Most of Lambastia's city life can be found along the southeastern coast of Norrega, where settlers feel they are safe from Nori Volcano at the northern tip of the region. Warm gulf winds ensure this region is the most habitable on the continent, though travelers are warned of the disappearances of many venturing too close to the Whisper Forest. Species from all over are housed at the Evelon Preservation Zoo.

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Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 12:10 AM

((This roleplay is mostly irrelevant to all characters who make an appearance. Nothing will be canon. It's pretty much a silly roleplay idea Jed and I came up with, where a ton of our characters are all mashed together. It's...probably going to be weird and crazy o.O So no judgement! Also, it's inspiration is from the movie 'This is the End' so if you find similarities...that would be it. There will probably be much gore, some sensuality/crude references [nothing against the rules] and lots of swearing. so be warned.))

Aruun & Rheiss

"Bro, I'm telling you. This is the perfect fucking place for us to bond." Rheiss clapped his companion on the shoulder, probably a bit harder than necessary.

Aruun rubbed his shoulder. "Whatever you say, 'bro'. I don't even know this Pete guy though. You'll have to introduce me. This is his club, right? What kind of party was this supposed to be anyways?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask Pete, he's right over there." Rheiss walked up to the owner of the club. "Hey, Petey, my main man! You gotta meet my brother over here, Aruun! Aruun, come say hi. We're not really brothers you know. At least not technically. Neither of us were born, just created by the same entity. So we're kinda brothers."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 12:49 AM

Pete Snow and Angela Snow

"HEY BARTENDER!" Angela called out, waiving her empty cup. "How about another drink? I wanna get wasted. WHOO! Great party big brother." Pete walked around to his sister's side, lowering her hand as to not spill the freshly drained solo cup. "Yeah, but you might want to slow down. When I turned 21, I drank until I went straight to the hangover. I don't want you doin' the same. Trust me, it hurts like a bitch, in the morning."

Pete was just about to take the glass from her, when he heard a familiar voice call out his name. "Rheiss? It's good to see ya buddy." He looked at the green paragon before him, clarifying "So are you the fun brother, or the strict brother?" He paused for a second of effect, then let out with "Nah! I'm just screwin' with ya. I trust you're enjoying the party? I wouldn't wanna cause any trouble on my sister's 21st."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 12:57 AM

Rheiss let out a burst of laughter so raucous, it was clear that he had been drinking already. "He's the strict brother, that's for sure! He ain't done much partying yet, but he will. I'll see to that." He winked. "Besides, this party is too good to not enjoy it! You definitely know how to throw a party. Now, I gotta go wish a happy birthday to that lovely sister of yours!"

He moved past the older brother to speak to his sister. "Hey, Angie! You're growin' up, damn." He gave her a once over, making it quick so that Pete wouldn't get the wrong idea. "And getting prettier every day! Don't get so drunk that you let some asshole take your pretty little self to bed, got it?"

In the midst of all of this, Aruun stood awkardly, looking out of place. After a moment, he finally headed over the bar near Angela. "Happy birthday, miss," he said. "I hope you're enjoying it."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 2:09 AM

"I can take care of myself," replied the inebriated woman. She enjoyed the 'best wishes' from the gentleman, to which she thanked him. "You know, the world needs more gentlemen like yo-... Oh god." As if his kind gesture had summoned it, bile began to rise up her throat. Angela took off for the bathroom, her stomach preparing for ejection...

Norr and Des

"Alright. Who wants to party?" Des said, looking for anyone offering a good time. "Party all you want, Des. I'm going to get a drink." Norr walked up to the bar. "What's your poison?" asked the bartender. "Just an ale, please." As the bartender poured his drink, he noticed three men standing next to him. "What's up?"

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 2:33 AM

Rheiss was too busy watching the ill girl to pay attention to the newcomer. "Hey, think she's okay?" He asked Pete. "Maybe we should go check on her. Whaddaya think?"

His brother rolled his eyes. Aruun focused on the man who had just greeted them, nodding in a friendly manner. "I was just about to get a drink myself. Another ale, and put his on my tab." Once the drink was in front of him, Aruun took a long sip. "You don't look like the partying type. That's good. We can both sit here and be anti-party together.


The two odd-looking people walking into the club were far from anti-party. Meeka was spinning a glowstick through her fingers, while Kyler toyed with his hair in a frustrated way. "You didn't give me enough time to gel," he whined. "My hair isn't going to dry right!"

"God, you're such a whiner." Meeka laughed. "Just let loose! I don't see why you worry about your hair so much. I never worry about mine!"

Kyler rolled his eyes. "Honey, that's because your hair always looks good!"

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 2:57 AM

"She'll be fine," Pete assured him, hoping he was telling the truth. "But I'll check on her, just in case." Pete made his way through to the bathroom doors, then knocked on the one marked with a lady symbol. "You okay in there, Angie?" He could hear her painting the toilet. "I'm never drinking again," she protested. "C'mon, sis. I told you to slow down. That doesn't mean don't have a little fun." If only he could go in to see her, but alas, he was a dude...

Norr looked at the man beside him. His words sounded oddly as if he was hitting on him, but he wouldn't stoop to judging him. "Yeah, I'm more of a 'fix-it-up' kinda guy. How about you?"

Des couldn't help but ogle when he saw her. He listened in on their conversation, making sure not to be seen, then slid up beside her. "He's got a point. Your hair looks sexy. How about I buy you a drink?"

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 12:15 PM

Rheiss wasn't going to leave Pete taking care of Angie alone. After all, it might take two of them to get her to the room in the back of the club where she could sleep it off if she passed out. He followed Pete, grimacing at the sounds coming from the women's room. Pete may not have been willing to go in - but Rheiss was. "This is a different sort of situation," he said as he pushed the door open and walked in. "It's fine to bend the rules."

Aruun thought for a moment. "A fix-it-up guy? I suppose I'm the same. Except I'm usually trying to fix up people or situations." He paused, wondering if he should say the next part. Ah, well. It was a party, and it was most likely that this guy wouldn't believe him anyways. "I was actually a god back in my own world. The name's Aruun, by the way. Yours would be...?"

Both ravers turned to look at the man who had spoken. Kyler began practically drooling immediately - he stopped fussing with his hair and gave the man a once-over, nodding in approval. The man's attention seemed to be on Meeka though, and she wasn't sure if she was interested yet. He didn't seem to be a supernatural, which was her main choice in men, but maybe there was more to him than met the eye.

"Thanks. I'd love a fruity drink...throw in one for my friend here as well and maybe you'll find yourself some company for the night." If she could get to talk to him, she could figure out whether he had anything...hidden about him.

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 1:38 PM

"Whatever," Pete sighed. Relief came when he followed Rheiss in and saw his sister was the only girl occupying the five stall bathroom. "You okay, sis? I can help with taking out to the back room." He proceded to pull her hair out of her face. "That'd be lovely. I'm never drinking again." Pete helped her on her feet, hoping he'd get help from Rheiss. "You already said that. Let's get you out of here."

"Norr," he obliged, taking another sip. "Norr Yullura. I'm no god, but try to help where I can. I'm what you'd call a Jedi... sort of. It's complicated," he summarized. Being greatly force sensitive, yet rejecting special condition admittance to both sides of a split Order couldn't get more complicated. Des called for him, asking for an order, to which he complied. "Waiter, can I get three cherry martini's?" He looked back at Aruun. "So who dragged you here?"

"Sure," said Des, who now felt as if the guy was more interested that her. "Hey Norr? Can you get something for me and my new friends?" He turned back his attention to the girl. "That's Norr. He's... gifted. I wish I could do half the things he does, even if they're a bit freaky at times."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 1:51 PM

When Pete got his sister standing, Rheiss slipped over to her other side to support her. One hand went around her waist, and the other grabbed her wrist to pull her arm over his shoulders. "Hey Pete, just so you know I'm touching your sister. It's totally nonsexual though." He shook his head. "If I still had all of my old abilities, I'd have her sober without a trace of alcohol in her system in a jiffy."

It was a surprise to find that Norr didn't really freak out about him being a god. "Jedi, huh? That's...not like anything I've ever heard before." Aruun chuckled. He kept silent while Norr ordered for whoever his friend was, then spoke again as the question was directed at him. "My brother, Rheiss. He's actually pretty evil, but we're trying to make amends." He gestured towards the man who had asked for drinks. "I take it he was the one who brought you?"

Meeka was starting to lose interest in the man. She took the martini, but wasn't really paying attention to him. Kyler, on the other hand, was obviously struggling to find something to say. When Des mentioned that his friend was 'gifted' however, her interest was peaked. "Oh? And what kind of gifts does he have?"

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 2:13 PM

"Don't worry about it man. I trust you." The power would be nice, but that'd probably only allow her to drink more. "Let's stick to the wall. Less crowd, y'know?" They carried her, as her legs now couldn't reach the ground, to the back and set her down on a couch to rest. "She'll be fine, but I'll watch over her. You go enjoy the party. Maybe make sure there's no trouble brewing. Well... not too much."

"Yep. We just got here." A second past when he realized he should explain. "Not here, the club. Here as in Evelon. Des and I crashed our ship and now we're stranded until we can rebuild it. And by we, I mostly mean I." Curiosity stroke Norr, leaving him to ask "how'd you come to Evelon, Aruun?"

Des wasn't homophobic, he just didn't like when they were into him. But he managed, trying to keep the lady's attention. "What doesn't he have. There's levitation, telepathy, not to mention his highly developed technopathy." Norr probably didn't like Des using his powers to get into girls pants, but it was worth a shot. "Would you like to meet him? Your friend could come along. I'm Des, by the way."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 2:23 PM

"Will do!" Rheiss waved to the siblings, and then left the room.

"Aha! So I'm not the only one who came from a different dimension." Aruun nodded happily. "I was curious as to whether that happened often. I almost wonder if Evelon is some sort of plane of existence that takes place between all the other planes - so that when we leave one dimension, we end up in Evelon. Like a doorway, if you will, to all other dimensions." He shook his head. "Sorry, I doubt you're interested in hearing me babble on like that. Anyways, as to how I got here. You know the evil brother I was telling you about? He was jealous because my people loved me and praised and worshiped me, while they hated him - because he was evil. So he tossed me into Evelon to get rid of me. I tried to get back, and threw Rheiss into Evelon to keep him from harming my people. I ended up having to stay myself, to keep him away from the portal and from getting back in."

Meeka's eyes widened as she heard all that Norr could do. She wasn't sure what kind of supernatural he was, or if he could even be classified as one at all. But he was close enough, and she was looking for some excitement. "Sure, I'd love to meet him," she purred. "I'm Meeka, although most of my raver friends call me Statick. You don't hang out at raves, do you?"

"I'm Kyler!" The male finally found words, and spoke up. "I'd love to meet your friend. Just promise me you won't ditch us with him, okay?" He winked, an action that probably had the opposite reaction than what he had hoped for.

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 3:12 PM

Pete stood watch over Angela. He pulled out a cell phone and started playing games to pass the time until she was feeling better. "So the kid turned 21, huh? I hope she's enjoying her birthday." Pete looked up to see a familiar face. "Glad you could make it, Marrow."

On the contrary, it actually interested. "Kind of like how I'd have to take Des home after he got drunk at Quill's. I'd actually like to find out how to get back home. Perhaps we could elaborate on it later?" Norr saw one of the other guys come out of a door in the back of the club. "But I think your brother is coming back now. And so is Des."

"Not really, but I like it here. It's different than the tavern I use to go to back home," he said walking them to the bar seats where Norr was. The wink confirmed Des' guess. Kyler was interested, Meeka wasn't. Now what should he do?

"Norr, I'd like you to meet Kyler and Meeka. Meeka, Kyler, this is Norr, my best friend." Norr extended his hand to each of them. "Nice to meet you." He then glared at Des, "You told them? Is it really worth it?" A coy smirk appeared on Des' lips. "Sorry."

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/15/2014 3:26 PM

Acacia Pulse

Acacia popped up from behind her boyfriend and playfully punched Pete in the shoulder. "Hey! Why are you saying hi to him and not me? Am I not special anymore?" She spun her trademark lollipop around in her mouth, before pulling it out with a distinct popping sound. "And here I was thinking I was the less grumpy one that everyone actually liked."

Rheiss noticed that Aruun was talking to someone at the moment, so instead of heading back for the bar he veered off towards the bathrooms. This time, he entered the men's bathroom. Once inside, he locked himself into the stall to type out a hurried message on his cell phone. Then, he walked out, acting like nothing had happened and hoping that no one would notice the cell phone he discreetly discarded into a trash can inside the bathroom.

"Yeah, sure thing. We can talk about it whenever." Aruun looked up to see his brother, but Rheiss was already walking away. "Huh. I guess Rheiss must have had an emergency." He laughed a bit as he watched the speed with which Rheiss hurried to the bathroom. "Anyways, I'll be sitting right here drinking. Feel free to call me over whenever you want to talk again." He slid a bit further down the bar, to allow room for the other three to sit.

As soon as they were introduced to Norr, Meeka slid into the seat next to him and turned her full attention to him. "Hey, I'm Meeka. Some call me Statick - you can call me either." She smiled in a friendly way. "So, I heard you have some sort of abilities? Could I ask you about them?"

Meanwhile, Kyler sat next to Des. "Well, looks like someone is interested in your friend." He laughed as Meeka made it pretty obvious that she was intrigued. "Hey Des, why don't we let them get to know each other and we can go dance?"

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Jedi » 02/15/2014 10:38 PM

"Sorry, Pulse," he said, rubbing the punch out of his shoulder. "I didn't see you behind John. So what are you guys up to?" John threw his arm around Acacia's hip, answering "I thought I'd show my girl a good time. That is, before she starts saying I never take her out." Marrow prepared for a punch in the stomach about the small remark. "That, and I'm on the job." Pete was intrigued, as evident by the look on his face. "Who's... never mind, I probably don't want to know. Just make sure you don't cause a scene." Marrow chuckled, "I'll be careful." Snow gave him a stern look, demanding "And make sure you clean up. You can head in, just remember. Don't cause a scene, or I can't let you back here." John nodded in agreement, heading into the crowd.

The personality that took Aruun's seat seam a little bubbly for Norr's taste. "It's good to meet you, Meeka." For a split second, he returned a smile, but wasn't that interested. "I don't really ever tell random people about my, quote unquote, abilities," he said, turning his attention to back to his drink. "I guess I could make an exception, however. What did you want to know?

'Great, I'm stuck with a guy that wants to hump my brains out,' Des thought. "Sure. It could be fun," he said, then thought 'just please don't start grinding against me.'

Aditi hadn't been to a club in a while. She looked around to see if there were any people she recognized and noticed someone coming out of the bathroom. "What's up?" Aditi asked, nudging her arm into the persons side. "I haven't seen you since-" Then she remembered, she had never introduced herself. She'd just spied on him walking about one day. "Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aditi. What's your name? Okay, we know each other now. Do you wanna dance?" she said, trying to speed through the introduction.

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Re: Roleplay on Crack [P - Jed and I] [M - Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 02/16/2014 1:02 AM

"No problem," Acacia replied, quickly regretting using her full strength. "Sorry if I hurt you. I'm used to wrestling with this big oaf, and he doesn't go easy on me!" She leaned into him slightly. It was funny how the two had gotten together. They were both so independent and self-reliant...and yet suddenly, they were independent and self-reliant together. Which made no sense, but somehow worked for both of them. She didn't punch Marrow, but she did give him a sideways glance. "Well, you do hardly take me out! Except for on 'dates' where I'm helping with a job." She listened to the men's conversation, and then followed Marrow. Time to go to work...

The raver could tell that Norr wasn't into her. "You know what? Never mind, forget I asked." Was she going to waste her time on someone who wasn't interested? No, she wasn't. However, Norr was pretty good-looking. And at the very least, she could get to know him, right? "Can we start over? Let's pretend I didn't come over here with the obvious intent to flirt with you, okay? We can two people bonding - as friends - over drinks." She offered him a smile, hoping he'd accept.

"Fabulous!" Kyler almost grabbed Des' hand, but realized at the last second that the action would probably scare the man away for good. "Well, follow me then!" He headed out onto the dance floor, and started dancing. His moves were actually incredibly good, and a few people nearby stopped to watch him. "Are you gonna join me, or what?"

When the woman addressed Rheiss, for a moment, he had the strong hope that she was from his home world. She had recognized him, and he was sure that they had never met in Evelon! But to his dismay, she was not, in fact, what he had hoped. "That's odd, I don't remember meeting you." He paused, unsure, before sighing and nodding. "What the hell, might as well enjoy myself. Let's go, gorgeous." He pulled her onto the dance floor and put his hands on her hips, waiting for her to take the lead in their dancing.

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