The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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A Feast in the Mountains (P)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/05/2015 12:31 PM


The Tuun mountains were cold in this part, just the way Beast liked it. His castle was in the northern reaches and high up a mountain. The only way to get to it would be by trail on a Cavillion or similar steed. It'd taken years to build the castle on the mountains, because it is so hard to access. That's just the way he likes it though. Desolate and alone, with only his serving crew. They had become to be like family to the spoiled prince. He still hadn't broken the curse, but at this point he had given up. No one would love him. There was no way.

He spent most of his time in his solar with it's wide, tall widows and third story view. He could see for miles into the mountains and forests around him. Most often all he saw was snow and trees, but sometimes an animal was spotted. The rarest sighting of all was a human, and that had been five years past. There were no humans out here but him and his own human turned animal servants.


And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: A Feast in the Mountains (P)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/05/2015 12:34 PM


Little to the Beast's knowledge, a large meal was brewing down in his kitchens. Rayures couldn't help but keep the spirit alive in the dreary castle. He liked to keep up with the traditions they had kept when they were human. It was a little harder, with more than half his staff without thumbs. But, it could be managed. It didn't help that a majority of the staff were too feral to participate properly.

Today was different though. Even those who had lost their minds to the curse understood Thanksgiving. While there wasn't a lot to be thankful for in the small household, there were little things they could rejoice in. There was also a roof over there heads, which a lot of wild animals did not have. Food was a plenty thanks to their large stores, gardens, hunting trips, and livestock. Today they would butcher a Turkezilla (if possible), and begin their three day feast.


And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: A Feast in the Mountains (P)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/05/2015 12:56 PM


This was not his job. Gyles was a simple butler, not a butcher. But someone had to bring down the beast. It was wandering in the yard, seperate from its kin. It was strange to say their small household had become experts in breeding and raising Turkzillas, but that didn't mean they were tame. The beasts were still huge, feral, and ferocious. Of course he would be the one to have to capture it. He glanced at his partner, the bookish Veta. How was she to help in his en devour?

Veta clung to the axe with numb paws. She was fortunate to have kept her fingers and thumbs in her own transformation. So she was the one who had to wield the weapon. Even after doing this for several years, the thought still made her sick to her stomach. The beasts were their food, and they provided ample amounts for the household. But they were beasts, just like the rest of them. It played with her morals. Nevertheless, she was out here with Gyles to bring the creature in for their feast.

She turned to the Tablie, nervousness written all over her primate face. "Do you, do you want to um, hold it down?" The other had ropes with him to tie the beast down, if only it was always easy. There was always a fantastic struggle between captor and the captured.

{1.1} {1.1}

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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