The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/29/2017 2:25 PM

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[Blayze] [Adair]

Hiking through the mountains was, quite possibly, the very last place that Adair wanted to be. Even the desert would have been better than this! And he should know, since they'd already ventured there often enough. They were even probably slated to go their soon.

Somehow, Blayze still managed to be cheerful. Which was surprising enough on it's own, but even more so when Adair stopped to consider that the other man was hardly dressed for this sort of outing. Why did Blayze always insist on wearing more feminine clothing, even if it was really to thin for this sort of venture?

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/29/2017 2:28 PM

"You should have dressed in something warmer," Adair voiced his thoughts. He hadn't said anything about it up until now, but, perhaps, he should have. The last thing he wanted was Blayze to get sick from going out poorly dressed. No, no, not because about the other's well being, of course not! But they were partners in their work. It wasn't by choice, but it was fact. If Blayze got sick, it would make more work for Adair. That, or it would delay their work. Neither was ideal.

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/29/2017 2:32 PM

Although, just moments ago, the red haired man had been rubbing his upper arms with his hands, an attempt to warm them up a little more, he shook his head. "I'm perfectly fine," he insisted. "Do you know the best way to stay warm? You just need to move around~" Blayze always walked with a bit of a skip in his step, even while traversing these questionable mountain paths that lead mostly upward. He was energetic and rarely stopped moving, even when the road was tough. He wouldn't let something like this change his attitude.

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/29/2017 3:54 PM

"If that was true, no one would die from the cold," Adair combated, but without any real passion to the argument. He was just stating facts. Honestly, he'd heard that answer so many times, or something similar to it, that it didn't come as a surprise. He also knew, fully well, that his words would not faze his partner.

Blayze just shook his head again. "It's fine, it's fine~ It's not like I'm freezing."

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/30/2017 5:36 PM

Although Adair's expression was most often either disinterested or annoyed, hearing the other man's choice of words, he could not help to frown. The blonde may have told himself not to be too concerned about his partner, he could not help but to worry, at least a little. Blayze's words confirmed that he was, in fact, cold. Why did he have to play tough, just for the sake of his image?

"Wait," he told the other man, whom had been walking a few feet ahead of him on the hiking trail since they had started out. "Come over here."

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2017 4:26 AM

When the other man told him to wait, Blayze stopped in his tracks, and turned back halfway to look at his working partner. He was told to come over, but he just stared at Adair. It wasn't really like the blond to tell him to get closer. He usually pushed Blayze away, if anything.

With the other man's hesitation, Adair sighed. "Come on," he waved him over. "Hurry up."

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2017 4:28 AM

Being waved over, the red head couldn't help but to smile. He didn't know why Adair wanted him to come closer, but who was he to argue? He might as well take the opportunity that had presented itself! Yes, there was no reason to let it slip away. "I'm coming~"

it only required a few steps for him to make it back down the path a little ways, to where Adair stood. "What is it?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to one side.

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2017 4:31 AM

Once the other man stopped in front of him, Adair began to pull off the gloves he wore on his hands. First, he removed one, than the other, and then held them out for Blayze to take. They were both white, and still pristine, in spite of their current surroundings. The blond made a habit of not touching anything, and never tumbling, so they stayed nice and neat. In fact, the majority of his attire was white, and there wasn't a single stain on any of his clothes. Although, there was certainly dirt on his shoes, which was inevitable.

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2017 4:34 AM

Blayze just stared at the gloves in Adair's outstretched hand. It wasn't that he didn't know what the other man wanted him to do, it was obvious that he was offering them to him. However, he just could not believe it. Adair never wanted him to touch his things, let alone wear them. He was always told that he would get things dirty, so he wasn't allowed.

With each passing second of Blayze not reacting, Adair grew just a little more annoyed. Just how long was he going to stand here like this? What? Did Blayze not want to wear something that he had already been wearing? He doubted that very much, really, but then what?

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Re: Another Day Out [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/31/2017 5:06 AM

After waiting another long moment, Adair had enough of it. Sighing once more, this time in annoyance, he shoved one glove into his front coat pocket. He then proceeded to take one step forward, reaching out and grabbing one of Blayze's hands as he did.

The red head just stared at him, wide eyed, at the sudden approach and nearly jumped when Adair grabbed his hand. It wasn't a particularly intimate touch, really, at least not overly so, but it was surprising. It made him want to really hold his hand, since they were so much warmer than his own.

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