The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2017 1:07 PM

(Will add pics when I'm not mobile, but dear lord did I need something to do. Mondays are so slow)

"Mind telling me again why you think there's treasure up here in the mountains?"

She had been expecting he would complain on the way there, and man was she right. She had complained quite literally the entire way to the Fe'gan Mountains and now that they were there he seemed to have circled back around to his original question.

"Look," Kyrit started out, pulling her overcoat a bit closer. "I've got a map, and it's a treasure map. The map is for these caves, thus the treasure is here."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving]

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2017 1:12 PM

It wasn't an answer he liked, but it was about the answer he had expected. After all, she still hasn't even let him see the map, do why would she give a good answer? For all he knew she was lying and they were lost. Or maybe it want a treasure map and was just her trying to drag him out away from the rest of the crew again.

There was no point in arguing though. They were already there now, and if he hasn't come along she would have gone alone. He let out a sigh, looking at the mouth of the cave.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving]

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2017 3:30 PM

With the sigh soon came the resigned, "lead the way, my dear" that brought a grin to Kyrit's face. She clutched the map tightly, which she had already determined he didn't need to know had come to her surprisingly blank. Would she have decided to do this if she knew the map was blank? Probably not, but once she was given the map she wasn't going to just hand it back and give up on the potential of treasure. She'd just make sure to fill in the map as they went along, all the while not letting Estenanito see the map.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving]

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2017 3:35 PM

Without much a word, simply doing as he'd said, Kyrit briskly made her way through the cave's opening to venture on. It was a bit surprising how dark it got so quickly, to which she turned back to her companion with an idea to keep him busy and unable to take the map.

"Mind getting us some light in here? I can barely see a thing. Can't figure out where we're going if I can't see anything!"

In truth, she probably could have just barely made the map out, but hey. Anything to keep him preoccupied
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving]

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2017 3:41 PM

Not too long after she had asked, a faint green light started to glow from behind. "Good enough?" He questioned, flames flickering about in his palm.

"Yeah! That's perfect. Not too much, so hopefully it shouldn't startle anything around here. Now let me see...."

She briefly pretended to look at the map, just long enough for it to be believable. "Okay, looks like it's thuis way." Not that there currently was any other way, but it was possible that would change. She couldn't see any partying paths just yet though.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:15 PM

"Hey uh..." The words came from Estebanito as he started to dim the flames he had been producing. His next words would come out a lot softer, starting to almost whisper. "There.... Isn't supposed to be anyone else in the cave, yeah? You sure we're the only ones with this map?"

Normally, Kyrit would have been the more observant of the two of them. She seemed to have her face down in the map though, meanwhile he was always paranoid about creepy crawlies, do he'd been looking around a lot.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:20 PM

Her response would come without looking up at first, starting with a small shake of her head. "Pretty sure it's just us, dude. I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary either." She was always complaining about bosses he never seemed to hear, so she trusted her ears a lot more than she trusted his gut feeling.

The dimmer light eventually caused her to look up though, and then she could see what caused his question. There was a faint glow not too far ahead. She waved her hand back at him, giving a hushed, "turn off the lights."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:25 PM

The flames dimmed down until eventually they went out. Slowly, Estebanito's hand moved to grasp his saber. Just in case. Before he could say anything though, his love seemed to quicken her pace, letting out a loud "WHOOOA." He could feel his heart sinking, as it always did when she seemed to disregard all safety. He knew he couldn't stop her though, so he tightened his grip on the saber's hilt, prepared to rush in and protect her if need be.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:33 PM

Along one of the cave walls was the source off the faint glow they had seen, which now seemed too light up the entire section with no other source of light. "I think it's a form of moss."

She was close to it now, far too close for her companion's  liking. "I wonder what caused it to glow. I mean, it's not like a moss wants to be eaten like fruit, so there has to be a reason. Or maybe no one wants to eat it because of the glow since they think it's poisonous...."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:36 PM

No, no. Estebanito knew where that line of thinking could go with this girl, and he wasn't about to allow it this time. His hand quickly left his sword, moving to grab hold of her hand and to start pulling her away from the moss.

"Don't touch it." He probably would have sounded angry to anyone else, but she would have known it was just concern for her lack of self preservation. "Just keep moving. I'd like to find the treasure and get out of here before we freeze to death."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 4:59 PM

Begrudgingly, Kyrit allowed him to make her keep moving. Still, she was kinda interested in if the moss was worth anything. There would likely be a chance to double back by though, so she turned about, back to the first branching path she had noticed.

"Fine, fine. Let's go this way." If he picked up on it, Estebanito probably wouldn't have liked that wording. It implied she didn't know where they were going. Of course, she didn't know, but she was still trying to avoid him finding that out.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 5:26 PM

It wasn't long before the light from the flames Estebanito struck up again started to reflect off something. Momentarily, it appeared to catch Kyrit's eye, though she didn't seem all that interested. As they got closer, Estebanito's interest was perked.

Some sort of gem? "Hey," he called out. "Do you know what these are?" It was a genuine question, as he knew little about what rocks were and weren't worth money. All he knew was that they sparkled, which would have been enough to cause him to try to take some home.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 5:30 PM

"Sorry, I only took one geology class," Kyrit responded with a shake off her head. She glanced back at him with a grin and continued, "if you lick it and tell me what it tastes like I might be able to tell you."

Able to tell that he wasn't amused based on the look on his face, she added in, "You could also strike them. Pretty sure most gems with anything are the harder ones. Ones you won't be able to get easily."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 6:06 PM

It was hard to tell if she was joking or not, but he was certainly not going to lick a rock. He did pick up a small fragment of the mineral that had been knocked loose by something though, turning it over a few times in his hand.

"I'd rather not risk my health or my blade...." He muttered, mulling over what to do. "I guess the easiest thing to do would be to take a sample or two with us. If it ends up being rate we can always come back for more. No use taking a ton with us without knowing though."
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 08/26/2017 6:33 PM

"Sounds fine to me." She had quickly marked their current location down on the map and noted that there was done sort of mineral all while he was scrutinizing the rock. They'd need to be able to get back there again if it did turn out to be something rare, though she highly doubted it. At at least they hasn't come upon any fool's gold though, which would have been am omen that this entire trip were for nothing.

"Anyways, come on! That wasn't the treasure!" She beckoned, beginning to continue down the path
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