A very strange place indeed, this Shrine to the Holy Triumvirate is nestled within the icy peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. You will find the warmth of spirituality here, together with works of great sculptural design based on the Holy Triumvirate religion. (+2 Fame)

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Re: Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter OPEN

Postby Rabid » 10/08/2009 4:53 PM

Run, run run, don't stop. Keep run, run, running. The voices screamed at her as things sped past her like a blur. It seemed to be an endless sea of black and red, and she had no clue where she was going. She just ran straight, plowing through whatever stood in her way. She heard a scream and skidded to a halt. She turned behind her. Past the serraptors she'd knocked over, was Serosus, hanging over the edge of the pit. Without wasting time to scream, she ran back full force, only slowing down so she wouldn't be in the same predicament as she other werecain. She grabbed his arms and managed to pull him most of the way back on to solid ground. She crouched beside him, glancing around them warily. Though Fushigi had led many away, and she had taken out quite a few, there was still a decent amount of serraptors prowling around them.

You okay? Reap unintentionally growled. She took a quick look at the male before continuing to watch the reptiles warily approaching. This could get a little ugly.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter OPEN

Postby Rabid » 10/12/2009 11:44 PM

She gave him a brusque nod. She bared her fangs and her fur bristled as the cultists neared. They moved ever so slowly, building up tension in both the air and her muscles. They had to be plotting something, she just knew it. Or, perhaps she was just being paranoid. It was their eyes that messed her up; always giving them a scheming air. She was about to go out of her mind. She noted that there were few enough for them to stand a decent chance of survival. Barely.

Run or fight? She quietly growled. She was getting ancy, and she didn't know what she was going to do when she finally snapped. Her eyes and tails flicked rapidly in just about every direction. Adrenalin + Lack of movement = A horrible combination indeed.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter OPEN

Postby AnimeTheia » 10/13/2009 7:26 AM

Fushigi was getting tired, she had been running for so long now, she was built for agility not stamina! It felt like an eternity since they had entered the catacombs and she had been stressed and anxious throughout.

She jumped and clawed her way exhaustedly up a statue, she had left her pursuers behind a little while ago, making sure to call some stinging taunts at them so that even when they lost sight of her they would be determined to follow. Once at the top of the statue she paused to listen, the cultists were still a little way away but were gaining fast, grabbing onto the edge of the alcove - in which the statue stood - she swung herself out and up, there was a deep crack a little further along where she planned to hide. Hopefully once hidden the cultists would continue to run along the passageway intent on finding her, they might even split up into smaller groups if they came across more passages. To make sure the kept going and didn't stop where she was hiding Fushigi had a few small stones held in her mouth, she could throw them down the passage once the cultists arrived making them think it was her.

Finally she made it to the crack and pulled herself inside. Time for a few moments break before they caught up again.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby Rabid » 10/14/2009 6:06 PM

Pfft, morbid is my middle name! Or, it might as well be. xD

Reap flinched violently as Serosus suddenly leapt at the serraptor, followed by her letting out a strange combination of a squeak and a roar as she slashed at the chomping head. It soared through the sky as she fearfully headed into the bloodbath. She really didn't have much control over her actions; Adrenalin and Instinct had highjacked her system controls and were wreaking havoc. She ripped into just about anything she could get a hold of - which, luckily, excluded Serosus. Her eyes clouded over as she went into a sort of self-induced trance, trying to block out whatever it was that she was doing. Really, she didn't want to know. It seemed to her, despite that lack of true attention, that the creatures just kept coming. Were they reanimating themselves? She let out a pained roar as a severed head - a different one, of course; it had been decapitated in a much sloppier manner - clamped onto her leg. She ripped it off and flung it at one of her other foes. This was going to be a very long day.

Haha~ -shot-

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby AnimeTheia » 10/16/2009 12:49 PM

The hoard of creatures raced into the passage below Fushigi, they slowed down a bit looking for signs of her, so quickly before anyone looked up she grabbed a stone and whipped it away further down the passage, it made a nice bit of noise as it skittered and skidded over the stone floor, instantly catching the hoards attention and causing them to race on again, more than a few were panting hard she noticed, and hoped fervently that they wouldn't give up the chase too soon.

Once they were far enough away Fushigi dragged her tired body to the edge of the hole and dropped heavily to the passage floor, turning her back on her pursuers she forced herself into a run and sped back the way she had come, going slightly quicker now as she didn't need to stay in sight of the cultists anymore, but not as quickly as she would have liked, her poor muscles ached with every movement.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby Rabid » 10/23/2009 6:11 PM

Does someone need a little pick-me-up? 8D

As the last of the small band of cultist survivors scurried away, Reap's senses cleared, and she dropped like a rock onto her rear. She was doubled over and panting heavily. She ached, her mouth tasted awful, and the scent of blood refused to leave her nose. She didn't know how they'd managed to fend the horrible creatures off, but she was glad they'd accomplished such a feat. Her breathing was raspy, and she was covered with blood, but at least she'd survived. She distantly noted that Serosus was most likely alive as well, and Fushigi's scent could be detected, albeit faintly.

We made it. It was almost a question as she panted the words out. She fell onto her stomach and began laughing hysterically. They'd survived! They'd fended off the psychotic cult and could continue their horrible journey. Well, she wasn't sure about the others. Perhaps they'd high-tail it out of there. But she had to find one of these "hunters", or the mistress would have her head on a bronze platter. Yes, bronze; her mistress had some interesting tastes. She wondered if she'd be forgiven in the horrible state she was in. Who knew with that crazy child. Whatever the case, she was too tired and sore to leave or explore at the moment. So, she slipped into a very light doze. She was still on edge, and would easily snap back into reality if one attempted to sneak up on her, or otherwise interrupt her light slumber.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby AnimeTheia » 10/23/2009 8:53 PM

((Hopefully Citre will be on again at some point soon...))

Fushigi walked back into the hall of lava pits, she was no longer able to walk in a straight line, so she tottered a few steps forward and right followed by a few steps forward and left, back and forth she snaked moving nearer and nearer to Serosus and Reap, she felt a sticky substance under her paws and vaguely noticed that the floor was covered in a disturbingly large red puddle. Slowly her mind made out what she was seeing, Blood! It was all over the place, splashed across the floor of the huge hall, streaked across the walls, obviously a huge fight had taken place here!

As she made her way towards Reap who was she now noticed sprawled flat on her belly in the middle of the puddle laughing her head off, she tried her best to ignore the blood and the heads of cultists that were strewn about. She was glad Reap was still alive although she feared slightly for her sanity. Serosus as far as she could see was also alive, which again was a very good thing.

Suddenly a head snapped at her paw as she walked past it, it obviously hadn't quite given up the ghost yet. Fushigi knowing nothing of the fight that had gone on in here was freaked to say the least, she pulled her paw out of the way quickly but not quite quickly enough, some of the Serraptors teeth managed to snag her skin above her paw tearing it as it fell back to the floor. In shock and pain Fushigi quickly scooped the head up and flung it into a nearby lava pit where it sizzled and burned satisfyingly.

Making her way at last to Reap (after giving all the heads a wide berth) Fushigi dropped down next to her (too tired and shocked to care about the blood she lay in), panting, her muscles twitched all over her body, obviously not yet understanding that they could rest now, they didn't need to remain alert... although they may not have much time before the rest of the cultists returned from their fruitless hunt for her.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby Rabid » 11/04/2009 8:25 PM

Reap started out of her slumber at the graceless collapses of her companions, snarling nervously as she did so. She was shaking, obviously still not over the recent events. And they said naps cured everything. Of course, that didn't quite qualify as a nap, now, did it? She let out a shaky, nervous laugh as she looked apologetically around her. She was about to return to her brief rest, but saw that Serosus seemed to be having some sort of disturbed dream. Well, she got this from the way he was twitching. Perhaps she was just being paranoid, and it was simply his muscles reacting to overuse. Yes, that was probably it. Too tired to really care anymore - her paranoia had its limits, you know - she lowered herself back into the disgusting, bloody earth with a loud plop. What? I never said she lowered herself slowly or gently. Merely said she lowered herself. She let out a quiet, almost contented sigh through her nose before allowing herself to doze. Hopefully, the doze would grow into a nap. That'd be real nice right about now...

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby AnimeTheia » 11/05/2009 9:32 AM

Fushigi jumped awake, what on earth had that loud noise been? She looked at Reap and Serosus, both of whom seemed to be asleep. Her ears twitching in every direction trying to find where the sound came from she faintly heard something coming in the direction of the passage she had run down to draw off the cultists, Oh dear she thought to herself as she realised that what she was most likely hearing was those very same cultists heading back after giving up the chase, she cursed herself for being such an idiot and allowing them all to just fall asleep like this out in the open.

Standing up she felt her fur sticking to the floor, Gross! he belly and legs were practically coated in blood and dirt. She Stretched her muscles to relieve some of the ache, the nap seemed to have done some good she wasn't shaking with exhaustion anymore. She prodded Reap awake and turned to prod at Serosus, leaving the catacombs as soon as possible was looking like a very good idea.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: (Some gore)Basantha shrine exploration hunt for hunter (P)

Postby Rabid » 11/08/2009 3:26 AM

Reap let out a snarl, but made no move to actually get up. She was comfy, dangit! Sure, the floor was so gross it would be a miracle to clean it with even all of the best products on the market, and it was really very hot - quite uncomfortably so - and she was stiff from lying there and fighting, and the smell made her queazy, but she was comfy, daggummit! She did, however, listen. And what she heard was not pleasant in the least. With an almost agonized groan, she pushed herself up. She let out a yawn and glared at where she figured the sound was coming from. Man, I can not catch a break!

I actually yawned when I typed that bit. xD And I totally stole her line from Big Bang Theory. xD Oh Leonard~

{edit: Pulling Reap outta the dead thread. D:}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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