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Jaden's hunting for a scavenger >D

Postby Jaden Wolf » 02/11/2012 1:08 AM

I will try mah best cause this thing looks so totally awesome and brightened my already bright day <3

Tasks completed: 28/55

1.        Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)


2.        Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)

3.        What are you playin’? Play a computer game or a console game, then take a snapshot or a photo. The quality of the photo doesn't matter, as long as I can discern that it's a game. Use url tags. (10 KS) @

4.        Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS) @

(As a note: Most of these are series and I love most of those games, but I'm listing my faves of each and this was a reallly hard choice)
Pokemon SoulSilver on DS
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility on Wii
Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword on Wii
Super Mario Sunshine on Gamecube
The Sims on Gamecube (also on PC)

5.        But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS) @

Kirby: The Crystal Shards on Nintendo 64
The World Ends with You on DS
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors on DS
Paper Mario on Nintendo 64
Pokemon FireRed (or LeafGreen) on Game Boy Advance

7.        Jump in the IRC! Make sure to use your username. Say hello, make some new friends, and don’t forget to take a screenshot! Use url tags. (10 KS)

8.        Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)

10.        Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character. (25 KS)

(I have no one favourite :P)

Many years I swam
Land is nice but I am sad
The ocean is life

11.        Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)

Jesper Slade ;D

12.        Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)

1. Aries
2. Tuskow
3. Hollowheart
4. Penticorn
5. Yingshee

13.        Fyoooshun! Find images of real animals online. Photo manipulate and splice the images together to create an existing Evelon pet. Use url tags. (25KS)

14.        What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)
Ex) Image

So I picked black, blue and pink. I even asked some other people for their opinion to be sure :P
Black is because I have a dark side, and I also like that color :)
Blue is because it's a calm color, and I'm more of a chill person (usually), it also happens to be my favourite color
Pink because most people seemed to think it was me. I know I look good in pink, and I suppose it represents my cheerful side (though it doesn't show through often)

15.        Like #14, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)

Well, my first thought was Black, Grey/Silver and White, but then I went with this.Image

16.        Mwahahahah! Your character now rules the entire world. What will your character do next? What would he/she do with this new seat of power? Write about it or roleplay it. Post the image of your pet. Must be at least 5 sentences. Use img tags. (30 KS)

A video flicks on, and a man's face appears on the screen. He seems to be about 30 with wiry hair and large glasses that seem to appear perpetually white.
"What d'ya mean, I rule the world? You go rule the world. Or better yet, get your own world!"
A voice can be heard talking in the background. (But you...) a sigh, (what's the first thing you want to do now that you rule the world?)
"That's a stupid question. After this, you come with me, I'll change whatever part of your stupid brain makes you ask stupid questions and come up with stupid answers. Or better yet, I'll make you talk backwards. Yeah, that's a good idea. Glad you thought of it."
(But I don't want to talk backwards.)
"Yes you do. How do you know you're not talking backwards now? Maybe we're all talking backwards and by making you talk backward, you'll be the only one talking forward!"
Another sigh. (Will you answer the question, please?)
"No. Ask my robot."
(Your robot's not here.)
"What!? What was the point of installing an anti-directional unit if he's going to get lost with it? Fine, I'll answer the question. Now, what was the question?"
(What will you do now that you rule the world?)
"Hrm, the world. That's a pretty big thing. Maybe I could implode it and find out if black holes are made of peanuts. Or perhaps I could make everybody purple and speak like ants."
"Yes, ants have a really extraordinary vocabulary. Now, I believe my most recent rocket model is about to self-destruct, and I have a sandwich to put in it first. Now where's Christopher?"
"My assistant."
(You mean Alexis?)
"No, her name is Gertrude."
(What about the world?)
"You're right. I can't leave all this people here. They get in the way. Maybe I'll teleport them to another dimension. Off I go! FOR SCIENCE!"
(Bu- ...wait!)

17.        Create a colored image of one of your pets in MS Paint (or the Mac version of it). It doesn’t have to look good, lawl. Use url tags. (30 KS)

19.        Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)

Desert Nagi!

20.        Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)

29.        Choose a character. Now you get to kill them! Write a short, dramatic death scene for that character (you choose the scenario). At least five sentences long. (30 KS)


Krissa was surrounded by the dead or the dying. All of them her friends and co-workers at the secret agency they worked for. Somehow, they'd ended up in a miniature war while trying to stop a man named Morcubus or something. Y'know, your typical psychotic guy trying to end the world. Yet, they were in the middle of an unused area of the Warehouse no one else was supposed to be out there. Yet, here she was, looking around a shipping crate at a woman standing casually in the middle of the warehouse, watching the chaos around her with interest. Uttering a colorful word, Krissa took off towards the woman, grabbing her and pulling her over to another crate. Ducking behind it, she looked up in disbelief at the woman who'd remained standing...well in the line of fire.
"You got a death wish?"
"Not particularly."
"Well you're going to die if you don't take cover!"
"I don't think Destiny's taking me out just yet." Krissa spluttered at the grinning woman. Destiny?  This woman was definitely crazy. Turning around, the woman walked back out into the fray, narrowly missing a bullet that proceeded to kill a man standing behind her. Turning, she watched him fall with an "ooh" as if she'd just seen him get punched in the gut. Seeing a gun pointed at the strange lady, Krissa dove forward and tackled her to the ground, shooting the man in the rafters.
"See, you could've died just now!"
"But I didn't."
"Yeah, cause I saved you!"
"'Cause Destiny willed it." It was then that Krissa noticed the place had gone silent. Ignoring the woman, she looked around. The fight was over...the two of them were the only survivors. Looking back, Krissa spotted the woman standing over a black box.
"Wait, no!" she cried, stepping forward as the woman opened it. She only heard one more thing before the blast threw her against the wall and into unconsciousness.
"Well that was disappointing."

30.        Connect the dots in order in this image and guess the pet. Post the image using url tags. (30 KS)

31.        It’s almost Valentine’s Day. In the words of your character, write a love letter to another one of your’s or someone else’s character. (30 KS)

From my Arkuhna to my Hydro
I know you think I'm a sap for doing something like this, but I can't help it. It's just how much I love you. Even though I already tell you that every day, it just never seems like it's enough. Particularly when half the time, someone comments and you end up hitting them. Of course, I love that about you too, that tough side you're always showing off. Like the day we first met, remember that? I'll never forget. How can I, I still get smacked when I say sorry "for no reason" as you put it. But it's okay. I know you mean well. I shouldn't let people walk all over me. But it still happens. Guess I'm just too soft.
But then, I have you.
And I love you.

P.S: Don't send someone to the hospital today, please? It's a special day. You'll see.

33.        Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)

35.        Don’t be camera shy! Draw, paint, or draw a mustache on tape and take a picture of yourself with the mustache on. (50 KS)

36.        Lovely Lucain. Design five new markings for the Lucain species, using this template. Markings may be minimarks. Briefly describe each marking in 1 to 2 sentences. (50 KS) %

Polka Dot: Lucain with this marking are usually quite outgoing and easily attract attention.

Paintball: Those who have the Paintball marking are often known for their artistic ability, or just creativity in general. Rumor has it that the first Paintball marking was caused by a Lucain who got paint on himself so much that it permanently stained his fur.

Doodle: The doodle marking generally signifies a playful and/or childish character in its owner.

Nomad: Lucain that posses this marking are often calm and wise, preferring to look inwards rather than out. Most end up being monks or priests/priestesses.

Woodland: The woodland marking appears on those with an affinity to the forest and the Earth element, occasionally helping them to blend in with their surroundings.

39.        Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)

The site was being stupid and wouldn't let me post, even when I resized them. D< So here's the urls.

44.        Find those reptiles! Complete this crossword puzzle by finding all of the species from the Scales ‘N Tails pages. Use url tags. (75 KS)

47.        Bring them to life! Digitally animate a sketch of an Evelon pet. Must be 4 – 5 frames at least. Use url tags. (100 KS)

49.        Oh gods, math. Color in this image correctly, using the table provided. Solve the math problems to find which color to use. Here is a clean version of the image, if you wish to color on this instead. All colors must be correct (does not require shading). Submit your image here, use url tags. (100 KS)

55.        Impress me. Record a video of you reciting all of the current Snickles (Lord Baal’s children, found here), in order. You must cover your eyes or be blindfolded the entire time. No reading from the list, NO CHEATING. Get ‘em memorized? There are 62 Snickles in all. Good luck! (1500 KS) ***

You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Jaden Wolf
Ultimate Specialist
Ultimate Specialist
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Keystones: 324
Joined: 10/20/2007 1:46 PM
Location: True North
Status: Squatting among the rich #foreverbroke

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