. Some find a new master and get a second chance, while others fail miserably at protecting their former master."
Originally cost 10 CP

Ominous Myu Reaper
"Ever since the Lands of Evelon have started hosting the popular Halloween holiday, the species of the Myu Reaper was discovered, and every year, it seems like a brand new breed is always around the corner. The Ominous Myu Reaper is simply a domestic black cat. Unlike the other Myu Reapers, the Ominous breed has not lost the whiskers, and Xai're forbids you try to take off an Ominous Myu Reaper's collar; they will try to bite and to scratch you until you give it back. They regular cats, they are a bit independent and smug, but they love milk and being petted. While they might sound like wonderful companions, keep in mind they live to their namesake... Make sure to avoid black cat myths, because they are very likely to happen if you stumble on an Ominous Myu Reaper."
Originally cost 20 CP

Pumpkin Kasuga
"The Pumpkin Kasuga is somewhat comical, and it loves coming up with jokes for Halloween. It usually sits by pumpkin patches, trying to blend in — and obviously failing. It might clap its jaw once in a while to scare unsuspecting children, but then it feels bad for making them cry. They are picky eaters, and their tastes vary so much that you simply cannot predict what they like. The Pumpkin Kasugas are a little bit like children during Halloween, often nagging their owners to take them on a Halloween stroll for Trick-or-Treat; they think you're never too old for something like that!"
Originally cost 6 CP

Terminate Staigovald
"The Terminate Staigovalds are not robots... However, they were brought up to believe they are robots. Often speaking in a very robot-like manner, these Staigovald were brainwashed to believe they could not feel emotions, that they could withstand any damage done to them, and most importantly, that their goal was to destroy humanity. They are the result of your typical sociopath. Still, they are no different from regular Staigovalds, and many of the Terminate breed are confused when they feel pain or guilt, or any emotion at all. They need an honest, trustworthy owner to show them they were only the unfortunate victims of an awful human being."
Originally cost 6 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 10/14/2012 4:04 PM

:.:Halloween 2011:.:

Candycorn Gruss
"The Candycorn Gruss, despite its name, does not grow edible candycorn. People of old once thought the candy was safe, but many people fell ill and passed away after eating the sweets on this Gruss's back. For a long time, people were afraid to even come close to this breed, even though they are usually sweet and shy, and far from being violent or aggressive. It was when a young man decided to make sweets based on the Gruss's scales that the species slowly started getting rid of the "poisonous" image it had been given. Nowadays, people have overcome their fear and many adopt Candycorn Gruss as pets because of their calm, gentle nature."
Originally cost 4 CP

Ghost Polly
"The Ghost Polly is a Polly that passed away, but who couldn't quite pass on to the other world. Claiming it still had business on Evelon, the Ghost Polly roams the lands quietly, observing the living and leaving a cold breeze whenever it floats by, unnoticed by most. However, despite what people say about ghosts, it is possible to see a Ghost Polly with the naked eye. They are shy, doubtful creatures who are reluctant to live life a second time, despite living it as a wandering soul. While they all have a certain goal to accomplish in order to pass on, it seems every Polly has a different goal, and they quite often don't know what it is."
Originally cost 6 CP

Gourd Gallizar
"This Gallizar has a strange obsession with everything gourd-like and pumpkin-like. As such, it loves hiding in pumpkin patches during Halloween, and it often uses this technique to make friends with people who come pick up a pumpkin. Over the generations, its scales have adapted and turned into the colors they have now in order to blend in better with their scenery. Even though their species name is Gourd Gallizar, most of them don't even know the difference between a gourd and a pumpkin, and simply assume they are the same thing. With their sharp claws and horns, these Gallizars love carving pumpkins and are often hired by stores to decorate with magnificent pumpkin designs. They are hyperactive, yet reserved Gallizars who love sharing their love for that strange orange plant."
Originally cost 12 CP

Mad Meji
"It is unknown whether this Meji is simply passionate about his costume, or if he really has gone completely insane. To some people, it appears to be a little ordinary Meji dressing up as your favorite demented scientist trying to take over the world. To others, it is a master of deception, kidnapping little children and then experimenting on them for the "good of science." It summons gross items such as skulls and dismembered limbs with its wand to scare and traumatize the children trick or treating on Halloween. If I were you, I would avoid this pet, even if only the sweetest ones tend to end up for adoption. You never know."
Originally cost 7 CP

"Slightly larger than your average Merham, the Maham seems to be a very distant terrestrial relative. They tend to be relatively calm and collected, yet at the same time they do not take well to something getting in the way of what they want, which leads to great anger. For such a small creature they have strong powers related to the Earth, often causing them to take on beings that would be believed to be much stronger than they are with ease. When they do lose, the Maham often become enraged enough to take on any means possible to defeat their opponent."
Originally cost 14 CP

Reaper Chimerantula
"This Chimerantula became extremely bitter when people started fearing its species because they are "just bugs" and because they are "so disgusting." Legends say this particular breed made a pact with evil forces in order to get revenge on the people who mocked it, whereas another legend says this Chimerantula, because of its boiling hate for humans, became one of the most feared demons of all. Nowadays, they are mostly just Chimerantulas like all the others, but some still harbor a bitter grudge against humans. It's not unusual for a Reaper Chimerantula to be a killer's little sidekick, enjoying the deed just as much as the master."
Originally cost 2 CP

Skeleton Teigu
"Don't be fooled by the bones on their skin. Skeleton Teigus are little pranksters who thought it would be a nice idea to paint on their body to look like skeletons. Because of this, many Teigus of this strange breed have an inaccurate pattern, misplacing or missing bones. Some get the skeleton perfectly, while others clearly didn't try to make it realistic. Their personality ranges from gentle to mischievous; some are afraid of their own skeleton pattern, whereas others painted it to look like a demon's bones. Overall, they are unpredictable little pranksters; I would be careful adopting one, since you never know what you're going to get."
Originally cost 10 CP

Trick Malphas
"The Trick Malphas is a poor attempt at a pet trying to be a little kid. This Malphas thinks it will be able to trick or treat if it puts that poorly-made ghost sheet on its head, hiding the uglier, scarier face that is underneath the sheet. The original plan was to make an actual ghost costume, but it couldn't find a cloth that was big enough. If you take off the sheet, this Malphas is really just a Malphas, except for its childish personality. It actually makes for a wonderful pet to people who can look past the semi-dead look a Malphas has, and it is particularly popular with children who love gross and scary creatures. Take your child trick or treating with this Malphas, and you can be certain that both will have the time of their lives."
Originally cost 5 CP

Vampire Choopa
"These ominous-looking, blood-sucking, night-loving Choopas are just your typical vampires, right? Well, not exactly! Although they're still vampires, they have a few quirks. For example, they're completely invulnerable to sunlight (although they still don't like it) and running water, and have both a reflection and a shadow. However, they don't have supernatural strength, speed, or senses (being on par with normal Choopas), they can't enter a house without first being invited, and they have an odd tendency to count the number of objects in any large groups they find. How curious..."
Originally cost 3 CP

"The Zombones is fed entirely by hate and revenge. Killed prematurely by its beloved master, a Zombones is brought back to life because of its frightening desire to inflicted the pain it received to its master. Until a Zombones can kill its master, it cannot rest in peace. Unfortunately for them, most Zombones forget their master the moment they die, simply roaming with the vague goal of killing "their master," despite not knowing who it is. They are not stupid, despite being zombies, but they do have a strong liking towards fresh brains and they are somewhat slow. At first glance, it might just be a nice little Halloween-themed kitty you can adopt for yourself, but if those teeth get to you, it's all over. Once they taste flesh and blood, a Zombones abandons any humanity it has left to become a brainless, violent revenge-seeking zombie Chombones."
Originally cost 8 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 02/25/2013 5:20 PM

:.:Halloween 2012:.:

Coastal Shartile
"These Shartile have rough, sand paper like skin and live in and around tropical waters, hunting for pray and carrion. While they do swim well, they prefer to wade into the water and stick their heads under to snatch up prey. Despite being at least semi-aquatic, they do not see very well once under the water. What they use to make up for this handicap is a row of sensitive organs on the front and sides of their mouth that pick up small electrical charges given off by muscle movement. Like most Shartile, they have an excellent sense of smell, but unlike others they have a secondary plate that blocks water from entering their lungs while they eat in the water. Be careful when swimming in coastal waters, as they are prone to biting to test if something is prey or not."
Originally cost 8 CP

Circuit Corbine
"These are rumored to be from the future, and got here by passing though time. They are very high tech with advanced AI systems that function as well or even better than nervous systems of various other creatures. Their body is made up of an advanced kind of metal that is very light, strong and flexible. The metal also seems to act as if its organic, growing back or scaring over in a way if broken. Even though they do not make any noises mechanically, they do vocalize a lot. They also seem capable of learning various ways of communication including learning to speak and understand various human languages. From what others have said they make great pets and can even store your favorite songs in its memory, then play it back to you later just like an MP3 player."
Originally cost 14 CP

Foliole Nonaga
"The Foliole Nonaga, are most commonly found in temperate rainforests, where they are effectively able to use their natural coloration to hide from both prey and predators. This species of Nonaga are considered remarkable due to their lack of a stinger, their diminutive stature and their unique scales, which change colors to various shades of green, depending on the angle that they are viewed from. However, despite the lack of a stinger, they are still dangerous in their own right. Due to their size, they are swifter than their cousins, and their claws, which have been developed to let the Nonaga climb trees with ease are sharp and dangerous. Still, they still retain the sense of mystery and enigma that their cousins have, and even more so due to their hermit lifestyle. They are also highly intelligent and most are able to pick up speech quite easily."
Originally cost 12 CP

Hex Icthysaur
"These Icthysaur are rumored to have come from the fossil filled limestone or sandstone bricks of mausoleums that were cursed to deter grave robbers in ancient times. Now that these mausoleums have been found again the artifacts are being moved to make room for new buildings. The cursed bones of this beast have begun to stir from a long million year slumber. They are bent on protecting the corpse that was housed in the mausoleum they are associated with and seem to get aggressive if the corpse or the treasures are under threat. Maybe if you take one home you can take its mind off protecting the artifacts long enough for the museum to move them to their new exhibit and keep them away from the guests."
Originally cost 24 CP

Nightmare Skwyrm -> Nightmare Scordrak
"These Scrodrak are only ever seen around Halloween and are feared by adults and children alike for their greedy nature. The Nightmare Scordrak have an insatiable hunger for sugar - candy in particular - and during the trick or treating on Halloween will descend upon towns in large swarms to chase away children and take their candy. However, to keep the streets safe from these pests, people started leaving candy offerings out the night before Trick or Treating, so the Scordrak's would be too full from their feast to bother anyone. Despite working as a swarm to steal candy, the Nightmare Scordrak don't hold much love for their own kind, are quite greedy, and will squabble among themselves."
Originally cost 6 CP

Oilspill Barghest
"Some legends tell that this Barghest came from the blackened hearts of greedy humans and yet others say they are beasts that came from the remnants of other creatures that lived millions of years ago, given life by their desires to live again. Whatever the reason for this creature's existence, one thing is for sure: all of them are covered in this black sticky liquid that's highly flammable and all of them bare red hot chains. They don't seem to have the best personalities, and because they may be at fault for some major fires over the years, they are not exactly the best critters to have around."
Originally cost 10 CP

Paradise Shartile
"Commonly found in the tropical parts of Barakka, these Shartile travel in packs and are more social than their cousins tend to be. They have a strong pecking order, with the Shartile with the brightest, showiest spines being the alpha of the tribe. In addition to this, they are also very fond of bright, shiny baubles and instead of their dens being full of skulls, they are full of shining rocks and jewels. If a male takes a fancy to another female, they will also try to win her over by presenting her with their shiniest jewels. Despite possessing wings, they are mostly incapable of flight and instead use them to warn off would be predators. Their diet also differs from that of their more common cousins and in addition to meats includes a large variety of tropical fruits."
Originally cost 20 CP

Phantom Matches
"Some say that on rare occasions a Matches fails to rise from its ashes after dying. Most people believe that this strange, ghostly coloration is actually the results of such an event. It's unknown whether they really are ghosts or if this is some strange color morph. The lifeless eyes and pale colors seem to suggest that maybe these Matches aren't among the living though. Maybe you'd be able to find out if you met one."
Originally cost 4 CP

Setting Suncheeka
"Due to often being seen only around sunset, the Setting Suncheeka was thought for a long time to have the power to cause the sun to set in the evenings. This has scientifically been disproven by now, but some people still hold to the old stories of the gods creating them to escort the sun in the evening. It's thought that the reason their pelts shine so brightly, almost like the stars starting to show in the night sky, is because it provides great protection from predation as they blend in rather well. Setting Suncheekas are very shy and a rare sight to see, so feel lucky if your sight catches one."
Originally cost 16 CP
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Postby Silverin » 12/11/2013 7:08 AM

:.:Halloween 2013:.:

Ara Tali
"The Ara Tali are native to the Roraldi Forest, where rumors are abundant of talking Tali. In captivity, this species does not seem to typically be capable of mastering the human tongue but has shown a great capacity for mimicking words commonly said by their owners. As such, many believe that the rumored talking Tali are just Ara Tali that have picked up words from explorers. Despite having a mostly canine body, the Ara Tali feeds only on fruits and nuts along with the occasional clay to help neutralize any toxins taken in to the body. They also have an affinity for climbing, made necessary by their choice of homes - tree hollows. Their numbers seem to be decreasing in the wild, sadly."
Originally cost 18 CP

Brew Meji
"Despite their looks, Brew Meji Meji under normal circumstances really are not like the characteristic witch label that they are often mistakenly pinned under. They adore Halloween and love handing out treats to children during trick or treating. During the nights leading up to Halloween they often lead ghost walks in some places and tell spooky stories for all that gather round. Once in a while they will use their skills in the art of magic to play simple tricks and add effects to their stories to give listeners an extra fright. It is not uncommon for people to misunderstand these meji and start avoiding them believing that they are evil witches come to eat their children. If the misunderstandings happen too often they some times turn rather bitter and particularly bad cases have been known to actually take on that wicked witch persona."
Originally cost 20 CP

Castle Seraphent
"Castle Seraphents are more often than born in to a long line of aristocratic vampires. Since many fear them, they have become fairly reclusive and prefer to live alone or only with others of their kind. Humans have a right to fear them though, as most Castle Seraphents enjoy power and wealth and as such will go to any lengths to obtain such. If one happens to be born in to a lower class or loses its status they will gladly go after those of higher status and try to kill them in order to obtain that status. More often than not they are seen as proud and egotistical, but perhaps you might find one with a kind heart if you search hard enough."
Originally cost 14 CP

Curbita Leebra
"As soon as the autumn hits these leebra come out of the blue and start prowling around farm lands. The farmers welcome and often even keep the Curbita Leebra because they keep pests of all sizes away from crops of all kinds. They particularly like to wonder around pumpkin patches and even like to eat them when offered to them. When families come to pick their perfect pumpkin the Curbita Leebra often serves as a helpful guide and assist in the search. During night fall their amber eyes glow in the dark and flicker like lit candles, making them resemble the eyes of a jack-o-lantern."
Originally cost 8 CP

Fiend Honeydew
"While most Honeydews are friendly creatures, the Fiend Honeydews are the extreme opposite of their brethren. According to legends, one Honeydew was on the verge of death when a demon accepted to save it from death. At the cost of a renewed life, the first Fiend Honeydew was warped and twisted into a monster, cursed to hurt and kill those that stand in its way to hurt those who hurt it and left it for dead. Since then, much like vampires, Fiend Honeydews can turn regular Honeydews into horrible monsters as well, creating an entire species. After many years of horrifying research, the Evelon Zoo found out that many Fiend Honeydews are not possessed by demons, but rather by a twisted paranoia within themselves. They are dangerous pets, and the process to adopt one is long and tedious, as the Evelon Zoo will not let these pets go into the wrong hands."
Originally cost 22 CP

ImageImage Image
Imp Shii  --> Imp Lubshi --> Devil Shinzo
"Imp Shii tend to be polar opposites to the normal Shii. Most of them have a strong dislike to being touched let alone being hugged and dislike happy atmospheres. Some are willing to do almost anything to ruin your day. One thing they do have in common with their more angelic counter parts is that they are well known to get in to mischief, thing is they tend to get into it much more often. They love playing pranks that range anywhere from hiding things to itching power to scaring the pants off of people. These guys as a whole are often seen as down right malicious and thus frequently abandon. However if you do find your self with one of them, a little love and a huge amount of tolerance can go a long way with them. Once you win them over they will only accept you as their master but you might want to avoid talking about anything or anyone that displeases you since they have a bad habit of trying to get rid of whatever it is for good.."

"A newly evolved Imp Lubshi's nature does not change very much from its previous form however over time their owners may notice that they have become more malicious. The pranks they play have been taken a darker turn and while some of them are harmless the vast majority can cause harm to the persons or pets that the prank is played on. However a Lubshi that is well cared, disciplined and has taken a liking for its owner may not be as malicious as others of their kind. Unfortunately The vast majority have been abandon which cause them to become more malicious and vengeful. If your unfortunate enough to encounter one in the street don't run from it. Running from them, especially a stray will just make them more likely to try and harm you. If you plan to take in a stray it is advised you try and gain their trust first as they still greatly dislike being touched by anyone with acceptation to those they like."
Originally cost 24 CP

Isle Insonia
"This odd Insonia makes its home in the Nodia Sea and has adapted for living in both salt and fresh water, however they spend most of their time in and around the various reefs rather than out in open water. The Isle Insonia is unusually large compared to most other species of insonia, they are large enough that their sandy backs are often mistaken for sand bars. Some are even rumored to grow as big as islands but no such specimens have been found thus far. They have special skin that allows them to blend in to the surrounding water and is even capable of changing color to mimic fish and sea weed. Their camouflage helps them catch food and they are often seen just sitting their with their mouths open waiting for unwary prey to wonder too close."
Originally cost 16 CP

Reef Chimerantula
"This species of Chimerantula is native to the sandy beaches in the tropical regions of evelon. They tend to particularly prefer areas which are close to coral reefs and sand dunes covered in a thick blanket of beach grass. Reef Chimerantula while highly territorial, they prefer to make their primary home with in the shelter of the beach grass where they make intricate miniature castles out of various things they can find on the beach such as bone, sea weed, shells, sea glass and the occasional scale. Their favorite material to use for these castles is coral. So if you find a neat, precisely placed stack of beach treasures, we strongly recommend you leave it alone or you might get a nasty surprise."
Originally cost 4 CP

"Most Albie are known to be extremely loyal, friendly pets. Anyone that has come across a Talbie in the wild will quickly tell you otherwise and will advise you avoid them at all cost. They seem to be the exact opposite of everything you would expect from an Albie as they live not in the mountains but underground, don't enjoy the company of others, and have extremely poor tempers. If you are able to make friends with a Tablie though, you'll probably find that they make great guards and will keep any unwanted pest off your property."
Originally cost 10 CP
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Re: :.:Halloween Pets:.:

Postby Silverin » 12/15/2014 1:51 PM

:.:Halloween 2014:.:

Bayou Shartile
"Larger than many of their cousins, the Bayou Shartile is known for lurking in the Baian Swamps and ambushing anything they think might be edible, including travelers. The dark, oily patterns covering their body allow for the perfect camouflage in swampy terrain, making them the top predator in the area. They have one of the strongest bites in Evelon and will hunt things much larger than themselves without the aid of a pack.. Young ones are favored companions of practitioners of voodoo and other dark forces."
Originally cost 10 CP

Fungal Banatoyle
"Fungal Banatoyles can be found deep within the Whisper Forest, making their homes within humid caves. They roost in great numbers, sometimes reaching in the thousands, huddling together during the day to conserve heat. During this time they also take the time to socialize, communicating through bioluminescent markings along their body. Once the sun begins to set they will all leave the roost and head out to search for food. The Fungal Banatoyle is omnivorous, but not in the sense that forages or hunts. They only stop to eat material that has already begun to decay, so they are often known as Evelon's decomposers."
Originally cost 4 CP

Haunted Grondalith
"The Haunted Grondalith may look a little intimidating, but it's really nothing special. People like to bring them out this time of year as decorations to frighten young children. Don't worry though, the flames aren't real! For that matter, neither are the rumors that they come to life at night, when nobody's looking since they're always living... Or that they used to guard a mansion where a whole family was murdered... Or that they were brought back from an archaeological expedition of an ancient tomb. Anyway, they're just the perfect choice if you want to give your house an extra spooky touch!"
Originally cost 24 CP

Reborn Fenref
"Born from the ashes of the wrongly deceased, Reborn Fenrefs carry out the last will of those departed, settling old scores and tying up lose ends. They are fiercely loyal to their cause and will not rest until their creator's will is done. Once their missions are carried out the Fenref burns out and turns to ash. There are rumors that after a Reborn Fenref has carried out its mission, it will rise from its own ashes as a free soul, able to live on for many more lives."
Originally cost 12 CP

Shrine Fellox
"The Shrine Fellox are frequently seen around shrines and sighting one is sometimes regarded as good luck, however this is not always the case. They can be mischievous as well as malevolent when provoked. Using a similar mask to the ones that they wear, they can be summoned with a ritual and are frequently used as companions and assistants to priests and folk alike. With the ability to go ethereal, shape shift and mimic what they see, they can preform all sorts of tasks given to them by their owners. Along with those abilities they also have a strong affinity for magic, allowing them to pick up on and learn various spells relatively quickly even without a teacher. Those who reside in temples and shrines often assist the priests in purification rituals as well as ridding areas of trouble some spirits."
Originally cost 26 CP

Storm Frightmare
"These ominous Frightmare are frequently seen during storms, their thunderous hooves beating the earth beneath them creating a sound similar to thunder. Storm Frightmare are known to follow storms and are associated with tornadoes and hurricanes. Due to this they are often seen as bad omens, however storm chasers would call them a blessing. They have the ability to avoid getting hurt in dangerously high winds and seem to be able to withstand them, though some speculate that this is because they are actually ethereal creatures. While most sightings of the beast occur on land, some have been seen to appear to walk on water, but on rare occasions they can be seen running through the air in the presence of St Elmo's fire. The sound of their whinny is described to be some where along the lines of a banshee's scream."
Originally cost 18 CP

Twilight Choopa
"While the Twilight Choopa are as mischievous as the widely spread varieties, they are seen far less often and are believed to be a more rare species. They are only spotted between dusk and dawn, having extremely light sensitive skin. If you have a Twilight Choopa, chances are that if forced to move about during the day it will choose to hide within your shadow, as they have the ability to melt in to the shadows of others. A prehensile tail and the ability to shift from one shadow to another has allowed these pranksters to trick travelers in to doing their bidding."
Originally cost 20 CP

Volatile Evren
"Hailing from the Nori Volcano region, this adaptable Evren has been seen from the Fe'gan Mountains to the Roraldi Forests. Within these regions it is recommended that folks are cautious since the Volatile Evren is highly aggressive, large, and brutish in comparison to its other relatives. Their bodies are covered in an explosive substance which reacts on impact or gradually when away from the Evren's body for too long. To withstand the force of the explosions and their charges they are equipped with some of the toughest scales around, though prolonged steady use of the substance does cause damage to them. Volatile Evrens are highly territorial and will fight off other predators both large and small."
Originally cost 16 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 02/01/2016 5:08 PM

:.:Halloween 2015:.:

Antivirus Mekkayena
"As Antivirus Mekkayena do not usually attack healthy creatures, they are often considered the best choice of Mekkayena to be tamed. They scavenge and hunt sickly or dying creatures for survival. Namely, they hunt other malfunctioning or infected Mekkayenas. Scientists are not certain as to why they exhibit this cannibalistic behavior, although it has been theorized that they do so to eliminate them from the gene pool and help to preserve the overall health of the species."
Originally cost 10 CP

"Though the proper name for a congregation of Crowbones is a 'chattering', it is often called a 'nuisance' instead, and with good reason. Loud, brazen and covetous, they are notorious for their thieving tendencies. They are especially fond of shiny things, often collecting bits of plastic and glass to decorate their nests. They don't discriminate based on rarity, and are as enthusiastic about cheap imitation jewelry as they are about a genuine article, but their insatiable appetite for collecting has often led them to come into conflict with people. Crowbones are incredibly clever creatures who regularly outsmart locks meant to keep them out of trash and homes alike. Beware attempting to oust them through lethal means, however--- news spreads quickly within the Crowbones community, and the unlucky murderer may quickly find themselves beseiged by an angry mob."
Originally cost 24 CP

Labrodorite Hunter
"Found only in the rugged coastline bordering the Fe'gan mountains, the Labrodorite Hunter is rarely seen in the wild simply due to the harshness of its natural habitat. A myth persists among the monks of the Basantha Shrine that these Hunters were born from fallen pieces of the Northern Lights. With their shiny, iridescent bodies, it's easy to see how a traveler might have first caught sight of one of these elusive creatures and come to that conclusion, but the Labrodorite Hunter has no mystical powers to speak of. Nevertheless, there are some people who maintain that they hold magical healing properties."
Originally cost 4 CP

Mantella Baal Dragony
"While smaller than other varieties of Baal Dragonies, the Mantella Baal Dragony should not be underestimated. Not only do they secret a poison from their skin, but they are also remarkably venomous. Males are known for being territorial and spar with other males for both territory and dominance. Females are known for being particularly caring and protective of their young, though are not as harmless as they may seem. Females are capable of fighting off males and other larger creatures when her offspring are threatened. Altogether, they are fairly adept climbers."
Originally cost 8 CP

Nightlight Tou-San
"Nightlight Tou-Sans are often thought to be the imaginary friends of children that have come to life. Their markings give off a faint glow, which, in part, is where they get their namesake. They make wonderful companions to children, comforting them and keeping them safe, and are often found playing with them, as well. If unavailable, parents often trust the care of their children to a Nightlight Tao-san."
Originally cost 14 CP

Orb O' Prayers
"A rarity found scattered across all regions, the Orb O' Prayers contains a weak, mystical spirit. It is said that if seven of these orbs are gathered together, and an incantation is recited, that a much more powerful spirit that will grant three wishes can be summoned. It is believed that the first of these spirits was originally the spirit of a divine statue brought to life by one of the gods. Given the legends surrounding them, they are considered to be of great value and are highly sought after."
Originally cost 20 CP

Phantom Grondalith
"At one time feared by the general populace and sought after only by collectors and the anti-social for its fearsome appearance, the Phantom Grondalith has been gaining popularity among the general populace as its protective properties come to light. A close cousin of the Haunted Grondalith, the Phantom Grondalith's purpose is not to scare children but to ward off nightmares. The exact mechanic through which the Phantom Grondalith does this is unclear, though one popular theory is that they absorb the negative energies into their own bodies, leading to their unsettling presence. Phantom Grondaliths who form close bonds with their owners will also protect them from physical threats, and for that reason they make excellent companions for police officers and security personnel."
Originally cost 16 CP

Poison Larvie -> Drake Florana
"Poison Larvies are often nicknamed 'little dragons' because of their scaly skin and their tendency to accumulate hoards of bones and trinkets. People often underestimate them due to their diminutive size and chubby bodies, but don't be fooled; the Poison Larvie is a voracious hunter with an appetite for everything from rodents to small lizards and birds. On top of that, their skin is highly poisonous, and their bright colors serve as a warning to potential predators."
Originally cost 22 CP

Stitched Hollowheart
"With its incredible physical endurance, extremely high pain tolerance, and the ability to heal even severe, extensive injuries, the Stitched Hallowheart is often employed as field medics during war time. They make excellent nurses, surgeons and doctors, although sometimes are deemed too morbid or cruel and are unfit to work with living patients.  In which case, they are often sent to work in morgues as medical examiners. As they often sustain injuries when working out in the field, they simply stitch themselves up, and continue on with their work."
Originally cost 12 CP

Tribal Slynx
"Unlike the majority of Slynx, the Tribal Slynx are known for creating tribes of up to around fifteen adult members. Each of these unusual Slynx are spiritually inclined and able to wield the elements, with each one often gifted with its own, different mystical talents. The member with the most spiritual power is named both the shaman and leader of the tribe. The ranking of each member can be determined by the white, painted markings on their coats, each with its own slight variation to identify them individually."
Originally cost 26 CP
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Postby Redd » 01/18/2017 9:49 PM

:.:Halloween 2016:.:

Anubis Baskerville
"In some cultures, this species is strongly associated with the afterlife, and was believed to be the gatekeeper of the underworld. In more modern history, the Anubis Baskerville is mistakenly feared as a carrier of disease and a herald of death. In actuality, this species is only attracted to sick individuals and is capable of detecting illnesses long before symptoms begin to present."
Originally cost 20 CP

CuSith Fenref
Originally cost 8 CP

"Everdrys are born wanderers, never content to stay in any place for too long. Their diet is primarily composed of seeds, which they will also collect and carry with them as rations for longer journeys. Scientists believe they play a vital role in preserving the biodiversity of plant life in a wide variety of biomes, and that many old growth forests owed their establishment at least in part to Everdrys activity."
Originally cost 24 CP

Leucrotta Leumoo
"Don’t be fooled by their mundane appearance; Leucrotta Leumoo are vicious hunters, who delight in tormenting their prey for extended periods before eating them alive. They have the uncanny ability to mimic both animal cries and human voices, which they use to lure in unsuspecting victims. Fortunately, they are solitary creatures by nature and dislike being outnumbered, so it is advised to travel in groups through areas where they are known to lurk."
Originally cost 4 CP

Lycan Werecain
"Old wives tales warn of the Lycain Werecain as an omen of violence. A pawprint after heavy rain should be avoided. Drink the water, or stare too long at their reflection with a full moon overhead and a person might find themselves cursed."
Originally cost 12 CP

Nessie Choshi
"These Choshi travel in large schools in frigid coastal waters. They are docile for the most part and skittish. When they are grouped up, they appear like one massive serpent. In this way they are able to stave off predators."
Originally cost 16 CP

Unicorn Cavallion
"The Unicorn Cavallion is famed for its ability to cure any known poison with the touch of its horn. The horn itself was once thought to hold those curative properties, and these Cavallion were nearly hunted to extinction for their horns, which were ground up for use in black market medicines. However, more recent observations have revealed that the ability is innate to the Cavallions themselves, and they have since been placed under protection to prevent further decimation of their numbers."
Originally cost 6 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 12/03/2017 1:01 AM

:.:Halloween 2017:.:

Ambient Electrowockee
"Unlike other Electrowockees, this species is not attracted to the same fast-paced music that they are notorious for. Instead, like their name implies, the Ambient Electrowockee expresses a preference for the gentle, trance-like melodic tunes synonymous with what most refer to as 'chill-out' music. Almost at all times, this relaxing music can be heard playing through their headset and they are able to amplify the vibrations with their bodies to provide a relaxing aura to those in the vicinity."
Originally cost 26 CP

Harvest Lunafly
"The Harvest Lunafly emerges from their cocoons in October, coinciding with the harvest season in many regions, earning them their name. While their caterpillar form is considered a pest, the spectacle of Lunafly congregations in the autumn is treated as an attraction. A popular model of kite, also flown during harvest festivals, is patterned after their wings."
Originally cost 8 CP

Industrial Electrowockee
"The bio-luminescent colors of the Industrial Electrowockee are hard not to notice. Unlike other Wockee that consume harmonious melodies, the Industrial Electowockee's sound of choice is anything harsh, abrasive and aggressive. They often possess temperaments that reflect this and once they find a source of noise, they can be violently territorial; drawn out disputes between Electrowockees over a sound source are not uncommon."
Originally cost 26 CP

Phantom Fenling
"Phantom Fenlings are ghostly entities tethered to the material plane through their gems. They are generally benign, being mostly curious about the world around them, though extended periods without contact with others will sometimes drive an individual to neurosis. Many sets of Phantom Fenling jewels are passed down through families as heirlooms."
Originally cost 10 CP

Soulless Likuta
"Not truly a ‘breed’, Soulless Likuta are a result of regular Likuta falling prey to a rare disease. Afflicted individuals initially become lethargic, with their fur becoming grey as the illness works its way through their system. Eventually, they begin to develop lesions in the skin that ooze a dark ichor through which the disease is transferred to new individuals. While they do not ‘die’, they lose most of their higher cognitive functions, and become fixated only on feeding and attacking any other living thing they come into contact with. Approach any such Likuta with caution."
Originally cost 12 CP

Specter Zipala
"Spectre Zipalas are guardians of forests, said to appear to guide lost hikers and children back to safety. Conversely, they are also known to terrorize poachers and other individuals who might try to harm the woods under their protection. Though they aren’t afraid of humans, it is rare to see one outside of when they are performing their duties as guides or guardians."
Originally cost 22 CP

Swampgas Werecain
"The Swampgas Werecain gets their unflattering name from the green mist they produce. Despite its appearance, the mist is odorless, and traditionally used to confuse and evade intruders who wander into their territory. Swampgas Werecains are practitioners of ancient traditions of witchcraft, which remain a closely guarded secret to this day, shared only with kin and, on occasion, close friends of a tribe."
Originally cost 18 CP

Synth Electrowockee
"Controversy surrounds this particular breed of Electrowockee, largely due to the fact that they are a genetically modified organism, created with the intent on testing the effect of DNA manipulation on their ability to produce sound. The species has received considerable criticism and the music they produce has been referred to as anaemic, soulless and lacking emotion by some, and in some regions, the species is outright banned from shows. However, the species has a small cult following by those who adamantly believe species doesn't deserve the dislike and is just too eccentric to be accepted on a mainstream level."
Originally cost 26 CP

Veiled Fenref
"Boasting the strongest bite of any Fenref, the Veiled Fenref would make excellent guards if not for their capricious nature. Unlike other Fenref breeds, Veiled Fenrefs prefer to march to the beat of their own drum, and avoid anything they feel they’re being coerced into. A clever trainer can work around this, but they remain relatively uncommon due to their difficult personalities."
Originally cost 24 CP

Veiled Mr. Wilson
"Mr. Wilsons are well known as the least respected of all birds, common to the point of eliciting contempt. Well, these Mr. Wilsons have just about had it! Seeking to be appreciated--- no, to be feared, Veiled Mr. Wilsons have modeled themselves after the imposing Malphas, decorating themselves with painstakingly crafted accessories. Despite their best efforts, however, they simply lack the size to make a convincing performance, and are seen more as cute and quirky than intimidating."
Originally cost 14 CP

Veiled Myu Reaper
"With the rise in Kuhna popularity breeders began to scramble to remain in competition. This Myu Reaper has the markings and colorations of the Common Kuhna but with the temperament known to the My Reaper species. Their smaller size could make them the perfect companion for someone in a smaller living situation."
Originally cost 6 CP

Widow Chimerantula
"Female Widow Chimerantulas have an undeserved reputation for eating the males that court them. While this gruesome phenomenon has been documented, it is much less common in the wild. In captivity, however, stressed females are more likely to lash out in response to unwanted advances or overcrowding, leading to the popular myth that they are habitual man-eaters."
Originally cost 4 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 10/04/2019 2:57 PM

:.:Halloween 2018:.:

Counting Yingshee
"It is said that these Yingshee were born from a particularly tired student's wish for a peaceful rest. Simply touching their wool can lull people into a peaceful sleep, and they are patient enough to allow themselves to be used as pillows. While their wool still has some effect when sheared, most prefer to have a living creature by their side, claiming it offers them additional feelings of security and comfort."
Originally cost 10 CP

Dreaming Sleepyheart
"Dreaming Sleepyhearts consider themselves curators of desire. They have the ability to grant wishes, but their fickle nature means their favor is difficult to court. Some demand detailed petitions, while others seek out individuals they deem ‘worthy’ of their boon. However, be wary of lying to a Dreaming Sleepyheart, as they are able to see into the hearts of those they deal with. Dishonesty is the surest way to earn their ire."
Originally cost 12 CP

Dreamy Sparquill
"The Dreamy Sparquill was named for their dazed, sleepy appearance, but their quills are also capable of injecting a tranquilizing venom. Being stung isn’t deadly, but the venom is potent enough to knock out a Bruma in minutes. It’s such an effective deterrent that these Sparquill have no natural predators. The only drawback is that they themselves aren’t immune, and spend roughly 20 hours a day dozing off."
Originally cost 6 CP

Nightmare Sleepyheart
"Nightmare Sleepyhearts are born performers with a passion for dark subject matter. They have the ability to see into the dreams of others, which they use to study nightmares to provide material for their routines. In a pinch, they will also settle for horror movies, though they’re much more interested in the reactions of the viewers than the films themselves."
Originally cost 12 CP

Shedding Evergreen
"Shedding Evergreens might look as though they’re sick, but their bare patches are a part of their healthy natural state. Their dry, loose needles are unpalatable for herbivores, and make them difficult to grip onto should they find themselves in a fight. The shed needles also make for great kindling, and are often gathered by campers in autumn."
Originally cost 20 CP

Silenced Shartile
"Silenced Shartiles are the result of a secret underground military experiment that was operating during the second Imperial-Purine war. The true purpose of the experiments are unknown, though rumors suggest that the researchers were investigating new forms of torture. Unable to feed through natural means, these Shartiles require specialized care and regular use of IVs to maintain their health."
Originally cost 14 CP

Veiled Bleeder
"The Veiled Bleeder is named because of their superficial resemblance to Scribblens, but are in fact a result of convergent evolution. Born from the anxieties of particularly distressed individuals, these Bleeders haunt the ones who spawned them, sowing and feeding on fear. Fortunately, exorcisms are highly effective at ousting these creatures once they have been identified."
Originally cost 8 CP

Veiled Nyghtmare
"Veiled Nyghtmares are a tricky breed, who lure riders onto their backs by taking on the appearance of a harmless Cavallion.  Once the unsuspecting victim has gotten on, the Nyghtmare sucks out their soul and consumes it, leaving behind a lifeless husk. The resemblance is such that only an expert on differences between the two would be able to tell them apart."
Originally cost 4 CP

Veiled Xing Yun
"The Veiled Xing Yun have turned to mimicry to attempt to uncover the secrets of Fellox magic. Felloxes find their appearance deeply unsettling, and prefer to avoid them when possible. It is best not to ask about the source of their masks..."
Originally cost 22 CP

Watching Nonaga
"The origin of the Watching Nonaga’s name should be easy to ‘see’... Get it? See? … Anyway, their additional ‘eyes’ are markings rather than true eyes, meant to unsettle and confuse potential threats. Ironically enough, their vision is quite poor, and they rely much more heavily on their keen sense of smell."
Originally cost 18 CP
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Postby Kyrit » 01/15/2021 3:35 PM

:.:Halloween 2020:.:

Drake Shimin
Originally cost 14 CP

Infernal Leaflet
Originally cost 4 CP

Inkwraith Barghest
Originally cost 10 CP

Image --> Image
Lunar Larvie / Lunar Florana
Originally cost 6 CP

Phantom Kalamarei
Originally cost 8 CP

Veiled Draculi
Originally cost 20 CP

Veiled Sahound
Originally cost 22 CP

Veiled Tali
Originally cost 18 CP

Watcher Quiksylph
Originally cost 16 CP

Wight Zephion
Originally cost 12 CP

Zombie Wombear
Originally cost 2 CP
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