Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 12/17/2009 10:06 AM

The Hydrokuhna, named Aquaumi, paced around the platform, unable to choose her destination. "Should I go to the Roraldi Forests?" she asked herself. "No... they're way too full of creatures hiding in the trees, and I wouldn't like to be ambushed by one of them. What about the Nori Volcano? ...No, that place is too hot... Should I travel all the way to the Basantha Shrine? ...No, that place is dark and scary..."

She could wander about endlessly, talking to herself, not able to choose her destination. But she knows she can't pace back and forth forever. She also knows that her friends would have this problem too. She sighed and sat down.

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Postby Krystalolive » 12/26/2009 3:06 AM

Blanche looked around, wondering which way to go. The plains? No, no trees there. She looked around, trying to find some path or a group. "The slums maybe? No, too depressing." A kuhna caught her eye. It seemed the Hydrokuhna was having the same problem she was. Blanche crawled over, sitting beside the kuhna. She looked like a normal squirrel, but white. Blanche smiled and put her paw out to Aquaumi to shake. "Hi, I'm Blanche, what's your name?"
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 12/27/2009 4:31 PM

Aquaumi barely heard Blanche's voice. She stood back up, turned around, and just before she panicked she realised that this creature didn't look dangerous... but it was one she had never seen before! "Oh, h-hello," Aquaumi stuttered. "M-my na-name is... My name is Aquaumi." She got over her timidness - partially, anyway - and shook Blanche's paw.

The Hydrokuhna asked, "You look kind of like the type that can fly, with those bat-like wings and all. Can you?" At the same time, she wondered, "Maybe I'll fly around in Terrace Park?"

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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Krystalolive » 12/27/2009 4:39 PM

Blanche smiled as the kuhna shook her paw. She stared at the kuhna, they had a few like this one at home. Aquaumi's paw felt kinda wet, but it was solid. Weird. She heard the part about her wings, then smiled and nodded. "Yep, I can fly around. It makes it easy to get to treetops, and it's just really fun." She reached out, looking at her wings. She looked back at the kuhna. "Kuhna's can fly? I've never seen one do that! I knew they have little wings, but I thought they looked to small to carry them. Cool!" Her bright red eyes shined in amazment.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 12/28/2009 10:14 AM

Aquaumi replied, "Ah... I fly around quite a bit at my home. There's not much space to fly, though, and a few times I flew right into one of my friends' faces. That's part of the reason why I left to go exploring - so I could find somewhere a bit more... open... to fly. But as you know, I don't know where to go." She started to pace around the platform once more. "There are so many places to go - each with their own problems. I once considered going all the way to Barakka, but that's much too far..."

She sighed and sat down again. She said, rather unhappily, "Isn't there somewhere decent to go, where I can explore and fly... or swim... without any hassle?" She looked at Blanche. "Do you know of a place like that?", Aquaumi asked.

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Postby Krystalolive » 12/28/2009 2:07 PM

Blanche paused, then looked down trying to remember all the places she heard about. "Well, there's the Park, I heard that has alot of room. There's also the Plains, but those are kinda boring unless you run into one of the bears there. Um.. For flying and swimming there's...." She snapped and looked at Aquaumi. "The Dead Coast! I heard it's huge! There's also a lot of salt there though, but I heard it's a cool place." She looked around at the signs, wondering which one was the coast.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 12/28/2009 3:15 PM

Aquaumi jumped back up at Blanche's mention of the Dead Coast. "The where?!" she shouted. "Of all the places I've heard of, I've never heard of that place! But it sounds good..." She also started to find the sign to the coast. She could have sworn she saw a sign saying "Dead Coast" somewhere on the platform, but she must have ignored it, for she hadn't heard of the place before. She couldn't remember just where she saw the sign, either.

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Postby Krystalolive » 12/28/2009 5:33 PM

Blanche jumped when Aquaumi did, then smiled. "I think they call it the Dead Coast because I don't think any fish live there. There's to much salt." She looked around. "Yeah, I hear that not many people go. Most people go over to Jawan." She paused, then pulled out a little piece of paper, looking at it. "Oh, and it seems that some type of snail like thing lives there. It seems you can take one home if you find one." She paused, then looked at the kuhna. "That sounds cool."
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Remaro » 12/29/2009 11:22 AM


Dreamstitches wandered carefully across the platform. Lifting her head a little, she was surprised to see figures up ahead. The Yonyuu smiled a little. It would be nice to meet new possible friends. They may have even chosen a place to go. That would also be good, Stitches (as she is most commonly known) had been stuck for decision. Most of the places sounded very interesting after all.
"Excuse me...May I ask where you're going?" She called out softly, smiling and trying to appear friendly.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 12/30/2009 6:48 AM

As Aquaumi looked for the path that goes to Dead Coast, she heard another voice! She turned around, and just before she panicked, she remembered that there was one of these at home... this one wasn't that particular Dreamsnare Yonyuu, however - it's voice sounded too gentle. Aquaumi pulled a faint smile and said, "Uhh... the Dead Coast... My friend here, Blanche, is trying to find the path to it." She looked at Blanche.

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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Krystalolive » 12/30/2009 12:58 PM

Blanche was zooming around the signs, looking for the Dead Coast signs. She heard something, and looked up to see Dreamstitches. She zoomed over, sitting beside Aquaumi. "Hi. My name's Blanche." She turned to Aquaumi. "I couldn't find the path, maybe it's over there." She pointed to the opposite direction that she searched.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Sappheara » 01/02/2010 10:20 PM


Stretching beside his owner and getting bored waiting for this master to finish her errands. The Bleached Shielupe looked around the bridged area and spotted three different types of species. Adohi was curious to what they were doing. Slowly walking towards them, the wind blow towards him and he caught a couple of words. Are they going to Dead Coast or are they coming from that place? Adohi stopped about 10 feet in front of them. Hi, my name is Adohi. Are you guys going to Dead Coast or coming from that place? Adohi sat down in front of them.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Sappheara » 01/03/2010 3:17 AM

Adohi became anxious, he wasn't use to meeting new animals. He was becoming very bored waiting for their reply on what they were doing. Getting up on all four paws, Adohi strength his hindquarters. Looking back to left backside he can see his owner getting ready to go. The wind blow from the right, moving is bleached fur. Adohi looked at the others and back to where is owner was, he started to towards his owner.
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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby RubyPikachu » 01/07/2010 8:55 AM

She was about to keep looking for the signs, but before she could move, she noticed a Bleached Sheilupe walking towards its owner. She approached it and said, "Hey, you... Did you say something...? Something about going to Dead Coast?" She went to where Blanche was pointing. "I'm sorry, Sheilupe. I don't have much time to talk." She sighed a little...

She walked along the signs, until... "Finally! The path to the Dead Coast!" Aquaumi shouted to Blanche, "BLANCHE! COME OVER HERE! I FOUND THE PATH!"

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Re: Beginner's Indecision (Open)

Postby Krystalolive » 01/08/2010 6:50 PM

Blanche looked up at the bleached Sheilupe, about to say something when Aquaumi called to her. She looked over, then smiled. "I'm coming!" She ran over like a squirrel, getting over to the Kuhna's side in a second. She climbed up the side of the sign, looking at it. "Hey! It is the one for dead coast. FINALLY!" She looked around, "All coming to Dead Coast come this way!"
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