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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 01/06/2015 11:07 AM

Adevar's eyes narrowed as the man spoke. Had he always been this spiteful? This prideful? If so, he was beginning to doubt that he would have been his friend, or at least not a close one. And if this person had been a scientist, why was he so militaristic? What had happened while he was unconscious? Truthfully, he was afraid to know the answer. But at the same time, he needed to know.

"I'm having no trouble stomaching it,"
he pointed out. "It's quite tolerable, actually." He made no attempt to veil the fact that his partner's contempt was not approved of. There was complaining about poor quality food, and then there was... this. But his moment of calling the other out was cut short, and his jaw dropped. "Years?" Well, he hadn't assumed he'd been under there for any specific amount of time, but years... That was one of the options he had been hoping was not close to true.

He stared blankly at his food, processing the information he had just learned. A lot can happen in merely a day if it's spent right. Or wrong, depending on how you looked at it. But years? No wonder things that he remembered about his comrade and what was before him now did not click. Slowly, Adevar shook his head.
"Not much, I'm afraid. I can remember voices, but not the faces they belong to. And faces, I can't put names to them."
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 01/09/2015 8:14 AM

Akash snorted once more, this time accompanied by a small eyeroll. Perhaps Adevar's brain was still addled from the ice. "And again, I point out that you've been buried in ice and haven't eaten for years. Everything will taste delightful to you," he sneered, though not as much as he would have if this had been anyone else. No, he would hold back his spite and anger and hatred for Adevar's sake. The man deserved that much. When he heard the larger man's surprised response, he merely nodded, emitting only a small noise of confirmation.

The fact that his friend did not appreciate his contempt and fully intended on calling him out on it did not escape Starscream's attention. Nor did he care. Akash had always been a prideful man, too confident, too eager to prove his theories. The spite and hatred didn't come until later, after he'd joined the Decepticons, after his friend had... But what was done was done. He was who he was now. There was no turning back from that.

The commander hummed lightly as he listened to his friend speak of what he remembered. It was less than he hoped for but about as much as he expected. With a sigh, he nodded in understanding. "I suppose we should start on reacquainting you with the world then. My name is Akash."

There's a reckoning a-coming
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 08/10/2015 7:37 PM

It had taken effort not to scowl at that remark. Adevar had to question his choice of "friends". So far more than half the things that came out of the other's mouth had irked him to some degree. But despite the case, he kept that to himself. For now, he'd benefit more from not getting on anyone's bad side than otherwise. "Right," he murmured, nodding his head absently. The topic of food and his tastebuds was long gone.

Adevar looked back up at Akash as he introduced himself. His eyes blinked a few times, eyebrows furrowed in thought. It felt familiar, now if only the name would surface some more memories. The first thing that came to mind was... the sensation of flying. The second was a euphoric laugh, the feeling that he'd just figured something fascinating out. It seemed like that should be a happy feeling, but all it did was hurt.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Adevar turned his attention back to his food. He could determine whether it was sensible for him to be so abruptly emotional later.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
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i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/13/2015 7:01 AM

So he had indeed angered Adevar. Or at least irritated him. The briskness of his quiet response had said that much. Akash stayed silent for a few minutes, lightly running his fingers along the table, tapping out some meaningless little tune, perhaps pretending it was an instrument of some sort. Finally, he stood, taking his tray with him and depositing it in the usual spot for used dishes in the mess tent.

If he was truthful with himself, Starscream did indeed regret his snappiness, though he was far too proud to admit it. He had not wanted Adevar to see his....less than pleasant side so soon. Of course, it wasn't as if it had been nonexistant before, just....not as violent. And he wasn't fool enough to think that his friend would never notice such a large change, but he was hoping that at least these first few days would be pleasant. Welp...he was off to a lovely start, wasn't he?

Red irises flicked upward as Akash returned and took his seat once more, studying his best friend's face, his frame, noting any changes. Other than minor scratches from the crash, there was no difference from the last time they had seen one another, from the day he lost Adevar. And why would there be? Still, a part of Akash felt a certain amount of pleasantness, joy even, in observing his friend's features once more.

"After you are finished with your meal, is there anything in particular you would like to....do?" the seeker asked, the unfamiliarity of such pleasantries thick on his tongue from disuse, and boy howdy was it obvious. Even so, he offered Adevar the smallest of smiles, genuine despire it's size.

Though if any of his subordinates (or anyone else for that matter) mentioned anything about this, they'd have more to worry about than a scolding or scrubbing floors.

There's a reckoning a-coming
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There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 07/01/2017 4:21 AM

For a while, Adevar simply ate his food. It really wasn't all that bad, regardless of whether it was because he hadn't eaten in literal years or otherwise. It was fine. Why did this bother him so much? His brow furrowed, but then it occurred to him. Ah. When travelling, especially in such a cold place, there's only so much you could do when it came to food. This really was better than some other options.

It took him quite the effort to not look over at Akash again, to take in his appearance, his face.
How do I know you...? Why do I know you? Why would I know and befriend such an unpleasant, arrogant... sad person? Perhaps the last one wasn't a trait he would shy away from... but this man seemed less lively than even some of the half-frozen people around. Had things truly changed that much in the years he was trapped in the ice?

Adevar did watch as the other man got up and returned his tray onto one of the stacks of empty used ones. And he watched him again as he came back, his face pulled into a look of bemusement, with his brows knit together and his lips drawn into a slight frown.
Why do I know you? Who are you? Who... who were you? What will we be now? What were we then? What was I to you?

In the middle of chewing when Akash asked his question, Adevar blinked a couple times. "Do you... do you need help around the expedition..?" What else could he do? He didn't feel right at all just sitting around being a burden, and even if he could be so lazy, could he stand just hanging around this person constantly? The conversation had quickly turned awkward, and if that was how it would be every time they were around one another...

But then the man smiled, and his heart was melted a little bit.

So, Adevar smiled back, though it would be bigger, warmer than the other's. But it was just as genuine, if a little... lost.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 10/15/2017 7:40 PM

Akash quietly observed his old friend as the other thought, as he waited for an answer to his question. A part of him wondered if Adevar was regretting coming to the mess tent with him. After all, to him, the commander was nothing more than a stranger, at least for the most part. That much was clear. He very easily could have stayed in the tent Akash had ordered set aside for him, that way he didn't have to be stuck with....everyone else in the godforsaken camp med tent.

The commander pulled himself out of his reverie as soon as Adevar spoke up, red eyes flicking up to his friend's silvery-blue ones. I can see if I can find something suitable for you," Starscream offered, his wings shifting slightly as he spoke. He was feeling...restless. Had been since they'd discovered Adevar. "I wouldn't want you stuck with some of my more unpleasant colleagues. But please, don't worry about that for now. You've only just woken up, you need to rest and relax."

He would wait to stand until his friend was done eating but it was clear he didn't want to stay in the mess tent. But he would be patient, for Adevar's sake.

Gods, it was good to see that smile again. It'd been so very long since he'd seen it.

There's a reckoning a-coming
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There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 12/01/2017 12:43 AM

After another moment of thought, Adevar nodded his head, bowing it then to finish the rest of his food. He pushed himself up carefully, his wings easing out a little to keep himself balanced. Tendrils of silvery hair curtained over his face as he stared down at his empty tray. If he looked over at Akash, all he would get would be a jarble of incoherent images, voices, laughter, and... pain. And he was sore enough as it was.

A bit passed before he'd regained his equilibrium, but when he did, he stood upright, towering over Akash. It hadn't occurred to him just how comparatively... smaller the other man was, though at the moment Akash was still sitting down. But Adevar could tell, Akash was built for quick flying; smaller, more lithe. Adevar was built to be able to keep afloat even when struck by hard blows.

Finally, he looked over at Akash again, and just like he'd feared, images bled back into his thoughts. Images that made no sense, words he was just barely unable to make out. But smiled in appreciation any ways. It wasn't Akash's fault that he couldn't remember, that it hurt so bad to remember... was it?
"Thank you, I'd like that," he sighed, nodding his head in a slow manner. His wings tucked closer to himself to preserve heat.

His head bowed again, turning to peer down at his still empty tray.
"Auh... What should I do with this..?" He gestured to it, before reaching to pick it back up.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 12/08/2017 9:52 PM

Akash stood, glancing up at the much taller man and then back down at the tray as Adevar asked him where to put it. The smaller man didn't so much answer Adevar as he did swipe it from him. He knew where the trays went, this would be no burden on him. A few steps and a hissed threat towards the idiot who had nearly pushed him over later, the metal tray clinked against the other used tray.

The commander made his way back over to his friend and led him back out of the tent, crossing his arms to keep warm. And honestly, because that was their go-to resting position. "Come on. I'll show you the tent I've set aside for you until we can get off this damn mountain."

It didn't take them long to get to the aforementioned tent; the camp was not a large one. It was large enough to accommodate Adevar but not much bigger. It was really all they could spare. But it would provide him a warm place to stay (as much as they could offer) and some privacy. "I'm sorry I can't spare something more comfortable for you," Akash said, gesturing towards the structure. "I'll find something for you to help with, but I'd like you to try and rest for a few days first. I'll look into getting you some reading material and getting you caught up on what's happened since you've....Since you've been gone."

There's a reckoning a-coming
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Re: Forever Isn't Long At All (P, Dyranthis)

Postby Saahs » 12/23/2017 2:33 AM

Adevar watched as Akash put away the trays, arching a brow at the quick but unpleasant exchange. But once Akash had turned back around and was heading back towards him, Adevar's incredulous look had faded away. Best not to draw attention to the fact that he was questioning his... "friend's" demeanour any more than he'd already made apparent. He nodded his head in appreciation as Akash approached him once again, murmuring a soft thank you as well.

The winged man followed after Akash quietly, glancing about at his surroundings now that his eyesight wasn't quite so blurry. Despite the chill in the air, his arms remained at ease by his sides, fingers brushing against his trousers.
"Alright," he started, "Thank you, for all this. I can't imagine that this was what you were exactly expecting to dig up out here.."

Guilt? For surviving? Or regret? He wasn't sure. But either way, he felt... out of place. Unwelcome, despite Akash's seeming insistence that that was not the case.

The two came up to the tent, and through the cracks in the tent's entrance, he could just make out the cot waiting inside. And he couldn't think of another time that he was more happy to see such a small, plain cot. A small huff of relief escaped him despite his efforts, and he nodded down to Akash.
"It'll do perfectly," he said. "I'll... try to get some rest, but I'd like to get to helping you all out as soon as possible. I don't want to be a burden."

He was... troubled, honestly, by the wording Akash had chosen. His mouth opened to start asking a question,
"What has...?" But his words trailed off, and he shook his head. "Never mind. Thank you, I'll, I'll get some rest, now." And with that, he ducked between the tent's entrance flaps, and headed inside to lie on the cot. It was low enough that his wings could spread out on the floor, but he opted to keep them folded-- no, hugged, to himself, for extra warmth.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
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i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

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