With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Sandstorm; Part 1

Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:37 AM

{Disclaimer; This RP was originally done in the days when the forums were on eAmped. Part of it carried over after we moved forums, and I am now transferring the older parts to this forum. The continuation of this roleplay may be found here. Most of the posts are in their original forms(except for Velia's name was different in the original RP), so if there are an grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize. This IS a very old RP. Velia's pet image has also been added in, as I did not have her pet form back then. I will be posting Max's and Pulse's old posts as well, as they are no longer around to do so for me. Max's posts will be made in red, while Pulse's will be blue.

Edit: I lied. The spelling mistakes bug me with their red underlines. xD; I'll fix as many as I catch.}


"I can't believe she'd be so stupid as to even wear that dang cloak out here in the desert." The temple fellox spat out, angered at his owner who was out like a light. "Easiest way to get a heat stroke, wearing so much black out here... It's bad enough that she's go fur like us." He was worried for her and that's why he fussed.

It probably wasn't very comfortable for Velia on a Khimera's back, but she was the only one of the group bulky enough to even come close to doing the job. She looked over at Idzuna and tried to speak, but it was muffled through the stuffed rabbit in her mouth.

"She said, 'Don't be so rough on her Ida. She doesn't feel right without her coat.' You know she's right too..." Chimed in a little magma creeper, hovering at the Khimera's side. He didn't mind the heat in the least, and in fact, he liked it.

Idzuna sighed and turned away, beginning to walk again. The other two followed not far behind, the broken chain around Otiephu's ankle dragging in the sand.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:42 AM


"I still can't believe the two of you are coming out to a desert of all places." muttered Martin, adjusting the idiotic headdress the gatekeeper had insisted he wear to protect his dark colored hair from the blistering heat. "You two are practically heat magnets!" Sarah opened her mouth to say something but Martin cut her off "I wasn't talking about you, Sarah, I was talking about Barikor and Sethor- although, I'm surprised you came out of the pen, you've been moping about Raul for days..." Sarah looked down at the ground.

Barikor, who had been gliding above the nekoboy, dipped down to insult Martin. "You are far less suited for this environment than me, even if you do wear your idiotic pure white ensemble. You look like something out of Aladdin..." he snorted and glided up again, leaving Martin to fume. The Arkuhna next to him giggled slightly. "S-sorry." she mumbled. "But you really do.." Sethor, who was padding along on Martin's other side, let out a short laugh. "Maybe next you should draw a sword and leap on a flying carpet."

[[Barikor: 6 | Sethor: 1 | Sarah: 1]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:44 AM

There were more muffled words from the Khimera, seemingly only understandable by the little magma creeper floating at her side. Thing was, he was truly the only one that even bothered to try to understand any of it. Talbot hovered over to Ida and spoke out, "Tie says that your fur must be worse then Velia's jacket.. You're just lucky enough not to wear clothing. Oh... She also said that there's another human coming this way."

The fellox's ears twitched, hearing the mention of a human. Looking about, he saw nothing. "Nice try... Just go back to being quiet. I can't stand hearing your pathetic attempts at talking. It's getting on my last nerve." The grouchy fellox continued looking for a shady place to head to so they could get Draiz to safety.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:46 AM

Sethor's ears pricked up as he sniffed the air momentarily, then his eyes hardened and the slight smirk slipped from his muzzle. "Someone's coming." he said flatly. Sarah looked up at the Lucain, who had gone almost instantly from relaxed and happy to cold and fierce. The kuhna sighed slightly, her mind slipping to Raul again. Was he okay in the slums? Sam had gone to get him, but... could she really be sure she'd get there in time?

Barikor flew ahead, Martin wondering where he was supposed to get a sword in the middle of a desert. Winging back, Barikor confirmed Sethor's assertion. "There's someone up ahead alright, I'd say four, three smaller than the fourth.

[[Barikor: 7 | Sethor: 2 | Sarah: 2]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:47 AM

Idzuna was quite surprised when he did in fact see others in the distance. He let out a sigh, his ear lowering against his head. The blasted feline had been right... when he was the one that should have known beforehand. Canines were supposed to be able to smell things a lot better.

A muffled, "I told you so." came from the purple furred Khimera and Talbot was about to speak of what she said, but a deep growl came from the fellox in front of him. "I don't need you to translate that!" He snarled out before continuing forward.

Talbot looked down at Otiephu and asked, "Honestly... how do you do that though? I know you didn't smell or see them..." More muffled words, this time ones that not even the magma creeper could figure out.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:48 AM

As the four grew closer, paws and feet sinking into the desert sand- except for Barikor, of course, who flew above the burning dust, sailing easily through the warm air. Martin stared ahead as Sethor spoke up again. "There's a Fellox, a part human, something... on fire..." Sethor looked slightly puzzled. "And the biggest thing is a Khimera." Sarah raised an eyebrow. "S-something on fire?" she asked, drawing closer to his side. "That's what it smells like." said Sethor, striding ahead and letting out a loud bark.

[[Barikor: 8 | Sethor: 3 | Sarah: 3]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:49 AM

Idazuna stepped forward as well to face Sethor. He too would let out a loud bark, as if warning that he'd attack if any of his comrades were put in danger.

Talbot flew over to Martin and the others, leaving the poor Khimera to walk alone. He moved to be a few inches away from the humanoid cat's face, a smile spreading across his face. "Aww he doesn't look like he can hurt anyone. Heck, he's just like Velia!"

Otiephu stopped next to Idzuna and looked to the skies. An avian... She didn't much care for things with feathers, not to mention there was the lucain here.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:51 AM

Sethor let the Magma Creeper pass. "Ah. So you're what smelled like it was on fire." he remarked, as his muscles tightened, ready to pounce on the animal if it tried to attack Martin. "So who-" Martin cut off the Lucain, waving a hand. "It's fine Sethor. I know Velia." he addressed the Magma Creeper now. "So you're one of Velia's pets?" he asked, smiling.

Barikor circled around the group, then dove down, flying above the two groups of pets, looking down at them curiously. It seemed so unlikely to run into another cluster of people all the way out here...

Sarah, meanwhile, had gone back to worrying. Sam had gone to get Raul, and she was strong, and determined, but... what if... she fretted ceaselessly, almost ignoring events around her.

[[Barikor: 9 | Sethor: 4 | Sarah: 4]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:53 AM

He gave a small nod before beginning to circle Martin. "Yup yup! Veliz thought it'd be good to come out here for some reason or another. I don't think she'll be waking up for a while though. The sun's gotten to her."

Otiephu let her body slide to the ground, glancing back at the sleeping woman on her back. She would then set the rabbit plushie ontop of her paws and look over at Martin. "You know Velia?"

Ida sighed and sat down. "Figures we'd run into you again..." he grumbled. At least Zeek and Teek weren't there though.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:54 AM

Sethor glared at the Magma Creeper, disliking its movement around Martin. Sethor was not friendly towards strangers, and he had the fighting ability to back up his mistrust. Looking frostily at the fellox, he pulled Sarah closer to him with a paw, gaze never leaving the temple pet. Sarah was jostled out of her thoughts and looked up at the Lucain, who didn't return her glance.

"Yeah, we met in the vast plains, Zeek and Teek were causing trouble and-" Martin and then frowned frowned. "Wait, wait, wait, the sun got to her? Did she get heat stroke, is she okay?" he asked, walking over to the Khimera anxiously.

Barikor finally descended, landing next to Martin and glancing at the fellox. "You again? What happened to your ward? Did you kill her?" he asked, perfectly serious.

[[Barikor: 10 | Sethor: 5 | Sarah: 5]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:56 AM

"Oh yes!" Idzuna began. "I decided that instead of protecting her with my life I was going to off her and finally be free of all the morons back home and around me forever." He spoke rather sarcastically. "She was rather idiotic to come to a desert wearing a black coat."

"Idaaa! We said not to be mean! She thinks she'll look funny walking around in just bandages and shorts!" The magma creeper cried out, starting to hover around him in a circle now. "It's not her fault!"

Otiephu looked up at Martin, baring her fangs and letting out a low growl. She hadn't told him that he could near her or her owner. Not to mention, with the plushie out of her mouth she could do some damage.

Talbot looked over at Martin and called out, "Oh she just passed out. Not really a stroke though."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:58 AM

"...I meant the Kuhna." said Barikor flatly. "Since she seems not to be here..." he glanced over at the Khimera. "Velia does not appear to be dead."

"What do you mean she just 'passed out'? Are you sure she's okay?" asked Martin, not even noticing the angry Khimera as he rushed up to look nervously at Velia. "...why were you guys out here anyway?" he asked curiously, glancing back at the Magma Creeper, who seemed to know what was going on.

Meanwhile, Sethor had shifted his attention to Otiephu, and was making it obvious by his stance that if the Khimera attacked Martin, Sethor had every intention of protecting the nekoboy. Sarah, however, kept looking at the Fellox, unsure of it.

[[Barikor: 11 | Sethor: 6 | Sarah: 6]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:00 AM

Idzuna shook his head. "No... she's back with her mother. She wasn't about to let her go out into a desert with us." True... Shotou was very protective of her daughter and son.

The Khimera continued to growl, not liking that Martin was still so close to her. She ignored Sethor completely, not considering the lucain a match for herself.

"Better back it up!" Talbot chimed. "Her bite is definitely worse then her growl and if you take a step closer you're likely to lose an arm." He flew over to Martin, hovering between him and Otiephu. "Tie won't let anyone come near her except for Velia, so you're out of luck." He then glanced back and continued, "Well.. She never really told us why we came out here. I bet she passed out from the temperature though. No stroke.. but the heat can easily zap one's energy."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:02 AM

"If Martin loses an arm, she loses a jugular." growled Sethor, stepping towards the Khimera menacingly. "Uh, n-no one needs to lose any arms or jugulars or anything. Martin's just concerned about Velia, right? And they know each other, right? I mean, no need for violence..." mumbled Sarah, looking desperately at Otiephu.

Martin still glanced worriedly at Velia. "Has she had anything to drink lately? Maybe she's dehydrated?" Martin reached into the cloth bag he'd brought along, pulling out a canteen hopefully.

Barikor nodded. "Makes enough sense. So why did you come? You seemed rather attached to the kuhna in a distant sort of way."

[[Barikor: 12 | Sethor: 7 | Sarah: 7]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 1:03 AM

Once again, the temple fellox shook his head. "Not at all really. I was happy to leave her with her mother. My ward is not that kuhna, but rather this girl instead. I traverse the lands with her, trying to find someone that we've lost." He glanced over to the side just in time to see Otiephu take her plushie in her jaws and quickly stand, jumping back away from him. "Hey you two! Back off of her already!" he spoke, letting out a growl.

"Uh-oh! Now you've gone and upset Ida too. Tsk tsk. Wouldn't be fair to fight him. He's been around far too long for his own good. And yes yes! Velia has a water bottle in her coat. I think it's full of soda instead though..." Talbot flew over to Otiephu and moved into Velia's cloak, rummaging around through it. He came back with a few bottles, each with Dr. Pepper in them.

"Pick pocket..." Otiephu tried to mumbled through the plushie for anyone who could try to understand.
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