Some say they would rather brave the waters surrounding Lambastia than anything beyond south Norrega. Others claim beyond the safety of the ports, Lambastia's waters are much more fearsome than anything on the land. Much of Yuunu Sea is covered in glaciers flowing from the mountains. Meanwhile, the floor of the Rewhister Ocean quickly drops off about 100 kilometers from the shore, to depths unknown.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/12/2017 5:36 PM


The larger of Evelon's two western continents, Lambastia is characterized by vast coniferous forests and plains to the south and west, with harsh environments of deserts and towering mountains to the north and east. Most of Lambastia's bustling cities and rich harbors can be found along the southeast coast, where travel to the southern continent of Barakka takes approximately five days to travel to by sea.

Lambastia's ports are known greatly for the export of rice and other grains, wood, salt, and many artistic goods. Travelers from all around the world are drawn to visit the unique and dangerous expanses of the north, though there are many that would rather trek to the Holy City of Aldrect in search of religious enlightenment. Many say that the religion of the Holy Triumvirate was founded somewhere on Lambastia's shores.

Here you can find more information on the open waters surrounding Lambastia.

Yuunu Sea - It's a bit of a stretch to call the Yuunu Sea open waters, as most of it is covered in a thick layer of ice. Most life in the Yuunu Sea is made possible by this layer of ice though, which acts as insulation, leaving the waters slightly warmer down below. Wildlife that do live above the ice, such as some Brumas, mostly make a living by diving in to the cold depths to fish while living along the snow covered shoreline. Settlers to the east and west of the Yuunu Sea use packs of Lucain strapped to sleds to quickly transport goods across the ice, rather than having to go around the sea.

Rewhister Ocean - The waters of the Rewhister Ocean have tempted many a traveler, as from the shore they seem docile and inviting. Upon reaching around 100 km from shore though, the sea floor drops greatly and waters are often violent. Sailors fear the horrors that may lurk below, telling tales of Kalamarei with tentacles large enough to engulf a ship or Gorgeel that can lure ships in to rocky waters with their dazzling lights. Researchers are currently still trying to determine just how far the sea floor goes in some parts of the ocean, though most that have gone down to the depths haven't come back.
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