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[--A Kreepy's Gatherings of Scav Hunt Related Things [M]

Postby Redd » 02/10/2012 9:04 PM

The Task List:

1.        Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)


2.        Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)

Honestly... I'm prolly going to have to link to a slightly more recent roleplay, due to the fact that most of my roleplay posts are full of utter crap. This one I like. :U Purely because these guys are my most important and most favourite characters, and they're all screwing about when there's trouble and stress to be had. As you do.

3.        What are you playin’? Play a computer game or a console game, then take a snapshot or a photo. The quality of the photo doesn't matter, as long as I can discern that it's a game. Use url tags. (10 KS) @

Late night TF2 shenanigans with Elli. :U

4.        Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS) @

Team Fortress 2 [PC]
Half Life 1 [PC]
Half Life 2 [PC]
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [PC]
Halo [Xbox]
Morrowind [Xbox]
Bioshock 2 [PC]
Amnesia: The Dark Descent [PC] - On the rare occasion I feel brave enough to play it

5.        But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS) @

1. Blinx 2 [Xbox]
2. Halo 2 [Xbox]
3. Vexx [Xbox]
4. Bioshock [PC]
5. Monster Hunter Tri [Wii]

6.        Draw or sketch a character of one of you Evelon pets (in pet form) as a game character! Essentially, have your character cosplay a character from a pre-existing game. Indicate your character’s pet image, the picture, and the game name here. Use url tags. (10 KS) @

Artu've as a Metrocop from Half Life 2. :U Image is here.

7.        Jump in the IRC! Make sure to use your username. Say hello, make some new friends, and don’t forget to take a screenshot! Use url tags. (10 KS)

I... said I made friends? Totally counts, yeah? Also. Baal's plan EXPOSED.

8.        Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)

Rufus Rabbot is totes a Macropus Rufus (Dis sexy thing)

9.        Kuhna-Nip! Create a fake Evelon product! Give it a name, a one line slogan, and a small advertisement description. Written only. (10 KS)

Scent of Rufus. Give your Rabbots that scent of 'wild' today!
Tired of your pet Rabbot (or any other robotic pet) having that awful metallic smell, and being shunned by other pets for it? Sick of  having to take your robotic friend to a mechanic just to remove a
tiny speck of rust? Well feel sick and tired no more! Now, with Scent of Rufus, your robotic Rabbot will fit in with all the other pets. You'll also never have to worry about rust again, as we've included a secret ingredient that will keep your pet's internal mechanics slick and shiny. Buy it today in any pet department store!

10.        Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character. (25 KS)


An angel he was
Soaring on ebony wings
Demon, he is now.

11.        Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)

Jesper Slade/Claptrap

12.        Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)

1. Luxard
2. Nonaga
3. Nago Paragon
4. Lusikross
5. Learf

13.        Fyoooshun! Find images of real animals online. Photo manipulate and splice the images together to create an existing Evelon pet. Use url tags. (25KS)

jdsahdsasadhgsad. With an imaginative mind, one... might make this out to be a Florana.

14.        What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)
Ex) Image

Brown - I consider myself to... be more of an earthy person, well. For a city person at least. When I was little, I'd always be found in my Nana's garden, chasing little skinks (like a proper... Aussie, I guess? :I), and while I have the dignity and a healthy fear of spiders to stop that, I still associate browns with myself. I also have a love for anything that is natural, which is especially evident on the lands. It's also the colour of my hair - minus the gold highlights.
Navy - Well, for one. It's a colour I associate with myself on Evelon. It's my text colour. But not only that but it's a cool, calm but dark colour, which is a reflection of part of my personality. I guess, it again depends on the situation.
Dark Grey-Black - Well, as mentioned above, I consider myself to be a city/urban person. I was born in Sydney and have lived there part time (aka, I visited my dad every second weekend until I was like. 13, and then a little less frequent after that) and I'm pretty at home in most urban environments.
White - Well. I didn't chose white because I consider myself innocent and whatnot. Not at all. Rather. White is a colour of new beginnings/ a blank canvas and technology (the new, streamlined sexy kind. You think I'm lying? Play Portal and GTFO. :I). Which I associate with my... life. I'm a design student, a computer design student. I have a passion for art and good design, which all starts with a blank canvas. I'm also fresh outta home and looking to make a name for myself and whatever the fuck that entails.

Aaaand I'm gonna stop bullshitting now. This is just me preparing for design and psychology class. :I

15.        Like #14, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)


16.        Mwahahahah! Your character now rules the entire world. What will your character do next? What would he/she do with this new seat of power? Write about it or roleplay it. Post the image of your pet. Must be at least 5 sentences. Use img tags. (30 KS)

A wicked grin spread over the Mekkayena's maw. The world was his. All his. Imagine. The prospects of that. All the souls out there, and at a word, his own personal army (that'd he'd later assemble) could go out into the world and collect them for him.
'You here that Teddy?' Angel growled to the Lucain who was standing next to him, holding himself up in a dignified manner. 'I own this world now. Imagine the possibilities. All the business we could ever have. Right there for the taking.'

The Lucain, Theodore tilted his head. 'It certainly is Angel. I just do hope you do take this seriously. I'd hate for anything to happen to you.' He replied, eyes narrowing to a slant and his mind envisioning the many ways he'd be able to wrest power from his partner. Most involved murder, not something he was comfortable with, but for the world...? Maybe, just maybe.

But Angel was talking again. 'You know what Teddy. Since I'm the ruler of this world. I'm going to give you the privilege of doing my work. You like that idea, huh? I certainly do. Now, I want you to do some things for me. I want you to go and assemble a private army for me. An army perfect for being soulless, brain dead zombies.' He paused, eyes glittering greedily. 'I not only want to rule the world. I want power over every aspect of it.'
He wanted souls. He wanted power from those souls to build a world of his own. He would make every inhabitant of this world brain dead zombies and make them rebuild this world to his own liking. It would be perfect!

18.        What are you eating? Take a photo of some food that you’ve munched on. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Baal's drug of choice, also a typical College student's diet. M&M Crispies and Mother.

19.        Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)

Desert Nagi

20.        Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)

I saw a Deeeeeemon burd at Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo.

21.        Design a colored image (traditional or digital) your dream custom of any of the Metamorphosis Clinic species. No add-ons. Use URL tags. (30 KS) *

As promised, an Aussie Rollaby. :I

22.        From #14, name this character and write an in-depth personality for him/her/it. Must be at least 10 sentences long. (30 KS) *

Name: Kyeema
Gender: Female
Origin: Unnamed Aboriginal Tribe Name for 'Of the Dawn' or 'Kangaroo'

Kyeema is the newest and most recently recruited member of Gangurru/Skippy's gang, and is the odd one out of the mad Rufus Rabbot's group. Kyeema is quiet, soft spoken and rarely raises her voice, unless things get out of hand. Most of the other group respect her, as she has more of a mature outlook and is the most mentally sane out of the group.

As a small joey, she was taken away from her family and experimented on by humans. They did all sorts of things to her, injected various substances, some beneficial, some toxic and near fatal, as well as cutting her open and performing various surgeries. During this time she held on to life determined to not let the pain and torture consume her and in the end she outlived almost all the other patients.

Thankfully, her time locked up in a laboratory was cut short and she was freed by a mad pyromaniac Rabbot, who was obsessed with destroying such establishments, and quickly signed up to his mad crusade against animal cruelty and just general environmental stupidity. She quickly caught onto the fact that the Rabbot was, A. Insane, and B. His cause was a futile and majorly blown out of proportion one, but at that point, she was ready to sign up anything to take back her life and throw her pain back at the kind of people who had done this to her. The Rufus Rabbot is also quite smitten with the Rollaby, though she passes off his charming advances as him just being friendly.

While Skippy is a master in wielding fire, and Dalgyte, the Bilby Rollaby is the expert in using explosives to undermine buildings, Kyeema trained herself in the ways of electronics, as one of the most often types of pain tolerance (or to her torture) tests was involving the use of electricity and she became familiar with how such a thing worked. She's now fairly decent at either blowing the power in large areas, as well as hacking into various security systems and computer networks. Though, these abilities are rarely called upon, as Skippy tends to plan guerrilla attacks that involve burning first, thinking later.

23.        Write a brief segment of a story that your creature from #14 might be involved in. Write as if in a roleplay. Must be at least 10 sentences. (30 KS) *

Skippy lifted his flame-thrower menacingly and advanced on the human pair huddled in the corner, blind to the building that was burning and falling apart around him, thoughts of death and rage whirling through his mind like an inferno. These people needed to pay for what they had done here, for the animals they had tortured, for the environment that their kind had raped. It didn't matter if they were simply the janitor, it didn't even matter if they had actually cared for any of the creatures here. They had let this place stand, let the test animals be tortured without a word. Surely to be burnt in fire and cleansed of their sins would be a fitting, end. This place would be purged, cleaned and eventually purified with plant life.
By the time he was done here, there would be no trace of this horrific place.

What kind of sick, twisted person would actually propose the idea to test on animals? The thought. He couldn't stand it.
He huffed and raised the home-made flame-thrower. 'You know why this is happening, yes?' He growled, some sort of manic happiness swirling in his eyes. 'You have to
pay for what your kind did here.'

A little way of Kyeema's ear twitched, as she heard the wail of the caretaker. Gods no! They were still here? Had they not escaped?
The Rollaby desperately made her way through the flames and rubble, ignoring the Bilby Rollaby (Dalgyte... was possibly his name? It was some odd, name like that.)  until she rounded the corner and saw a Rufus Rabbot menacing the caretaker and his wife with what appeared to be some contraption made out of a gas cylinder and various scraps of metal - the thing that had set the entire establishment alight.

'No! Stop!' Kyeema cried, throwing herself forward and between the Rabbot and the couple. 'Please. No. They did nothing.' She begged, her voice dropping down back to it's quiet level.

Skippy turned his head quizzically but gestured with the nose of the flame-thrower. 'Get out of the way.'

Kyeema bit her lip and furrowed her brow but refused to budge. 'No. You don't know these people. Please. Let them go. They treated us kindly. They were the only ones who did. Please don't kill them.' She whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes. She understood this Rabbot was the one who had freed her, as well as the other countless pets in this place from their prison, but he had to listen to her when she said that they hadn't done anything to deserve death.

'I don't care. They worked here, didn't they? They didn't set you free, did they?' Skippy's grip on the handle tightened, his face darkening. He didn't want to turn this on her. She was a pretty thing, and it would really, really be counter-productive to his cause.

Kyeema dropped her eyes, but not before noting that the Rabbot had a glimmer of madness in her eyes. Reasoning with him would be futile. Realising this, the Rollaby lunged forward, grabbing the long weapon and forcing the nozzle skyward.

'Run!' She yelled at the pair, while wrestling with the tough, wiry Rabbot. After they quickly got up and fled, Kyeema fought with the Rabbot for a little longer, then hopped backwards, releasing the flame-thrower.

'I don't care what you say. They were good people. You should be ashamed with yourself.' Kyeema quietly said, glaring at Skippy.

The Rabbot huffed, not quiet sure what to think. Suddenly a flaming beam crashed down, startling the pair into realising what danger they were in. After finally unlocking eyes, the pair began their desperate escape out of the building.

24.        Fancy feet. Draw 5 sketches of your Evelon Pets’ feet/paws/talons/whatever (in pet form.) Be creative! You may only draw legs/feet. Include all 5 sketches in one image. Stay within 600 x 400 pixels. Use img tags. You may include your pets names. (30 KS)


26.        Einsor’s sidekick. Draw a sketch fusing two or more of Evelon’s pets. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Fooshun of a Scribblen, Scordrak, Beetanke, Thorn Thief and Chombones.

28.        Unusual medium! Sketch an Evelon pet on something in real life, other than on paper. Be creative! No digital art, no paper. Take a photo of it. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Feeshy feeding time. :U

29.        Choose a character. Now you get to kill them! Write a short, dramatic death scene for that character (you choose the scenario). At least five sentences long. (30 KS)


Jack peered down the scope of his trusty rifle, the edge of his tongue poking out from the edge of his mouth. He had tracked a Medic and Demo pair half way across the field and was waiting for a more opportune moment to kill them, so it would be harder for some sort of back-up alternative to come through with any sort of speed to take down Ryou's sentries, which were guarding valuable intelligence.

'Five... Four... Three... Two... On-' He paused and lifted his head looked back to the opening of the door frame he came through and swore softly. He could have sworn he had heard something, yet Warren was still happily dozing in the corner. Damn, he had missed his bloody shot.
'Kangaroo's balls.' He muttered to himself, returning his eyes to the scope and seeking out the pair's position again. Oh, excellent. He could easily get a headshot in for one of them; they had assumed he was on the opposite ridge and were taking cover in plain sight. He had one shot, before the other realised their mistake and took cover behind the other ridge. The Demoman initially seemed like the obvious target, but if the Medic was gone, so was his back-up. So, he turned his crosshair to the doctors head and fired a shot. The German went down with a tiny splatter of blood, and the Demo flinched and hurried out of sight, only to be gunned down by a turret shortly after rounding the corner.

Blue smirked to himself and started reloading his bullets, when he heard a soft growl from the corner. 'Huh.' He mused to himself, carefully slinging the rifle over his back and pulling his Submachine gun from his belt. 'And, who the bloody 'ell might that be comin' up, aye?' He growled.

There was an audible sigh, and odd metallic noise as a Spy unveiled himself before Blue's eyes. He was, like all other Spies, in distinguishable from all the others. 'Bonjour. Zhey did warn me of your damned chien.' He even had the French accent going on, nothing unusual to pick him apart, aside from the fact that he seemed slightly more American than the typical one. 'Good to see you are more... 'uman looking zis time, eh?'

'Goddamn fuck. Vhat iz your problem Basteen, you ideeot.' A BLU Sniper jogged up behind the Spy, all scowls.

Oh, the pair that he met during... that incident. Blue pulled a face (he'd never forget that fucking horn) and glanced between the two, flicking his hand in an odd gesture as he did so. Warren got up and happily trotted over to his side. He was heavily outnumbered, by one of his class, and a common counter for his class, and despite the fact that he knew these two jokers, he knew they were just here to say g'day.
'Evenin' mate. I see you 'aven't lost yor charm there Sniper.' Jack commented, idly flipping a component of his SMG to check if he had remembered to reload the thing. 'I imagine yor both not exactly a friendly visit.'

'Not... exactly, non.' Bastian replied, flicking a glance back to Mikhail.
He flicked a plan through his mind. Undoubtedly the Spy would be the hardest thing, but if he shot him, would he have time to put a bullet through his head, or would he have more luck trying to stab him... hrm.

Jack clicked his tongue at Warren, before suddenly opening fire on the Spy, while Warren bristled up and jumped at the Sniper, knocking him to the ground with a strangled yell.

Mikhail thrust his hands up just in time from keeping the snapping fangs from ripping his face off and caught the Dingo Lucain around the chest. But Warren's snarling maw was still just inches from his face and any giving from either party would render Mikhail losing some valuable features from his face. He mentally flashed back to another time where something similar happened when he was a hunter, and followed the same tactic; brought his knees up and heavily kicked the dog in the chest, and sent it flying across the room. Warren hit the wall with an injured yelp and before he could retaliate, Mikhail rolled back onto his feet and plunged a knife into the dingo's exposed belly, in one swift move. The dog uttered a gurgled cry before falling limp. Mikhail pulled the blade and looked up just in time to see Bastian fall to the floor, his vest ripped open by small bullet holes and as he stared, red began to taint the fabric of his vest.

'N-No...' Mikhail stammered, feeling weak at the knees. He resisted the urge to sink down to his knees. While... he often came across as hating the Spy, it was a facade, a strong act. And. Now Bastian was dead. 'Bastard. You vill pay for zhat you bastard.'

Blue narrowed his eyes. 'If you and that bloody kangaroo-fuckin’ wanker had minded yor own bloody business, yer both woulda been fine.' Then realisation struck Blue. Mikhail was up, which mean... oh fuck no. He slid his eyes over to the limp form of Warren on the far wall. 'You fuckin' tosser... mate..'

Jack exhaled heavily, fighting back emotion and reached for his knife but Mikhail got their faster. The Russian Sniper already had his blade out and jumped at Blue, noting his movement. Blue growled and was forced to throw up his SMG to stop the blade slicing down on his stomach, aware that the blasted thing was liable to go off. For a few seconds, they both struggled against each other, both trying to get the upper hand, before Blue risked a cheap shot, taking one hand off the gun and swinging it at Mikhails face. As he did that, Mikhail’s blade slipped, cutting into the side of Blue’s stomach, but he was thrown backwards as Blue’s fist connected with the side of his face.
Mikhail staggered back slightly and Blue groaned and almost doubled over in pain. Still, he managed to pull his hunting knife out from his belt and drop the gun to the floor. If Mikhail wanted a goddamn bloody knife fight; he wasn’t going to get the satisfaction of getting one.
Mikhail took in a deep breath and again charged at Blue with a snarl. Blue didn’t bother parrying the blade, but instead took the hit and let the knife slide into his chest.  Mikhail’s expression under his bandanna was one of satisfaction but it quickly dissolved into panic and fear as he looked down at his own chest to see Blue’s blade sticking out of it.
‘You... you.. Vhat..?’ He mumbled not quite sure what had exactly happened.
‘That was for Warren... you wanker.’ Blue replied breathing heavily, the blood loss from his earlier wounds making thought hard and his vision blurry.

‘Vhat... no. I can.. I can still find a Medic.’ Mikhail replied, pushing Sniper away and pulling his blade out of him. Blue smirked as he wavered on his feet for a few seconds, before collapsing to the floor – that same smirk still plastered all over his face.
Mikhail teetered on his feet for a few seconds before realising that  there really was no way that a Medic would be able to hear him from here and he really was going to die. Blue knew his vitals just as well as he did and Blue had hit right in the centre of his stomach. Mikhail collapsed to his knees and dragged himself over to Bastian. He placed a finger on his face, noting bitterly that his body was still warm, as if he was still alive.
As he started to lose consciousness, he lowered himself down to lie on the floor beside Bastian, his mind becoming fuzzy. He vaguely noted that it was such a blissful feeling, this death. Maybe there would be an afterlife, and maybe he would see Bastian again...

31.        It’s almost Valentine’s Day. In the words of your character, write a love letter to another one of your’s or someone else’s character. (30 KS)

Dear my most beautiful babe, Krypto~

Were you expecting to hear from me~? I bet you were. I could hear you pining all the way from here. I was actually going to send a letter to myself, but I felt the need to express my love and desire to you first. A mirror is all I need for myself.
But moving on. Are you amazed at how this letter got to you? You shouldn't be, it was quite easy to find you, I'll have you know. You can't hide from my love forever dear. ;D

You see, my love for you. It burns hotter than this flame, on this candle on my bedside table. But, you won't accept my love, and this upsets me greatly. You don't see how beautiful we could be together, you're blinded by the past and can't fathom the future.
Don't you see? The reason why I sent all those crazy creatures that tried to kill you because I was simply trying to get your attention. I don't see why you'd find it necessary to hide from me (I mean, who would
want to hide from me, seriously), and I figured if you don't want my attention, you don't deserve other people's attention either.
Because my dear. That's how much I want you. I would kill every star in the sky, kill everyone who so much looked at you in that way. That is the extent of my love for you.
I hope, on this Valentines, you take me back as your lover, husband and best friend. Even just for one night.

Love Yorutanekke~
:U xxx

P.S. Did I get you~? I bet I did. I bet you're curled up in the corner, crying. Because you
want me so bad right now. So. So. Bad. >8U

P.S.S. Also. That candle? Yeah. My whole room is covered with them right now. Can you guess why? You know... how much I do like to have a candlelit room when I'm with my lovers.

33.        Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)

My pet feeshy, Convict~

34.        Talk to the hand! Find a partner and devise a sentence about Evelon or draw an image. Now divide that sentence/image and draw one part on the back of your hand. Be creative! Scan the back of your hand on a scanner. Your scanned hands should complete the message together. Indicate your partner here and post both you and your partner’s images. Use url tags. (50 KS)

Me and Moofie did Insonia~ :U
My Insonia and Moofie's Insonia.

35.        Don’t be camera shy! Draw, paint, or draw a mustache on tape and take a picture of yourself with the mustache on. (50 KS)

Dat 'Stache. :'U;

36.        Lovely Lucain. Design five new markings for the Lucain species, using this template. Markings may be minimarks. Briefly describe each marking in 1 to 2 sentences. (50 KS) %

Looped - [i]Loosely based off Red Eye Tree Frog and a number of Dart frog markings, and designed with the idea to compliment the Eclipse marking in mind. Great jumpers and able to produce quick bursts of incredible speed?
Eye Shadow - Based off a tattoo a character of mine has. These lucain could perhaps be the more dramatic kind, either tending to be good at acting to manipulate, or at the other end of the spectrum, being over emotional and melodramatic.
Goanna - Based off a number of Australian lizards, primarily the Eastern Water Dragon, Parentie and Lace Goanna. These Lucain could possibly be lazy, or at least slow to act and like lying in the sun, and scaling steep inclines?
Hooded - Based off a Hooded Rat. These Lucain tend to be slightly smaller than average and tend to be quite sneaky/crafty.
Streak - No real inspiration in mind, it is just a simple marking. :I No... personality/trait ideas for this one.

39.        Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)

Idor's Actual Image:

40.        Cosplay fashion shot! Dress exactly like one of your characters (in human form) would dress, and indicate the name of your pet here. Include any add-ons and accessories they might wear on themselves. (You may also use a friend as your model instead of yourself, for your photo). BE CREATIVE! Don’t use wear a shirt and pants, srsly. Reward varies w/ cosplay complexity. Use url tags. (50 – 200 KS)

Moi dressed as Halloween, my Headless Kuhna.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Joined: 09/04/2007 4:15 AM
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