New here? Then come and stop by this board to see all the do's and dont's in Evelon. These are rules that you MUST read before heading off to roleplay, as users who don't abide by them will be banned after five warnings. There are also a few threads with general info that you may find useful.

Moderator: Retired Staff

Return to Rules and General Info

• General Rules and Information

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 3:57 AM

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• Basic Rules

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:11 AM

Before doing anything, you should know the kind of behavior we expect to be followed everywhere on the site, be it during roleplays or posts in the chatter section.

No Chat Speak: use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling
       Please try to use proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling when you can. "Dud3 thaz Aw3s0m!" will easily get you in trouble. If your grammar is a bit on the lacking side you're more likely to just get a poked from the staff asking you to try to do a bit better, but if you're using all chat speak on purpose it's going to be an actual warning.

Rating/Age Friendliness
       We have three separate age rating rules in place.
  • Public areas are affected by a PG13+ tag. Swears and cursing are fine, so long as it's not excessive.
  • Users can set roleplays with an M-Rating, which allows for harsh language, sensitive topics, gore/violence etc. Tags will be required for such topics.
  • Users over 18 can request access to the Mature Roleplay area, where explicit content can be roleplayed. Tags will still be required for content.
In addition to these, there are words that are forbidden to be used on this site as well as requirements of using tags for certain things such a swearing and mature material. The tags and forbidden words may be found here.

No Harassment or Flaming
       You don't need to be nasty to another player. If there is a disagreement between you and someone, either work it out civilly in PMs or bring it to one of the moderators to get some help. Arguments between characters in roleplays are of course welcome.

No Whining, Emoing and Pity Parties
       We understand that life can be hard at time. We all understand that sometimes you just need someone to talk to! Just don't go overboard and post pity party topics on the forums. If you do it consistently, people may start feeling uncomfortable around you. Discuss your bad days in PMs with your friends, and with members you feel like you can trust. Your Journal is also available if you simply want to vent. Just remember that anyone can see your journal.

Stay On Topic
       Basically "follow the lead of the original poster", whether in a roleplay, auction, or any other thread. If someone makes a thread in the Gossip and Chatter section about music, then the posts should stay on the topic of music. Derailing is accepted, so long as it is done in moderation, or if the OP allows it. Likewise, if the OP is telling you to get back on track, respect their request!

No Spam
       Related to the above rule - don't ramble in official threads or roleplay threads. If you want to just chat to someone, it can either be done through private messages, or you can talk as a group in the chatter section. In that same vein, don't make fully out of character posts in a roleplay zone: since KS is earned for each post in the RP zones, frivolous posts are cheating, in a way.

Theft and Plagiarism is Not Tolerated
       Taking another's story, characters, art, or anything (unless given permission) is against the rules! For that matter, you're likely to automatically be given a warning, seeing as how we do not put up with theft. If you're using something and have been given the okay, at least give the person credit.

One Account Per Person
       IP and behavior can give away your second account. If you're suspected of having a double account the admins can check through the different IP addresses you've used and see if you have the same as another user. If you disguise your IP your behavior will also give you away. That doesn't mean you can't invite your siblings to Evelon: we'll be able to tell siblings from double accounts, since your behavior will be different.

Name Changes
       We do have to keep track of all your retired and custom pets, and that gets a bit tough if you keep wanting your name changed. Still, that doesn't mean you're forbidden to change your name! If you are considering changing your username, please check here for more detailed information on this subject.

Image Sizes and Rules
       No images in posts are to be wider than 600 pixels! There's no limit on height, but be reasonable. If your image is ridiculously big, we'll ask you to resize it. If you cannot resize images, please post a link to the image rather than including it in your post. Also, if you are not the original owner of an image, such as if it was taken from Photobucket, be sure to give credit to the image owner. Art theft will not be allowed.

Consequences: Warnings
       If you break rules, you will be given a warning or warnings. Warnings are like "strikes" - in the case of Evelon, the staff has the authority to ban your account after five (5) warnings. Don't worry! Our staff is fairly laid-back, and to make you feel better, we can tell you that official warnings have not been given in years. We understand human error, and we certainly don't give someone a warning because they accidentally wrote 4 sentences instead of 5. However, if you consistently break certain rules, we will give you a warning. It's all about how often you do it, or what you do.

No Controversial Topics (i.e. Religions, Politics, Racism, etc)
       What counts as a controversial topic? Religions, politics, racism, abortion, and any topic that typically brings people to argue and debate. If we spot topics about religions or such topics, we will close them. We simply want to avoid members getting riled up or insulted on a controversial topic: you could make enemies if you're not careful. However, this is only as far as public chatter is involved. Feel free to talk about such things in private messages, and you have no restrictions in terms of roleplaying: if your pet is a devoted monk or priest, then go right ahead! PMs and RPs are a separate category where we allow the members to express themselves: however, public chatter could rile up other members, which is why we ask that you keep such topics between your characters and your friends (in PMs).

"Nuclear Kittens"?!
       As you make posts your postcount goes up, and so does your "rank". Novice, Trainer, Pet Veteran, etc. In addition to the normal ranks there are a few joke ranks, like "Nuclear Kittens?!?", which is the first one you'll encounter. Your rank will go back to one of the normal ones after a few posts.
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• Roleplay Rules

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:20 AM

The rules in this section apply to the roleplaying areas of the forums.

No controlling another player's character/No god-moding
       You can't do anything to another character without permission. You especially can't kill them! No 'power-gaming' or 'god-moding'. If you are in a battle or if the pets are fighting, always give your partner(s) a chance to react. You cannot write that your attacks hit and that the opposing pet is being terribly beaten up. You must give your partner the opportunity to react accordingly. For example, you cannot say that your pet teared through another's fur, but you can say that your pet is aiming or trying to rip through your pet's fur. The second option allows your partner to avoid the attack and retaliate.
       Understand that if you and your partner have a specific idea that asks for one party to dominate the other and to control the setting of your roleplay, that's perfectly fine! As long as both parties are fine with it, you are allowed to do so. Just make sure that your partner is okay with what you're planning on doing.

Roleplay posts have a minimum word count limit!
       Since every RP post earns you Keystones, we simply don't want members to post very short posts to build up quick money. As well, we simply want to make sure everyone tries to give their partner something to reply to. This rule only applies to roleplay areas, and not the other areas of the forums.
       The forums have a built in word counter, though as a word of caution there are times you might want to make sure you reach over the limit by a few "words!" For example, if you're posting an image in your post, the word counter likely won't be able to distinguish that from an actual word and might count it. Granted, if we see something like that happen, we'll probably just message you about it rather than take any major action.
       For basic roleplays, your posts need to have at least 50 words. Certain other roleplays require more though, since you're likely to get more out of them than just Keystones.
       Exploration/Hunt roleplays and roleplays for minor Evelon events require at least 75 words. After all, you're getting probably getting a pet out of these roleplays.
       Roleplays for major Evelon events, often called Plots, require at least 100 words. You are guaranteed event currency on top of the Keystones you've earned for your posts after all.

Follow the lead of the original poster
       As well as the rule we have set up, people are allowed to add additional rules to their roleplays. If you join a topic where the original poster asked for only a certain type of pet, respect their request and use the pet requested. If someone says to PM them before just jumping in, PM them and ask if you can join! If a topic is marked "P" or "Private", don't join! Always be mindful of the rules set by the original poster.

No Out of Character-only posts
       Out of Character — or OoC — is when users reply with posts that only include questions about the RP, or things that are anything but a RP reply. If you have something to discuss about your roleplay, PM it to the other participants! Frivolous posts in RP areas are cheating in a way, since each post there earns Keystones.

Only Evelon Pets
       All other adoptables may be put in the 'Other Adoptables' board and roleplayed in the Other Roleplaying area. This does not mean you cannot have a human character accompanying your pets or that your pets may not have human forms though. By other adoptables, we are referring to pets from sites such as Neopets, Chicken Smoothie, Ayways, ect.

Using a language other than English
       Some users know multiple languages. The vast majority of us speak English and that is what we tend to use to roleplay here, but we aren't going to force you to use our language. If you choose to roleplay in another language, such as French, German, or Japanese, please list in the roleplay's title what language you are using. This will make sure that the mods don't think you're spamming.
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• Mature Warning Tags and Forbidden Terms

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:32 AM

These are the tags that you must put in the title of your RP to indicate to others that the RP contains material they may find offensive. You need only to put the corresponding letter in the title of your RP.
Explicit content is not allowed in the general forum area and as such, has been removed from this list. Please see a mod to gain access to the 18+ area.

A = Abuse
       The RP contains strong references to or depictions of extreme physical or mental abuse of an adult. This includes self-inflicted abuse.

B = Bondage
       The RP contains scenes of one character bound by another, in a violent context.

D = Drug Use
       The RP contains strong references to or depictions of heavy drug use/abuse.

E = Everything
       The RP contains all or almost all of the other entries.

F = Fetish
       The RP contains strong references to or depictions of a extreme obsessions with objects and/or ideas that others may find disturbing.

G = Gore
       The RP contains strong references to or depictions of explicit details involving excessive amounts of blood or viscera.

L = Language
       The RP contains the use of strong offensive language. Please see the list below for banned words that may not be used AT ANY time.

V = Violence
       This RP contains strong references to or depictions of violent acts. Extreme acts of fighting and murder fall under this category.

These words and terms are forbidden from use on the forums. They are listed here so that you know what they are.
This list is subject to be edited at any time.

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Elie's Trashcan
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• Username Changes

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:39 AM

Whether you have to register on a forum or on a website, every community asks you for a username. For the majority of people, their username describes who they are, what they like, a character precious to them, or something that is otherwise just as important. If you ever feel like your username is no longer inspiring, you can have your username changed. Outlined here are the rules and guidelines for getting a username change.

How many times can I change my username?
       Technically, you can change your username as many times as you want.
       The first username change is free.
       Any additional username changes will cost 200 KS each
       Usernames changed before Sept 15, 2013 do not count toward your free one.

Why do I have to pay keystones
       The reason we make users pay keystones is so that users do not want to constantly cycle through usernames. Every time someone has their username changed the staff members have to go through the ownership records and manually change the member's name in the records. It takes a good bit of time to change this information.

So how do I get my username changed?
       If you would like to request a username change, please send an email to Provide your current username and what you would like to change your name to. Please message Redd or Kyrit if the email is not responded to in a timely manner and we'll get onto it asap.
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• Admins and Mods: Who Does What?

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:40 AM

What do the different color names mean?
       A yellow name signifies an Admin - these are users that oversee the entirety of the site.
       A green name signifies a Global Mod - these people have power to lock, delete and move threads and posts anywhere. They also have the power to give out warnings.
       A blue name signifies a Modmin - these people have all the power a normal mod does but are seen as leaders in BaalsBaby's absence.
       A purple name signifies a site artist - these people help out with just about anything art-wise, be it drawn items or making pet colorations.
       A rusty name signifies a retired staff member - these people were previously on the staff team, but have since retired from their responsibilities on the team.

Administrator: BaalsBaby
       Responsibilities: Creating breeding room litters, Creating (breedable) customs, Species Development/Redesigns
       Areas: Everywhere

Administrator: .:BANHAMMER:.
       Responsibilities: Activating user accounts, Banning/deleting users, Name changes, Creating/deleting forums.
       Areas: Wherever it is needed

Moderator: crow
       Responsibilities: Record keeping (Potions, breeding area), Writing pet descriptions
       Areas: Marketplace, Breeding Area, Ownership Records

Moderator: Kodai
       Responsibilities: Stats, Hosting Tournaments/Battles, Creating breeding room litters, Creating customs, Add-ons, Funding user events, Writing pet descriptions
       Areas: Customs, Breeding Area, Pet Stats

Modmin: Redd (previously Kreepy)
       Responsibilities: Handling complaints/feedback, Creating breeding room litters, Creating customs, Designing new pet colorations, Feature development, Spokesperson for RE2, Activating user accounts, Processing GT orders, Official Auctions/Raffles/Contests, Funding user events, Writing pet descriptions
       Areas: Random Event 2, Customs, Breeding Area, Forum Code Bugs, The Adoption Site, Moderator Feedback/Questions/Complaints

Modmin: Kyrit
       Responsibilities: Marketplace Overseer, Creating breeding room litters, Creating customs, Designing new pet colorations, Record keeping, Activating user accounts, Processing GT orders, Official Auctions/Raffles/Contests, Add-ons, Funding user events, Writing pet descriptions
       Areas: Marketplace, Customs, Breeding Area, Ownership Records

Retired Staff Members:
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