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Azura's Hunt Stuff

Postby Azura Rayume » 02/20/2012 9:29 PM

1.        Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)

2.        Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)
Robin and Darrian had an adorable moment, yes

3.        What are you playin’? Play a computer game or a console game, then take a snapshot or a photo. The quality of the photo doesn't matter, as long as I can discern that it's a game. Use url tags. (10 KS) @
I have a RuneScape screen shot. 8D; Because that's what I play, and the unicorn amused me.
Jeckyll the Mining Unicorn~

4.        Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS) @
Dragon Age: Origins for 360.
Resident Evil 5 for 360
Spectrobes for DS
Pokemon SoulSilver for DS
Sly Cooper series for PS2
Dark Cloud for PS2

5.        But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS) @
Pokemon White for DS
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii
Lego Star Wars 3 for Wii
Monster Hunter Tri for Wii
Okamiden for DS
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded for DS

6.        Draw or sketch a character of one of you Evelon pets (in pet form) as a game character! Essentially, have your character cosplay a character from a pre-existing game. Indicate your character’s pet image, the picture, and the game name here. Use url tags. (10 KS) @
Skullbane dressed as Link (Legend of Zelda)

8.        Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)
Thessur's Lusikross Leopard gecko color morph

9.        Kuhna-Nip! Create a fake Evelon product! Give it a name, a one line slogan, and a small advertisement description. Written only. (10 KS)

"Round, rubber, and ready for fun: the Ever-nom is number one!"

Tired of your Sahound chewing up your slippers? Have to replace your furniture because your Lucain keeps shredding your cushions? Well, get them the Ever-nom! The Ever-nom is guaranteed to never break, making it the perfect present for persistent chewers. Made from 100% recycled rubber and available in sizes from Fenling to Leumoo for any chewing pet.

Also available: The Fill-A-Nom! Fill with your pet's favorite treat for hours of fun!

10.        Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character. (25 KS)
Arthur Dragonpen

An ancient of kings
Ever confused, he wanders
Trying to find her

11.        Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)
Jesper Slade/ Claptrap

12.        Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)

14.        What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)
There are actually... quite a few things of "me" in this. More than I thought at first. First, a majority of my family is Irish and many of us (myself included) have red hair, the orange. The two main colors of the Irish flag are orange and green. Green and brown are both colors I tend to gravitate towards. The colors for my college are green and gold. And the colors for the rehabilitation center that eats my life I work at are green and tan. I think that's everything. :| Maybe.

15.        Like #14, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)
Do you want a description thing for this one? Because if you do, well, there isn't much. I've just always liked blue/gold/white. Add some purple, some gray, some black... All of it's fine. Just those three colors have always been beautiful to me. Graceful and elegant in soft tones and bold and royal in bright, deep hues. It's about as close to perfect a color combination as you can get in my mind, really.

17.        Create a colored image of one of your pets in MS Paint (or the Mac version of it). It doesn’t have to look good, lawl. Use url tags. (30 KS)
Amelia on a wall?

19.        Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)
Desert Nagi

20.        Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)
Me and my best friend, Wooka

21.        Design a colored image (traditional or digital) your dream custom of any of the Metamorphosis Clinic species. No add-ons. Use URL tags. (30 KS) *
I fail so hardcooooore

22.        From #21, name this character and write an in-depth personality for him/her/it. Must be at least 10 sentences long. (30 KS) *
Name: Blackthorn
Gender: Male
Sarcastic. Cynical. Cruel. Hidden. Violent. Smooth. Arrogant.
Most people say Blackthorn cuts an intimidating figure, all dark, mysterious, and almost monstrous. Many think him cursed, others that he was magicked into existence by some dark spell from a bloody blackthorn cudgel, though the validity of any such tale is entirely unknown. He commands a small band of Leefs and branched beasts and calls himself "King of the Wood" with so much confidence that many believe him. Few would question his authority under the trees, and those that do are met with a fierce anger from an inherently violent individual. When not terrorizing visitors to the wood, he spends his time assisting young Leefs in reaching their full potential, that is to say, changing them into beasts such as himself. The only being who does not fear him is Seona, who sees him as a fool instead of a king. Still, the fool has claws, and she keeps him on as tight a leash as possible.

23.        Write a brief segment of a story that your creature from #21 might be involved in. Write as if in a roleplay. Must be at least 10 sentences. (30 KS) *
"Blackthorn!" The roar barely preceded the abrupt parting pf trees to allow  the dragon witch to pass. The jester had just a moment to turn before a great green foot crashed into his chest, throwing him off of his feet and pinning his spindly body to the ground. A snarl burst from his captor. "What the hell do you think you were doing?"

Blackthorn gaped at her for a moment, leafy mouth hanging open like a grotesque frog. "Madam Branwin," he said after a moment of processing, "I do many things in a day. Which are you specifically referring to?" He grinned awkwardly, which brought more pressure to his chest. "Ow! I just need some reminding is all!"

Seona bared a fang at him with a twitch of her lip. "You can come out, darling," she said in a much sweeter tone, head turning away from the branch beast and back to her spine. A small Kuhna, green and yellow with fake fairy wings stuck over her real ones, peeked out from between the dragon's folded wings. Her face was scratched from bramble briars, and her eyes grew wide with fear when she looked down at Blackthorn.

"I just wanted to see Berry..," she mumbled, trying not to shake as she recalled the earlier events.

The witch turned her attentions back to her fool. "Yes, she just wanted to see one of your stupid twig monsters, and you had to chase her half way home and right through every bramble, muck hole, and swampy spot you could find on the way! The poor girl's traumatized, and not only because you put a run in those silly wings of hers."

Thorn couldn't help himself; he smiled up at Kuhna and Paragon alike. "You have my apologies, m'lady," he said almost curtly, "but apologizing for my nature ends up being rather hollow. As they say, you can take the beast out of the forest, but you can't take his teeth."

29.        Choose a character. Now you get to kill them! Write a short, dramatic death scene for that character (you choose the scenario). At least five sentences long. (30 KS)
"Come here, brother boy," the bastard cooed, turning the bright blade over and over again in his hand. Prince Damian withdrew, away from the shadows, away from the man who should have remained a specter of his nightmares. The older man frowned at him and followed. "Do you hate me that much, you thieving brat? Do you believe the stories our father told you, lies as to how you were his eldest son, destined for his throne?"

Cold stone pressed against the prince's back, cutting him off from escape. His bastard brother inched ever closer, enjoying the slow torture he put in his movements, until one could easily feel the breath of the other. He fumbled for a blade by his side out of instinct and wished for more armor than a leather jerkin. If the gods were kind, someone would come, anyone, and save him.

But gods can be cruel as well. The last thing he knew was how cold the bite of steel could be and the whispered snear of Modrid's voice in his ear: " See you on the other side, crown prince brother."

30.        Connect the dots in order in this image and guess the pet. Post the image using url tags. (30 KS)

31.        It’s almost Valentine’s Day. In the words of your character, write a love letter to another one of your’s or someone else’s character. (30 KS)
To my Warrior Princess,

Whether you knew or not, I have admired you from a distance for some time. The strength and beauty you show by simply existing have always fascinated me, and you grow more beautiful by the day. I have often wanted to speak with you, yet I lose my tongue and stare when you glance my way. I stutter and, ashamed, leave my goals unfulfilled every time.

I may never be poetic in speech- I may never really talk to you- but my words on paper appear fluent in the very least. Here I can finally speak my mind, say what I have longed to say to you. And that is that I love you. I always have.

My heart is yours if you would have it.

Your Timid Prince

33.        Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)
My puppy, Micah

39.        Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)
I started him
And here he is! Pretty gradient, too.

44.        Find those reptiles! Complete this crossword puzzle by finding all of the species from the Scales ‘N Tails pages. Use url tags. (75 KS)
Well, that was fun

49.        Oh gods, math. Color in this image correctly, using the table provided. Solve the math problems to find which color to use. Here is a clean version of the image, if you wish to color on this instead. All colors must be correct (does not require shading). Submit your image here, use url tags. (100 KS)
Here you go

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Azura Rayume
Well-Traveled Trainer
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Keystones: 1102
Joined: 12/13/2007 7:00 PM
Location: generally becoming moss

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