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The Gastropod's Contest (Winners announced!)

Postby Yomegami » 08/14/2009 5:12 PM

Originally, I wasn't planning on holding any sort of contest during my time on Evelon, but I admit I'm not so good with coming up with custom plans. Like my self-character, for example. Hence why this is here.

I have no idea whatsoever on what I'd be in terms of an Evelon pet, and holding contests about this sort of thing seems to be popular, so I figured I might as well follow suit. So basically, you design a custom based on what you think I'd be if I were an Evelon pet - colors, add-ons, all that wonderful jazz.

Some rules:
1. I'd prefer it if you only submit 1 entry, although the maximum is 2 entries if you must submit more than 1.
2. No lucain or paragon, as I don't think either of those is very fitting of me, and breeding myself is not something I intend on doing. (Kuhnas are acceptable.)
3. You can go with Snicky, but you better have a good reason for choosing it. Simply looking at my username and going "Oh, you're definitely a snicky! 8DD" isn't going to cut it.
4. Don't go hog wild with the add-ons. I normally limit myself to 2 add-ons at most.
5. Have fun?

The prizes:
1. A non-breedable custom from the giftshop.
2. $6 to spend in the Gift-shop.
3. 200 KS.

This contest ends on August 29th, so you have plenty of time to plan and stuff.

Here's my personality in a nutshell to help out:
For the most part, I'm a loner who rarely speaks to anyone and keeps to himself. I'm rather shy and have trouble speaking when I actually feel like it. I can be a bit clingy to those I'm close to. I completely lack friends in real life, and have almost no social life outside my family and the internet community.
I try to be nice, but my temper is extremely short and I'm angry often, sometimes for no apparent reason at all. If I get really mad, I have a tendency to get violent, even if just verbally.
I prefer thunderstorms to sunlight, and night to day, and I prefer forests over urban settings. I'm not fond of heat and prefer cooler temperatures, although freezing isn't exactly something I like either.
I'm a bit nerdy, and oftentimes spend much of my time looking up various subjects on Wikipedia or elsewhere. As of late, I've had an extreme interest in weapons and wars, especially the World Wars.
My favorite school subjects tend to be Science or history related.

While you don't have to use it, here's a form if you want to make things tidy. Just make sure all the things on the form are in your entry somewhere:
Code: Select all
1. What pet species do you want customized?:
2. Eye Color:
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: (To make sure you get what you envisioned, please be as specific as possible! We don't read minds.)
4. Accessories:
5. Total cost:
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?:

Finally, to make sure you've read this, mention badgers somewhere in your post, please.
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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby Middy » 08/14/2009 6:08 PM

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Nyghtmare
2. Eye Color: #21C8FF
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: (To make sure you get what you envisioned, please be as specific as possible! We don't read minds.)
Main Body: #28333E
Tail Skulls: #556D83
Mane/Tail: #0C1824
Mystwalker Marking much like a Paragon: #86B9CA

4. Accessories: A silver pendant like this
Snail Tattoo on Rump #A4B0BC
5. Total cost: About $21
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?:
I personally see you being a Nyghtmare, they don't seem to be ones to be all to social either. And they are also night dwellers like yourself, plus they are cold if one were to walk through them. You to me... are a mystery and so fits the Nyghtmare, plus I know you have evil tenancies in there somewhere -pokes-
I was going to pick a Slynx at first... might add that in this post but would basically use the same colorations/addons.

I made him a bit dark due to your nature, I don't see you as being a bright and cheerful person normally, and I added some icy tones to match the 'Arctic' aspect.

Badgers are odd animals...
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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby Freezair » 08/14/2009 6:53 PM

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Hydrolisk
2. Eye Color: Bright, electric blue
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: The main body of the Hydrolisk is black. (Or close to black as possible, y'know.) The webbing on the Hydrolisk's fins is the same electric blue as the eyes. The outer rims of the Hydrolisk's patterns (on the common Hydrolisk, it's the black part) is turquoise, and the inner part (green on a common Hydrolisk) is bright, "primary" blue. Sort of think of what a Glacial Hydrolisk might look like, infused with electricity.
4. Accessories: A bright blue "electrical" aura, similar to the one your Fairy Paragon has.
5. Total cost: I think about $20-21 bucks... I think an "aura" or "sparkles" is a $5-$6 add-on.
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: Well, I knew you would be a reptillian pet, probably. Definitely not a mammal; you don't strike me as "mammalian." The description on the Hydrolisk pet resonated for me with you. It says that they tend to lash out at people who entered their territory, which fit with your self-description of being a loner and having a temper. But they're also cool and mesmerizing. Your name, naturally, makes me think of the Glacial color scheme, so I created a color scheme for this pet that matches that. As for the "lightning" theme, I took that not only from your Paragon, but also from your description of your interests. Electricity is a powerful force; lightning has raw power which I also associate with violence. Hence its semi-connection with the "war" thing. But electricity is also "scientific," not only in powering technology but in its applications. And, when you get right down to it, it's the electrons circling the nucleus of an atom that drives--well, everything. Chemisty? Exchange of electrons. Force? The like charges of electrons repelling each other, so things don't merge into one another or fall apart. XD It's physics, it's chemistry, it's everything! So, in that sense, electricity is power.

So, yeah. I guess I went for an "icy-electric" theme.

You know what Internet meme I like? The one with the song that goes "Badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby HunnyBun » 08/14/2009 7:20 PM

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Akail
2. Eye Color: #790000
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: Use image: Skin: #111111 Marking: #c2c2c2 Dot's/Hair: #790000
4. Accessories: Trinket in mouth: #000000, #0e014c, #790000 // Snail Necklace: Snail: #eb8c20, #0e014c
5. Total cost: $18 I do believe (but I've been known to be wrong)
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: You said you like night and cold, Akail like those things to. So I figured that you explained an Akail in your personality. XD

Arctic Akail

What's this about mentioning a Badger? o3o

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To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby Redd » 08/14/2009 11:18 PM

Gonna take a stab at this~ Hope it's half decent? Oh~ And I think Badgers are pretty cute~ =3

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Hollowheart
   2. Eye Color: #af0003
   3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: (To make sure you get what you envisioned, please be as specific as possible! We don't read minds.)
Body Color: #060125
Markings: #cfd2d2
Spines/Claws: #191919
Wings: #0a0a0a
Ribbon around Horns:#191919
   4. Accessories: A white glow/aura (#c8cecf) around Hollowheart
   5. Total cost: Around $18? ... I think?
   6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: Well... firstly I always thought of a Hollowheart as being not overly friendly or socialible, just hanging around by itself, and when I read that blurb about yourself, that's what I immediately thought of. The colors I chose, well they are leaning towards the more night/wintery colors (well I think anyway), which is also what I immediately think of, when I read that- plus the Aura comes in, when I think of your username as I made the aura a very, icey cold kinda color.
I dunno.. That's just what I thought of, when I read all that info on ya~
Here is an image of what I think the pet would be close to~ It's a bit dodgy, but you get the idea, right? As for the white lineart, I was thinking you might be able to order it like that, but otherwise without it.. I just had trouble seeing the actual lineart 8D But I included it with the original black lineart


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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby potterchic » 08/15/2009 7:43 PM

He he, this reminds me of a BADGER.

(Please note that these colors are in RGB code, if you'd like to see what colors they are, just open up MS paint, and choose to edit colors. When you choose Define Custom Colors you can enter the codes into the right boxes and see the shade.)
1. What pet species do you want customized?: Wombear
2. Eye Color: R:0 G:2 B:94
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: (To make sure you get what you envisioned, please be as specific as possible! We don't read minds.)
The main body color (outside of the belly and other green spots) would be R:65 G:245 B:245, ant the belly and other green places would become R:0 G:0 B:0 for contrast. Then something like the Storm lucain marking would spread across the black bits in R:13 G:18 B:242.
4. Accessories: (Optional) A simple silver gauntlet on the hand towards the front, and/or a small silver sword (more of a large dagger/knife, but considering the wombear's size, it would be like a sword to it) in/behind the hand at the back.
5. Total cost: 17, 23, 25, or 31 dollars.
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?:
Found usually on the outskirts of the Vast Plains, Wombears are roaming creatures that usually dash under the safety of the scarce trees if an aerial predator is spotted. They have somewhat of a temper and trainers are not encouraged to try and pet or pick one up without taming it. Their fur colorations vary.
Well, you said that your somewhat shy, and hiding makes me think of shy, even if it's from a predator.
You said you have a short temper, sooo. Yeah, sort of obvious.
Now, the colorations.
The eyes... I dunno, I just wanted something dark. XD The main coat color is sort of icy looking to me, but feel free to change it to match your tastes. Of course, you can change anything if you choose to use this design outline, it belongs to you, now that I've submitted it. The black, as mentioned, was just for contrast. And the lighting was for your liking of thunder storms. I also incorporated your weapons thing with the possible gauntlet/sword. Umm, yeah, I hope I helped you a bit. Oh, and if you ever make yourself a pet muse, it should sooo be a snicky, just because. :P
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby yodawg784 » 08/20/2009 1:31 PM

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Khuhna

2. Eye Color: light blue, looking almost sparkling.

3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where?: A dark midnight blue for the body, and a light almost white blue for the accessorie1 Rainbow stripes on 2.

4. Accessories: Snowlflakes scattered everywhere, and a colorful scarf around her neck.

5. Total cost:________(Uhm... Yeah, get back to you on that one...)

6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: A very bubbley, winter loving, creature in the artic. You are always bubbley, so when I saw you had a contest I was so excited. I know that in a world of darkness you could make laughter, and so that's who I wanted your khuna to be. I thought Khuna, because I have always thought very high of them, as I think of you. I wanted to use things never used before, so that it would be special and know it, which I hope you know you are special as well! The rainbow scarf came from your colorful personalty. The midnight blue for your serious listening side. The snowflakes to show how even if you can be serious you can always come back to your fun-loving, bubbley side!
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Postby Kyrit » 08/20/2009 2:58 PM

Pft. Badgers? None of those around here.

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Doitsu Werebetta
2. Eye Color: Glowing white
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: (To make sure you get what you envisioned, please be as specific as possible! We don't read minds.) The base color would be a dark blue, probably close to black and the fins would be only a slightly lighter blue. All spots would be black. Underneath the spots would be streaks of white(on both the body and fins) lightning. (Basically, it's meant to look like a storm)
4. Accessories: I think the glowing eyes and the lightning streaks would count as accessories? Also, as an optional third accessory(Self pet is special and gets three? Maybe? ^^; ) I'd suggest getting some dark clouds floating around it, maybe around the fins or something.
5. Total cost:
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?:
"Doitsu are the most docile of the Werebettas, though that isn't saying much. Although they can be kept in groups, they will establish an order of dominance, and any individual that gets out of line will be severely punished. Their beautiful coloration is highly prized, and the largest of the species sell for high prices."

That's the description for the Doitsu. Werebettas are vicious animals, which fits for the temper, but the Doitsu accept others more easily than other breeds of Werebettas. This fits in the fact that while you can have a temper, you do at least try to be around people; at least on the internet. You interact with those on the irc, even if you aren't one of the more bubbly characters. (Also, you like fish.)

As for the coloration and add-ons, they're rather simple. You love storms, and at the same time storms can be seen as violent, and can even connect to your temper. The dark colors also link to night instead of day.
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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby zapdragon555 » 08/21/2009 9:08 PM

Badgers. They be awesome~ 8D

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Gambler Gallizar
2. Eye Color: #FF9900
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: The Gallizar's main body color (the dark grey part) should be #666699. The pale grey head/neck, leg rings, arm rings, and tail rings should all be #99CCEE. Everything on the Gallizer that is red AND the foot claws/hand claws should be #6600AA. The black diamonds on the thighs and the black outlines on the red patterns should be #FF9900.
4. Accessories: None
5. Total cost: $17
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: Personally, a Gallizar seems to fit you, and I tried to pick icy colors (hence, your name). You've described yourself as a bit of a "nerd," and I've always found nerds to be very smart, and Gambler Gallizars are as well. ^_^

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Shimin
2. Eye Color: The same color and glowiness as the Temple Pets' eyes
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: The main body color sould be #00DDDD. The red-ish markings on the Shimin should be #660088. The skull should be #000000. The claws and elbow spikes should be #000000 as well. The horns should be #660088.
4. Accessories: Glowing "Temple Pet" eyes, but te eyes should not be round. They should stay the same as the Normal Shimin's eye shape.
5. Total cost: $18
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: I've always seen you as a Shimin for some reason. o3o Anywho, I picked these colors because they didn't seem to obnoxious, but weren't completely dull either, and I was going for sort of an "Arctic" theme, hence your name. ^3^ The "Temple" eyes sort of adds to the Arcticness, and Temple pets could be considered a bit antisocial, as they live alone. Also, I'm pretty sure they are quick to anger, as you are? :/ (Can't find the Shimin's description anywhere on the site. XD;;)

Hehe, I couldn't pick between the two. XD;;
So I put both. ;3

Also, when you say a "non-breedable" custom from the gift shop as the prize for first place, does this count for Kuhnas as well? :3

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby Moofius » 08/24/2009 1:54 AM

I'll edit this later but I'mma' put my picture up. If anybodies entries resemble mine to like, a huge extent I'm sorry and I'll take mine down. o3o


Will edit this later using a super special epic badger to spell check.

1. What pet species do you want customized?: Hydrolisk
2. Eye Color: Like a Dreamsnare pet. The eyes glow, but in a pale blue similiar to the blue of the markings.
3. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what colors you want on the pet and where: Refer to the Hydrolisk Drawing as a ref. The base is a dark, dark-almost-black grey colour. The usual marking on the hydrolisk  is the pictures pale, icy blue colour; the fins are the same colour. The inner area of the marking is the same colour as the base (dark almost-black grey) with binary code. The binary code colour is meant to be the same light blue as the fins and marking. My binary code goes at an angle but it'd be MUCH better if it curved along with the body? Yah. o3o;;
4. Accessories: ... None. =/
5. Total cost: 15 dollars... I think. =/;;
6. What made you think this pet is fitting of me?: Well you're dark-loner-anit-scial or whatever, so I thought a dark colour would fit you. You're not a bright and happy shiny person, if you know what I mean. Both from your name and your description you prefer the cold (probably not minus forty) but the black is also a colour I associate with cold. I like the light blue cause it's a grey-ish pale blue, not that dork fest baby-blue so I felt it suited you.

I chose the binary pattern because you like technology and I thought it'd be kinda' really weird to put like... a google search as the marking. XD! Or wiki. P= I thought Binary is the base, base information of computers. The glowing eyes would be like... you reading code or something (Kinda' like a certain Snickle? D8>) when you're on the computer, or better integrating yourself into the system? Yah I'm weird.

I couldn't think of any good accesories. The best I could come up with was like... millitary dog tags. P= I tried to toss science in there but you holding a science text book was like... over kill or something. >P<

QUESTION: If first bprize is a non-breedable custom, or 15 dollars, could we order a random paragon/cain? P=
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Re: The Gastropod has decided to hold a contest. Weird.

Postby Yomegami » 08/29/2009 3:29 PM

Okay, it's been up for two weeks, and today's the day it has ended.... So we now have winners. oDo And as a bit late response to Zap: Yeah, kuhnas are counted in the "non-breedable" department. I meant no lucain or paragon customs.

1st Place = Krypto. The "icy" aspect of the hollowheart resonated with me in a way, seeing as I've often seen myself as having a cold heart. I'm also fond of dragons and they've been used as signs of war before, so that also works. Basically, I felt the design reflected most aspects of my personality the best. o3o

2nd Place = Draiz. Yes, I do like fish, which made me wonder why I forgot to mention that in the first post. Not to mention, everything else you mentioned also managed to cover me quite nicely. The fact that you included tidbits from personal observation in there was a nice touch, as well.

3rd Place = Freezair. I don't really see myself as a hydrolisk, but you went with that and managed to cover everything well. Glacial + voltage is win.

So there you have it. Krypto and Draiz can PM me with what they want from the giftshop, and you'll get your KS soon, Freeze. 8D
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Re: The Gastropod's Contest (Winners announced!)

Postby Moofius » 08/29/2009 3:33 PM

Congrats to the winners~! <333 Glad you got a design that fits you, Arctic. =3
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