Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 07/22/2013 9:18 PM

"I think the Lego ones count. I've only played the first two and the complete saga one." She mentioned watching her brother playing The Force Unleashed, which he had to reply "I love that game. I have the first for X-Box 360 and Wii and the sequel for X-Box (360). You've never heard of the Knights of the Old Republic series, Have you?" he asked, needing to know. He was a HUGE nerd for that series. When she asked if he knew what Roleplaying was, he was curious, so he asked what it was. "I'm clueless. I'd love if you explained it to me. Pleeeeeaaaaase?"

"Whoa, you okay?" he asked, diving after her when he saw her struggling. He swam to her, then tucked her arm over his shoulders. "Let's get you back to shore." He started helping her by pulling them to shore...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2013 9:31 PM

"Well, at least those ones count." Kitsumi laughed. "One of the others I played was a strategy game - like, you had to collect ore, nova, food and carbon and then build stuff like a Jedi Temple, a Troop Center, and stuff like that. Then you'd 'create' the troops and battle your opponents. The other one was like a 3D flying one I guess. You'd be in the ships and it was designed to look like you were actually flying - it was cool." When he asked about a game, she shook her head sadly. "Nope, sorry. Never heard of it. Is it any good?"

When he asked about roleplaying, she smiled. This was her area of expertise. She was a roleplaying nerd, as he would soon find. "Well, it's kind of hard to describe. I always describe it as kinda like writing a story with other people. For example, you'll create a character. You create their name, personality, back story, quirks, and absolutely everything about them. Other people will create characters too. Then, you can put your character with theirs and kind of write out what is happening. You would write about what your character says and does, and they would write about theirs. Together, you control what happens." She blushed. "That's probably a horrible explanation. I'll have to show you sometime...maybe Wednesday at Youth Group?"

As he helped her, Kitsumi pulled back a little. "No, I'm fine. Just surprised is all. I don't want to go back to shore. Just...maybe back to where I can touch. Or...or you could just keep holding me up?" It was a bold move, saying that. Still, maybe it would bring about an opportunity.

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 07/22/2013 11:01 PM

"That sound interesting," he commented about the strategy game. When she mentioned the other game, his mind brought up several other games, which he questioned "That one sounds familiar. Is it Battlefront? Or maybe one of the Rogue Squadron games? It could even be-" He saw by her face that she wasn't sure if it was any of those games, so he just stopped asking.

"IS IT ANY GOOD? One of the BESTS by far. It's got great gameplay mechanics, the graphics are good for it's time, and an AMAZING story. Not only that, you get to choose how the story goes and what your character does." He went on about the game until he thought he'd bored her to death. He then asked about roleplaying.

He listened intently as she described it. "No, I think I get it. It's kind of like a book in progress?" She suggested showing him on Wednesday, to which he answered "I'd like that. You might have to show me after church, though cause I've gotta practice with the band before."

His heart was pounding from just touching her. "Sure," he said, trying to hide the fact that his adrenaline was rushing from holding her. That was when he realized. He likes her. He just didn't know how to tell her. "Hey Kitsu, would you maybe wanna text me later tonight?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2013 11:10 PM

"It is interesting." Kitsumi smiled guiltily. "I'll let you in a little secret, though. I'm a cheater. I know all the cheat codes, and use them all the time. It's my brother's fault though, so blame him! He told me all of them, even though I told him not to. And after that...well, the temptation was too hard to not use them." She giggled. "I usually don't like cheating, but some of the levels in the Scenario mode were really hard."

She wasn't exactly sure what exactly he meant by everything he was saying. But Kitsumi continued to listen, smiling and nodding when she actually understood something. When he finally stopped, she spoke. "That does sound interesting. I don't know about game mechanics or anything, but you certainly make it sound wonderful! Maybe I could try it out sometime."

"Yeah, I suppose you could call it that. Actually, I guess that's kind of what it is." She smiled. "After church would probably be okay. I'd just have to make sure one of my parents wouldn't mind picking me up a bit later. Oh, wait! My brother will probably be home on Wednesday since he recently got out of school. I can probably persuade him to pick me up. Maybe we could go to McDonald's after and I could show you? There's wifi there, and I could bring my laptop to show you. My brother wouldn't mind picking me up if I offered him McDonald's."

A surge of heat shot through her body as Jed held her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed him to wrap one arm around her back, the other under her knees. Kitsumi noticed her mom looking, and quickly looked away before her mom could signal for her to make Jed let her go. Kitsumi didn't want to be let go, not anytime soon. "I'd love to text you. You, if you wanted. Or I could call you. Wait, do you have unlimited minutes?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 07/23/2013 1:52 AM

Jed commented about how he's the exact same with cheat codes. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I do the same thing with the Sims." He was excited about learning what she was into. When she said she'd be able to show him what roleplaying was, he smiled. "Awesome. I can't wait. So for now, did you wanna go swimming?"

He held her close, not wanting to let go. He caught her eyes wandering to her mom, then back at her. "Yeah, I think I have unlimited minutes. What time did you want me to call you? By the way, you have beautiful eyes."

later that night

Laying on his bed, Jed dialed the number Kitsumi had given him. Listening, he heard the sound of dial tones...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2013 1:59 AM

Kitsumi lit up a bit at the mention of the Sims. "Oh, you play that too?" She blushed. "I thought I was the only one my age who liked it. I usually don't tell people...but I love it! Do you use the 'Make Needs Static' cheat? I always use it, so that my Sims have all the time in the world to work on their talents and stuff without having to use the bathroom or eat."

Hoping that he wouldn't mind, Kitsumi leaned her head on his shoulder. "Good, then we can talk all night if we want to." She instantly realized that he might not want to, and added, "I mean...we could. We don't have to, of course. You could call around ten maybe? Is that too late? My parents are asleep by then, and wouldn't yell at me to get off the phone." Her smile was huge as he complimented her. "'re so sweet."

It felt as if she had spent the entire time next to her phone. Kitsumi had already given Jed a special ringtone, so that she would know when it was him calling. A friend had called, and Kitsumi talked to her for a bit, but cut the call short as it started nearing the ten o'clock mark. When the phone finally started chiming with his ringtone, she pounced on it.


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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/02/2013 2:04 AM

He saw her smile when he mentioned  the Sims. "To be honest, I never heard of that cheat. I'd always use cheats like Motherlode and the on e with the semi-colons and exclamation marks, you know, to get money. My personal favorite is the third Sims. What's yours?" he asked.

When he heard her saying he didn't have to call, Jed interrupted, "No no no, I'd love to. When should I call?" After she answered, he continued with "That sounds great." He heard her thank him for the compliment, he replied "You're most certainly welcome. So," he started to ask, "it's starting to get a bit dark out. When were your parents planning on leaving?"

"Hi, Kitsu," he said, hoping she'd pick up on the Kitsu nickname. "So, what's up?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/03/2013 11:09 PM

((Mwa-ha-ha! Since we're already at the part where he's calling, I doubt they would still be in the lake xD I'm just gonna get to the calling part and skip replying to them at the lake - okay?))

Hearing Jed's voice on the phone, Kitsumi smiled widely as she laid down on her stomach, phone pressed against her ears as she leisurely kicked her legs back and forth. "Hey! I was kinda worried that maybe you had realized what a dork I was when we were at the lake, and that you weren't going to call." She giggled nervously as she heard the nickname. "I was just sitting here on my laptop. What are you up to?" She sat back and waited for him to answer. If all went well, they would be talking for a while.

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2013 12:37 AM

The sound of her voice pleased him. He didn't like hearing her insult herself, however. "I'm not doing much. Just laying in my bed, looking at the stars and wondering... what the hell happened to my roof." He enjoyed telling pointless jokes and let out a little chuckle. "And you're not a dork, trust me. I watch all the Batman movies, all the STAR WARS movies and all the other superhero movies. I'm the dork."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2013 12:52 AM

Kitsumi laughed at his joke. It was pretty corny, but she could already tell that he had that kind of humor. It was actually kind of endearing. "Hmm, sounds like you could use some roof repair! You know, my neighbor could do that kinda stuff for you." She decided to play along, joking with him. Even though he couldn't see, she rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. I've spent my whole life reading sci-fi or fantasy books. I love the Batman movies too, and the Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings. I hated the Eragon movie because it's absolutely nothing like the book, though."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2013 9:38 AM

"Really?" he jokingly asked. "Are the rates that good? I don't have the leisure of 'the sky's the limit. Even thought I can see it." It seemed like his joke was starting to lose flavor after trying to stretch it, so he simply added "Just kidding, teehee."

"Well, I never read the Eragon books, but do you ever go on Wookiepedia to look up the simplest facts to try to soak up every crumb of information on a STAR WARS topic no one's even heard of?" It seemed he was bent on challenging her to the title of Biggest Nerd In Evelon. A title he was ever sure he'd win. "I didn't think so," he added before she could respond, then let out a chuckle.

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2013 9:41 AM

Kitsumi giggled. "I don't know, the rates might be through the roof...oh wait, you don't have to worry about that!" The joke was getting incredibly drawn out by this time. She finally let it drop, and so did he. "I like you," Kitsumi said quietly, not even sure if he would hear her whisper. "You make me laugh."

"Alright, alright! You win, you can be the nerdy one." She shook her head in amusement. "Who ever thought that we would have gotten into a fight over who was nerdier, huh?"

((Oh my gawd. So short Dx))

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2013 10:06 AM

The words were short, but effectively cut him short. He replied "I like you too," but wondered if it was more than just 'like' that he was feeling for her. He finally went to address her comment about calling herself a dork, but it seemed she wanted only to argue about who was the bigger nerd. 'Challenge accepted' he thought to himself. When she gave up, he felt slightly down that she wouldn't keep battling him for the title. He liked talking with her. "I know right? So what're you doing on your computer? Sorry, just wondering aloud."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2013 10:09 AM

Her heart began beating rapidly at Jed's words. So he had heard what she had said...and he felt the same! Kitsumi was elated. Of course, he probably figured that she had meant it in a friend way, and probably meant it in that way. That thought saddened Kitsumi, so she decided to ignore it.

"Oh, I'm just roleplaying," she said. "And playing a game that I'm kind of embarrassed to confess to. It's...well, it's probably considered a kid's game." She blushed, and was glad that he couldn't see her. "I guess I still like the kid games."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2013 10:50 AM

"Oh, that roleplaying thing you were talking about earlier." He could hear the embarrassment when she started talking about a childs game. "It's okay. I watch Spongebob every once in a while, and that's childish. I kinda still like it." He could still remember his favorite episode. The episode where Squidward tries to start a Bikini Bottom marching band. Maybe she'd know a scene from it. "Kicking? I wanna do some kicking. Ugh!" he said, quoting Patrick and hoping she knew what he was referencing...

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