Be it to the north or south, Basantha is characterized by harsh climates most Lambastians prefer not to trek. To the north are the frigid Fe'gan Mountains, Lambastia's highest and coldest peaks. Further south you'll encounter the arid expanse of the Wilt'no Desert, where most life only comes out during the night. Travelers find little escape to the west, even though the Tuun Mountains aren't quite as harsh.

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Return to Basantha

Postby alienationgrave » 11/29/2008 2:09 PM

Greed arched his head in Setsuki's direction.  He looked at her.
"Yes that's my name.  I'm here because Lust is here.  He's my fur preener," Greed replied enthusiastically.

He looked over at Okami.  She seemed to have a worried expression on her face.  She was looking at the bridges, as if she was trying to figure out which one to cross.

"Are you looking for something? Perhaps you're lost?" Greed asked.
Suddenly, he yelped. "YOWWW!!!"  He glared at Lust.  Lust had accidentally combed too hard and pulled out a pawful of Greed's fur.
"Now I'm going to have a bald spot~~"Greed whined.  He pouted, on the verge of tears.
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Postby FWD » 11/29/2008 4:48 PM

Okami shook her head no, "Nah, I don't think we're lost.. Kinda want to know which bridge would lead us to which, Basantha Shrine would be a start" she said. Now this is a change, she doesn't usually act like this, she first obsereves or just keeps an eye on the person, then act friendly, Setsuki thought. "YOWWW!" Both Okami and Setsuki turned their glances to the cause. Lust had accidently pulled a pawful of Greed's fur. Okami winced, Now that's gotta hurt, she thought. Setsuki gave a symphatic glance to Greed, then to Lust. Must be a hard job Setsuki and Okami thought in unision.
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Postby alienationgrave » 11/29/2008 6:22 PM

Lust sighed.  That's why he hated this job.  He patted the part of Greed he had pulled out the fur from.
"It's ok,"he soothed. "You'll grow back." It seemed like he was talking to the bald spot.

His ears twitched when he heard the words "Basantha Shrine."
"If you want, we're going to Basantha too.  Might as well come along.  There's a lot of confusing mountains on the way to the shrines," Envy spoke for once in the whole morning.  He was laying next to Greed, covering his ears.  Greed had just shouted in his ears, and Envy seemed to be deaf already.

Greed was still sobbing.  He looked as if he would break down any minute.
"Stop whining Greed.  It'll grow back in a few days," Envy said annoyingly.
"But I don't want to wait that long!" Greed replied.
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Postby FWD » 11/29/2008 7:21 PM

(OOC: No offense to Greed on the post. Will Greed go to Basantha Shrine too?)
"That'll be great" Setsuki replied. Okami watched the CarpetFang Sobbing, Was he greiving for his piece of fur or was he crying in pain? Either way Okami tried to look away from the bald spot. "Do you wish to join us?" Setsuki asked Corith. Jeez, that bald spot is harder to ignore than Setsuki's glowing eyes! Okami thought to herself not showing any signs of that thought. She didn't want to hurt Greed's feeling so she didn't say anything about it.  Setsuki said nothing too, she didn't want to say anything that would bring Greed  to break down and sob even more.
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Postby alienationgrave » 11/29/2008 7:57 PM

((haha... well i dont know lets keep rping and find out))

Greed looked over at Okami and Setsuki.  They seemed to be focused on his bald spot.  His face puckered, and he broke down.
"WAHHHHH!!! IT'S ALL YOU'RE FAULT LUST!!!!!"  Greed cried.  He covered his face with his tail, and wound up into a ball.  Lust didn't even get chance to finish preening his fur.

Lust made a face.  So did Envy.  They both sighed heavily.  They need to teach Greed to not mind his fur so much.  Gluttony might make fun of his bald spot.
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Postby FWD » 11/29/2008 8:10 PM

Setsuki noticed that Greed had noticed them staring at his Bald spot. "Sorry Greed" Setsuki apologized, so did Okami soon after. "Why don't you join us to Basantha Shrine?" Okami invited, Envy and Lust  probably wouldn't like that idea she thought soon after the words came out of her mouth. Setsuki decided to change the subject by creating another one with The two other pets, they have been silent for a while. "Will you join us as well?" she asked the Kuhna and his friend. Okami started praying that Envy and Lust wouldn't kill her for inviting Greed, they seemed already annoyed  by Greed and she just hoped that she didn't  make it worse.
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Postby alienationgrave » 11/30/2008 10:08 AM

As soon as Okami made the invitation, Lust and Envy's face turned dark.  A killing aura rose out of them.  Greed seemed otherwise though.

"Sure, I'll come!" Greed answered happily.  He seemed to be unaware of the two potentially dangerous pets right next to him.  Lust and Envy's aura seemed to get more intense after Greed's reply to the invitation.  The two of them started muttering things to themselves; none of the things they said seemed positive though.

Greed was a bit more happy after Setsuki and Okami apologized.  He slithered over to the temple albie and curled up around him.
"Are you coming too?" he asked the albie.  "You should.  I think Gluttony needs a friend to play with.  You and him will have lots of fun together."
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Postby FWD » 11/30/2008 4:53 PM

Okami felt a shiver go through her spine and retreated behind Setsuki, "help me!" she meeped. As Okami pleaded for help, Setsuki sighed in relief that Greed had forgiven them. He must be quite annoying to make Lust and Envy react like that Setsuki thought to herself  Guess we'll find out sooner or later. As Okami continued pleading, Setsuki sighed, and glanced at Lust and Envy. They looked as if they wanted to kill Okami, and she glanced at Okami. Again sighing she walk a little distance from the two with Okami following right after. When she stopped and sat, Okami did something else. She ran. She ran to the opposite side of the platform where Envy and Lust were, and sat down keeping a eye on them, embracing herself for another run if needed.
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Postby alienationgrave » 12/01/2008 5:05 PM

Greed noticed the change in Okami.  She suddenly seemed afraid.  Afraid of him? But what had he done wrong?  He didn't do anything to scare her, did he?  He suddenly felt a cold presence nearby.  He turned around.  Any pet can see the demon aura coming out of Lust and Envy.  Greed seemed otherwise.  He looked as if he didn't notice.

"We're.Leaving.Now." they both said at once.  They walked stiffly past Greed, and past Okami.  They crossed the bridge towards Basantha, but they still seemed to be angry.

Greed frowned. What is up with them, he thought.  Anyways, they were going to miss all the fun.
"So, when shall we leave?" Greed asked cheerfully.  He wasn't affected by the frightening aura one bit.
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Postby FWD » 12/01/2008 11:36 PM

Okami shivered in fright as the two pets walked past her, they seemed furious. "I guess we follow them?" Okami suggested to Setsuki with a bit shaken voice. Setsuki nodded and consoled Okami "Don't be afraid, We have company". That's the problem, the people that are accompanying us Okami thought. Setsuki padded a few steps forward, "Let's leave now" She answered Greed and soon followed Lust and Envy on to the bridge. Okami looked around "You guys coming?" she asked the others and sooned followed her companion in to the distants.
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Postby kayle » 12/03/2008 9:41 AM

Corith couldn't help but chuckle at the carpetfang.  For once, he wasn't scared of something that was bigger than he was.  He kinda liked Greed, but, at the same time, he could tell Lust and Envy didn't.  The aura coming off them was horrendous, and he knew that if they turned on the group he would have to fight.  He hated fighting.  Not that he was bad at it, he just despised unneccessary violence.  Corith untangled himself from Greed and trotted over Setsuki and Okami.  "You wanted to know why I'm here," he said nervously.  "I'm just trying to get over my fears, you know?  Just figured that if I traveled alone a bit, I wouldn't be so timid."  He looked at the group.  "Good thing I met up with you guys.  I probably woulda gotten myself killed or something."
I won't go down alone,
But I'll go down with my friends.
-My Chemical Romance, "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison."

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Postby alienationgrave » 12/03/2008 4:23 PM

Greed smiled.  He liked Corith very much.  He was very cute, and timid, and nice.  All that he wished for his whole life was to have an albie as a brother, one like Corith, not one like Gluttony.

"Come, come little Corith," he cooed. "Time to go to Basantha."

((ooc: kayle we've started a new thread if you didnt know at basantha called umm... through basantha or something look for fwd as author))
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