Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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Return to Norrega

}:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/02/2010 12:58 PM


THE WOODEN PLATFORM was large and bustling, even at this late hour. Crowds of creatures by the dozens were constantly passing through, mostly grouped together. There was a glimmering Biolune animal - quite beautiful, especially as it appeared to fade and reappear in darkness and the crowd. And over there was a mysterious Temple creature, its seemingly blind white eyes unfocused as it sought out a path, talking rather amicably with its Blaze-colored companion. And through all of this din, one figure stood alone.

Dalizie blinked up at the faint slice that was the moon and then looked uneasily at the crowd around her. She hated having too many creatures in one place, hearing all of those conversations going on at once, constantly being jostled, and never being able to tell if a sly hand was attempting to pick out some valuables from her bag.

Ugh... I need to get outta here... she thought to herself, her eyes narrowing as she was again pushed off to the side as some other creatures, intent on their quest, plowed on through the crowd. Her bright blue eyes lit up when she saw the sign.

With a small huff she shot through the crowd, running as fast as she could, almost knocking into several people along the way, before emerging triumphant on the other side. There was the sign, right there, with several other creatures that were largely inconsquential to her at the moment standing rather confusedly beside it.

The sign was tall, about double her height, and made of a light brown wood that contrasted with the dark mahogany wood that made up the platform. She read:


Where to, where to...? she thought to herself. Everything was south - it's not like she had much a choice there. I have to admit, Desuna sounds most appealing at the moment...

She looked around. Nobody would remember that she was here, that a Concept Draculi had passed through. A bit more of an impression would be required.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/03/2010 8:54 AM

"Key stone for your thoughts?" asks a little rengset from behind the sign. "Too bad I'm skint hm?" He says smiling as he jumps and sits on to of the sign.
"Only one coulor but not on size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in the sun but not in the rain,
doing no harm and feeling no pain.
Answer me this riddle if you can."
Says the rengoset tilting his head side ways.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/03/2010 3:27 PM

[Pleased to meet you! :)]

Dalizie jumped, startled, as the Rengosett spoke.

"Wh- why, hello," she said. Even as she spoke, she dissected the riddle in her mind, trying to find the answer.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," she added. 'Stuck at the bottom yet easily flies...' What could that mean? The Rengset seemed friendly enough, and clever, too. She grinned.

"I'm Dalizie," she said, flicking her tail a little. Her eyes lit up as she found the asnwer at last. "Do you perhaps mean a shadow?"

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/03/2010 6:59 PM

Takin fell of the sign in shock. "You were right! No one ever bests me. How strange... Wow..." He said rubbing his head and taking a few deep breaths. "Well Done, though that was one of my easier ones.  
Little Nacy Etticoat,
In in a white petticoat
With a red nose,
the longer she stnds the shorter she grows.
What is it?"
He smiled regaining his vigour "Im Takin by the way."

(Did you work that out or do you have a book of riddles handy? I saw Your hello post, Call me Mouse.)

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/03/2010 7:53 PM

(Hello Mouse, I'm Sophy/Sofie/whatever spelling you want. ;) I just happened to remember the riddle from so long ago; I read it in a dragon book, I believe.  :oops:  I got lucky there.)

Dalizie laughed. She liked Takin already - he just had this air about him that made her want to smile.  "I guess I'm not as brilliant as I thought I was," she said, still grinning - but without malevolence. What was that she had been thinking about before, anyway? Oh, right, leaving an impression. That didn't seem quite as important now, not while someone was actually paying attention to her.

"If I had to guess anything, I would have to say... a little girl with a cold standing in quicksand?" She knew her guess was probably totally off the mark - such was the nature of riddles - but she really couldn't think of anything else that had a red nose and simultaneously shrank and stood, not to mention wearing a white petticoat. The blow to her pride would have to be taken; she wanted to know the answer, at least.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/04/2010 6:12 AM

Takin clapped his hand glee on his face "You see, Dalzie the answer is a candle, white, red nose and shrinks, Though, answering the first one was very good indeed." Takin lept up onto the sign and sprang landing just behind her with a bow and laughed. "Do you want another riddle? Or are we off adventurings?"

(Tehe a certain book called Dragonology I bought it ages ago but I red the riddles soo many times i know them off by heart :oops: )

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/04/2010 12:34 PM

I should have been able to get that, she though to herself, annoyed with her incompetence. But it was all in good fun, no harm was done.

Now she was rhyming. She shook her head to clear it, though the overwhelming force of the crowd and constant stream of creatures pausing to look at the sign was beginning to make her head pound.

"How about we explore?" she said hastily, looking back up at the sign. Desune... it certainly sounds exotic... "Have you ever been to Desuna?"

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/04/2010 5:14 PM

"Unforntunatly not, though I recall something Morwenna once said to me, she is a temple fellox by the way, always aruging with my sister I mean Tallie. Any way what she said was along the lines of "I cant belive, that clockwork monstrosity left me in the middle of the plains! Do you know how hot it is there? Hardle any trees and just plains or dead grass! Grass!" Yeah it was something like that..." He Trailed of and smiled, "I personally don't mind plains, but its up to you.
As I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Eack sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kitts,
Kits, cats sacks wives how many were going to St Ives?"
Takin cocked his head and waited for his answer on both questions.

(Takin being a Rengoset loves riddles, its not just me :oops: Tehe ^_^ )

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/04/2010 9:20 PM

Plains? Grass? That didn't sound very exciting. Dalizie looked up at the board, then back at Takin. The riddle chanted in her head - those things were addictive.

"Where do you want to go?" she asked, a tad distracted. "Norrega, perhaps?" That was the second most intriguing place she could think of.

Seven men with seven wives... going to Saint Ive's... She racked her brain. There was no way that she could just simply add up all the sevens and come up with the answer; riddles weren't meant to be so easily solved.

It hit her like an electric shock.

"Only one," she said, grinning. "You said that only yourself was going to Saint Ive's!" A second later she regretted it, remembering how Takin had been so shaken by her figuring out his last riddle.

Lu-la must be getting to me... she thought, recalling a particularly friendly and empathic Hollowheart. She smiled gently at the Rengosett, hoping that he wouldn't be as upset.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/05/2010 7:03 AM

"Well done Dalzie!" Said Takin "You caught me offguard the first time." He chuckled. "I'm not keen on deserts." he said slowly. "last time i even when near that place..." He trailed off loking vaugly frightened. "Theres always the Ronaldi forests?" He asked brightly covering up his earlier fear.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/06/2010 1:56 AM

Forests? Dalizie thought. I doubt anyone will be there... but Takin really didn't want to go to the desert. She frowned, almost impercetibly. I probably shouldn't ask him about it. Besides, she enjoyed his company so much already, she wasn't quite willing to give it up yet.

"Very well, the Roraldi Forests," she said, smiling again. That seemed to be her most common facial expression today, rather odd. She liked the feeling, though; it was a different kind of satisfaction than she was used to. "Lead the way!"

{Shall you create a new thread or shall I?}

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby Mousen » 03/06/2010 6:13 AM

(You can, considering you started it off.)
"Ok. Thanks Dalzie." He said bowing his head gratefully. "I think its this way." He said climing on top of a lapost like a statue, he jumped down an landed at her paws. "Away we go!" Takin burt out laughing, he was in a good mood.

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Re: }:{ First Step: Dalizie }:{ (Now Open to All!)

Postby GreekQueen » 03/06/2010 8:22 PM

Dalizie looked out over the platform, searching for the bridge. Then she finally saw it, to the south-west. "All right, Takin," she said, eying the thick crowd between her and the sign apprehensively. She fidgeted nervously. "Af-" She almost said 'after you', but bit back the words. She refused to look like a wimp in front of her new friend. With a sort of grim determination, she gestured to Takin that she was going to leave, and again shot through the crowd.

{Here's the link: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=12461}

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