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Lost, with nowhere to go. (finished.)

Postby Aetheris » 02/13/2010 7:52 AM


"Kriena! Come back!" Aetheris called, chasing after her Saffron Werecain. She slowed to a stop, and sighed. This hadn't turned out to be a good day for her. "Wait, where am I?" she wondered aloud. She sat on a rock, hoping there would be a time where Kriena wouldn't run from her. "Is anyone around?" she called.

Kriena kept running until she was a fair distance away from Aetheris. She smiled to herself as she too sat down. I haven't run in a while, she thought, before getting up and pacing around in a circle, and sitting down again. Ah, what a nice day it is today, she snickered to herself.  

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Postby Sappheara » 02/13/2010 4:27 PM

Catori was 4 feet off the ground, flying. Her companions where behind her, she shook her head and smiled. Those two can argue about anything. Landing softly on the ground the Blossom Sygriff folded her brownish feather wings close to her body. Catori looked around the area, she didn't know which way to take. There where 10 different exit off the bridge. Which way should we go? The Sygriff turned to face her two companions. "Which way should we go?" watching both of them. Why are the arguing about what pet colors are better? Why does it matter? It's not like Sappheara had or has any favorites back home. She loves us all equally.

Mika didn't really hear Catori question, he was to busy trying to win an argument with Kitkun. "Void pets are not better than Bleached pets. In my own opinion it's the other way around." His tail moving back and forth. Does it really matter? Mika thought to himself. As far as he know, their owner/trainer loves them all equally. Mika just like arguing with his Void Magistrey companion. That's the thing they didn't since he could remember. The Bleached Tali realized the question Catori asked. "Maybe we should go towards the Nori Volcano?" What! Why did I say the Nori Volcano Mika bared his teeth at that thought. "Let's go towards Roraldi Forests"

Kitkun looked around as the others talked about which direction the should exit. It wasn't much going on today, every few humans and pets where around. The Magistrey looked around some more until she spotted a Werecain sitting. What is this? Kitkun looked at the same direction the Werecain did. She could see a young woman sitting down. "Guys!" Kitkun turned to face her companions. "Before we exit, maybe we should help the human and her companion?" The Void Magistrey pointed in the same direction as others. All three of them looked and agreed to help the human. She looked lost, they walked towards her direction.
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Postby Aetheris » 02/13/2010 6:20 PM

Aetheris stood up to watch a sygriff, tali and a magistrey walk towards her. She wondered if they were kind, or if they wanted to help her, or something else. She looked behind them only just realizing they were on a big platform with lots of different exits. She looked around at them, seeing that they all led to different places. That gave her a flicker of hope. Kriena wouldn't go too far, she wouldn't want to get lost.She smiled at that, before realizing that she was already sort of lost. No in fact, she was lost. She had forgotten where she came from. Excitement rose as she realised she could go on an adventure.

Kriena noticed a magistrey glance at her, then at Aetheris. Better not stay here, she thought. Now where to go? She got up and walked to the mouth of the nearest exit. And just like Aetheris thought, Kriena wouldn't go in.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Aetheris » 02/14/2010 5:29 AM

Kriena didn't find where this bridge went wasn't very interesting. She got up, walked to the next one, and peered in. She did this to every bridge, even the ones close to Aetheris. No eye contact was made, and Kriena ended up where she started, and sat down again. Quite a few of those looked interesting, but if I want to go in i'll take Aetheris with me. Anyway I'll just wait for her to come over, if she ever will.

Aetheris watched every movement Kriena made, but showed no sign that she would get up. She eyed the sygriff, tali and magistrey again, and they seemed like they wanted to help her. Why don't I get up and walk over to Kriena? she thought, but she knew the answer. I don't know what her reaction would be.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Rabid » 02/14/2010 2:34 PM

Joy padded happily along, looking around her to check for possible company; she wasn't a loner, that was for sure. She absolutely had to have groups with her. It wasn't because she wanted tons of attention or anything, she just bored very easily with only one or two others to keep her attention. She let out a sigh, frustrated. How difficult could it be to find good company on this bridge? Really, shouldn't there be tons of trainers and pets looking to go on adventures? At last, she caught sight of something yellow.

Oh thank goodness. She sighed. She then looked up and behind her, glaring. Why didn't you tell me, Dylan?

You didn't ask. He said with a shrug, causing the giant conga on his back to shift with his muscles. Joy simply replied with a huff. Yes, she had company, and he might've entertained her a tad had he been more social; he didn't seem to want to make any ties. Something to do with stuff that happened when he was growing up. Honestly, Joy didn't care that much; she had been stuck with this giant, and she had to show him around. "Don't leave him behind - stay with him, let him get used to being around you" and other such rubbish had been forced into her ears by their 'Mistress', whom she officially hated now.

Joy sped up, hurrying to reach the yellow thing. As she neared, she realized that it was a werecain. Another thing she noticed was that she was alone. Well, better than this lug, right? She thought, continuing to head for the werecain. Dylan noticed an actual crowd not too far away, but he figured he wouldn't mention it; if he did, Joy would be rude and turn away from the canine, and that just wouldn't do, would it? So he allowed her to bounce up to their future company and open her big mouth.

Hi there! She mewed, tails flailing about. My name's Joy; this here is Dylan. She indicated the paragon with a paw, waiting patiently for a reply. Dylan took a seat, curling his tail so it surrounded his feet.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Aetheris » 02/14/2010 4:42 PM

Kriena watched the two come towards her. "Hi, I'm Cipher Kriena, but everyone calls me Kriena." She half said, half smirked. "What brings you two here?" She casually got up on all fours and stretched her back before sitting back down again. She looked from Joy to the paragon, Dylan. Trying not to stare, she mainly focused on Joy, because of her scruffiness. Now and then she would look at Dylan, as she didn't get to see a paragon everyday. But she didn't even know what Joy was.

[[ measly little I-just-woke-up post D: ]]

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Postby Sappheara » 02/14/2010 5:32 PM

Catori notice as her and companions where walking towards the human girl. Two other pets where seen going to the Werecain. She never seen a Kuhna and a Paragon together before, Catori never really been out of house. As Catori and her two companions walked towards them, she could see that the Werecain running towards one of the exits. Where can she be going? The Sygriff stretch out her brownish feather wings and her tail moved back and forth.

Mika more enthralled with the large Paragon. "Wow, do you see him?" asking his companions. He is still a young pup, is easily a mazed by other creatures that don't in the house with him. He looked at Kitkun. "There are larger animals than you!"

Kitkun didn't pay to much attention to the Tali. As they near the human girl, Kitkun was the first to introduce them. "Hi, I'm Kitkun" she pointed to the Sygriff "This is my comapnion Catori and that one that can't stop staring at the Paragon is Mika" Kitkun turn back to face the human girl. "Is everything ok?"

Couldn't up with anything, by Sunday my brain is on melt down
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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Rabid » 02/14/2010 6:23 PM

Our 'Mistress' wanted me to take him out, show him around; that sorta thing. She gave Kriena a wicked grin, hoping it wouldn't bother the canine. She tended to scare many off thanks to her teeth, though she really didn't understand why; maybe they thought she was snarling at them? Whatever the case, she ignored all past experiences and grinned upon being introduced to new faces.

Dylan thought he heard one of the pets from the other group mentioning something about a paragon, but he figured they were talking about something... Well, different. Possibly a new paragon moving in with them or something. Whatever the case, he didn't really care; he only cared about himself and his lone possession. Said possession was taken off his back and placed comfortably before him. Joy looked back, fur bristling in surprise, as the large percussion instrument was placed a short ways away from her. She was exceedingly peeved as the rockbeak began rapping his 'hands' upon the bare goat hide, allowing music to flow gently from his soul. He didn't play full out - he could tell his company would become exceedingly irritable - but only allowed his hands to hit gently upon his beloved instrument, keeping the sounds gentle and hushed, though as exotically as he had learned ages ago.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Aetheris » 02/15/2010 2:16 AM

Kriena gave a wicked grin back, showing her teeth, not bothered at all by it. She turned her head and watched Dylan with curiosity as he started to play. She turned back to Joy and asked, "So how often does your 'Mistress' send you to take others out?" She smirked, as she realised if you 'take something out' you could be knocking them out.

Aetheris looked at the three, before replying, "Hi, I'm Aetheris. Everything is kind of okay, except my werecain, over there as you may have already noticed, has gone on a joy run. But I know she won't go off this platform, she doesn't like getting lost. Oh, and by the looks of it, I think she wants to explore somewhere." She sighed, before continuing. "I'll send another of my companions with her if she wants to explore, as I am tired. But she doesn't seem to come." Aetheris felt quite silly after that, as she wondered again why she didn't go herself. "If I go myself, she'll probably think I'm following her and run off somewhere, expecting me to be behind her."

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Rabid » 02/15/2010 2:00 PM

Just this time. She sighed. And he's not exactly the best company; most never shut up, but I'd honestly prefer that to utter silence. She glared back at her large companion, though it was ignored due to him being completely absorbed in his music. Stupid Mistress, sticking me with him; I bet she did it as revenge for me being late that one time... Her glare intensified, though the rage wasn't really directed toward the paragon. With an aggrivated sigh, she turned back to the werecain.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Aetheris » 02/15/2010 5:08 PM

"Ah, I see. So you would prefer someone jabbling away in your ear over complete silence." Kriena replied. She watched as Joy glared at Dylan, who didn't seem to notice. She didn't laugh, but still thought it was quite funny. Kriena decided that Joy liked lots of company, so she thought of another question to ask. Or she tried to, anyway. She finally said, "Do you like to explore much?"

[[ sorry, didn't have much time, or muse ]]

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Rabid » 02/16/2010 7:14 PM

I have those moments all the time. ;3

Joy gave a brusque nod in response, her teeth flashing as her grin returned. Her recently ruffled fur began to lie flatter - though it hadn't noticeably risen in the first place - as her large companion's music faded into the background, a peaceful accompaniment for her conversation. Her ears pricked at the question. She took a short moment of thought before she opened her mouth once more.

Yeah, exploring's pretty fun I guess. I mean, I've only gone exploring once, and that was on orders. I did run into some interesting folks; I swear, they were all insane! She rolled her eyes at the thought of an albie that'd tried to kill her. Really, she was simply defending her newfound buddies and what happens? WABAM! She nearly got slashed by weird swords. Not a pleasant experience. She felt a chill roll down her spine at the memory.

So uh, this your first time out and about? She said, shaking off the random spacey moment from a few seconds prior. Dylan snorted out a suppressed laugh at the weak recovery.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Sappheara » 02/17/2010 5:42 AM

The others watch as Kriena have a conversation with the Kuhna and Paragon. Catori step back a bit for Kuhna and Paragon could talk to the human. She didn't want to ease drop in their conversation, she turned to face her companions. "Maybe we should see if the Werecain is ok?"

Mato and Kitkun looked at her than at each other. "Maybe we should head out?"

I'm going to drop out of this storyline. I don't think I will be able to keep with y'all. Maybe we can get a storyline going together some other time.
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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (open)

Postby Aetheris » 02/17/2010 6:29 AM

I'm ending this, as I forgot how I was going to finish it.Aetheris stood up. She walked over to Kriena, before saying, "Come on, we're going home. Kriena reluctantly followed. She looked back at Joy and Dylan, with no expression, before heading off. While Aetheris was sitting down, she had remembered how they got here.

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Re: Lost, with nowhere to go. (finished.)

Postby Rabid » 02/17/2010 9:38 PM

Joy let out a sigh. So much for new company. She turned to Dylan, who had replaced his conga. Well, I guess I'll show you somewhere else... She muttered before heading toward one of the paths, wishing this day would end soon. Dylan let out a nearly silent sigh of his own before following the feline, not wishing to be stuck with such a brat for any longer.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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