New here? Then come and stop by this board to see all the do's and dont's in Evelon. These are rules that you MUST read before heading off to roleplay, as users who don't abide by them will be banned after five warnings. There are also a few threads with general info that you may find useful.

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• Discord Server Rules

Postby Redd » 06/19/2018 6:17 PM

First and foremost, we would like to note that all basic rules of Evelon apply to the Discord server where applicable. As some may not be relevant though (Image Size rules for example), any rule of particular importance to the Discord server will be listed here as well. Please note that all Discord Community Guidelines must be followed as well, as by the Terms of Service staff are required to upload these guidelines.

Usernames in the Discord Server
       We understand your username might be a bit long, or perhaps you just want to go by something different on Discord. Staff need to be able to tell who is who on the server though, and often times normal users are uncomfortable talking with people that they can't connect to a name on the forums. As such, it is required that your name at least resemble your username, making it easy to figure out who you are. Typically the easiest way to do this is to use at least the front part of your username, or whatever you have seen other users on the forums shortening your name to in the past (that you were okay with). Another easy way is to use whatever name you want, but also put your username, or part of it, in parenthesis or brackets, such as Discord Name [Username]. If staff do not believe your username is easily recognizable you will be asked to change it.

Rating/Age Friendliness
       Evelon technically has no real rating, but we do have a channel separated out for potentially Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content. You won't get in trouble for swearing in the main server, but if you are noticed posting particularly adult content or content otherwise not "friendly" for those that want to be able to use the Discord server in public, your posts might be deleted (depending on how bad they are) and you will be asked to move the discussion to the NSFW channel.

No Harassment or Flaming
       You don't need to be nasty to another user. If there is a disagreement between you and someone, either work it out civilly in PMs or bring it to one of the moderators to get some help. If your argument is with a member of the staff, you are more than welcome to ask for the help of another staff member. Even staff can say or do the wrong things at time, and we will do our best to help mediate where needed.

No Whining, Emoing and Pity Parties
       This rule probably sounds a bit harsh, but it's actually not 100% true for Discord! In particular, if you're having a bad day and just want a place to vent, we actually do have a place for it; we just don't want the main chat being brought down. If you head over to the Liferants channel you're more than welcome to unload what's troubling you at any time.

Theft and Plagiarism is Not Tolerated
       While we do not believe we have to worry so much about art or character theft on the Discord server, it is still important to note that talking about partaking in any sort of theft is against the rules. In particular, please do not talk about torrented/downloaded/otherwise "freely acquired" games or software. While we on the Evelon staff understand that perhaps you do not want to support a company's decisions or do not have the funds for a legal copy of something, this falls under the Discord Community Guidelines. If you are seen discussing pirated software, your post will be deleted for you and you will be reminded of the rules. The staff reserves the right to at least temporarily ban users from the Discord that break this rule frequently.

No Controversial Topics (i.e. Religions, Politics, Racism, etc)
       Technically we will allow these to an extent, so long as users are able to stay civil about the topics. In particular, you are allowed to talk about a religion, particular political belief, or other such sensitive topic so long as you being respectful of the opinions of others. For example, it is alright to post saying that you support (or do not support) live feeding of snakes. It would not be alright though to tell another user that they are stupid for being for or against the subject, or attack them for their opinion. That does not mean you cannot have a civil talk about the subject, or also just inform them that the topic upsets you and you'd rather it not be talked about around you. That is good!
       We do not want to have to police our users too heavily on what they are allowed to discuss civilly, but if it is seen that a discussion is starting to get too heated we will step in and ask users to stop the discussion or take it to PMs. If staff have not stepped in but you feel as though a staff member does need to step in, please let one of us know (it might be in a channel we have muted for example!) and we will be happy to step in.

Stay On Topic
       In particular, this rule refers to what topics are talked about in each given channel. The General channel is, as stated, general. For the most part, you can talk about anything, and it's quite alright if your post doesn't pertain to the post of the person above you. If your conversation seems better fit to one of the named threads though, you might be asked by other members or staff to move it over to that particular channel. Below are examples of uses for the named channels.

#suggestions; This is a channel dedicated to suggestions to either improve the Discord server, the forums or the adoption website. Discussion (or even just reacting via emotes) is encouraged so staff can have a solid idea about how the userbase feels about proposed changes.

#breeders-musings; This is a channel dedicated to general discussion about breeding pairs (including rentals, finding partners and seeking advice for color match-ups etc) and should be the only discussions in this channel.

#roleplay-hunts; This is a channel dedicated to finding rps/discussion of plots and should be the only discussions in this channel.

#liferants; If life's got you down, or you just really need to complain about something, this is where you should post it

#art-share; This channel is dedicated to any and all creative ventures and should be the only discussions in this channel. This includes pet add-on discussion, personal arts and crafts and any posts seeking feedback or critique.

#nsfw-corner; As the name implies, this channel is generally for the discussion of things you don't want to be caught viewing at work or generally risky topics.

#pet-share; A channel for pet photos, pet discussion or pet advice. Please be advised that medical advice is generally discouraged and a qualified expert should be sought out instead.

#memetown; This is a channel dedicated to shitposting and memes that are irrelevant to discussion in other threads.

#bot-room;  This is a channel dedicated to bot commands. !ranks will list all ranks, and !rank name will set or deset any rank available. In addition, there's a few utility tools such as !flipcoin, !roll and !randomcolor.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Retired Staff
Retired Staff
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Keystones: 902
Joined: 09/04/2007 4:15 AM
Status: Around, kinda! Feel free to reach out if there's any issues.

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