Royals were absolutely the worst. They were even lower than criminals. All they did all day was flaunt their money! Not even a quarter of the rich did anything to help those less fortunate. It didn't matter to them if people were suffering, though. All that they cared about was whether their bellies were full for the night!
That's why I had long since taken matters into my own hands. I hated seeing all of the kids crying, hearing all of the stories of loss from their parents! How could you know that was going on and not try to do anything...? With those very thoughts in mind, I liked to think of myself like Robin Hood. I didn't steal anything, no; all I ever did was relocate things. It was more like second nature to me now. Sneak into a house or two every couple nights and take a couple valuables. It was enough to get food onto people's tables, and with that, we could even afford to offer free dishes to some of the patrons of the bar.
My sudden stumbling caught me a bit off-guard, however. I cursed the rock that I nearly tripped over It was just then that I noticed that heels might not be the best for breaking into people's houses. They usually didn't give me too much trouble though, and heels were more natural to me than boots or sneakers were. The rest of my outfit was perfectly practical though; a black outfit to blend into the night, consisting of short shorts, a crop top and a pair of thigh-high socks. I didn't have any frills or anything that could be caught on a windowsill. Tonight however, I opted to simply clip my blonde bangs back. I didn't have any time at all to waste tonight. One of the kids had gotten a cold yesterday, and I absolutely wanted to get him medicine.
So here I found myself in the upper-class portion of Aldrect, my brown messenger bag slung over my shoulder. I ducked behind a bush as I noticed a couple making their way down the ally in front of me. I most certainly didn't want to get spotted. As tempting as that man looked however, pick-pocketing was something I simply refused to do. So with a small sigh, I set my sights on a rather large mansion just across the street. The night light didn't allow me to make out many details, though I could spot the white lattice running up one side of the house. Perfect for climbing, of course.
And just as I had predicted, I made a smooth landing in the second-floor room. Luckily, the window didn't put up as much of a fight as some others did.