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Postby ajforpresident » 04/10/2008 2:12 PM

Battlefield Tali

Here's my new baby! But there's a small problem...I can't think of a good personality for him or a name. So I need your help for one. Here's the rules:

*Only ONE entry
*Have fun with it!

Very simple eh?

The Prize: 50 ks

The contest ends on April 14. Now type away!
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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/10/2008 3:01 PM

Name: Kye

Personality: Kye is a special kind of person to be with.  He doesn't know that he is Royalty.  Kye was rioted out of his homeland by his half-brother, who wasn't next for the crown, Kye was.  He has a sister that he never met before, but now, Kye is looking for her and take his rightful place as king in his homeland.  He protects people that are in trouble, as he wants peace all around the world.

How's that?  He's royal blood and he doesn't know about his real Family?  Now that's interesting, don't cha think?
The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
And that's the TRUTH
Though it may hurt, I give what they DESIRE
What they Desire is my own IMITATION
The reality is, my mind thinks FICTION

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Postby Celtic » 04/10/2008 4:40 PM

Name: Tsune ("Soon")

Personality: Tsune is a joker. He rarely is serious and he hates liars. With rich use of sarcasm and laughter. He can use his easy going ways to persuade people to do what he wants them to; but that is very rare. Nothing is very interesting to him, but hey; what is? He is an interesting guy, who happens to be one the most wanted friend in the place, untill he decided that he likes the odd ones out.

Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/10/2008 7:25 PM

Name: Kamp, Kovoti [Kovo], Battre, Kerjast, Kjempe, Kauja, Jasper, Teistella [Tei : in which case he'd have issues in having a 'girlie' name, like people making fun of him in his younger age and that bitterness fueled what he did for a living, or something like that.]
[Most of the names are derived from other languages for words such as 'battle' .]

Data: [I'll just refer to him as...uh...Kamp...since I'm not sure what name to use and it's just the first one on the list.]
As is common with Battlefield creatures, Kamp tends to brood. His choice subject? Life itself- trying to understand it and all it's concepts and understand the various outlooks on it. He's rather intelligent in mind, thinking before acting, and tends to often appear as the 'adult' in a group. Some could even say he is a bit stiff, though he remains to be excellent company. He holds an absolute dedication to those he is close to and would, without a second thought, through himself in front of a speeding bullet to protect someone. Besides, once you get him to loosen up, he's pretty fun, making witty comments and going with the flow. Ask him to go to a party with you, and he'll go, and he'll seem like everyone else there; there to have fun. He becomes what his friends need, supporting them. Simple as that.

Now, a lot of that seems very generic for a Battlefeild Tali, but here is where it gets more interesting. Kamp is actually an ex-con artist. He did nothing too horrible, such as killing, but he was good at getting he wanted, be it an object, money, or someone's attention. He eventually got caught in one of his schemes, and that's when his life turned around. He was forced into a military boot camp. He had the cunning con artist beat out of him through all the drills, life testing trials and punishments for talking back and disobeying his officers. It was there, and in his short time in actual battles that his eyes were opened to the world and how he became how he is now. He turned over a new leaf, trying to find a better way in life other then cheating to get his way. Now, he just has to find his place.

Twists to the Story: [Here are some options for details that you might take a fancy to.]
O Instead of just being forced into the camp, he could have started out as some other Tali [Common, Jewel, Blood, etc] but then had his genetics altered by the army's science specialists in order to actually be of use to them. And also, perhaps, as another form of punishment against his crimes.

O While he was actually fighting, someone highly dear to him [be it friend or love] that he met while at the camp was killed right before his eyes, and he blames himself for it. It happens to be one of the things he often broods about, and also explains why he is so protective over those close to him now. This could also pop up and be useful if he fell in love with someone, if it had been his love who died, where the fear and uncertainty can be a hurtle to overcome.

I picked up some of this data from actual facts about the particular pet itself, "It is said that the very first Battlefield pets were genetically created during the early Warring Periods of Evelon, bred solely for the purpose of war." So that part is actually liable.

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Postby zomilli » 04/10/2008 7:33 PM

Name: Z'surak (name may be changed)

Personality: When he was younger, Z'surak served in the war, and it has taken it's toll on him. He finds no joy in killing and resented being in the war. His military leadership is excellent and he often finds himself giving orders to people he hardly knows. In the war, he was a commander and highly skilled at his job. Since he's left the war he's been reserved and feirce to anyone he meets. His eyes have a haunted look to them and he realizes the horrible things he has done during his life.

{I'll add more later, I have to go.}
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Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/13/2008 12:19 PM

Name: Jake (Can change if you want, it was just the first thing that popped into my head)

Personality: Rebel, Foolish, Smart, Determined, Brave

History: Young and reckless, Jake grew up as a vandal, hanging around with his mates and causing havoc. He got his colours from his father, a noble and victorious soldier whose footsteps Jake has had to follow in his whole life. One day when he was a young teen he grew sick of it, and made friends with other vandals, starting gradually to cause trouble. His father made the discovery of his gang one day and was so furious he made a vital choice in Jake's life-he sent him away to a 'Brat Camp' to learn the valuable lessons he himself had been taught in war.

Unfortunately Jake refused to better himself. Fueled by his anger to his father, he tried numerous times to escape and , after 6 months of training was kicked out the camp for: (You can choose depending on how 'bad' you want him to be)

* Starting a fire or
* Trying to begin a new gang

Ashamed and shocked by this news, his father disowned him and said he would take him back only 'when you have learned what it means to grow up'

Alone and homeless, Jake now lives in the Slums where he has a few new friends who are also homeless. They try to convince him to go back and start again, but he rarely listens to them, except perhaps one special girl...

Other Info: Despite the fact that Jake has made some bad choices, he is actually quite smart and can be a very good friend once he gets to know someone well enough. He is also fearless and while he doesn't use this is quite the right way, in the future this could be a useful quality

(I am aware this is slightly similar to Toxic's, for which I apologize. I started on the same theme, then when I realized they were alike I changed it as much as I could to try and make it unique)
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Postby ajforpresident » 04/14/2008 6:49 AM

Okay, I have looked at your entries and may I say they sound good. But there can only be one winner. And that one is:


Congrats, Kabuto! I'll be sending the ks soon. And thank you for everyone who tried!
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