Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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Guiltless (Private)

Postby crow » 05/14/2010 7:17 PM

A soft wind was blowing.

"Look, Seele... Is it familiar?" A young man asked wistfully. His pale ginger hair ruffled slightly with the breeze, and the expression on his face held countless undercurrents, as if his thoughts were turbulent, and he wasn't sure himself how he felt. Upon closer inspection, perhaps he was not a young man at all, but a very nearly grown boy. Certainly, his features had something of a childishness to them, as if he might run and laugh and splay out his arms, twirling like a dancer, this very moment. Something about the light in his eyes betrayed him.

That's not for me to decide, his companion informed him, with a shrug of short Lubshi arms. Giant, multicolored eyes swirled, glinting in the dying light of the sun. You have been here. Not this place, but this land.

"Yes, but that was a very long time ago," the boy replied, shaking his head in dissatisfaction. "How can it be familiar if such a time has passed?"

Is that so? The Lubshi made a face, and the boy laughed. It was a light sound, clear and soft, that it might become a bird if he so bid. He spread his arms wide, throwing back his head, sighing.

"I think it is familiar after all," he said. "It must be."

And how do you figure that? the Lubshi asked absent-mindedly, turning its head to watch the passing of a flock of... well, something with wings. It was always hard to tell at such distance what anything was.

"The wind, see? It likes me. It's welcoming me home." The boy gestured at the air around him, a sudden wild grin lighting pale green eyes, inlaid with shards of deep, sparkling gold. With his light dusting of freckles and his tousled short hair, he resembled something very feral. The Lubshi had to look at him hard for a moment, to assure itself that its boy had not gone and turned into someone, something else. But no, they had known each other far too long, and this was simply one of his moods. It, like all the others before it, would pass.

And I suppose you would deduce the nature of any place from the friendliness of its breeze, the Lubshi snapped, more harshly than it meant, for it had not liked being startled. You will have us traversing through dank caves, you forever reassuring me that there is nothing amiss, for there is not even the faintest trickle of air. And then we shall suffocate, or else be eaten by dark things. It shuddered. The boy smiled, his lips parted on the verge of another peal of laughter, but at the last second he changed his mind.

"Perhaps," he murmured, and danced away laughing from the Lubshi's expression of surprised indignation.
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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby SpringsSong » 05/14/2010 8:13 PM

Why she was out here, Xenara did not know.

The other thing she didn't know was why there was a human female with her that was a good six feet tall, making her feel incredibly short as they walked along.  Xenara would cast wary glances up at the female, but she continued to walk along as though she did not see or sense the other's nervous feelings.

Zrina... why are we out here? the Khimera asked.

"Mawey, Xenara.  All in good time.  All in good time," the woman said, carrying herself with dignity.  Her hair was done in one long braid down her back as she turned around to face the Khimera.  "We are here to learn about the people, the way of life... the nature of the place.  This utral, those seze..."

English, Zrina.  English.  Evelonian.  Whatever it is we speak here, not the language you're used to.  I know it, but I doubt others do.

The Khimera said this with a hint of annoyance as she set her eyes upon the other two beings that were there.  One of them looked to be human, while the other was clearly an Evelonian being... a Lubshi of sorts, if she was not mistaken.


Words in order: Mawey = calm, utral = tree trunk, seze = blue flowers
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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby crow » 05/14/2010 8:51 PM

"When do you suppose Rook will get here?" The boy crumpled into himself, sitting with his knees drawn up and his back against a wall. His too-long, too-thin jacket pooled around him, sleeves fallling to his elbows when he held his fingers up to the sky for inspection. He looked like too many angles, skinny despite having compacted himself into such a small space, and the Lubshi looked completely out of place where it sat on his stomach.

I would hope not, the Lubshi said, with a derisive snort. The boy frowned. He is far too troublesome. Its wings beat a few times in irritation, being useless for much else. The boy tugged on them, seemingly rapt in sudden fascination, while the Lubshi took all this with an air of resigned patience.

"That's not true," he murmured as he unfurled one to examine the webbing. "You know it isn't. He helped me, that time in the forest. You remember, don't you?" The boy's voice was soft, casual, with not the least trace of distress, but the Lubshi tensed.

Yes, it replied warily, huge iridescent eyes scanning the boy's face, looking for some trace of discomfort. I suppose I should be greatful; it was an awful place, it ventured, waiting for a reaction.

"Mmm," the boy hummed noncommittally, and said nothing more. The Lubshi wasn't sure whether to be happy about this.

"People", the boy muttered suddenly, not even turning his head to look. When the Lubshi did, earwings twitching out of the boy's grasp, he made a displeased noise, and began fiddling with the zipper on his jacket instead. His fingernails were chewed down to the quick, and the ragged edges caught in the fabric.

Shall we leave then? the Lubshi asked softly, his eyes whirling in mild concern. That is an alarmingly metalic feline... creature.

"Nuh-uh. I don't wanna get up," the boy replied, attention still fixed on the bit of metal pinched between his fingertips.

We should say hello, at least, the Lubshi prompted, much as a parent might to a small, mutinous child. The boy furrowed his brows, but he stopped what he was doing, and he looked up. His green eyes looked glazed over with daydreams, focused on a point that should have held no interest for him whatsoever.

"Hello," he said, a little too loudly, that they might hear him. He even chanced a wave, and a smile, though his heart wasn't in it. "That is an alarmingly metalic feline creature," he said to his Lubshi. "I wonder if it sneaks out at night and eats children, perhaps the odd lapdog... I wonder what that tail could do." His smile became a little more genuine as it shuddered and glared at him, though he did not meet its gaze.
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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby SpringsSong » 05/14/2010 9:11 PM

If Xenara had visible ears, they would have twitched in annoyance.  Her hearing was really good for the two still being a little further off than what Zrina's hearing allowed her to hear, but the female had gathered that they at least saw that they were there.

"Oel ngati kameie..."

Zrina, I thought I told you, these people don't understand that language.  You could just say "hello". Xenara said in an annoyed voice.  Speaking a little louder, she said, Believe me, I tried to live the life of a warrior, but it didn't work.  See my scars? she said, pointing to two rather large gashes on her front leg.  See these?  My own tails.  My own fear and clumsiness.  I could not harm a Pumpkit if you put it in front of me.

"She is worthless as a warrior's companion.  Believe me, she has more txopu--fear--than a newborn babe," Zrina said, frowning as she looked down at her.  "She is no larger than a housecat... and just as harmless.  I am Zrina, and her name is Xenara."

Zrina took another few steps forward as she said this, while Xenara took a few leaps forward to keep up with Zrina's strides.


Oel ngati kameie--I See you; customary greeting.
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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby SpringsSong » 06/11/2010 10:51 AM

After a few moments, both Xenara and Zrina looked at one another curiously.  Zrina, who twriled her braid around her fingers restlessly, kept looking down at Xenara from time to time as she breathed in slowly, her yellow eyes calm as she bent down next to the Khimera.

"We should not be here now," she said, taking her hand and making a motion with her four--yes, only four--fingers.

Aye, I feel something calling us back to where we came from before, Xenara said quietly.

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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby SpringsSong » 06/11/2010 10:53 AM

Zrina drew herself back up to her full height and began to walk away, stopping only to allow the Khimera to catch up to her.  However, after a few moments, she shook her head and bent over to pick the little thing up.  This drew forth semi-mechanical mewls of protest from Xenara.

I can walk on my own, you know, Zrina! she said.

"Yes, but we will move faster this way, ma 'ite," she said, using Xenara's pet name, which brought more sounds of protest out.

I am not your daughter, she said.

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Re: Guiltless (Private)

Postby SpringsSong » 06/11/2010 10:57 AM

"What is wrong with me calling you that, as I have raised you since you were a little Khimera-ling?" Zrina asked, her strides carrying her closer to the bridge that would lead to the Nori Volcano.  "Plus, remember, I am someone who guards all of nature and sees it as my family.  You might as well accept this."

I'll accept it when I can get a little space, Zrina, Xenara said as she wriggled out of the tall woman's arms and bounded across the Nori bridge, heading home.

[2.0--both have left]
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