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On the Hunt for Something Wild (Hunter/Mekka Hunt) (OPEN)

Postby xebilponyx » 03/29/2010 6:55 PM

The close-knit group of eight straggled up the mountainside: eight very different creatures, with one thing in common: all had been specially "chosen" (more like kidnapped) by the mysterious and enigmatic Mr. F. Bear, head of the corporation Fluffy Bear Inc., a corporation which didn't seem to really do anything, but still made lots of money regardless. Each had been chosen for particular skills or traits, some of which they themselves didn't even know they possessed. Regardless, they were all here, on the side of this unforgiving mountain, plowing through the snow together. Some were handling it better than others, however.

Come on, everyone, the snow is wonderful today! The Zephion mare by the name of Nur called back to her companions as she dashed up the slope, her powerful legs tossing up powderpuffs of snow as she pranced. Nur simply couldn't understand what the big fuss was about! Cold was marvelous! Well, she could understand that Tyson didn't like it, but that was understandable, he was a Fire element type. But the others, they had no excuse! Keep up, we're almost to the top! She whinnied, dashing back to the group, having seen the Shrine up ahead. They'd be there soon, if the others picked up their pace!

The blaze penticorn, however, was not having as gleeful a time as Nur. Speak for yourself, crazy broad! I hate the cold! Tyson mustered enough strength to yell, his chattering teeth somewhat dampening the effect of his words. It was so cold! How had he managed to let the rest of them talk him into this? Oh yeah, he didn't. They'd forced him. After all, it was seven versus one, and he couldn't exactly break off from the group, otherwise he'd have to face the wrath of their employer, Mr. Bear. He wasn't so stupid as to go out of his way for that.

Fiametta, meanwhile, was having a fantastic time. She was still the baby of the group, despite the fact that she was more like a teenager now, and thus was still allowed a lot of leniency. The Radill was currently bounding through the snow, digging little tunnels under the oppressive white powder, making tunnels through the cold while still managing to keep up with the rest of the group. She was a fast little digger! Fi really preferred lovely, glorious dirt to dig in, of course, but there was none of that here, so she'd make due with snow!

Emo McEmopants was not having as glorious a time as a few of the others. Nor was it being grumpy like Tyson. Instead, Emo was doing what it did best: being emo. The little ball sighed as it hovered along beside the others, mentally composing depressing poetry in it's head and wondering why it deserved to exist. No one really paid attention to the depressed little floating Angst, as it did this all the time and no one really took it seriously. Alas, the life of an emo!

The coal-black mare (NYGHTmare, TYVM), was plowing along, a bit ahead of the others in an attempt to distance herself from them, but not so far ahead as to catch up to Nur. She too was feeling the taxing effects of the cold. Really, why did they have to pick here? Because that stupid stuffed creature had told them he wanted them to capture a wild creature for his experiments? She really didn't know why they'd gone along with his plans, I mean, he'd only heavily suggested they go to the Basantha Shrine, not demanded. Then again, a suggestion from him was basically like a command. And he was powerful, she'd admit. Powerful enough to overcome all of them. They really had no chance. She cursed mentally in her head at him again, and cursed herself for being too weak to resist capture.

It was hard to spot Elysia, she blended into the snow so well, her fading form matching with the blinding white of the snow perfectly. The only way one could tell she was there was by looking at the tracks she left in the snow, and following her movements as she pushed her way through the snow drifts, slow but steady. The mare really didn't have much to say, she was the quiet sort. Tyson had been steadfastly attempting to court her, but so far Elysia resisted all his advances. She was somewhat glad that he was far too cold now to attempt to woo her for the moment, she was getting rather tired of his foolish attempts to show off. Pff. Stallions.

Sketch had it easy, along with Emo. It was light enough that it didn't sink in the snow, instead sort of hovering atop it, ghosting along with little movement from it's barely-there legs, the lines arranging and rearranging themselves in some parody of walking, though in truth it didn't need to move it's legs to move. Soon it gave up faking movement all together, instead just drifting along atop the snow at an easy pace, floating alongside the others, staring blankly ahead- or, at least, that was what it looked like. No one could really tell what Sketch was looking at, due to it's lack of three-dimensionality.

The self-appointed leader of the group (no one really protested to his leadership, he was leader only on the fact that the rest were either too lazy or just didn't care enough to try) had long ago stopped attempting to fly, the blustering snowy winds made flight too much work. He padded through the snow behind all the others, wings folded as he encouraged everyone from behind, his position assuring that no one was left behind. Come on, everyone, we're almost there! He barked, giving a little nudge to Tyson, who'd dropped back. Indeed, they almost were there, they'd topped a rise and now were walking on semi-flat ground, the looming building of the Shrine growing closer and closer with every step.

Finally, the group reached the doors. It was then they noticed the steps. WHAT? Do you mean we could have avoided walking through the snow? !@#$$#!##@! Tyson proceeded to pitch a fit, his anger causing the snow around him to melt. It looked like Zion had misread the map. Uh, whoops? The Yonyuu murmured quietly, ushering the rest of the team onto the threshold of the Temple, out of the wind. Tyson decided he'd rather be warm at the moment than throwing a fit, and so boldly stepped up to the massive wooden doors, shouldering them open and stepping into the blast of warmth. Much better.

The rest of the team trickled into the Temple, Nur with some regret for leaving the lovely snow. They halted in awe once inside, the door slamming shut behind them as they gazed around at the church-like inside. There were candles everywhere, lighting up the inside like a jack o' lantern, casting orange and white light on the walls, making the place seem almost... Homey. They took in the monks and their quiet, unobtrusive chanting, along with the praying trainers. This place felt sacred, none wanted to disturb the silence with any talking. Finally, Zion took control and whispered quietly to the group. Look at those statues. Think they mean something?

The others followed his line of sight, taking in the three massive statues and the dark passages underneath them. I'd say that those passages are where we're going to find those Hunters and Mekkayenas the Boss wanted. Akeldama murmured, her gaze greedy as she looked at the statue with the Hyena-creature. She wanted to go down that passage!

I say we split up and search all three passages. More ground covered that way. Zion murmured, his sights set on the figure with the sphere. The others quickly murmured their assent and paired off into groups of three, with one group of two.

Fiametta and Nur paired up, Nur was like a mother figure to the Radill and the two were practically inseparable. Tyson attempted to pair with Elysia, but she quickly stepped to the side of Zion, claiming him as her partner. Sketch sauntered up to Akeldama, making another pair, leaving Emo and Tyson to join on with whoever they wanted. Tyson joined up with Zion and Elysia, much to her chagrin, and Emo decided to join Sketch and Akeldama.

The groups then quickly hashed out who would go where.

Zion, Elysia, and Tyson took the middle tunnel, with the figure with the sphere.

Fiametta and Nur took the first figure with the scorpion.

Akeldama, Sketch, and Emo took the third tunnel with the Hyena figure.

The groups waved bye and wished each other luck, approaching their respective tunnels, prepared to depart on their adventures.
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Re: On the Hunt for Something Wild (Hunter/Mekka Hunt) (OPEN)

Postby xebilponyx » 03/29/2010 10:53 PM

The Halls Of Amnesty And Rememberance
Fiametta & Nur

The ice & earth pair slowly made their way into the first hallway, their steps cautions, ever-alert for something lurking. Fiametta's eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly, she could easily see in dark places, thanks to her Caver and Deep Vision traits. Here, let me lead, I can see really well. The ruddy Radill spoke up, the excitement in her voice betraying her eagerness to be on an adventure in a tunnel- she looooved tunnels! Very well, but be careful, little one. The motherly Zephion whispered, nuzzling the other affectionately and snorting ice crystals into her hair. Fiametta giggled at the sensation of cool, shaking her green mane to get rid of the fast-melting droplets and stepping into the all-encompassing darkness. She extended her tail to drape itself carefully around Nur's shoulders, leading her along, keeping her close. Together, they made their way through the darkness. It smelled of stone, and cold, and damp, and something else- incense?

The Halls Of Purity
Zion, Elysia, & Tyson

The three stepped into the darkness of the middle hallway, unspokenly choosing the order: Zion first, Elysia second, Tyson last. Tyson snorted, halting and voicing his opinion. Wait, let me go first! I can make a light. The Blaze Penticorn spoke up, conjuring up a Witchlight, the ball of warm white light bobbing in front of him merrily, ready to obey it's conjurer. The other two stepped aside to let Tyson lead, grudgingly admitting it would be best to let him go first, as he had the light. The three entered the darkness, carefully scrutinizing their surroundings with the light offered by Tyson's powers. Soon the Witchlight was the only light provided, as they turned a sharp corner and the light from the main room was abruptly snuffed out by the walls. They continued on bravely, mentally keeping track of the number of twists and turns they made. Ow. Elysia spoke dully, causing the others to halt. She turned to look at her side, where a protruding jagged edge of rock had grazed her. She had a bit of a scrape, and it was bleeding a little, but otherwise no where near life threatening. We'd better be careful. Zion spoke. The other two silently nodded, then they continued into the maze.

Halls Of The Lost
Akeldama, Sketch, & Emo

The final group, and decidedly the more "evil" group, had gladly chosen the third passage, the one with the forboding Hyena figure. Allow me. Akeldama simpered, smirking as she stepped into the darkness first. She had Deep Vision, and could see quite easily. The other two, being not very vocal creatures, willingly followed her, both drifting along behind her as they hovered along the ground. The darkness soon enveloped them, but neither of the pets minded: all rather enjoyed dark, silent places. In this tunnel, the darkness was complete as they drew away from the main room, seeming to swallow the group up. Sketch attached herself to Akeldama's tail, and Emo seated itself upon Sketch's back, clinging to the immaterial creature's mane. In this way they made sure to stick together. All of them stayed alert to what was surrounding them in the darkness. None wanted to be caught by surprise in this unforgiving tunnel.
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Re: On the Hunt for Something Wild (Hunter/Mekka Hunt) (OPEN)

Postby xebilponyx » 03/29/2010 11:22 PM

The Halls Of Amnesty And Rememberance
Fiametta & Nur

After a while of traversing the dark tunnel, Fiametta's keen vision soon began to pick up a bit of light. I think we're near the end! She piped up excitedly, barely restraining herself from running towards the light. Yes, I can see too. Nur quietly spoke, speaking in a calm voice in an effort to restrain the younger one's excitement. Soon, the two emerged into another room, tinier than the main one, and lit with thousands of candles. The flickering light was eerie and beautiful, the dancing fires in the candles casting absurd lights on the wall, forming all sorts of shapes. Some of the candles were unlit, however. The room looked well-traversed, as if people often visited here, but there was currently no one else in the room but them and a monk... At least no one else they could see.

Both sniffed heavily as they inhaled the incense, enjoying the warm lavender scents. It's beautiful! Fiametta piped up, slowly walking across the room to the door at the opposite end. What a strange symbol. Nur murmured, extending her nose to sniff delicately at the glowing symbol upon the door. Fiametta, meanwhile, was busy playing twenty questions with the monk. Excuse me, sir... Or maam... Uh, but what room is this? What is it for? Why are there so many candles? What's beyond that door? What does that symbol mean? The Radill pestered, until Nur came over and nudged her for silence. I apologize, she is still young. It would be nice to know the answer to some of those questions, however. Nur smiled disarmingly at the Monk, waiting for an answer.

The Halls Of Purity
Zion, Elysia, & Tyson

It seemed like they'd been wandering this hallway forever/ There were so many twists and turns, they soon lost sense of the direction they were heading- exept for Zion, who was very good at keeping track of himself in caves and tunnels. Finally, they began to see a light that didn't come from Tyson's Witchlight, far ahead in the distance. Thank goodness, I was starting to get bored. The penticorn grunted, extinguishing his Witchlight as soon as the other light grew bright enough for them to see comfortably. The light grew brighter and brighter, impossibly brighter than in the first room, and they soon emerged into a large room, the source of the light. The gasped in wonder at the multitude of candles forming circles in the center of the room, looping 'round and 'round beautifully, with even more candles decorating the walls and everywhere else in this room. Be careful not to knock any over, or else this whole place is gonna go up. Zion warned, squeezing past Tyson to lead.

Look. Intoned Elysia, gesturing with her muzzle to the center of the candle circles, pointing out the strange symbol engraved on the floor. What could that be? The Sky Yonyuu spoke, carefully making his way to the center of the room until he stood before the symbol, lowering his head to gently sniff at it. He pawed at it with his left paw, wondering what it was for. Man, look at all this fire, isn't it great? Tyson snorted excitedly, more interested in the candles than the symbol. Elysia and Zion ignored him, both examining the symbol now. Wonder what it does. Her voice was dull, but one who knew her well, as Zion did, could detect the hint of curiosity in her voice. Indeed, what could this symbol be?

Halls Of The Lost
Akeldama, Sketch, & Emo

It took the third group much longer to reach their destination. The tunnel was impossibly long, leaving the three to wonder if there was even an end, or if perhaps it went on forever. However, Akeldama eventually picked up a faint blue glow coming from far ahead in the tunnel. Jackpot. The Nyghtmare murmured to her companions, both of whom agreed with her but didn't bother to speak. Eventually, they emerged into a large room, dimly lit with a wash of eerie blue light that seemed to be coming from a small hole in the ceiling. Mmm, how menacing. How perfectly delicious. Akeldama purred to herself, a cold shiver of delight going down her spine at the eerie appearance of this room.

Wordlessly, the three separated to explore all the dusky corners of this room, poking their noses behind the pillars and into every nook and cranny. All took careful notice of the intricate detailing on the pillars. Emo floated off towards the center of the room, shaking himself as he drifted right through a patch of snowflakes slowly spiraling down. He let loose a quiet little whistle, bringing the other two out of the corners they were exploring and to him in the center of the room. Excellent find, Emo. Akeldama spoke, examining at first the bowl of snow, and then the connecting circles, and then to the door. Akeldama looked up, examining the symbol imprinted upon the door, wondering where she'd seen it's ilk before.

All three felt they'd seen the symbol before, and stood pondering, until Sketch had a breakthrough. The concept unicorn, hovered before Akeldama, and started changing her lines and gesturing wildly. Oh quit that, I know you can talk. Cursed. Evelon Preservation Zoo. It's voice was hoarse from not speaking, and after it said those words it clammed up and refused to say any more. Right you are, I don't know why I didn't think of it before that... So what does it mean? Do we need a Cursed pet to open the door? Akeldama shouldered her full weight against the door, attempting to open it, not really expecting it to work.
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Postby xebilponyx » 03/30/2010 12:33 AM

The Halls Of Amnesty And Rememberance
Fiametta & Nur

The monk opened his eyes from prayer, revealing the color to be a piercing blue, and fixed his gaze on the bubbly Radill. "This? this is the Hall of Amnesty and Rememberance. Each candle represents a soul that has passed on... Be careful not to blow a candle out." His voice was mysterious and pure, refusing to elaborate on anything but what he chose to. "The door? Whatever you wish, my child." He then closed his eyes again, and no matter what Fiametta blabbered at him, he would not speak or move again.

Hmm. That was weird. Fiametta turned to look at Nur, then back at the monk- He's gone! Both stared around wildly for the monk, wondering how he had managed to disappear so quickly and silently. He must have gone back to the main room through the tunnel, Fi. Nur soothed, though she wasn't quite so sure herself.

The Radill nodded mutely, turning and walking towards the center of the room, stepping gingerly so as to not cause any candle to blow out. Nur followed her, unsure of what exactly was supposed to happen next. Hey, waaait a second... Isn't that the symbol on Temple pets? Nur moved closer, examining the symbol. You're right! I wonder what it could mean? Perhaps a Temple lies beyond the door? Neither of them knew.

The Halls Of Purity
Zion, Elysia, & Tyson

What a strange symbol. Zion intoned, gazing at it. You know what it reminds me of? The sky... Yes, the sky, maybe the sun, warm and pure. He stepped back, turning to look at Tyson, who was eying the candles a little too curiously. Tyson, careful! Zion padded over to admonish the blaze penticorn.

Meanwhile, Elysia looked at the symbol. Then, out of some whim, lowered her head and touched her horn to it. Instantly, a whooshing sound was heard as all around the chamber, beginning from where she stood and working its way outwards in a circular motion, a great gust of wind blew out all the candles, leaving them all in pitch blackness, except for the symbol, which began to glow fiercely. I think I might have done something. The mare intoned, her voice dry with a touch of panic in it as a rumbling noise surrounded them and the room began to shake. Zion yelped, quickly grabbing Tyson's tail in his mouth and dragging him towards Elysia. To the exit! And then, abruptly, the floor dropped out from underneath them.

Or, more accurately, the floor began to descend at a rapid rate, knocking them off their feet and leaving them to the mercy of the elevator- for that was what it was, this whole room was a giant elevator.

Suddenly, BAM! They hit rock bottom, bouncing from the jarring impact, all knocked out by the force of the blow.

They awoke one by one, groggily, in a blackness so complete they couldn't even see their own noses. Then, one by one, blue lights flared to life, stretching off into the distance, marking out a tunnel. What was happening?

Halls Of The Lost
Akeldama, Sketch, & Emo

As predicted, nothing happened when Akeldama shoved her bulk against the stone. Hmm. What else can we try? She murmured to herself, and started poking at the stone with her nose frmo all angles. Emo, meanwhile, was very thirsty, and thus drifted off in the direction of that stone bowl. As it suspected, the bowl was filled with ice water from the melted snow. Yum! The little Angst Ball proceeded to drink, slurping up the water from the bowl until it was completely empty.

As the bowl dried up, the tiny rivers of water running along the grooves in circles slowly stopped flowing. The water flowing towards the door soon ran out, and when it did, the door slowly rose upwards with a grinding crunch. Akeldama had no idea what she did, but whatever it was, it worked! I did it! Let's go! She smirked, her voice triumphant as she stared into the oppressive darkness the door had revealed.

Rolling it's little Emo eyes, the blob followed Akeldama and Sketch into the blackness. As they entered, the door ground closed behind them with a sickening crunch. No way to go but forwards.

Akeldama, being the one who could see in dark places, found even she had difficulty seeing. She made out an edge, stepping forwards to look down- Don't move any closer. She warned, gazing down into the pool of black water a few inches from her hooves. Akeldama stepped back, looking up and across- she couldn't even see how far the pool stretched, which meant it was pretty darn wide. More like a lake, instead of a pool. An underground lake... The mare murmured, turning and walking back to her companions. This place must have been here for a long time to have grown so big fed by that one little trickle. Either that, or there's another river leading here... Which means another way out.
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Re: On the Hunt for Something Wild (Hunter/Mekka Hunt) (OPEN)

Postby xebilponyx » 03/30/2010 1:07 AM

The Halls Of Amnesty And Rememberance
Fiametta & Nur

Both pushed and prodded, but nothing seemed to effect the door or the mysterious symbol. Lets report this to Mr. Bear when we meet up with the others. Perhaps he can send a Temple pet here. Nur suggested, and Fiametta agreed. Together, they knelt before the candles, silently praying and giving their respects to the dead. Both knew something of death, in their own families or friends, and both knew how much it could hurt. They prayed for their own dead and the dead of others, because it was just disrespectful not to. As they prayed, a few more candles lit up by themselves, unbeknownst to them. After finishing their prayers, they both rose, and silently turned to the tunnel they'd come from: the exit.

Both entered the darkness, Fi in the lead once more, headed back towards the main temple room, hopefully to meet up with the others.

The Halls Of Purity
Zion, Elysia, & Tyson

Is everyone okay? The Yonyuu barked, his voice trembling slightly. He got to his paws, giving himself a mighty shake and flexing his wings, getting rid of any dust or rubble in them. I seem to be intact. The faded mare whickered quietly to the Sky-hued male, already on her hooves. [color=red.]'m fine.[/color] Tyson muttered angrily, getting up to all fours and shaking himself off. They were all in one piece. Let me see if I can fly out and get help. Zion suggested, flapping his wings and rising up the hole they'd fallen down- only to be blocked by a roof of solid rock. But... We just fell through here! It makes no sense! He snarled as he flapped along the length of the ceiling, feeling for any cracks or crevices, for any breaths of air that might indicate a hole.

Finding nothing, he dropped down to the ground again, beside the other two. Nothing. His voice was gloomy with the prospect that they might be tracked. Looks like the only thing we can do is follow that path. Tyson grunted, conjuring his Witchlight and starting off down the narrow hallway, the only exit from the little cavern they'd fallen into. The other two, having no better solution, followed quickly on his heels.

Halls Of The Lost
Akeldama, Sketch, & Emo

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Akeldama picked up a soft glowing a little ways away from their party. Come on. I think I see something. Make sure not to fall in, it looks really deep. Emo helpfully pointed out that neither it nor Sketch was in danger of falling in- both could hover, as he demonstrated by hovering over the water. So, Akeldama was the only one in any danger. Lovely. She grumbled, walking along the stone "shore", following the edge as it gradually curved, while Sketch and Emo amused themselves by drifting back and forth over the water, examining the lake's depths. The group slowly drew closer to the glow, and at last the Nyghtmare could make out what it was. A boat? She exclaimed incredulously, taking in the sight of a medium-sized wooded rowboat with a lantern emanating an eerie blue light, sans any oars. The boat was not tied to the shore, but it seemed to stay in one spot anyways, not drifting at all, though common sense dictated it should.

They reached the boat, halting and staring into it, noticing it didn't have any seats, and was instead designed for a creature of Akeldama's size or smaller to lie down in. Both Sketch and Emo turned to look at her expectantly. Uh-uh. There is no way in sin I am going to get into that rickety deathtrap. She shook her head, turning to walk away, only to be stopped by Sketch hovering right in front of her.

A heated staredown ensued, Akeldama versus Emo and Sketch, their silence speaking volumes as each group refused to budge.

... Fine. But if I die, I swear to everything that is evil and bad I will haunt you for the rest of your short lives, got it? She threatened, turning back and walking to the boat, staring at it with obvious distaste. Easy enough for you lot, you can float... She muttered darkly, extending a foreleg and carefully touching it to the wooden bottom of the boat. Nothing happened. She took a deep breath, and put some weight on the leg. The boat rocked a little, but otherwise, fine so far.

Akeldama slowly put her other foreleg in the boat, most of her weight on her front now, body tensed to rear up and out of the boat if it showed any signs of sinking. None so far. It just rocked. Sighing, she walked forwards, stepping fully into the boat, tensing instantly as it rocked quite a bit. She shuffled forwards and lay down with her head facing towards the bow par Sketch's mimed suggestion. Well now, how do you propose we move this contraption? Akeldama dryly intoned, when the boat suddenly heaved mightily, producing a grinding noise as it scraped over the shallows and drifted out to deep water, propelling forwards at a speedy pace, it's direction sure. Stop this thing! Akeldama cried, her two compatriots hovering alongside the boat, their expressions as worried as a Concept and an Angst Ball could produce, both wondering where the boat that held their friend was headed.
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Re: On the Hunt for Something Wild (Hunter/Mekka Hunt) (OPEN)

Postby xebilponyx » 03/30/2010 4:59 PM

The Halls Of Amnesty And Rememberance
Fiametta & Nur

Nur and Fi made it out of the tunnel with no problem, soon emerging into the comforting light of the main room, crowded with monks and praying pets and trainers. Much less spooky! They paced to the center of the room, looking around for the others. Maybe they're still exploring? Fiametta suggested, scratching at her ear with one of her many claws. The two wandered over to the middle tunnel entrance, peering in to see if Zion, Elysia or Tyson could be seen. Nope. Continuing on from the center statue, they peered into the third hallway, the one that Emo, Sketch, and Akeldama had gone down. Not here either. Either they're still exploring, or... Do you think they went outside? Fiametta chirped up, rollicking over to the door and pushing it open with her shoulder, sticking her head out to peer at the raging blizzard. It sure did look cold! Maybe. You stay here, Fi, I'll go out and check. I can stand a little cold. The Zephion mare murmured, walking past the Radill to step outside into the unforgiving cold, allowing the door to slam shut behind her, silencing any protests Fiametta might have had.

Nur started off into the blizzard, not at all bothered by the cold. Today was a lovely day!

The Halls Of Purity
Zion, Elysia, & Tyson

Everyone was in agreement that it was spooky down here. Even Elysia was visibly upset, when she was usually so good at hiding her feelings. The trio wandered down the blackened hallway with only Tyson's Witchlight and the eerie blue lamps lining the walls. It was so dark they couldn't even see the floor they were walking them. If the Witchlight went out, the only thing they'd be able to see would be the lanterns. They weren't a lantern in the sense that they didn't light up any surrounding area. It was like they were sucking up all the light, keeping it restricted in the tiny blue lantern, not letting any light spill out to light the way. Creepy.

The tunnel made many twists and turns, and the group soon lost track of where they were, or what direction they'd come from. Without a doubt, they were lost.

Halls Of The Lost
Akeldama, Sketch, & Emo

The boat wasn't stopping! Akeldama began to mentally pray to every evil god there was that the boat wasn't taking her anywhere super-dangerous. She didn't want to die! Finally, however, the boat halted upruptly, right at the center of the underground lake. She opened her eyes, for she'd had them tightly clenched, and took a look around. What she saw took her breath away. The roof appeared to be glowing- or, more accurately, there was some kind of patchy blue fungus that rippled all over the stalactites hanging from the massive domed ceiling, casting a soft blue glow over the lake and illuminating the entire cavern for her to see. Well, what now? Akeldama murmured to the other two, who were hovering atop the water beside the boat. Both of them gave her blank stares- they had no idea what next, either.
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