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Shake your moneymake...ing thread? :b

Postby Jessari » 10/13/2009 11:17 PM

((Note to all readers: While the story of Mar'tessek and Brother Raphael will remain decent quality, I've converted this story from a hunt to simply a money-making thread where I can post quickly to raise my funds. Don't blame me; blame the Seasonal Specialties shop...  >_> ))

An odd figure took refuge in the Halls of Purity. At first glance, it seemed human, but a closer look revealed something...quite different. It was a woman, tall and broad-shouldered. Coal-black hair hung down her back, tied securely with a green ribbon. Her skin was dark, all but her face covered in drab green scales. Her hands sported black, pointed fingernails that resembled talons more than anything else. Her neck was unnaturally long, stretching far above the collar of her coat.

Mar'Tessek knelt before the candles she had lit, one for each member of her team that had passed away during the war. She placed her hands palms-down on her legs, and bowed her head over it reverently. In her mind, she brought each member's face to mind, trying to remember the good times, things they had shared before they had lost their lives in a cause which had proven to be fruitless in the end. She closed her eyes, offering up a prayer to Zu'hai that their next lives would be gentler to them.

"And please, great Zu'hai, let me find peace while I still inhabit this form."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 10/21/2009 10:48 PM

 "Excuse me."

The compassionate voice was accompanied by a gentle had upon her shoulder. Mar'Tessek jumped, startled. Just behind her, clothed in priestly robes, stood a young man. From his scent, she identified him as a Kuhna in human form, and from the golden markings on his cheeks, and the faint glow that surrounded him, she'd bet that he was a Heiv Kuhna.

She stood, wavering as her right leg nearly buckled under the weight. Ducking her head in shame and embarrassment, she folded her hands in front of her. "Am I disturbing you, sir? If so, I apologize. I know that some find my appearance hard to-"

"Oh no," he interrupted. "You are no bother at all. I was merely wondering if I could help you in any way. My name is Brother Raphael. Now tell me, what weighs on you so?"
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 10/23/2009 9:04 PM

Mar'tessek laughed shortly, bitterly. "Isn't it obvious, Brother Raphael?"

With a taloned hand, she indicated her abnormalities. Although she smiled at him, her eyes were hurt, sad. "I was in the war, part of a group of shapeshifters that fought with our bodies instead of man-made weapons. We...my group was in a town that had supposedly been cleared of Imperials. We were having lunch in a tavern when we heard a woman screaming outside."

She blinked hard, tossing her head to shake away the emotion that welled up in her throat as she recounted her story. "We ran, all of us, toward the door, but we never made it. A Staigovald barreled through the wall, killing the patrons seated closest to the entrance. Dust and boards flew everywhere. I started shifting, the only thing I could do, but before I could completely change form, he was on top of me. He trampled me, and would have done more if my group mates hadn't finished shifting and distracted him.

"I guess I was...lucky. It hurt like hell, still does, but I lived through it. I'm just...learning to deal with it all. The bum leg, being stuck halfway between human and hollowheart. It's all still processing."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 12:23 AM

Being stuck between forms was a new twist on an old tale. Even during his short time as a full-fledged member of the Priesthood, Brother Raphael had heard many similar stories. Veterans of the war often came here to pay respects to their lost brothers, and he attempted to comfort those he could. He listened, mostly. Even the more hardened of the visitors seemed to find talking to a man of the cloth simpler than talking to a psychiatrist, or even their own families. Brother Samuel insisted it was a gentleness in his eyes that encouraged openness. Whatever it was, Brother Raphael had purposed to use this gift to help as many as possible.

He smiled gently at her, sympathy in his eyes. There was a thought tugging at his mind, a new, fledgling thought that could be a possible solution once it had developed. "I'm sorry to hear of your suffering, Lady Mar'tessek. I might have a suggestion that will help, but it would come at a price. Are you willing to hear it?"
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 12:36 AM

A suggestion? A way out of this mess?

A spark of hope lit inside of her, but she quickly squelched it. It was too soon for that. The last several years had disillusioned her, and it would take more than a vague mention of a solution to excite her. She eyed the priest, eyes sharp and questioning. He made her feel...safe, somehow, as if everything was going to be fine. She basked in that feeling even as she questioned it. Brother Raphael might be a holy man, but he was still a stranger. Even if he didn't have any ulterior motives, he was young and inexperienced. There was little chance that what he was about to say wasn't something she'd already tried.

"Listening does no harm. What is it you wish to say?"
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 12:55 AM

Brother Raphael took no offense at her piercing glare. She'd been through a lot, and he couldn't fault her for her suspicion. Taking a deep breath, and praying silently that the gods were the source of this idea, he began.

"In the tunnels underneath this Shrine, there are ancient creatures called Hunters. Some think they're no more than rumors, but I've caught a glimpse once or twice. They used to be servants of the great god Xai're, but they decided long ago to stop serving him and go their own way. They tried to leave the Shrine, but they found that even though they denied Xai're's authority, they couldn't break the commandment he had given them; that they would be unable to leave without assistance."

A subtle shift in Mar'tessek's stance made him realize he was beginning to bore her. He rushed on, trying to complete his thought before he lost his audience. "If a person from the outside meets a Hunter, and is willing to give up something precious to him or her, the Hunter will be able to leave. Some say that the Hunter may even grant the traveller a wish. I cannot tell you if this is true, but it might be worth trying to find out."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 1:02 AM

It all seemed rather far-fetched, something from a child's bedtime story. A creature that could grant a wish? Mar'tessek doubted it, but the sincerity in the young Priest's eyes made her wonder. She was the wrong person to doubt the existence of unusual powers, being a shapeshifter herself. Besides, searching for a mythical creature was only slightly crazier than some of the other remedies she'd tried.

"I am willing to try, Brother Raphael. Would you come with me? I'm sure you know the tunnels better than I do."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 1:11 AM

"Of course I will. Believe it or not," he said, lowering his voice and leaning towards her in a conspiring manner, "even priests need a little adventure from time to time. Besides, if the Hunters find your cause worthy enough to appear to you, I would welcome the chance to see one up close."

Motioning her to follow him, Brother Raphael left the candle-filled room and walked into a different room. Against the back wall was a wooden door, set in stern, grey stone. He opened it, revealing the dark tunnel beyond. Taking a torch from its place on the wall, they began their search.
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/08/2009 1:20 AM

It was slow going. Walking tired her easily, and her leg already felt as if it were on fire. Mar'tessek was stubborn, though, and she was used to pain. She'd feel just as tired and sore if she were to leave and travel back down the mountain.

It still frustrated her, though, that she couldn't go as fast as she had been able to before her injury. Perhaps she had begun to hope, just a little, because she felt as if she couldn't move fast enough. The only noise was the even steps of Brother Raphael, and the uneven step-slide of her own. It was a pattern that wore upon her in the silence, and although she wasn't much of a talker, she found herself wishing her guide would strike up a conversation.

"So," she began, searching for a topic that would be safe talking to a man of the gods about. "What made you decide to become a priest?" That topic should be safe enough, right?
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 12:54 AM

"It's a long story, actually." Brother Raphael chuckled, a smile adorning his young face. "I like telling stories, if you hadn't noticed already. It began with my mother, who was a very religious woman. She made sure we gave thanks to the gods before every meal, went to every service at the temple, and she often read me stories from the Holy Book before bedtime. I used to love snuggling under the covers with my eyes closed, imagining fierce battles between angels and demons as her soft voice narrated everything." His voice trailed off as he lost himself in the memory of his childhood.
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 1:03 AM

Mar'tessek struggled through several more steps in silence before she realized he wasn't likely to continue without prodding. "You're very close to your mother, then," she said, trying to prod the conversation back to life. "She must be very proud of your chosen profession."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 1:11 AM

Brother Raphael coughed slightly in embarrassment as he brought his mind back to the present. "I'm sure she would have been proud of me, had she lived long enough to see my initiation."

He still had a smile on his face, not a joyous one, but one that said he had come to terms with his situation long ago. It had been a hard-won peace, one that had been a long time in coming. "While she was alive, I had no idea what I was going to grow up to be. One week, I would be sure that I wanted to become a tinker, travelling from town to town with my tools and fixing things, and the next, I wanted to be a street performer. It wasn't until her death that the thought of joining the priesthood entered my mind. I had been so close to my mother while she was alive that I thought I'd feel closer to her by serving in the temple of Xai're, the god of death in whose realms she now resides."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 1:17 AM

Mar'tessek paused, leaning against one of the cool, stone walls to catch her breath. "Did it work, Brother Raphael?" she asked between breaths. "Are you satisfied here, shut off from the world?" As much grief and pain as the outside world had brought her, she couldn't imagine remaining in this darkened temple for the remainder of her life. Just fifteen minutes in its tunnels had her longing for sunlight. Did he ever wish for a family of his own? Children that he could read bedtime stories to? Mar'tessek knew she did. A dark cloud shadowed her eyes at the thought. It was exceedingly doubtful that that particular wish would ever be fulfilled, unless they found one of the fabled Hunters willing to help.
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 1:27 AM

Noticing that his companion was short of breath, Brother Raphael gladly waited for her. His keen eyes watched her, guessing at the hidden thoughts behind her questions. "I didn't find what I was looking for, but instead I found what I needed. When I first came here, I was a wet-behind-the-ears kid who thought that if he was diligent enough, he might be able to convince Xai're to return his mother to life, or at least let him see her again. I quickly found out that things didn't work that way. My mother was gone for good, and nothing I did could bring her back.

"After this discovery, I found myself at a loss. After my mother's death, my one goal had been to find her again. When that proved impossible, I wasn't sure what to do with my life. I decided to stay here at the Temple, for lack of a better option. After a time, I realized that I could be happy here, helping people deal with their own losses. I do desire for things outside at times, but no one can have everything. I'm happy enough in my work here, and I see no use in risking that happiness by stretching for things I do not need. The gods have different plans for everyone, and I believe I am living out their plan for me right here."
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Re: Looking for Peace, Finding a...Hunter? (Hunter Hunt/Private)

Postby Jessari » 11/28/2009 1:33 AM

Although his words confused her, Mar'tessek managed a smile. Yet again, she wondered exactly how old he was. He looked as if he were only seventeen or eighteen, but he had the knowledge and wisdom of one much older. Would she ever find the peace and wisdom he possessed? It seemed impossible.

"You speak of the will of the gods," she spoke slowly, rolling his words around in her head. "How does one know that they are walking the right path? Should we go by feelings, watch for signs? Do we pray and wait for the gods to speak audibly to us? How do we know for sure?"
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