Be it to the north or south, Basantha is characterized by harsh climates most Lambastians prefer not to trek. To the north are the frigid Fe'gan Mountains, Lambastia's highest and coldest peaks. Further south you'll encounter the arid expanse of the Wilt'no Desert, where most life only comes out during the night. Travelers find little escape to the west, even though the Tuun Mountains aren't quite as harsh.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:13 AM

"Yeah, I've had lessons. I spar most days with my brothers." Ashe shrugged, as if most people did that. Hawke had spent some time around nobility, despite it being somewhat of a new concept to her and most of the women did not swing swords around. Maker, most of the men even were more the diplomatic type.

"Right. Then spar with me. Er.. not in here. Let's go somewhere in hightown. Follow me!" Hawke extinguished the magical light and pushed open the door, slipping out into the courtyard. Ashe grumbled some reluctant reply but a quick glance back did reveal she was indeed following, so at least she was a little bit curious.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:14 AM

A few twists and turns later and they were free from the keep and standing in the front patio to Hawke's own manor. At least she knew they weren't going to be disturbed here, and it wasn't like she'd tell this stranger where she lived. "Here. Swing at me. I'll block, I just wanna see how you move with that ungodly thing." Hawke swung around, knives flashing into her hands and she bounced on the balls of her heels, warming up for the attack. "It's all relevant, trust me."

Ashe stared at Hawke in disbelief for a few seconds, before sighing. "I am in a dress you know." she grumpily shot back, which earned her nothing more than a short shrug. And then with a resigned sigh, Ashe raised the sword with both hands and brought it down on Hawke with surprising speed.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:15 AM

"Shit." Hawke raised the blades in a cross above her head, boots struggling to gain purchase on the dusty ground. Then Ashe pulled back, barely giving Hawke time to breath before moving into a flanking strike. The rogue hastily rearranged her stance and parried the sword away, barely having time to collect herself before the next blow came. "Okay, enough. I've... seen enough." She raised both swords into the cross shape and stepped back a pace. "Maker."

Okay, okay, had this not been a proper fight and generally... Hawke was loathe to admit it but she'd struggle in a fair fight to begin with. She was sure she'd whoop this girl's ass proper, given the chance.

... And hey, maybe in more ways than-Maker no.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:16 AM

She had to nip that thought in the bud, before anything more than a slight red tinge crossed her cheeks. Hell no. She was not going down that path, not right now. She was helping this girl as an amusement. It definitely did not have anything to do with the fact that she was tall, blonde and apparently could break her in half without trying. She had no idea how she'd managed to miss the woman's muscle definition earlier-

"Ah-hem." Hawke cleared her throat out and put her knives away, looking down the street and avoiding the pale, expectant stare. "Maker, forget what you said about me, you fight like you're possessed. I'd hate to see how you'd go-" ... out of the dress, nope nope, find something else, "-fighting in proper gear. Where did you learn to fight?"

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:17 AM

In the meantime, Ashe had just been watching Hawke with a mildly concerned look, while the woman had been choking over her words. "I... ah, my brothers taught me. I travel a bit, they thought it was a good idea...? I'm not that grea-" she started fumbling through the words.

"Fucking shit, shut up with the whole humble, meek bullshit. Seriously." Hawke growled, pinching the bridge of her nose. Ashe looked a little taken aback but it was for her own good. Though Hawke really still was struggling to work out why she cared. Her good deed for the week maybe? Good deed for the month? Hell, maybe Ashe had some hot brothers she could get in with if this dig with Anders ever went south (a joking thought, they'd been together for years). What? Ashe was hot, and it was likely her brothers were the same.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:19 AM

"Look. You overwhelmed me. 'Fights like a demon' me. In a dress. That's impressive. You're a natural. Get into the military side of things. Guard stuff, tactician stuff. If you can prove your worth in something else, that'll keep them putting you into the Chantry. I guarantee it."

Ashe nodded reluctantly and swung her sword belt over her shoulder. Gooood, she wasn't offended or acting prissy over it, another point for the blonde princess. Or. Blonde Lady? What had she decided to call the woman again? "I... I can manage that I think. I appreciate the advice anyhow." Ashe replied, huffing and rubbing the sides of her arms, finally feeling the effects of the bitter cold night. "We... should get back though, before my guard realises I'm gone."

Hawke nodded and moved past Ashe, patting the woman supportively on the shoulder. "Right, good point." She grumbled, not looking forward to rejoining the party. "I'm gonna stick around you though, no one else there's fuckin' interesting."

Ashe shook her head with a little smirk but let Hawke follow without comment.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:19 AM

Current Day

Amber liquid dripped out of the upturned bottle, falling to the stone tiled ground one floor below. Glazed over aqua eyes boredly watched each drip, her body on the ground, only upright thanks to the balustrade that was propping her up and saving her from falling from the second story to the ballroom down below. Her hand dropped, letting the bottle hit the cold ground with an audible clink, causing some people to turn sharply and stare.

Right. The stealth enchantments didn't work when you made too much noise, she briefly remembered. She was trying to remain undetected, right. Well, she'd always been a complete whore for attention, even sober, that was a hard habit to break.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:20 AM

Korinne sighed and reached for the variety of pendants and amulets hanging from a chain around her neck, unsteady fingers fumbling for the right one. Finally, she found the little golden trinket shaped like a fox head, the rune on the back and the eyes glowing with a soft blue light. At her touch, the runes faded to black. Now that she'd been seen, the charm wasn't going to be much help. Well, not if anyone was looking for her anyway.

God, she hoped no one was looking for her. She gave a soft snort and leaned into the hard wooden post, her eyes fluttering half shut. In her drunken stupor, she guessed, even this felt okay enough to sleep on.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:21 AM

She was... no one.

She used to just be Hawke. The Hawke, a tool known by last name only. Something to point in the direction of the problem you wanted solved or the person you wanted dead and she'd do it. She wasn't a person, Korey, or Korinne was a person. But to these people, she wasn't Korinne, she was Hawke, a slave to the people.

Well, that was maybe a lie, she was something to the Inquisition. Destroyer of Kirkwall maybe. The person who freed a sleeping vengeful god, most definitely. No good titles were among those, surely. She didn't belong down there with the rest of the heroes. Not with the Inquisition scouts and soldiers. Not with those higher in the ranks that she'd started getting along with, like Sera or Bull. Not with Varric. And most certainly not with Ashe, the goddamn high and mighty Inquisitor herself. No way, Princess down there would be too goddamn preoccupied with drinking up the praise and attention she deserved. There's no way in hell, anyone would bother paying attention to the idiot who'd started all this drama to begin with.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:31 AM

She was no one and for once, she almost wanted to keep it that way. It'd make it so much more easier to stomach when she simply just... disappeared.

That almost felt poetic when she put it like that... though that may have been the alcohol speaking.

Urk. Okay. Time to move. Before she was hunted down by someone who felt the need to congratulate her out of... pity or something. People were still staring at her, presumably worried that she was about to pass out. One hand reached up to grab the railing, and with another grunted heave, the rest of her body shakily following. For a second, the rogue hovered there, catching her breath. See. Fine. She could stand up, which meant, she could walk. With one hand on the railing, the woman continued moving towards the upward stairs, shifting her hands from the rails to the cold stone wall, continuing to support herself.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:31 AM

See. No one even commented as she moved past them, so clearly, she wasn't wanted here, not in their little goddamn 'we saved the world' party. No one actually wanted the person who caused their problems to be here, so it was obvious to say she should just fucking go.

Ah. The door. Good. Almost there. Korinne twisted the handle and slipped through, hissing profanities as she stepped out into the cold outdoor air. Gods, if there was anything she hated more, it was the cold. But at least it was clearing her head a little, making it easier to see and for now, until the chill set in, easier to walk.

And best of all, there was no one around to hear her talk.

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Re: Old Regrets [Self:L]

Postby Redd » 06/02/2018 7:31 AM

"Fffffuck." she grumbled to herself, rubbing her temples. Not her best first words but if there was ever a statement to describe her current mood, that was it. "I... gotta get out of this fuckin' place. Before they get some dumbass idea to put me on trial or somethin'." Yeah, that was a good place to start. She knew there was going to be a trial or something. There had to be. There was no way she was walking out of this one. She'd fucked up. Royally so.

God she was starting to wish she'd never met Ashe or come back to help this goddamn Inquisition.

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Re: New Paths and Old Regrets [Self:L] [H by C]

Postby Redd » 07/25/2019 8:19 PM

Hightown, 3 years ago...

"Ah... Messere Trevelyan?"

A slightly put off voice dragged Ashe back to the present. The blinked at the man in front of her, nicely dressed in blue and silver. He nervously ran a hand through his short, well maintained black hair, and his steely blue gaze was expectant, waiting for the woman to respond. Oh... she'd... not been paying attention, had she? Ashe sighed, causally swirling around her glass of pinot noir and forced herself into a pleasant smile. "I am sorry Ser...?" she trailed off, questioningly. Ashe wasn't doing this deliberately but she really wasn't that interested.

"Kenric!" he was quick to offer.

"Right. Ser Kenric." O-kay Ashe. Keep up with the conversation, you were confusing the poor boy. She might not be showing anyway. She'd only met her once, how would she know? "Wycome sounds fascinating, and this wine is really something else. Undertones of... vanilla, Antivan spices and... Silent Plains rose? And you're telling me that you can really just buy this freely there?" she gave the wine another sip, just for show. Man this guy, despite her aloof demeanor, was really feeding off every word.

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Re: New Paths and Old Regrets [Self:L] [H by C]

Postby Redd » 07/25/2019 8:19 PM

Or maybe she was just lucky enough to know how to be pretentious about alcohol.

"Listen, Ser Kenric, hold onto this for me, could you?" Ashe carefully pressed her glass into the man's hand, not bothering to address his extremely confused expression, before blurting out apologies and making herself scarce, eyes frantically searching for a hallway or something where she could get some cold air and reassess her thoughts.

It was the same deal as last time, some fancy party in Kirkwall. Some farce, charade set up by the nobles in another attempt to flex their standing and as warning to not invade. Such were the Marcher towns, always warring amongst themselves and vying for land. And indeed, the sheer amount of Templar and city guards around were nothing to scoff at. If anything, all these unfriendly eyes turned on her, were starting to make her a bit anxious.

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Re: New Paths and Old Regrets [Self:L] [H by C]

Postby Redd » 07/25/2019 8:20 PM


"Door on the east side of the room, then three doors down on the right." A voice, male, calm and collected, came from her left.

With no small amount of confusion, she turned around to try and find the source. Maker, she'd barely touched alcohol tonight, who was... she stopped dead in thought and movement upon making eye contact with a man dressed up in Templar armour. If she didn't know any better, that was armour above and beyond the rank of a regular Templar.

Oh no, what had she done to warrant the attention of a Commander? She wasn't a mage!

"E-excuse me?" She nervously stammered, shifting her glance to make sure he hadn't been talking to anyone else.

His amber-colored gaze, unfortunately, was directed at her. "There's a balcony that way, good place to get some air." He offered, weakly gesturing in that location. "I... am sorry if I startled you, I was headed out that way myself, and you look how I'm feeling right now." He gave a small shrug and a smile, before making the decision to leave her be and head in that direction.

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