Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/21/2013 7:11 PM

((Note: This roleplay is labelled as 'comedic relief' for a reason. It's literally just supposed to be a bit of comedy in all of my stress and when my muse for serious roleplays is dead. Any happenings in these roleplays will (most likely) not be canon to the character, and I don't want to be judged on any of the content in this roleplay!))

An important mission! Zim had sent Gir on an important mission, and the little robot was hopping with excitement. Tacos had been promised as a reward, so there was no way that Gir could fail! He wasn't sure what Zim needed a dog for, but apparently it was going to help his experiments. The green alien had mentioned something about testing his new intelligence ray or something like that. It wasn't interesting to Gir, so he hadn't really listened that well. Oh, well. All he had to do was find a dog, and the tacos would be his!

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/21/2013 7:13 PM

As Gir skipped down the sidewalk, he began to sing. It wasn't a real song, of course. Actually half of the words he used weren't even real words. Did he care? The answer to that question was an obvious 'no'. Gir didn't seem to care about much. Unless it were some type of food - preferably muffins, waffles, or tacos - he usually ignored it. Except for piggies - piggies were his favorite! Sadly, there would be piggies on this mission. At least, there weren't supposed to be. You never did know what would happen when it came to Gir...

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/21/2013 7:17 PM

"Why couldn't he have asked for a piggy? Piggies are funner! I'm sure piggies would have worked great for his smart-ray-thinga-ma-bobbie!" Gir didn't really care that there was no one to talk to. He concentrated better if he spoke his thoughts aloud. "Now, where can I find a doggy? I know where to find piggies. I got the new upgrade that helps me find piggies! But I don't know if there was a doggy upgrade." He wondered if he should go back to the house and see if there was a dog radar similar to the one for pigs that he had downloaded.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/21/2013 7:20 PM

In the end, it would probably be a bad idea to go back to the house. Gir kept going, walking without direction. If he went back to the house, Zim would probably yell at him. Zim always yelled at him. He had called Gir useless plenty of times, but Gir knew it wasn't true. He probably made the best waffles that Zim had ever had! And now he was going to get a dog for Zim. That was helpful, right? Zim wouldn't be able to call him useless any more!

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/22/2013 9:32 PM

"Hey, little guy! Are you lost? Do you need me to help you find your owner?"

Gir looked up at a little girl, who obviously bought into his ridiculous 'disguise' and thought he himself was a dog. He didn't want to blow his cover, so he faked a bark. The girl giggled, and Gir made a purring sound as she began to pet him. Did he mind that he was making the wrong animal noise? Not in the slightest. Luckily, the little girl didn't notice.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:31 AM

The little girl happily patted Gir on his head, then started reaching towards his neck. "Let me find your collar. I'm going to take you to your owner."

Gir suddenly barked, growled, and backed away. He couldn't let the girl take him back to Zim! Until he had the doggy that the alien wanted, he wasn't going to go home. So he ran off, leaving the girl staring at him, shocked, behind.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:34 AM

It wasn't until he was about four streets over that Gir spotted his first dog. It was yipping at him annoyingly, and Gir frowned. "Why is the doggy yelling at me? I didn't do nothin'!" The dog was tiny, a little mop of fur that could barely classify as canine. "You're still a dog, right? You're small like a rat, but you're a dog!" Gir picked the dog up, holding it tightly in his arms. "Come on, little doggy! Time to make Zim proud of me!"

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:37 AM

Gir was almost to the end of the yard that he had found the dog in, when he heard the sound of a screen door slamming shut. "Hey! You leave my little snookums alone!" A heavy lady came running towards him. "Bad dog! You're a bad dog! Let go of my poor baby!"

It took Gir a moment to realize that he was the 'bad dog' and the dog-rat in his arms was the 'snookums' and 'baby'. He wasn't really afraid of the lady, and he needed to get the dog to Zim. But the lady was holding a newspaper that she obviously meant to hit Gir with, and the robot didn't want that! So he put the dog down and was once again running.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:39 AM

"Aww, this is harder than I thought it would be."

Having gotten away from the mad lady and Snookums, Gir was sitting on the curb. His posture was slumped in defeat. "I'm gonna have to tell Zim I couldn't get him a doggy. He's not going to like that very much." Gir sighed in frustration. "Why can't I just find a doggy that I can bring to Zim without any trouble?!"

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:44 AM

If there was a god for robots, that god was smiling down on Gir that day. Just as he was beginning to give up hope, he caught sight of a pair of tails disappearing into the woods on the other side of the street.

"Oooh!" Gir jumped up, in high spirits once again. "Now I can bring back two doggies for Zim! He'll be so happy, he'll probably make me his second-in-command when he takes over earth!" He scurried off, intent on keeping sight of the 'doggy' not realizing that it was far larger than the average dog...

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:51 AM

The Mekkayena was simply minding his own business, when he suddenly fast something grab it's tail. A high-pitched, annoying voice cried, "I got you! I'm gonna take you back to Zim now!" Whoever 'Zim' was, the creature didn't care. With a flick of his tails, he sent the odd little thing soaring through the air, finally landing with a thump on the ground. The attacker obviously didn't pose a threat, so the Mekkayena simply sat down to watch, amused. He was interested in what this thing was, and why it was after him. He watched it with his head cocked, ready to flee if the thing showed signs of being more dangerous than the Mekkayena had presumed.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:54 AM

Everything had happened so fast, that Gir wasn't sure exactly what had happened. He was lying face-down in the dirt, and he slowly sat up. How had he gotten in the dirt? He had been holding onto the doggie's tale, and now he was suddenly here! "Wow, you must be a magic doggy! I'll have to be careful with you." Gir approached again, this time more slowly. He reached out to touch the creature, trying to sooth it. "Good doggy. Gir's not going to hurt you. You wanna come with Gir? I'll make you waffles!"

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:56 AM

When the creature touched the Mekkayena again, he was able to feel the currents of energy running through it. He realized that the 'thing' was actually a robot in some sort of silly disguise. He made a sound deep in his throat, similar to a laugh. A robot actually thought that it was going to capture him? Robots were supposed to be smart, but this one obviously was an idiot. Plus, it had no clue exactly what the Mekkayena was capable of. If the robot had known, he certainly wouldn't have chose this particular 'doggy'.

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 6:57 AM

When the 'doggy' made a weird noise, Gir stared at it. "What was that? Are you sick? Was that a cough? Do you need medicine?" He began to panic. He didn't know how to take care of a sick dog! Would Zim mind if the dog that Gir brought back was sick? He wrung his robotic hands worriedly. "Oh, no. We need a vet! We need pills! We need cough syrup!"

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Re: Comedic Relief [Self]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 7:00 AM

Now the Mekkayena was really enjoying the show. The way the little robot panicked was hilarious. It was also kind of adorable, not that the Mekkayena would have noticed that, though. He made the noise again, laughing at the robot's antics. Him? Sick? He wasn't prone to the typical viruses that other animals were able to catch. It was highly unlikely that he would ever suffer from anything so minor as a cough. The robot, Gir, really was an idiot. Idiots were always entertaining. The Mekkayena decided that he would follow the robot, and see what other funny things it did.

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