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Design a creature - Judging's here!

Postby josieweirdo » 03/22/2008 1:39 PM

*Creates a wall of text, places it here*

Design a creature-concept which you'd like to sell the rights to - see the payment in the 'Prize'-section.

On an adoptable-site similar to this, one can order their very own custom species - available for adoption to the public or a limited number to distribute yourself - and I'd like to buy a creature-species for myself; 1 unique creature which I'd be the only one who owned. However I've only had vague ideas of what I'd like so far and that's why I'm holding this contest. The objective is to submit at least creature-concept, which you will not mind to sell, so I can make that my custom species.

Wait, rights?
You should only participate in this contest if you're okay with selling the rights to the concepts you submit. What does this mean? It means that once I pick a winner and from the day the deal has been done, I will be the only one who can decide what is to be done with that concept. While you drew it and artists always have a right to the use of their picture and concepts, then it won't be the case once the concept has been sold. If your concept is chosen then you cannot re-sell the picture, re-sell the sketch, make a pet which looks exactly like the concept, submit the concept in other contests and I'm sure you get the idea. It will be mine to use for what I'd like.

However, I have no intentions of using the concept for anything else than that custom species. I'm going to credit you as the designer and winner of my contest under the pet in its 'keep' (like an Evelon-pen, only for the other site), I'll try to see with the owner of the site if I cannot get your name in the file-name of the pet (like the Evelon-pets have a long file-name, the pet would include 'Created_by_*insert name*') and if I ever desire to use it for anything alike ‚Äì for example making a link to the picture so others can look at the original design or even create a second 'breed' of this species -  then I will ask you first. If you say no, then there's nothing to do about it.

Note that...(rules)
* You'll have to agree with the description of the deal as mentioned in 'Wait, rights?'
* You must include the text 'Designed for Josieweirdo's creature-contest' on each file you have.
* You must include at least 1 thing from the list which you can find in 'Requirements'
* You can submit as many concepts as you'd like. I'd be really happy if you could try to show which colours go where on the concept, even if this is not a rule. You can colour your sketch/ink, write with arrows which colour goes where, make small coloured circles and make arrows to each bodypart or something else that you can think of 
* There's no restriction on how many times you can edit out your post to include more images, more text or more submissions.
* And this one isn't a rule as such. If your species isn't chosen, then you can do with it whatever you want. Only one person will be selling their concept, obviously.

Requirements for the concept itself
* Technically I'll need 3 concepts for the species, due to its lifestages; how it looks as a baby, juvenile and adult. But if you'd rather not spend that much time on it, then the only requirement really is the adult stage, since I can't decide from a species, if I don't know what it ends up growing into.

*The species must have at least one of the things mentioned on the list below. You shouldn't include them all; far from it. But you can take 2-3 tidbits of information for the design and make your own species out of it or just pick one and add everything else you'd like yourself.

Wings – Preferably big enough to support the creature's weight and to make it plausible for it to fly.

Gems – Hopefully they would be purple or another dark colour. Either gems scattered over the whole body or a few gems placed 'strategically' like for example a forehead-gem, a gem on the chest, one on a leg or where you can think of putting one.

Split tongue – An extremely long, split tongue. What a silly request x3

Mane or similar – Whether it's a being covered in scales, fur or skin some sort of mane starting from the head and down the body would be nice.

Rotting skin/visible bones – I favour creatures with a more 'dark' appearance. Rotting skin and/or visible bones could tell of a creature that cannot die but neither heal itself when damaged, an undead being, a creature who is slowly rotting away while still alive, a cursed creature or something entirely else that you think of. It's one of my favourite attributes, at least :3

All bones showing – More obvious than rotting skin or visible bones, this doesn't just show that the creature is somehow decaying, but also shows that it's gotten far beyond the first stages of it. It's a walking skeleton, for an unknown reason.

Glowing runes – Glowing, mysterious signs that you make up yourself. Either 'painted', branded or carved into the being itself.

Elements – The being is obviously aligned to some element either shown by its use of magic (picture a 'mist' or cloud of magic – or just plain showing off) or something on the body indicates it (like a mane of ice-crystals). I personally prefer creatures aligned to the darkness or creatures that are acidic, but if you'd rather do something else, then it's your choice entirely. I might be pleasantly surprised if you decide to include this on your concept :3

Finally, it's time to speak about the prize. The one who wins, by their concept getting chosen, will be paid 25 dollars for them to use on Evelon. Those dollars can be used for anything which is available on the shop-page of Evelon. You've always wished for a custom pet or Lucain? Or you need more KeyStones? You collect breedable Kuhna's? You can certainly buy whatever has been on your mind if you win ^^

Judgement and deadline
The contest ends on the 12th of April. The result of judging should be announced 2-3 days after this deadline.
She'd picked up creatures that weren't prone to ripping off the heads of others at a mere whim and instead she'd gotten split personalities, emotionless beings, presumed-to-be-secret-agent-giant-orange-moths and the gods knew what else in her house.
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Postby Freezair » 03/22/2008 4:27 PM

Ooooh. I'd definitely like to enter. ^_^ Give me some time to come up with a good concept, and I'll totally enter.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby robopup24 » 03/22/2008 4:38 PM

-Reserves spot- 8D
Real entry shall come soon~ <3 I might as well give a shot at this! This sounds fun!

Here's one of my entries...it's just a quick sketch, nothing much...
Entry One
The triangular thing is supposed to be a gem...I suck at drawing gems XD I guess I'll enter another one when I'm not so lazy...

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Owl » 03/22/2008 4:49 PM

Hm, I think I'll enter, too. I already have a pretty good idea, now just to draw it... Hopefully it shouldn't be too long.
-Reserves spot-

Smoke Element!

Drawn by pencil, scanned in, traced and colored. I don't think it's going to get colored anytime soon. I'm too scared I might mess it up or something. XD Anyhow, meet my Smoke Element!

So, I'll explain some of its attributes, which can be changed for your desires, this is just a few ideas for its abilities and such. ^^
It is completely solid down to the end of its rib cage, where it begins to turn to smoke. Its tail, though, is just a little more solid than smoke, and can be used to wrap around prey to suffocate it. Its purple-ish tongue can stretch, oh, a good six feet to pierce its foes with its the barb protruding out of its fork, which contains a vicious poison that completely clogs up the enemy, usually heading to the lungs first before destroying the blood streams and heart.
It seems to be continually breathing in loud, shuttering breaths, whenever it exhales it exhales smoke; therefore, it either means that its alive or that it's filled with smoke and must get rid of it before it explodes from pressure. In battle or when its angry, the smoke heats up to extreme temperature, which cause burns, scalding, and suffocation. This is also a reason why it is slowly decaying, as it is burning away its skin. Exposed parts lie on its arms, head, jaw, and chest, which is covered by a thick, greasy mane. Sometimes, the mane catches on fire to create a spectacular yet terrifying display, but not to worry, it grows extraordinarily quick.
Smoke drifts out of the open parts of its body, like its mouth, holes in his chest, ears, and, oddly and grossly, its eyes and ears.
Its eyes, the skin around both completely burned off into an atrocious mask, are a placid pure white. The duller, dumber folk will usually get mesmerised in them, allowing for a quick kill. But, as far as we know, it does not eat, only killing for its master or for fun. It rather likes crunching the bones with its strong jaw, though.
Its skin is more like fuzz, and its mane and head-fur is amazingly prickly, so its not exactly the best thing for petting. Its loyal to those that it sees as good masters, but will turn on you in a flash if it sees you're incompetent. They love wrapping their tails gently around their owners, as a sign of love. Hopefully you can bare the smell of smoke and rotting flesh, because when they grow they all seem to smell like that. Convenietly, though, one puff of an air freshener gets rid of the rotten stench, but for the smoke you might want to wear a mask so not to die while hugging you decaying smoke element. They're very loving once they get to know you, and they oddly love company.
His mane is dark red, basically maroon, and his main body is black that flows down into to a light grey tail. The children look more like small, grey, chubby dragons or gargoyles, and the adolescents start to become more ghost like as their tails disintegrate into smoke.
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Postby Celtic » 03/22/2008 5:55 PM

Hehe...I'm done with mine but I have to find the camera, will be here shortly!

.:The Relukai(Name is changeable):.

No Marks:

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... kai001.jpg
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... kai002.jpg
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... kai003.jpg

Marked Up:

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... aiBaby.png
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... venile.png
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg16 ... iAdult.png

I haven't come up with a good description so, I might get one here, but I might not ^-^;;

EDIT EDIT!:(Yesh, they are short)
Baby: They seem harmless....but they have a pointy tail for a reason. They are protected the most but are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Since they are babied, at adolescence they become rebels.

Juvenile: They're always running away, and be the "bad boys/girls" as long as they can. Being so independent, they generally form their own untill they start to grow up, then they split and find the closest herd and start to "bond" with others.

Adult: They have finally grown. Their little wavy thingers on their backs are simple decor, for though grown up, they love to show-off. On their ear is a symbol and from which anyone can tell the gender. Two curved lines off a dot, is a female, and the lines curled over is for the male. Now the tail (I personaly hate it, but it needed something!) is changeable. Now on the front left hoof is another symbol. It stands for "Ralelu"(Rah-leh-lue) or earth protectors(in my own little language ^^), which signifies their duty and their authority.

All Descrips can be changed. The tail on theadult, can be changed, the colors can be changed...

Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

- e. e. cummings

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Postby Mojave » 03/23/2008 12:36 AM

Obviously you can color it anyway you want (I just like blue lizards) and they're pretty diverse. ^^ As many different personalities and outlooks on life as we people.

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/ ... Kaiyou.jpg
http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/ ... faerie.jpg

More entries may come, if I can jump-start my muse.
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Postby Twisted_Shadow » 03/23/2008 9:22 PM

I'll enterrr :D *durrrr*

*jumps arround happily*
It shall be ready tomorrow or so :)

okay edit:

I've got a concept up. its a bit messi colored but oh well...it was fast^^
http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg13 ... stcopy.jpg

this is the so called 'Hunter' (<-- creative...I know :P )
They are extremely dangerous, not only because they seem to be undead.
they hunt in little packs and are very inteligent. Also, the can run at emense speeds and jump very high or far. they dont feel any pain, or at least they dont show it.
the more older a Hunter gets, the more darker it skin gets and more 'rotten'.
Noone knows what those glowing spots and markings are for, but it is assumed that they comunicate with them...

Juveline (Sloppy)
http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg13 ... veline.jpg

baby (very sloppy)
http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg13 ... k/baby.jpg
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Postby Redd » 03/28/2008 2:08 AM

I might enter too, but I will write some info up when I feel a bit less lazy

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff12 ... rdos-c.jpg

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Sagebrush » 04/01/2008 9:02 AM

Well, I do have a concept--it's a little foggy but I mostly have everything laid out.

What it is: a dragon-like figure, with a mane of light webbing connected by spikes. The wings are large and skeletal. One of its legs (doesn't matter which) is ripped in the middle, with bone showing. The lower body of the dragon's skin deteriorates, making for an only-bones backside. The skeletal tail is embedded with a jewel at the very top. And last but definitely not least, there's a giant gash in the left side of the chest. It's a clean gash (no blood). Inside the gash there's a shimmering jewel heart, which color depends on its personality. Its connected by several tubes, or not, depending on your preference.

The pictures aren't that good. xD But the concept is pretty well understood, I think.

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Postby Jaden Wolf » 04/01/2008 10:11 PM

Here's my entry!
I don't have to make any info or anything do I? I just drew it, and decided to enter it.

http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc75 ... tentry.jpg

Details on look: It's obviously a winged horse, and it has a gem on its forehead. The gem's SUPPOSED to be a teardrop, but the hair's covering the top part.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Postby josieweirdo » 04/12/2008 4:11 PM

This contest is now over!

Thank you very much to all those who participated! It was nice seeing that amount of entries, especially as this was the first contest which I've had running on Evelon :3

Now, seeing as there's not been any entries since the 1st of April, I've had some time to every once in a while take a look and ponder about what entry I'd prefer to own as my species. This means that, together with the time taken today, I've already come to a conclusion. Judging does not need to wait some extra days, because it's already done now ^^;

The winner of this contest will be Ravean. You can pm me or post here about what you'd like to use the 25 dollars on, then I send it to Baal together with the money :3

To the others; please don't feel bad if your entry was not chosen ): I liked a lot of them, but the Smoke Element turned out to be one which I liked the best. I hope that no one will need to be told that they shouldn't give up, because one entry was turned down in one contest. Keep trying and one day you'll be lucky ^^
She'd picked up creatures that weren't prone to ripping off the heads of others at a mere whim and instead she'd gotten split personalities, emotionless beings, presumed-to-be-secret-agent-giant-orange-moths and the gods knew what else in her house.
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Postby Owl » 04/12/2008 6:15 PM

I... I won?!
Oh. My. Gosh.
Wow, there were plenty of amazing creatures here, I never thought I would win! Good work everyone! =D
Alright, I'll pm my order to you. ^^
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Postby Twisted_Shadow » 04/13/2008 6:38 AM

There goes my chance for a custom pet...
*shrugs* fine, I wanted to keep the Hunter for myself anyway XP *buggers off*
congrats Ravean!
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Postby Psy » 04/13/2008 9:52 AM

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Postby Matt » 04/13/2008 1:02 PM

Psy, righting "hmmmmm.." is considered spam. Please don't do it, for the sake of Baal & all the mods.

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