The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Return to Tuun Mountains


Postby Jedi » 08/24/2021 9:37 AM


The frigid winds cut like a knife. To anyone else, it would've been deadly, but to the Goliath tribesmen of his village it was home. Lo-Ren came to a standstill as the beast approached him. His entire hunting party was taken aback by the luminous, transparent wolf as it had appeared and called toward him.

The next week had been filled with words of confusion and wonder. Everything from hailing him as a prophetic sign, to a damned omen. He had been summoned by the elders, but they talked in confusing metaphors and ponderous theories, never giving him a clear answer.

Like a mighty wind that bends the trees
We are strong

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Re: Giant-Kin

Postby Jedi » 08/24/2021 9:46 AM

"What did you say?" he asked the elders in their giant-dialect. "You must begin your pilgrimage," the chief elder stated. "You have been chosen by the elders of our past, and by the spirits of the wild. From this moment forward, you shall have the title of Beastwatcher. You shall be a servant of the winds and wild." Lo-Ren lowered his head, feeling the crushing weight of this responsibility fall on his shoulders. His entire life, he thought he'd live a simple life among the tribe. He'd serve in a hunting party, marry whom his elders matched him with, and die defending against nomadic enemies. He was never the strongest, wisest, or bravest. Now he had been chosen to take on a life of destiny. "What must I do?" he begged them. "You must follow the wind. Seek the wolf spirit, it will guide you."

Like a mighty wind that bends the trees
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Re: Giant-Kin

Postby Jedi » 08/24/2021 9:55 AM

He left at night, leaving his kin and following the winding path downward. He scaled down, nearly losing his footing once or twice. When the sun crept up from the horizon, he set up a small camp, gripping his axe for protection as he slept. It was the first time he was alone.

When he came to, he was greeted with chocolate eyes and mossy fur.


"Hello," the soft voice said to him. Immediately, he retrieved his hand-axe to defend himself. But the woman was not hostile, and her soft smile put him at ease. As he looked over her shoulder, he saw it. The wolf was sitting behind her, his face stoic and wild at the same time. Next to the wolf was another spirit, that of a large bear, also seated on the ground. "The spirits have brought us together," she said to him. "They say you're my kin, in a way."

Like a mighty wind that bends the trees
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Re: Giant-Kin

Postby Jedi » 08/24/2021 10:04 AM

He lowered his axe, a little more at ease. "Who are you?" he asked, unsure of this strange woman. "What are you?" She cocked her head and donned a look of confusion. "I'm a firbolg," she answered. "And your name?" Lo-Ren questioned. "I suppose you can call me Autumn. That's my favorite season." Her words were confusing. "Do you have a last name?" Her eyes narrowed. "No? I guard these woods. The oaks are my family, the animals my friends." Autumn's words had a confusion to them. "It's nice to meet you Autumn... Oak... wood?" the name sounded weird at first, but it fit. "My name is Lo-Ren Ovinkhiiana."

Like a mighty wind that bends the trees
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