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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby MythicDusk » 09/17/2008 1:11 PM

This seems interesting, may as well give it a try. ;D

R1. How do you live?
To be perfectly honest, and probably really, really sappy? Other than the normal things, like breathing, eating, whatnot, I live off thrill and love. Also the knowledge people care about me. I don't 'live on the edge' but I don't live 60 miles from it, ither. When I get the chance, I walk across the tightrope of being able to go home to bed tonight, or waking up and finding myself in a hospital bed. But, seemingly, through that, I'm trying to find things, most probably. Not going to go into depths about it, but yeah. I hate getting in trouble, but I love the feeling, the pure thrill, of trouble. I live off the grins and laughs, chuckles and chortles of my freinds. I live off the fact, that I can make them feel better when there down. That I'm always there for a hug, to lend a grin.

Thats how I live.
2. Why do you live?

Freinds and family. To put it simply. like I said before, I live to give smiles to the people who are down, despite my own troubles. Despite the fact I've been hurt over so many times, I can always give a smile where its needed, if my family are feeling down, I don't turn into a teenager and attack, I turn into a carer and do whatever I can.
I don't fear death.
I fear the death of the people around me.
For instance, if my parents died tomorrow, I would cry. To put it simply, but anyone would. If I died tomorrow, well, thats different. I would simply grin, tell my freinds to take care, remeber the good times, erase the bad, and go. I wouldn't go through a sob-story of my life. No need. The past is the past, the future is the future, the present, is what we have to concerntrate on.

S6. Define fear.
Fear, is a irrational feeling. To say the least. when your fight or flight instinct kicks in, people fly, and that gets me quite annoyed. I don't mind if it was a near-death situation, I would understand that, but if it was a spider in the sink, smoosh it with a shoe if your really that scared. Its just a hairy thing with eight legs.
Fear of death, fear of life, whatever. Its still irrational.
'Fear is only in our minds,
Taking us over all the time.'
The perfect word to describe it, really.

8. Define genuine.
A genuine item is worthless, a genuine freind is priceless.

Something genuine is something thats actually what its meant to be.
Someone genuine dosen't care who you are, what you are, they just want the best for you. They would never lie to you, always give it to you straight. Always tell you if your butt looks big in it, always tell you if your wearing too much makeup and whatnot. A genuine freind, the only thing they ask in return is someone to talk to when they need to. All they ask is someone genuine in return.

K1.Tell me an anecdote about a time you cried.

I must've been about 12. Just starting another school year, heavy homework, you know, the works. My ma' wanted to dump my two little brothers on us so I had a go at my ma'.

Telling her, that I couldn't handle this, that I needed to do my homework. I was convinced she wanted me to fail.

She told me I had the library in school to do my homework.

I simply said 'I have freinds now, Ma', I need quiet at home, not two little brothers hanging off my legs.'

Her reply? She was going to take a bath. She told me to fill my boots.
So I did.
I told her she was a selfish witch, that she didn't deserve my nan.
When she came back, boy, did I get it. Take note, please, this was all over instant messenger.
Then she logged off. Telling me she could be here in 20 minuites. I didn't beleve it.
She lived 30 miles away.
I lived up a mountain, up a horrid road.
It took me and my nan 15 minuites just to get down the road.
And that was in clear weather.
Little did I know,
She could.

There i was, sitting at the computer, talking to my buds, then in storms my mum, Nan's dozing on the couch, My mum told me how I was a selfish brat and I deserved a slap on the mouth. My nan sprang into action, telling her to get outside. I sat there for a good 15 mins with my mouth agape, staring into the empty space of where my mum was, yelling at me, calling her own, only daughter, a selfish brat. I then turned back to the computer desk, lay my head on my arms, and cried.

3. Tell me an anecdote about a time you failed.

I had just finished my SATS. Halleluja. I was almsot free, only another 2 weeks 'till the summer holidays. Sitting in maths, scribbling away at a drawing quite happily, my matsh teacher stood infront of me, whisle I was still drawing, flopped down the SATS paper, and told me she was dissapointed, telling me that I had the second lowest score in the class, telling me that I should of been thankful that the sets had been compressed, or I would of been a set lower.

Apparently, I hadn't tried.

To heck with that. I had tried all year, I had just been off a lot is all. But if I can't do something, then she should of helped me, was the only thought that ran through my head as I stared up into her face, feeling tears well. I didn't know, why, but I just felt them welling. I refused to blink, as I knew that would of sent them trickling down my face.

I had left blank pages.

Go away. That was the only thing I could think of. Help me and go away. Let me draw, you've already told me you were dissapointed.
Just a kinder word for ashamed.

She then went away, I was so thankful for that. I then bent my head down and let the tears slipp, scribbling on the paper, ashamed of myself, knowing most of the people in the class probably heard her. My cheeks were burning red.

No-one said anything about it though.

L+1. Dodge a bullet for a friend?
I would prefer to take it. Right between the eyes or square in the chest. If a bullet was coming at them, and I was the only thing in the way, I'm not going to step to a side. Let them take the punishment. I would happily take the pain.

6. You deserve it, loves.

Heh, remind me to get my aunt something pretty.

She's been through so much, but got so little. She's always been someone for me to talk to, to turn to, always been that big sister I never had, who I could run too if something went wrong, who never judged. My aunt deserves so much.

My freinds, always there when I need them, and all what they ask are for me to be there for them. Thats why I love my freinds. Thats why I always get them pretty things. Or at least try.....

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Postby Tsukiya » 09/17/2008 1:19 PM

Figured I'd enter. :3


1. How do you live?

Erm, well, day to day, pretty much. Write, eat, roleplay, sleep, repeat. Nothing really important.

2. Why do you live?

I hate to sound pathetic here, but I live for my friends, and my beloved. Death became my worst fear because of how close I became to those I meet.


4. Define mistake.

Something not meant to happen. Something you would do anything to change.

6. Define fear.

Ah, joy, my favorite thing~ Fear is what haunts you as you lay asleep in your bed, it's that feeling you get, that feeling of paranoia. That pure euphoria that envelopes you when you watch a scary movie, or walk down a dark hallway alone.


1.Tell me an anecdote about a time you cried.

How could this be? How could she have left me like this? Why was she taken from me?
These questions attacked me as I sent message after message to her cell phone. She had to answer, she had to give me some form of sign that she was alive!
Before I knew it, my hand had stopped, and tears began to pour down my face.
"No,"I sobbed. "Sh-she's just...Sleeping! Yeah...O-or sh-she lost her ph-phone..."Desperately, I tried to rationalize what was happening.
I waited, for hours, crying on and off before I finally dragged myself to bed and fell asleep. I was woken up by mother, who told me to listen to a message on the answering machine.
It was her! She was sobbing, telling me to call, text, something! I raced for the phone first, and after calling a couple of times, I went online. Now, I was crying...Because I was happy.

Won't do a second one for K, because I have no other stories to tell. D:


2. Chapters.

Ah...Ending one section of life and moving onto another. Or perhaps, a reminder to finish Awakening. .___.

4. Our world's falling; pick it up?

There's no way we can pick up the falling pieces of the world. It is our destruction. Our cause.
I'm going in for the kill. I'm doing it for the thrill. I'm hoping you'll understand and not let go of my hand.

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Postby Soriana » 09/17/2008 10:15 PM

1. How do you live?

How? To give you a very simple and straightforward answer, I do not live in the moment like most people. Then again, I don't particularly like planning things out. I'm a huge procrastinator, and it often shows. I'm always a bit lazy, reluctant, and short-tempered, among other things. I'm sort of in between. It's really hard to explain. I take what comes at me, and I don't prepare for it at all.

4. When do you live?

To be frank, I don't live in the twenty-first century. Let me clarify. Physically, yes, I do. Mentally and emotionally I live in the distant future. Yes, you heard me. You're probably wondering how I can live in a time period or era that hasn't occurred yet. That's very understandable. My friends still ask me that very same question, even now. And I always give them the same answer every time, even if it is a bit vague. "I'm a dreamer," I always say. "I dream of a positive, fulfilling future for humanity. I dream in the present in order to make a difference in the future. And so can you. All you need is some insight and effort. You can inspire a generation. I believe one person really can change the world." Yes, I know, I'm an extravagant visionary. Anyway, my mind is never cluttered or caught up in the issues of today, it's always looking toward and envisioning the future. As far back as I can remember, not a single moment comes to mind when I felt like I truly belonged. I remember in second grade, I used to space out during physical education class, thinking of some new invention I'd come up with. I remember in fourth grade, my best friend and I started a neighborhood club about space science and technology. (We didn't recruit too many people. XD) I remember when I first became obsessed with outer space, and the overall study of the universe. Even today, the only topics on my mind are astronomy, astrology, and Star Trek. So yeah. I guess you could call me a "future girl."

4. Define mistake.

Mistake. An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness. A misconception or misunderstanding. We've made a great many mistakes in our lifetimes, after all, we're only human. When it boils right down to it, nobody's perfect. Making a mistake is one of the many ways humans learn and grow. And you know what? We cannot live without learning, nor can we learn without living. And in order to live life to the fullest, sometimes we must learn things the hard way. I know we all have. For some us, the biggest mistake we've ever made is forgetting to feed the dog, or stealing a cookie, even neglecting to finish our homework. Others may have made even larger mistakes, mistakes that have in fact ruined their childhood, or even their entire lives. I speak from experience. I made one of those larger mistakes a long time ago. Six years, to be exact. Six years may not seem like a long time to some of us, but if you're someone as young as I am, six years can seem like an eternity. Sometimes I wish it were an eternity ago. Sometimes I wish I had never said what I said in the first place. I mean, don't we all? We all look back on mistakes and say, "Gosh, I wish I'd never said or done those things at all." Of course we do. It's that nagging, ever-present human emotion of regret. I still feel that emotion, even to this day. It will never disappear. Why? My mistake was one of the worst mistakes a person could ever make. It cost me my childhood and my adolescence. It is a mistake I will never forget. It is a mistake that has changed my life forever. It is a mistake that will haunt me for all time. But I have learned something in those six years. I have learned to pick myself up every time I fall, and keep marching on.

6. Define fear.

Fear is the feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. It is a state or condition caused by the emotion of fear. It is a feeling of disquiet or apprehension. For many people, in your own country and the world, it is the feeling of dread, mortal terror, and impending doom. Fear can be caused by trifle disturbances, yet it can also be caused by truly horrifying and frightening occurrences. I have lived through several terrible episodes and instances of fear, all due to the fact that I was truly in serious danger. I will admit, I have gone through many fearful experiences in my life, some of which are probably too disgusting to even mention on Evelon, so I'll refrain from delving into the more serious topics. But the point is this: to be afraid is to be human. As I've stated before, emotion is just one more free gift that comes with the expensive package of life, and fear is an emotion. Fear is an emotion that has and will continue to come into play throughout our lives. We cannot help but experience it. After all, we aren't Vulcans. We can't just meditate our emotions away. We have to deal with them. Because emotions are part of what makes you, well, you. Fear is something that will always remain, even after we've reached adulthood, and even retirement. Fear is an emotion, an emotion we cannot live with, and an emotion we cannot live without.

1. Tell me an anecdote about a time you cried.

It was a warm and sunny day, approximately five and a half years ago. Clouds were nonexistant, birds were chirping, and the flowers were in full bloom. Outside, the sounds of children playing happily in the grass boldly stated the arrival of spring. But inside my cramped, tiny condominium, it was a different story. My mom and I were sitting on our little beige sofa in front of the television, worried. I was only nine years old. I was confused. I didn't want to leave my mom's house, but I knew I had to go. "It's the law," the attorney had told me, "you have to go visit your dad." That was the day before last, at that one building that smelled like cardboard air freshener. Defiant and gramatically advanced for someone of my age, I replied with a sour twinge to my voice. "I cannot believe that you unevolved monkeys feel the need to talk down to me. Do I look unintelligent?" That got me a glare from my father, and a pursing of the lips from his lawyer. Now here I was, refusing to leave the safety of my mom's house, all while my father would not discontinue his incessant rapping and banging on our front door. So my dad called my mom and demanded to talk with me. He told me he'd gotten me a bunch of new toys and surprises at the new house, including a bunk bed with dark blue sheets, my favorite color at the time. Being the young child that I was, I succumbed easily to the temptation of trivial things. I was so trusting. I wish I could still say I was, but sadly trust is a thing of the past for me. I've never known anyone in real life to actually keep a promise, and I know I'm not the best at it either. But more importantly, I was gullible. I guess those sorts of things were just in my nature, I dunno. Anyway, I got into his car, backpack and pillow in hand, and watched my mom in the driveway. She was tearing up, I could tell, but she was trying not to show it. I knew I would be back to see her soon, though I didn't know exactly when. "Soon," everyone kept telling me, "you'll see your mom again soon."

That night, I just couldn't seem to concentrate on reading my latest science fiction novel. I put the book down, buried my face in a pillow, and began to cry.

4. Tell me an anecdote about a time you succeeded.

1. Dodge a bullet for a friend?

Yes and no. It would depend entirely on the circumstances. For example, let's say my friend and I are secret agents. Our mission is to stop evildoers from implanting a bomb somewhere that could blow up half the planet. If one of the villains points a gun at me and fires, well...

Let's just say this. Earlier in the week our boss paid us a visit, and said that the bomb was hidden inside one of us. But neither us or the "bad guys" knew which one. If the gun was pointing at me, and the bomb was actually inside me, I'd have no choice but to dodge and let my friend take the bullet. That way, I wouldn't be dead and the bomb wouldn't have gone off. Logical, right? And a bit selfish, but still. Plus I'd have to figure out an escape route before the villains realized they'd shot the wrong person. XD

Now, let's switch the scenario around. The bomb's inside my friend, but the gun's still pointing at me. If and when he fired, I wouldn't dodge. I'd take the bullet, and wish my friend good luck. If I died, I'd have died for a good cause. I would have died saving the world. And you know what they say. (Or someone, for that matter.) The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

So the answer for me is still yes and no. Yes if my friend had no other choice but to die, but die for a positive cause. No if I was the one meant to die, still for a positive cause.

2. Chapters.

Don't worry, I'll finish this. (Eventually...)

The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

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Postby Jaykobell » 09/28/2008 10:14 PM

R Questions-1. How do you live?-
How do I live. I guess I live (or try to live) at my own pace. And my own pace, should I say, is quite slow. Very lazy, very carefree, very passive. And obviously, the consequences of such a careless lifestyle is a bad social life, stressful, and considering I tend to lock myself into my room in front of my dear laptop, it also includes a very limited knowledge of the outside world. But I guess my lifestyle is good. Of course, anyone would say, "Living in front of your computer is unhealthy." "You should be more social." "You should try to figure out what you want to do in your life." But then again, wouldn't I say the same about a different lifestyle? "You should learn to cool down and play more." "Why so hard-working? Take a break now and then." "Why are you always trying to do people's work? They should do it on their own!" And so many other things I could say. So how do I live? I live my life, and I live it the way I want to live it. And if people are unhappy about it, then it's not my problem. Because I live the way I do is one of the many things that makes me unique.
-3. What do you live?-
Hmm. An easy answer would be that I like my life, quite simply. I live the life of a seventeen-year-old girl who is still looking for a future, still looking for the right path to take in her life. I live the constant stress of society, like everyone else, and I live the stress of college. However, despite the many downsides of life, I also live the bright sides. I live the life of a lazy and spoiled girl who has the chance to get on the internet and play video games as much as she wants. I live the life of a girl who has a stable family money-wise. I live the life of a girl who has many good friends, even though they're thousands of miles away from my home.

So basically, yes. This is what I live.

S Questions-1. Define empathy.-
Empathy, by definition, is someone who can feel the emotions of someone else and who is strong enough mentally to slip into someone else's shoes. A simple way to explain empathy would perhaps be kindness. Friendship. Our heart. Our feelings. One does not need to work in the field of medicine to be empathic. One simply needs his mind and heart. Perhaps empathy can be defined as understanding. One must be open-minded, willing to understand the ways and views of other people. If one is capable of putting his personally aside to explore the personality and feelings of another, then this person is empathic. Selfless. Helpful. This person has a golden heart. This person desires to provide support. Empathy is the simple feeling of understanding someone's situation, and to help the person who needs support.
-8. Define genuine.-
Genuine. If you look into your nearest dictionary, genuine can determine that something is real, authentic; on the other hand, genuine can also describe someone or something that is honest, sincere. So perhaps genuine can be associated with the simple fact that you are alive, that you exist, that you have a solid and tangible form others can see and touch. But then again, feelings aren't tangible, and yet they can be genuine. So perhaps genuine is not only the fact that you are a solid form, but also the fact that you have a personality. It's easy to see the difference between a disgraceful smile and a genuinely kind smile, no? Yes, you can be genuine if you have a body of any kind. You exist, people know you exist. But does it mean that you have a personality? Would human beings have no soul, would they even invent such words? Would genuine exist, would humans not have souls? So genuine would be, quite simply, the fact that we exist as an entity.

K Questions-1.Tell me an anecdote about a time you cried.-
Hmm. I could have cried because I hurt myself, I could have cried because I was sad, or I could have cried because I was happy. Considering it's easy to tell a story about, 'The time when I fell down on the road,' I shall tell you that time when I cried from happiness.

It was two years ago. I was fifteen years old, I believe. I had recently discovered the amazing thing that is called role playing, along with the internet. I was absolutely addicted to that small box with pixels all over the screen and a keyboard and mouse attached to it. Considering my parents had left me to my things ever since they had started building the garage in the backyards, I had found friends in the vast internet world. I was also completely addicted to the brand new computer brand we had bought the year before; Apple Macintosh. I loved the desktop Mac we had (and still have).

There came a time when my brother bought himself a brand new MacBook. I was jealous of how he had his own computer while I was still sharing with the family. He had been putting money aside to buy his own laptop, and since I didn't have a job (and couldn't even get one at the age of fifteen), I had no means of getting money. And the parents would often say, 'If one kid gets this, the other has to get something of equal value.'

I knew my parents were against my love for the internet. They couldn't understand how I was different from the world around me at school, and they couldn't understand how much comfort and friendliness I could get from the words on that flashing screen. They couldn't understand what those faraway people had taught me, and they couldn't understand how happy the internet world would make me.

They couldn't understand how lonely I was.

When Christmas came in 2006, I got a gift I had never expected to get. It was the last box that I unwrapped, because my brother had asked me to keep it for the end of our little unwrapping event. So when I finally unwrapped it, I saw that big white box. And on that big white box, there was the picture of a laptop. And inside the big white box was the laptop that was picture on the box. My brother told me he had bought it, along with my parents' financial aid, for me, because he knew I loved the internet and that it would make me happy to have my own laptop.

Needless to say that it made me cry. I would stare at the box with my eyes filled with tears, and then I realized that I wasn't as forgotten as I thought I was. Ever since then, my bond with my brother got stronger by the years, and we even share some common interests now. It was not the item that made me cry. It was but the intention, it was but the fact that the one who had bought it for me was my brother.

It was the fact that I felt loved that made me cry. Cry tears of joy.
-4. Tell me an anecdote about a time you succeeded.-
While the actual experience ended up in failure two weeks ago, the initial step succeeded. And so, I shall tell you about it.

Last year, when I was still in High School (I'm an old hag now), we were pushed into choosing a career to study for in college, or as we call it here, for CEGEP. I had no idea what I wanted to study in, and so my mother helped me, and we looked through things. One thing that caught out attention was the 3-year program Radiation Oncology. It dealt with the study of cancer and the techniques used to treat the illness. I took a short trip of the department at the nearest hospital, and I was interested enough to apply. I had the necessary requirements, and so we tried.

So we applied for the Radiation Oncology program at Dawson College, an English institution. I typed an introduction letter to put with my application form, and then I waited. After a few weeks, I received a letter from the college, saying I was included in the thirty-five chosen applicants to take part in the interview. Two or three weeks later, my mother and I went to the college and I filled their forms, and then I went through the interview. I was a passive seventeen-year-old girl who had been brought up in French in her entire life and who had learned English on her own, for the most part, because school wouldn't teach us anything but the present tense.

So I went through the interview, and we waited for another while to see if I would make it through. They take twenty people out of the thirty-five ones that go through the interview. We waited and waited.

Eventually, that fateful letter came in. My parents were ecstatic. When my mother and I got home, we opened the letter. We rummaged through the papers to find the one that would tell us whether I had gone through or not. Finally we found it, and we could read that I was to start in the Radiation Oncology program in August 2008.

I personally didn't know how amazing it was to get through that interview. But my parents kept saying that I managed to get into a very restricted program, not to mention that I had never gone to an English school before. I was throwing myself in a school that's an hour away from my home, that I would need to take the bus to reach, that was in English, an in a program that would accept but twenty students a year.

Whether it's a success or not, I'll let you decide, though.

L+ Questions-2. Chapters.-
Chapters. What I see from this single word, I see the steps I shall go through in my life. My first chapter, my prologue, was my birth. My first chapter was my babyhood. The second chapter was when I first attended school. My third chapter was when I reached High School. My fourth chapter was when I reached CEGEP -- or college. My epilogue shall be my death; what's in between my fourth chapter and my epilogue, I don't know. Not at all. Will I become a homeless girl? Will I be able to publish a book? Will I get a good and stable job? Will I have kids? Will I find love? Will I get abducted? What will happen from now on? That's yet for another upcoming chapter. And as we all know, chapters take time to be properly written. Only time shall tell me what my next chapter will be.
-4. Our world's falling; pick it up?-
Maybe. But if OUR world is falling apart, then you should help me, right? I can't really pick up the whole world by myself; it'd be quite impossible. We all live on this earth, this ground, this planet; it's not my responsibility and mine alone to make sure the world continues to float around the sun. As a community, as a team, we should all pick up our world. It's not our leaders' role, it's not a single person's role. It's our role, as a society, as a community, to make sure our world doesn't fall apart. This is why everyone has to try to recycle, why everyone has to try to warn the authorities when they see something strange, and many other things.

So yes, I'll pick up the world if it's falling apart. But only if you pick it up with me.
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Postby Terri » 09/29/2008 4:05 PM


Thanks to all who entered. =3  And don't you try to get all sneaky an' edit your posts; I got 'em all printed out.  Haha.

Judging will be posted as soon I manage to judge this thing. @o@;;  Tomorrow...ish?
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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby Terri » 02/01/2009 12:12 AM


I'll bet you all thought I'd forgotten about this thing, huh? ;3  S'not the case~  I realize that it's been more than half a year. XD;;  Oops.  That's due to some unforeseen delays and advanced procrastination on my part.

Finally, though, it's done. =3  Prizes will go out for S, K, and L+ first.  I'll try to get all the PMs out tonight, but my parental controls are beyond the seventh circle of Hades and will do everything in their power to prevent that.  I'll try, though. =3

Now.  If I screwed up--which I did, I'm sure--please, PLEASE let me know.  If you entered a section but didn't receive and appropriate prize, TELL ME.  I have no intention of screwing anyone over, but there's a lot of math involved and I'm very tired. oDo;;

- change the names/backstories/genders/whatever of the pets you receive or keep their current ones
- sell/auction/trade the pets you receive ACCORDING to the rules of the specified user

- claim ownership of the characters if you decide not to change the names/backstories.  You may own Billy Joe Francis the Lucain, but I'm still the one who created the character.  Just... don't be surprised if Billy Joe Francis shows up somewhere in the future, reincarnated as a Meowth.
( ^ me being paranoid.  kthnx.)

...Uh, yeah. XD;;  That's...it?  For now. =3  If you have an questions or complaints, take it up with me via this board, please.  I'll do my best to get it sorted out. <33
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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby Freezair » 02/01/2009 12:14 AM

Woahdang, here I was thinking this would never get updated because Terri had vanished.

Terribuuuuuuuug *smooshes you to cute little pieces* I hope your PMs work.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby HunnyBun » 02/01/2009 11:49 PM

I did forget
But. . .
How you been
Missing ya
Hope you get some time to get on more often
If so
Send me a PM, we should RP!
Love your pets
Thank you so much!
I'm so happy, she's my first Lucain
What was all the prizes you could have won?

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

.: ~Pen~ :.
.: ~Sales~ :.
.: ~Breeder~ :.
.: ~Imp. Doc~ :.
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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby GrayGriffin » 02/02/2009 2:41 AM

Terri is cool! I hope you didn't mind giving out all those awesome pets! I'm only trading mine because I already had one...
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby Terri » 02/02/2009 7:11 PM

Pffft, you thought merely vanishing could stop the Great and Powerful Terri?  What a ridiculous notion. ;D

Glad I made your day, Haunt. =)

Gray, that's fine. :P  I didn't expect those sorts of pets to be kept around; just a little extra KS for you sometime, perhaps?

And now, on to business.

read plz.

I myself have no restrictions for breeding--I don't care what happens to them anymore, I relinquish all ties to their pixels.  However, the people I bought them from, or perhaps who own their descendants, probably have some restrictions.  And, to be perfectly blunt, I refuse to go to the trouble of PMing every single person to remind me of the restrictions. @o@;;  It's been a while, people.  I forget these things.

So!  I've compiled a Nifty List of Awesome to let you know who to contact concerning breeding/trading/whatnot.  Listen to their rules, kplz.  Even if they tell you never to breed.  If you can't agree to the restrictions, give me back the Lucain and I'll give it to someone else.

Got it?  Good.

Nifty List of Awesome
Alkaline -- no restrictions
Belker -- Zein Duat
Candison -- no restrictions
Corateal -- Zein Duat
Demne -- Shrewdberry
Drealt -- Shrewdberry
Dripdry -- Zein Duat
Elphaba -- ToxicShadow
Enfin -- Shrewdberry
Fiir -- Baal Babeh, refer to those rules
Item -- Shrewdberry
Mouette -- Shrewdberry
Nyala -- no restrictions
Payce -- Zein Duat
Renae --Zein Duat
Rizen -- Draiz
Setter -- Shrewdberry (Coviell line, I think?)
Shane -- Zein Duat
Tapioca -- Zein Duat
Tesra -- Baal Babeh, refer to those rules

All prizes for S, K and L+ have been sent out; let me know if you entered any of those categories but didn't receive a prize.
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Re: Contest: All or Nothing

Postby Kylo » 06/25/2009 5:34 PM

I know the contest is over, I just felt like answering the questions anyway because I'm bored.

Why do you live? :I live to protect my friends and little brother, even if he doesn't want me to. I also live to discover what I've done wrong in my past life and to do my best to fix those problems. I live to show the world that every life is precious and I am worth something afterall. I live to prove my brother wrong.
6 Define fear: Fear is only a misconception of reality, something there but not there at the same time. Fear is standing back and letting others take the lead. Fear is giving in and giving up. Fear is something that once hindered me but no longer does, for I will not allow it. Fear is destructive and consuming, it will not stop until it destroys you inside and ruins your mind and sense of self. Fear is this that I seek to destroy once and for all.
Define empathy: Something that I wish my brother would direct towards me. Just once.
Dodge a bullet for a friend?: Why dodge? Take it instead after all why should they die? I say jump in the way, after all we all have to die someday so I figure that I rather die trying to save someone's life than in a hospital bed all alone.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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