Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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A Little Drop of Chaos (Open)

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/19/2012 1:32 AM

((Weee~ I never come here. So, yeah. Open RP. Just not too many people at a time, yeah? This is supposed to be fun, not full of all kinds of confusion and stress of keeping up with a bazillion people, kay?))

So this was his first stop, eh? Well, he supposed this was as good a place as any to get started. The draconequus stretched himself out atop the platform, pulling the kinks out of his spine. Stone wasn't exactly the best for ergonomic support, especially not in that pose. Horrible reaction posture. He should remind himself to do better next time, though he wasn't planning on there being a next time.

"No ponies, no princesses, no elements for me to worry about!" Oh, how he had laughed when he found the way through to this marvelous new world. It lacked most of his chaotic finesse, but that was easily remedied. Some sugar clouds here and soapy streets there, and things would be right back to the way he liked them. And this time, there wouldn't be any pesky Elements of Harmony to get in his way.

The shape this world had given him left a bit to be desired, but he supposed that couldn't be helped. Something of his kind, a hodgepodge of all different creature, apparently did not exist here, nor was that something his powers were able to alter. The wings were nice, though; they matched without making too much sense.

One swirl of his claw brought together enough clouds in the sky for a mattress, though most wouldn't think he should need a nap already. A snap summoned up a pack of pink cumulus of his own creation, filled to bursting with chocolate precipitation. Those clouds would rain down on the surrounding area, swelling any fruit it happened to contact; the animals that ate those fruits would be changed, and all without him having to lift another talon. This was almost too easy!He flapped to his bed, made himself comfortable, and sat back to watch the chaos unfold around him.

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Re: A Little Drop of Chaos (Open)

Postby Indigo » 12/31/2012 9:56 PM


Ugh. Could this day get any more ridiculous or unfair? Stupid little robot, being too lazy to run his own errands! What did she care if he had other work to do? He could do things plenty fast when he wanted to--she'd seen it. He could certainly have finished his stupid cupcakes after he made his deliveries. But no, he claimed he was too busy, and she'd had to take a cab to Aldrect. And by the time she'd been done there hadn't been any empty cabs nearby and she didn't have time to wait, so she had to walk all the way back, across this stupid bridge thing. Hopefully she wouldn't run into any crowds.

She hardly noticed the bizarre rain at first, wrapped up in her complaining--why had she even bought that robot anyway? What a terrible idea. He didn't do anything she couldn't do herself, except run his little bakery, and she wouldn't want to do that anyway. Maybe she could sell him, or trade him in for something more useful. Be nice to have a robot that didn't talk back.

And then something splashed onto her head, and she raised a paw to wipe it off, whatever it was. Something disgusting, she would bet, like...chocolate? What?

"What the--" Maybe on a better day she would have been pleased, and tried to find a way to collect the stuff; it was weird and probably not very safe, but she could get Gallagher to examine it for her, and if it was safe...But at this particular moment all that mattered was that she was going to get covered in the stuff, and that would be disgusting, and someone must be responsible, because chocolate rain wasn't exactly normal around here. She glared up at the sky. "Who is doing this?!" Not that they were likely to hear her, but right now she didn't much care.

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Re: A Little Drop of Chaos (Open)

Postby Azura Rayume » 01/03/2013 11:50 PM

Though this world didn't seem to be as populated as the last one, he didn't have to wait long for someone to come his way. The Ambia poked his head over the edge of his cloud, gold and crimson eyes finally landing on the source of the voice. A dog thing? Well, he was used to equines, but he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to mess with someone. "Each place to its own, I guess," he said to himself. "Now, what to do with her, hm?"

He pondered the matter for a moment, one claw tapping his chin in thought. Well, she obviously had a problem with his rain. Maybe she just needed a better taste of it. His tail reached toward one of his clouds, wrapping around the sticky thing and pulling it right over her head. Once he was satisfied with the position, he gave it a good squeeze, the chocolate contents falling in a torrent right over the Lucain's head. Oh, her face was going to be marvelous! He just had to get a look, so he craned his neck out to look around his captured cloud at the girl.

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Postby Indigo » 01/04/2013 2:24 AM

Avida fought the urge to snarl as chocolate poured over her—she didn't want to risk getting the stuff in her mouth, in case it was dangerous. Weirdest was that it was cold, which meant it obviously wasn't ordinary melted chocolate, but it also clearly wasn't mixed with anything else. Very peculiar indeed…but whatever. That wasn't important. Someone was clearly doing this on purpose, and to her! The nerve!

She moved aside in an effort to get away from the stuff, but if someone was actively controlling it them it would probably just follow her; it was definitely directed specifically at her, since while the rain fell in other places it was thicker where she stood. Disgusting. She hunched her shoulders and glared around her, trying to find the source; someone was going to pay for this.

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