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Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 11/20/2014 4:10 AM


He'd come up here because one of the many idiots he worked with had said they'd picked up an interesting but faint energy reading. Unfortunately, said object or whatever it was had apparently been buried under the ice. Fantastic. So here they were, on some ridiculous wild goose chase for whatever energy blip they had apparently picked up on.

Starscream, his call name, stood proudly behind the workers picking at the ice, barking orders and steadily getting more and more impatient as the day went on. How much longer was this going to take? Surely whatever they were looking for couldn't be buried that deeply below the ice; even they wouldn't be able to pick it up. Luckily for him, someone called out his name; apparently they'd finally found something. Took long enough.

"What is it, you buffoon?" Starscream snapped at the worker, striding over as if he owned the place. Which, at the moment, he sort of did. The man was about to open his mouth and explain when he instead received a waving gesture from the commander, clearly meant to shut him up. There was certainly an odd shape in the snow, that was for sure. And....was that a face? "...Keep digging."

It wasn't long before they had a clearer view of the object, or a person rather, trapped inside. Enough to see his face. "It can't be....That's impossible...," he muttered nearly inaudibly. The commander was silent for several long moments before his characteristic screech roared to life. "I want this man out of ice and into a warm tent immediately!!"

[Nyeeegh sorry if this sucks. I tried. I really did.]

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 11/20/2014 4:32 AM


Hours. It felt like hours since he had been hit by a cascading chunk of ice and buried. But it also felt like days, or was it weeks? Months? Who knew. Vague shapes of people floated through his mind, voices echoing too far for him to reach. They were both familiar and unknown to him, whether they were friend or foe knowledge he no longer had access to. He'd come there for a reason, but now he could not force his mind to piece together what. It simply wandered, aimlessly through memories horribly mangled. Forever it seemed he was doomed to glance at his own mind but never touch. Forever he was in the dark.

But as the darkness ebbed away, it all felt like mere moments.

The first thing that he became aware of, was the smell of fire. Everything was a never ending abyss, but the blurred shapes he almost recognised were fading. and the sounds that accompanied them gradually changed to a soft crackling.

A campfire.

A warm orange glow was the first thing his eyes picked up on, unable to fully open quite yet. Yet it was still more vivid than anything his mind had flitted through. In his groggy stupor, he still could not perceive that this was not his imagination.

It was hours before the man was even remotely conscious, despite his eyes slowly beginning to blink and fingers curling and uncurling. Finally, he responded to the stimuli around him; sudden sounds made him flinch ever so slightly, and movement was actually followed by soft silver-blue eyes. But there was no recognition in them.

[[ ROFL at least your post has dialogue ]]
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 11/20/2014 5:08 AM

As soon as they had gotten the mystery man out of the ice, he had been rushed to the medic tent in their little makeshift camp and got him as close to a campfire as was safely possible. By the time they were done with him, the man had been swaddled up like a burrito in numerous amounts of blankets. If that didn't do anything to help warm him up, not much else would.

And it was there Starscream also stayed. He had ordered several of his men to check out where the man had been buried, see if there was anything of interest left behind. But the few that remained behind were treated to an interesting, and likely in their opinion, disturbing site. The commander was near silent for hours, merely watching their new...guest. Waiting. Usually when Starscream got quiet, it meant that things were likely to get  really bad, really quick. So they waited for the explosion (not that they could think of a good reason for him to, but this was Starscream they were talking about), but it never came. All the sound that could be heard from him was soft breathing and a small intake of breath (though not quite a gasp) as the mystery man first began fidgeting.

Hours later and the man finally seemed to be conscious, his eyes opening little by little. He knew those eyes. Before he had considered the fact that perhaps he had been mistaken but no. That silver-blue was unmistakable. "You're finally awake," Starscream stated simply, his voice, thought still raspy, softer than it had been in years. Broiling red met soft blue as he continued, leaning forward slightly from his seat, hands clasped in front of him. "How're you feeling?"

[Starscream the Endless. Now are we talking about how he never shuts up or his tendency to never die? The world may never know.]

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 11/24/2014 7:53 PM

He was in a tent. That was the first thing he observed that gave him some form of relief. Even if he wasn't in desirable company, it was better than being trapped in ice. But he still had to consider the chances that his rescuers did not, in fact, rescue him. It wasn't every day one discovered a living being encased in ice. But as his eyes wandered to the person looming over him like an anxious vulture, there came a second wave of relief.

He knew that face.

But if only he could remember who it belonged to.

A moment passed before it occurred to him that the man had said something.
"What...?" Another moment was required to pass before he could wrap his mind around the words the other had uttered, and then think of how to respond. The world was going so fast around him, but he was stuck in slow motion. How frustrating.

A sigh was pushed out as he concentrated on coming up with an intelligent response. Something other than daft nodding or grunts, which for the longest time was the only form of communication he could do by impulse.
"I'm... dizzy," came the response at long last. He slowly looked around, now fully taking in his surroundings. "Where am I..?" He looked back up at the man (whom for whatever reason looking at made him want to lightly press his face into the palm of his hand), blinking a few times. "What happened?"
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 11/26/2014 4:24 AM

If you later asked him what he felt in the moment that he realized the man recognized him, knew him, or at least knew that he knew him, Starscream would probably deny he felt anything. In truth, he didn't know how to describe how he felt. Elation? Relief? Fear? All he knew was what he wanted and what he wanted was to run his hands through the other man's hair, check to see if he was alright himself, just to touch him.

But he didn't.

The commander waited patiently for the other man's answer. He wasn't surprised it was taking him awhile to respond and register what was going on around him; he'd been trapped under the ice for who knows how long. He might not even remember his own name.

"You're in a small camp on the mountain, near Basantha Shrine. As for what happened...," Starscream paused for a moment, sighing as he gathered his thoughts, gathering himself. His memories of that day were still entirely too fresh.... But this wasn't the time to break down and show emotion. He didn't show emotion, at least nothing genuine other than annoyance and anger. Not to anyone. "There was an avalanche, you got caught in the ice and snow... You've been trapped beneath the ice for some time now. How you're still alive, I don't know."

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 11/26/2014 7:37 AM

He slowly nodded his head, eyes drifting towards the tent's flap, which was (wisely) shut tightly. Basantha Shrine, yes he could recall coming near there... But why? What had he been doing here? Was this person there at the time? A part of him quietly hoped not, because that either meant that someone whom cared about him witnessed something horrendous, or could possibly leave him in another disaster to save later. When it benefited him most. He was aware that his strength combined with an odd flight speed was useful for near anyone, in some cases more so than his intellect. Yes, there had been times he'd been rendered to being essentially a pack animal.

But the look in the stranger's eyes, as much as he was clearly trying to have no such look at all, assured him that he was not in ill company.

"I see," he murmured. Blurred, wavering images swam through his mind, just out of reach; a looming shadow growing darker until his entire vision was black, a figure several paces away seemingly running towards him... And a sound. A voice. Someone screaming to him. But he couldn't actually hear the voice, what it sounded like, what it was saying. His gaze turned to his rescuer once more. Was that your voice?

He didn't ask that aloud. Rather, the question that was actually spoken was,
"So you were there?" He had to know. He had to know how he knew this person and why, why had this all happened?
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 11/26/2014 7:22 PM

He would never admit that he was shaken by the question; it's not as if he hadn't expected it, he had, just....He never thought he would have to speak of this again. And yet here they were.

Starscream was silent for what seemed like forever. The quiet stretched on, only interrupted by the sounds of the camp and the mountain wind whipping around outside. "Yes. I was there," he finally admitted, clearing his throat momentarily before going on. "It was just the two of us. I saw the avalanche before you were buried. I tried to reach you but I was not fast enough... I had to assume you had died...

If he had to cite one regret in his short, violent life, it would be this. It would be the fact he had not searched harder, had not been able to save his friend from that avalanche. That it had not been him instead. Throughout his explanation, kept his voice as cool and even as possible. This wasn't the time to show emotion. Not yet. Not here.

"Ah, before I forget, are you hungry?"

There's a reckoning a-coming
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 11/26/2014 10:46 PM

Well, the long moments he waited for an answer was not exactly what he'd hoped for. Expected, perhaps, but it only helped to kindle the anticipation he already felt. Still he didn't say anything about his growing nerves. Impatience had never gotten him anywhere.

--Never gotten you anywhere, St--

His eyes blinked rapidly. What was that? Once again he didn't at first notice his company speaking to him. Quickly he looked back up, having stared blankly for a brief second. So he had been right, this man had been there. And from the sound of it... He had tried. He had tried to save him.
"... I see." Nothing else would come out. He had no words for both his understanding and confusion.

Like a candle snuffed out, any ounce of regret, any emotion he could see in the man's face, was gone. It made him want to shake his head and scold him. But he refrained. At the mention of being hungry, he immediately realised that,
"Yes, actually. I highly doubt I had myself a little kitchen in that ice, exactly." A small chortle escaped at his arguably dry joke.

It seemed fairly safe for him to move, he couldn't feel any broken bones or pain other than an expected soreness in his joint. So with great care, he worked to unwrap himself of at least some of his bundles, and sit up. Locks of silvery-white hair cascaded over his shoulders, nearly reaching the blankets he sat amongst. Brushing the curtain of hair from his eyes, he glanced back to his apparently-companion after mulling something over.
"How... How do I know you..?" He loathed to ask the question, as it was clear the stranger knew him well. But he needed to know as well.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 11/27/2014 3:21 AM

He couldn't help but snicker at his old friend's little joke (his humour always had been dry). It was an odd sound, as if there was genuine mirth behind it but his voice was so unused to it that it sounded off or caught. "I see no reason we can't get you something to eat then," he said lightly, beginning to rise up from his little perch, back straight, shoulders back and proud. The stance of a soldier.

Starscream watched as the other man slowly sat up, carefully observing him for any sign of injury or hindrance. He seemed to be able to move just fine, he was just groggy and confused. Again, not surprising. Though perhaps he wasn't ready to walk just yet. Starscream would have to get his food for him most likely, or have someone do it for him. For once, he wasn't really opposed to this.

The commander's eyes darkened as soon as the question popped out of his friend's mouth. Was he surprised? No, not at all. But it still pained him to know his bes--his friend could not remember him. Starscream sighed as he began to speak, "We were colleagues. Friends. Partners and scientists. We worked on several projects together."

You were my best friend.

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 12/11/2014 4:39 PM

He was unphased by the clumsy sound of the other man's chortle. It didn't really seem that apalling to him. Perhaps it was because he knew this person? Yes, that had to be why. Another once-over of him was enough to solidify that.  His eyes followed as the red-eyed man stood. He took in the stance, the rigid posture that stated in a resounding thunder, "I have walked through war."

It made him uneasy.

He could tell (even feel) the falter in his movement. This was not how he remembered this person, whoever he was, to stand. In fact, it didn't fit anything he could remember at all. It wasn't much, not enough to even tailor a full memory, but none of the pieces hinted to war. As he sat still once more, the pair of wings that had been folded snug against his back shifted. It hadn't even registered to him that they were there. But at least he'd somewhat known, 'Why yes there is something attached to my back', it hadn't really occurred to him to check precisely what. So he looked vaguely surprised by the appendages' moving. From the way it felt, someone had been thoughtful enough to bundle his wings to keep them warm, but not tight enough he couldn't get them out with some ease.

That was nice of them.

But for the time being, he would keep his wings folded, if not so up against himself, in the warmth of the blankets. Eyes lifting up once more, the sullen look did not pass his attention. He said nothing about it--he was sure he knew what caused it.
"... I see," he murmured, eyes cast down slightly. Dust was beginning to be cleared from some of the pieces he already had, but the ones that were slowly emerging, were still hopelessly fogged.

One thing stood out that made his eyebrows knit together. Looking back up again, he asked in a brisker tone than he'd intended,
"It starts with an A, right? My name." Before much of an answer could be given, he grunted. "Don't. Let me figure it out myself." He could remember his own gods-damned name. A long moment passed, and with each second he looked more and more constipated.

"... After I have something to eat."
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 12/12/2014 6:55 AM

He noticed his friend's uneasiness, but for the life of him could not figure out why this was so. Perhaps it was because he did not remember him? ...Yes, that must be it. It was the only logical explanation, really.

What else could it possibly be?

The commander raised an amused eyebrow as he watched the larger man's expression turn to surprise, presumably at his own wings. He'd been the one to bundle his wings up in the blanket himself. He didn't trust any of the idiots outside enough to properly do so. "Forgot you had those, did you?" he teased, sounding warmer and kinder than he had in....years. Nowadays when he "teased" someone, it was definitely meant as an insult, meant to wound, sharp and barbed, not to poke harmless fun. He unconsciously flexed his own wings a bit when the other man did so. They'd moved just about as much as he had in the past few hours.

Starscream was just opening his mouth to answer that, yes, the other man's name did indeed start with A and would have told him his name when he was told not to. Heh. Not surprising. His friend had always been like that, always determined to figure things out for himself.

"Do you think you'll be able to walk to the mess tent or do I need to bring food to you?"

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 12/12/2014 7:21 AM

Something along those lines," he hummed to himself, turning his head to actually take in the wings. His wings, a part of him. It was so strange not recognising yourself yet at the same time remembering so fondly. The kindling tone in his former comrade's voice was soothing. Just as ungraceful as his laugh had been, but no less welcome in his ears.

His gaze had returned to the man once more, but his second question had him turning his attention back to his snowy wings, this time giving them a scrutinising peering.
"I think I might..." Slowly, he pushed himself to a more upright sitting position, blankets spilling off of his form like the saddest strip tease in existence. Freeing his wings took a little wriggling, but he didn't need to reach around and tug the cloth loose himself. As he'd suspected, whosever handiwork this was, they knew what they were doing. Once released from their cozy bonds, his wings carefully opened, before easing back to folded against his back before anything could be knocked over... and before they got too cold.

Standing up was a bit of a task, as expected. But he was apparently a stubborn man, and wanted to at least see if he could do this himself first. As he struggled to stay in a mere crouch, a card slipped out from somewhere.Protected by a smooth, sheening surface, the text and photo on the card seemed illuminated like a screen. Perhaps, because it was in fact a miniature screen.
"Ade..." His face fell into a deadpan. Of course he learned his name of his own nametag. Sighing, he wobbled his way higher and higher, before unceremoniously toppling shoulder-first into his partner.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 12/13/2014 9:08 AM

An amused smirk slipped onto Starscream's face as the nametag hit the floor and his friend spotted it. The look on his face was priceless, really. He was about to open his mouth to comment when suddenly there was a shoulder in his and the other man was now in front of him. He blinked once and laughed again, this one an actual laugh but still genuine. It was harsher sounding than his friend would remember by a mile, but it would still be familiar, at least in part.

He'd forgotten just how large the other man was. That wasn't to say that he'd forgotten he was a tall man altogether, just....not quite that tall. Even so, the commander was able to hold his ground and steady himself as well as help his friend do the same. "Shall we then?"

It took them awhile to actually get to the mess tent, mostly on account of the fact the other man had to get used to walking yet again. Everything was going to be slow. Even so, they made it and Starscream helped the other to a seat, staying there until he was sure his friend could sit up fairly steadily and not topple over. With that done and over with, he strode over to where the food actually was.

Well, if you could call what was served here food, anyway. More like steaming piles of mushy grog. Guess that's what happened when you joined the military: mushy everything, meat equivalent to tire tread, the list went on. A disgusted lip curled upward as Starscream slopped some onto a tray for his friend, obviously trying to do as much as he could to avoid touching the "food".

"Here. I apologize for the vile state of what passes for sustenance around here."

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 12/22/2014 2:33 AM

Adevar cracked a smile as the other helped him back to his feet. He could tell already this man was not one to offer kindness frivolously, so he was quick to appreciate whatever kindness he was given now. The fact that he was even awake was enough for him to be appreciative for. His wings shifted and fretted, working to aid in keeping him balanced. But really, they still knew just as much as he did about how not to fall over. Clearing his throat, he concentrated on folding his wings. Followed by keeping them still. It was a more difficult task than he'd like, but what could he do?

Nodding, Adevar looked up (or rather, down) to the dark-haired man.
"Yes. Thank you."

Half hobbling, half stumbling beside the other, he took in his surroundings with a sort of awe. When one has been trapped in ice for an unimaginable amount of time, you forget what it's like to be surrounded by people. By life. Carefully, he lowered himself to take a seat in the mess tent. As the friend(?) left to grab him food, his gaze followed, head tilted.
Who are you?

He took the tray with enthusiasm as if he were being handed a roasted turkey lavished with the finest spices. Rather than slop that vaguely smelled edible. He was about to dig in when the man's words caught his attention. Blinking, he looked up at him.
"It's fine," Adevar assured. "It's better than, well, nothing. And I can't imagine it'd be easy to keep perishable foods in stock here." Quietly, he started on the first meal he'd had in, quite literally, years, the taste not phasing him in the slightest. His eyebrows creased.

Something, he didn't know what, was off about his supposed friend.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 12/24/2014 6:08 AM

Akash did not answer Adevar verbally, but with a mere nod before they continued to the mess tent.

He slipped back long enough to quickly grab a tray of slosh for himself before sitting down across the table from the amnesiac man. He boredly poked at the so-called meal for several minutes before he finally started eating. Adevar may not mind the taste, but he certainly did.

Starscream snorted derisively at his friend's comments. "No, it isn't. Still, it does not excuse this pathetic excuse for food. This doesn't deserve the title of edible, and yet here we are, trying to stomach it for the sake of nutrition," he sneered, pretty much spitting out the "pathetic". And who could blame him, really. "You don't notice or care merely because you haven't eaten in literally years."

Unaware of Adevar's rather accurate thought process, Akash was quiet for several minutes, content with swirling  his meal around before taking a bite until, finally, it was gone. It was then and only then that he spoke up again. "I am curious, if you don't mind me asking. How much exactly do you remember?"

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