The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 08/25/2017 5:46 AM


The assassin crouched behind a rock, barely breathing as she peeked over. Her mark, a woman, late twenties, dressed in light gear for the hike, seemed oblivious to the fact she was being tailed. A light buckler hung from her back and a sort of shortsword hung from her hip, alongside a few light bags. Not her usual gear, the assassin noted, but practical and the woman seemed prepared... if not a bit confused.

But that was to be expected when her mark had been tricked into travelling this far into the mountain range.

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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 08/25/2017 5:47 AM

The woman finally stopped, flopping down exasperatedly on a sizable rock and reaching for a water flask. While she was occupied with the buckles and straps, the assassin moved, trying to circle around to her flank. Her footsteps, despite the loose gravel-like consistency of the ground in some places, were silent, mostly due to years of practice.

The woman wasn't going to notice her until it's too late.

"Fancy meeting you here." Hawke had managed to climb up onto the rock behind the woman and had poked her head over. Her face was covered in an amused smirk, as she looked down at her (now) irate victim. "You lost?"

All the stories
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Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 08/25/2017 5:49 AM


"You? This is your game?" Ashe growled, waving a piece of paper at Korinne. The rogue had maybe forged a note in order to trick Ashe to come out here. "If anyone even sees me with you, I'm going to be arrested!"

Well, she kind of had to. There was no way Ashe was just going to agree to a trip like this.

"Game is a little harsh. Maybe I just wanted to hang out. You ignore all my messages, I'm just getting creative." Korinne retorted, hopping down from her perch (though maintaining distance, Ashe's physical strength tended to be as strong as her temper). "All seriousness though, why do you think we're so far away from civilization. No one will see you." She followed up, trying to reassure the other woman. Though in hindsight, being alone with someone with her... reputation and occupation was never reassuring.

All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
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Now you're hungry for the control
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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 08/25/2017 5:52 AM

"I just... picked up a contract I can't do myself." The assassin sighed, continued, wincing a little at the glare. "No, no not that kind of contract. It's a research contract, mapping out the caverns in that little cave over there." See, nothing bad, right? Hawke liked to keep her own journals with research notes too. Mostly on monsters and how to deal with them, but details on the surrounding regions was also something she was interested.

Even if she hated anything offroad.

"We go into this little cave, map it out, go back. The guy started implying that there might be treasure in here too. You get paid, I get paid and then I can make the final jump to the border and get out of this country." Korinne pressed, pulling out the barely started map (seriously, it looked like the guy had stuck his head in and then left, there was nothing here). And... she definitely wasn't going to admit to Ashe that the guy seemed like a total quack. Money was money right? If you had money for fliers, you had money to pay out for honest work.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 08/25/2017 5:56 AM

Ashe paused. It... seemed like a reasonable ask, all considered. Again, it was Hawke. She probably would have refused the woman on principle. Her own personal experiences with the woman involved getting drunk and then going on random 'quests' all over town, before waking up in some gutter somewhere.

And then the woman herself had attempted to rob a Duke, blow up a church, narrowly avoided setting an ancient monster loose and had accidentally instigated a riot on more than one occasion.

So yeah, mapping a cave out in the middle of nowhere was relatively tame.

"I'd ask why you couldn't ask anyone else, but I guess I'm here now." Ashe finally responded, shaking her head. Well, she could have turned around and walked back, but the rogue would have pestered her or something. She would have regretted it either way. "We run into anything in here, I'm not fighting it." Ashe finally stated, turning to enter the cave, the rogue following (and failing to hide that satisfied look on her face).

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Throw another of your right hooks
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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 09/20/2017 6:29 AM

"Because, a. I know you're dying to talk to me about what happened... back there." Korinne shrugged nonchalantly, making some marks in her journal and glancing around the cavern. The natural light creeping in through the cracks in the ceiling made it infinitely better to read and she guessed they were still fairly close to the surface. "And b. I'm sure you wanna punch me in the face at some point and I really want that to be done away from people. Got a reputation to protect, plus the trek back gives the bruise some time to fade."

Ashe groaned at the joke and started glancing around, noticing several paths splitting off from this chamber. "I guess this is the central room, we can set up here and then head down each path if you want." Ashe stated, initially ignoring the rogue's first offer. "And... yeah. I was... getting to that. Don't get me wrong, I'm... grateful to see you back here, I just..."

"'It's complicated.'" Korinne air-quoted, rolling her eyes, but dumping her packs and starting to sort it all out. With the natural light and fresh air from above, this was definitely an ideal place to set up and return to. Water would be an issue but they'd work it out. "Had to come back eventually Princess." she followed up, her snickers drowning out Ashe's pained groan.

"Let's just set this up first, we can work and talk." Ashe cut the woman off, more than eager to not be teased over that.

All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
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Re: You Had Nothing Better To Do [Caving] [L]

Postby Redd » 09/20/2017 6:42 AM

"So?" Ashe dusted her hands and stepped back, admiring their handiwork. A small leather and fur shelter had been pitched against the cave wall and the start of a firepit had been set up. Both women had thought to prepare that far at least, and provided there were no bears or monsters hiding in here, their packs should be safe enough. They'd still carry food on them, but the heavier things could stay here for now.

"So?" Korinne parroted, eyes still cast downward on the map, working out where to go next.

"What happened? Where did you go?" Ashe prompted, trying her absolute hardest to keep the frustration out of her voice. Korinne was right, there was some small want to hit her. But that would just be giving the assassin what she wanted and she couldn't have that. "How.. did you hide? We spent ages looking for you. ... I spent ages looking for you. We didn't want to leave without you, you know that right?"

"Believe me when I say, it wasn't an easy choice. I thought I was protecting you... all of you. C'mon, I set loose Corypheus, several dozen Pride Demons, I played a hand in the extinction of the Sabrae clan. If anyone thought it was smart for me to be within the same room, let alone country, with Loki,
you're fucking mental.
" Korinne sighed, stowing the map away and pointing in the direction she wanted to walk in, before continuing. "A country to the south. Less secure, more corruption. It was easier to hide there if you bribed the right cops, got into the right gang. Plus stealth enchantments. People there don't... get magic like the people here. The demons, Vanitas and that, they got me there unseen so long as I promised to stay out of whatever was going on between them and Tony. It was an easy bargain. Didn't want to deal with another Amell they said."

[Processed up to here]

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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