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How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/07/2015 3:34 AM


Level: 1, Posts: 1


Sebas the Arkuhna dug his stubby little claws into the rocky ground, holding on for dear life with his body pressed flat to the floor, his ears pinned back against his skull and his eyes as wide as dinner saucers. As it turns out, being flown at top speeds from one side of Lambastia to the other wasn't a pleasant experience. Like, at all.

'Never again,' he solemnly swore. 'Never, ever, again.'

Did she even know who that
Hollowheart even was? And how had she even managed to convince a complete stranger to fly them all the way here from Medicai City, anyway?

Of course, the adrenaline had to run out sometime... and the moment it did was the moment he began to come to the horrifying realisation that realised he was completely alone. His sister-figure -- it had never occurred to him to refer to her as anything else -- was nowhere to be found.

"Luh," he stuttered, paused, and tried again. "
Lena!," he called.

Silence answered him.

Trepidation and anxiety started gnawing at the edges of
Sebas's gut. He swallowed. Hard.

N... no. She had to be around somewhere, right? This was all just a trick... o-or a misunderstanding of some sort, r-right? It... it had to be! And yet....
Sebas wasn't sure -- couldn't be sure.

Sebas let out a petrified squeak of a whimper, and promptly proceeded to work on making himself as small as physically possible.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/08/2015 1:46 AM



Neo had decided to go on a hike that morning since it had been so clear out. She had hoped that one of the kiddos might have been able to come out with her, but Devany was busy with the bakery and Eliot didn't DO outdoors apparently. That boy was incredibly smart, but he was always so busy working out math formulas. She shook her head as she thought about it and climbed up over a large rock in the path. Sometimes she didn't know how that child belonged to her. Finally, close to the peak she thinks to herself as she continues up. As she comes up to the next section of trail she sees a shivering multicolored kuhna crouched down as low as possible. Poor thing, he looks scared to death. She comes up to him sits down next to him "Sweetie, do you need some help?"
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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/08/2015 2:13 AM

Level: 1, Posts: 2


Sebas had been so startled by the new voice that he could have sworn that if he'd leapt into the air any higher or faster he would have sprung right on out of his own fur!

"Y-yes hi maybe,"
Sebas sputtered, fur on all ends and muscles locked and stiff as he stood on all fours, staring at the newcomer. She shared the coloring of his big sister, his hyper-awareness immediately noted, but even at a glance he could tell that they were two very different kuhna.

Then, relief surged through him -- another person! Life! People! He wasn't alone! His tension and anxiety was immediately forgotten in the ensuing wave of pure joy. "I'm so happy to see you," he blurted happily, despite the fact he'd never seen this kuhna before in his life.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/08/2015 5:38 PM

Neo sprang back with a small eek as the other kuhna jumped up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spook you." She had just about jumped out of her skin so she takes a calming breath as the other kuhna spoke. Thankfully, the little one was calming down some as he began to look less and less like a colorful cottonball. She laughs a friendly laugh as he says how happy he is to see her. "No worries kiddo. Let's see if we can get you reaquainted with your group on the trail." She ruffles his hair and starts to walk back down the trail. She was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be able to reach the peak. However, this was more important. "My name's Neopolitain, but call me Neo. It's much less of a mouthful to say."
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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/08/2015 8:27 PM

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"Group? Trail?" Sebas frowned in confusion. There was a trail? Had he seen that? ...Did he even know what a trail looked like? But... group. People. His people. "My big sister convinced a really big Hollowheart to fly us here and I haven't seen her since," he informed the new person seriously.  

Sebas' tone turned to worried, "But... I don't know if she'd be on a trail or not... I saw her climb up a building with only one paw once! Lena doesn't really do things in half-measures..." He frowned, biting his bottom lip.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/08/2015 10:28 PM

She was about to ask his name when the boy told his hollowheart story. She stops dead in her tracks and turns to face him "Wait, wait, wait. You did WHAT?" She shook her head in disbelief "How did.. never mind, that's not important. What's important is that we get you off this mountain so we can get search party together and find your sister. Do you remember when you last saw her on this... well, I'd guess you'd call it a trip you too took."
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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/08/2015 11:23 PM

Level: 1, Posts: 4


...When did Sebas last see Lena, anyway? His face heated up in embarrasment. "Well... I kind of had my eyes closed the whole time," he admitted sheepishly. "I've never flown before, let alone that high up, so...."

He cleared his throat. "I... I'm pretty sure I heard her say something, though! Right before we, uh... "landed". But... uh... I wasn't paying very much attention, see. I was busy trying to keep myself from falling off of the ground." He shifted on his paws, the fur around his face and ears prickling hotly.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/09/2015 5:40 PM

Neo pats him on the back. "That's ok. You've given me a little bit of information to go off of and that's a lot better than no information at all." She quickly calculated out the radius that the search party should pay special attention to. "Don't you worry. Once we get down this mountain, and we round up a bunch of creatures to help look, I'm sure we'll be able to find her." She motions for him to follow her "Let's go kiddo. We've got a bit of a hike ahead of us."
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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/11/2015 1:57 AM

Level: 2, Posts: 5


Sebas preened at his fellow kuhna's reassurances and the following promise for help. "Oh, thank you," he squeaked, trotting after her. "What's a hike?" Sebas had never gone hiking before! ...He didn't know what it was, but it sounded exciting!

He'd grown up in
Medicai City, after all, and this unexpected excursion was the first time he'd been more than a small handful of kilometers away from the city's outer limits.

Sebas would soon discover, traveling over rocky terrain was much harder than traveling over smooth city streets. Especially when rocks weren't fastened to the ground.

Trotting in order to follow the other kuhna,
Sebas accidentally put too much weight on a loose stone and nearly toppled straight down a two-meter incline in the mountainside. There was a ledge at the bottom, of course, but that hardly registered with the panicked kuhna, who was frantically beating his tiny wings as counter-balance, somehow convinced that if he stopped for even a single second that he would fall to his death.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/11/2015 6:35 PM

Neo smiles and stifles a laugh when the little kuhna asks what a hike was. "Silly boy, what your doing is hiking. Just make sure you mind the rocks and stay on the path."  He must have grown up strictly on the city. Granted she had raised her children in Nabias, but she was always taking them to explore outdoors to make sure that they knew what was in the outdoor world. It made her a little sad that there were children in the world who never grew up experiencing these things. She hears rocks rolling around behind her and as she turns to look she sees Sebas about to fall over the ledge. Neo reaches out to grab the scruff of Sebas's neck and pull him back onto the path.

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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/12/2015 1:14 AM


Ailer van-Leoht
Level: 1, Posts: 1


The hollowheart perched on a mountain ledge, a few leagues away from where she had transported the tiny furlings to. She pondered how the little white one had clung to her hide the entire journey, poor ground-dweller had seemed frightfully terrified. Ailer knew Lena well, and knew that she would not be patient with the child. Ailer would bet good money that the kuhna had already left the poor hatchling stranded through her stubborn insistence on tough love being the only kind.

Ailer sighed deeply, silently cursing her own insistent fondness for hatchlings. She beat her mighty wings and took to the sky, disappearing in a flash of blinding yellow-white light.

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Sebas had found a whole new appreciation for city streets. Legs so unused to traveling on such uneven and rocky terrain quickly began to ache and his progress was much slower than it should have been, as he was convinced that if he didn't take each step as deliberately and as calculatedly as possible he would go tumbling down the mountainside.

"So... uh," he started, then paused when he couldn't remember the other Kuhna's name. "M-my name is Sebas, by the way," he huffed sheepishly. "Wh-what's your name, miss?"


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/12/2015 12:40 PM

Neo shades her eyes as bright flash of white gold shines out from the sky.Thats very odd. She thinks to herself We should get moving a little faster. She looks back to tell this to the boy, when she sees him struggling to keep up. Poor little guy.With a quick pop she changes into her human form of a lady in her late 30's with medium length light pink hair pulled into a ponytail. "I think it might be best if I carry you for a while. My name's Neopolitain, but call me Neo. It's much less of a mouthful to say." She holds out her arms offering to pick him up. "What's your's kiddo?"
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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/14/2015 10:08 AM

Ailer van-Leoht
level 1, posts 2
level 2, posts 7

Sebas's head snapped over to the other Kuhna at the sudden unidentifiable sound, and gaped when in her place there was a tall (compared to him) human woman. He nearly melted into a puddle of relief when she offered to carry him. His face and ears burned in embarrassment, he'd been so caught up in his task that he hadn't realised that he'd just been slowing her down!

"A-are you sure, Neopolo--Neo? ...Th-thanks...." He grinned sheepishly, sitting back on his haunches and holding his paws off the ground. That was how you did the you-can-pick-me-up-now thing, right? ...He hadn't really spent a lot of time around humans in his life, so he didn't really know what he was supposed to do, but he was determined to be as good as possible! He didn't want to be a bother to Neo when she'd been so kind as to offer him her help in finding Lena!

Ailer circled the place where she'd dropped off the kuhnas in a broad, looping circle, recharging her energy levels through photosynthesis -- hitching a ride on sunlight took a lot of energy, especially when she'd been using it in succession the whole day like she had been.

While she waited, she took a quick survey of the landscape. Lena... would love it here, actually. Hiding in the mountains and mountain-shrubbery as naturally as any of the best-trained Kamo Kuhna Ailer had ever met, skills only added to by the fact Lena was earth-natured. Ailer grumbled softly. Finding Lena would be a lost cause, probably. But... here Ailer paused. Surely Lena had known that the hatchling couldn't actually keep up with her, right? ...So what was Lena planning?

Ailer dove back to the drop-zone. She was committed to this now and she was going to follow through with it no matter what. Time to hunt some kuhna.


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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby Sitara » 02/14/2015 10:30 AM

Neo scoops him up and gently holds him in her arms. "I used to do this all the time for my kiddos when they were your size." She sighs reminiscing a little. "They grew up so fast. You will too, rest assured ." As they come up to a bend in the path there is a large boulder covering up most of the path. Bother, that wasn't there before. She knew that she would have to climb over it, and it was far too big for Sebas to get over be himself. So she would just have to climb over with Sebas holding on. "Kiddo, would you mind climbing onto my back? I'm going to need both paws.." She looks down at her human hands "or hands... whatever ,you get the idea to get us over this boulder."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: How to Build Character the Hard Way [OPEN]

Postby D.A.T.A. » 02/14/2015 11:36 AM

Ailer van-Leoht
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Sebas pouted. "Hey...I am grown up," he protested. Then, "...sort of. Mostly." His ears perked up, voice hopeful, "Really? Y' think so?"

His ears pinned back when they approached a boulder in the path, unable to not think that the gods were somehow trying to do everything in their power to keep him from finding Lena again. And then Neo made a comment about him needing to climb onto her back... and needing both paws. It took him a moment to make the connection, but he got there. "Wh..." he paled. "Climb over? Are... are you sure its sa-- saf--" Sebas trailed off, finding it kind of hard to concentrate on speaking when there was a humming in his head... Kind of like there were flies buzzing in the back of his mind. Somewhere... behind him and Neo... but up a bit....

He shook off the feeling with a shudder. He could ignore it. It kind of reminded him of the buzzing white noise thing he got in the city, and he'd lived his whole life ignoring that. He could ignore this, too. "Y-yeah, ok," he said, somewhat dazedly. He didn't know how well he could hold on without human flexibility or hands, but he swore he wouldn't let himself slow her down, so... if Neo thought she could climb the boulder, then he would just have to trust her to know what she was doing.

The hollowheart was shocked to find more than one set of Kuhna footprints at the landing-site, thinking Lena had lost her touch. She soon got a whiff of the new Kuhna's scent, however, which helpfully made sense of the situation. She was somewhat impressed, the hatchling had to have either been incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky to have found someone on this remote spot so quickly. She didn't have time to dwell on it, she had to go now before the tracks or scents deteriorated any further. Aileron took off.


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